Thriller Tour Group

961 The father-in-law of Qingcheng is as tall as the devil.

In Paradise Lost, four fortunes surround Wei Xun, and the remnants of the four gods of wealth stand behind him. There is an ancient hairpin in his hand. The body of the hairpin is mainly cyan, supplemented by white. The texture is as smooth as jade. The cyan part is vaguely engraved with exquisite landscape patterns, and the white part is engraved with cloud patterns and mist patterns, just like the mountains. The clouds and mist are falling, and there are golden lines intertwined between the doors, which are like sunshine, but more noble than sunshine. The brilliant gold finally gathers into a golden hairpin. The hairpin looks like an upturned auspicious cloud, but if you look closely, it is not an auspicious cloud, but the crown of a money tree.

This is exactly the external appearance of Zhaogongshan Blessed Land. Wei Xun didn't plunder the entire mountain into the Lost Paradise. If that were the case, Qingcheng's father-in-law would definitely fight them to death. Neither he nor the dream chasers would get anything good to eat. Wei Xun just took away the space gate of Zhao Gongshan's blessed land. However, even if In this way, the terrifying power that arose in Qingcheng Mountain just a second before returning to the Lost Paradise also left people with lingering fears.

"What a strong pollution."

Beside Wei Xun, the Dream Chaser stared at the tightly closed gate of Lost Paradise with a very solemn expression: "The evil power just now is not much weaker than the 30th North Latitude!"

While Wei Xun set fire to Zhaogong Mountain all the way, Dream Chaser also spread sand on Zhaogong Mountain without leaving any trace. However, what he scattered was not gray sand full of pollution, but colorful soul sand that could lead people into the Sahara but did not carry pollution itself. This was just for secondary preparation. If things go wrong, he can take Wei Xun to the Sahara at any time. Thirty degrees north latitude is considered first-class pollution. Even the tentacles of the hotel cannot penetrate too deep. There must be no power to stop them.

But at the moment when the mountains shook, the dream chaser felt that all the colored soul sand he had scattered was rolled into the rocks and soil, and the power of the Sahara above was instantly wiped out, completely disconnected from him! And this was just the Qingcheng father-in-law who casually flicked his hand over the door while he was having a fierce battle with the principal - was it really just a distraction? He just let Wei Xun take away the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan? Suddenly realizing that Wei Xun had not made a sound since returning to the Lost Paradise, an ominous premonition flashed through the Dream Chaser's heart. He immediately looked at Wei Xun, only to see that the four originally docile wealth suddenly pierced through like sharp swords. On both sides of his collarbone and heart and throat, the fragmented souls of the Four Gods of Wealth that had surrendered to him suddenly burst into flames!

However, this blazing fire was not Wei Xun's flame. The fire exploded and burned, rising up into five-color green smoke, and an extremely terrifying power was about to come. It was exactly the pressure they felt outside Qingcheng Mountain! As this coercion came, the originally peaceful Lost Paradise was shaken. The World Tree shook, the wheat seedlings of God fell, three Nordic springs boiled, and the plain land covered with dark green parasitic fungi rose up from it amid the deafening roaring thunder. It's like a mountain rising out of the ground.

Damn it! Qingcheng's father-in-law's power is secretly attached to the fragment of the God of Wealth's soul and invading. Qingcheng's father-in-law's power is distorting the lost paradise. He wants to become a guest!

The dream chaser immediately tore off the tiger skin with a solemn expression, transformed into a crystal dream dragon and roared fiercely, shocking Wei Xun's soul. In an instant, the door rammed towards Wei Xun who was frozen and unable to move, trying to break into Wei Xun's mental consciousness and interact with him. Fight side by side to expel the power that attempts to take over his body. But at this moment, the guard Xun suddenly raised his head and glanced at Long. The dream chaser suddenly felt a terrifying weight on his body, as if a majestic mountain had fallen on him. The slender crystal dragon whined and struggled to lift itself up, but was unable to get rid of this invisible and heavy force. It could only fall to the ground unwillingly and clenched its teeth to stare at Wei Xun.

I could see the green light flowing in his eyes, and the ethereal aura of immortality, which was completely different from his previous temperament. The raging fire burned around him, burning on the remnant souls of the four gods of wealth and the four wealth penetrating into his body. The devout prayers of the small spiritual fires came one after another. It was obvious that the doorman Xun was brazenly controlling his own flame at the same time that the dream chaser took action. , to cooperate with him to regain control of his body.

It's a pity that the Dream Chasers were suppressed before they could succeed, and before the flames controlled by Wei Xun could launch a counterattack, all the doors disappeared with a pop as the green light circulated, like a candle being extinguished.

This is the authority of fire! The flame that was held in the palm of the hand after merging the flame powers of the three gods of fire recognized by Emperor Ming, the Nordic fire god and the Babylonian fire god, was extinguished by an understatement of raising his eyes!

[I am the teacher of the Yellow Emperor, the True Immortal of the Five Mountains, the True Immortal of Longzhi, and the True Immortal of the Way of Fire]

[Crazy people who seek my blessed land in Qingcheng Mountain should be punished]

It’s the power of Qingcheng’s father-in-law! What came with the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan was not only the polluting power of Qingcheng’s father-in-law, but also a trace of his split soul! An indifferent and majestic voice sounded. In the blink of an eye, all the struggles and efforts of the gatekeeper Xun and the dream chaser were in vain. They were all suppressed in Paradise Lost and were completely at a disadvantage. Wei Xun, the owner of the Lost Paradise, could not stop the energy of Qingcheng Mountain from invading the Lost Paradise. He could only watch the mountains surge up like waves amid the roar, just like a replica of Qingcheng Mountain from the outside world. The father-in-law of Qingcheng had actually planned to have a black time. Black, deliberately let Wei Xun plunder the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan and take it away to the Lost Paradise, intending to use this garden as his second dojo!

This is a strange space gate that is not disturbed by the outside world. Ever since Wei Xun and the others entered the Qingcheng Mountain area, Qingcheng's father-in-law had a vague sense that this person has what he needs most, and he will not let go now. As long as Qingcheng Mountain can stand in the lost paradise and be pardoned by Qingcheng's father-in-law, his split soul can bring in the main soul and even the main body at any time, thereby avoiding the pollution from outside that penetrates deep into the roots of the mountain, and reshaping the fairyland soaked by pollution. body.

But the Lost Paradise is, after all, a very large space gate, and the abyss inside is full of pollution and five poisons. To overturn the control, more power is needed. As Wei Xun and Dream Chaser are no longer able to resist, Qingcheng's father-in-law's magical power gradually Going deep into the Lost Paradise, we must completely control Wei Xun. I saw five-colored smoke rising from the four remnant souls of the God of Wealth, turning into green and red flames and penetrating into Wei Xun's body. The immortal power invaded by Qingcheng's father-in-law gathered in Wei Xun's body, and the separated souls completely sat in Wei Xun's spirit. among.

Wei Xun's eyes completely turned blue, his expression was indifferent, he was handsome and celestial, his white hair was rising in the wind and tied into a bun. A ray of green gold light flashed across, and the hairpin transformed from Zhao Gongshan's blessed land automatically flew up and inserted into Wei Xun's bun. The blue flame turned into blue clouds, crushed into the cloth of the sky, folded into a crown that covered the sky, and landed on the top of Wei Xun's hair. The red flame turned into a purple Taoist robe, covering Wei Xun's windbreaker.

The brilliance of his body disappeared and he returned to his true nature. The Qingcheng father-in-law who had sneaked into the lost paradise quietly now had all his immortal power returned to Wei Xun's body. Except for the sunglasses still on his face and the boots on his feet, Wei Xun's whole person had completely changed, like a Miao Miao immortal. The talisman seized from the armed police was held in his hand, and he casually drew a few lines on the talisman paper with his fingers. This talisman bloomed with light as if it had been reborn, filled with mellow and pure power like a mountain stone. Then ‘he’ threw it casually, and these talismans flew towards the three springs and the World Tree automatically.

Gods can only exert their strongest power on a land where they believe in themselves and have their own myths and legends. Any god who dares to easily conquer another pantheon is unlikely to reap the rewards. These three springs brought back from Nordic mythology made Qingcheng's father-in-law feel uncomfortable, so it was better to seal them first.

However, just when he threw down the talisman to seal the spring water, an angry cow moo suddenly came from the distance of the lost paradise that was being renovated! The big cow born in the Golden Lunga Gap in Northern Europe was grazing happily in the corner of the world. Suddenly, he saw the waves of soil that overturned his rice bowl! The cow couldn't bear it. The big cow mooed angrily, raised its huge hoof, and trampled two newly stacked mountains with one hoof. The Milk River, which was originally pushed away by the expanding mountains, immediately rushed towards the deep pit trampled by the hooves of the cows. In an instant, a milk lake was formed. Moistened by the abundant contaminated milk, the parasitic bacteria began to increase rapidly. In the blink of an eye, The newly piled bare hills around the gate are covered with green.

wrong! ‘Wei Xun’’s green eyes widened slightly. When he swept the whole garden with his magical power, he didn’t find this huge evil cow. Why did it suddenly appear here? When the mountains were rising in clusters just now, all these foul-smelling mushrooms fell under the soil, extremely fragile. But now they show extremely strong and tenacious vitality. In the blink of an eye, they are like a dark green carpet that firmly covers the mountain peaks he derived from his immortal power, even making it impossible for him to take back his power.

Something was wrong, Qingcheng's father-in-law suddenly became alert, but before he could take action again, a light other than cyan suddenly flashed in Wei Xun's eyes, and the song of the fallen angels suddenly resounded throughout the Lost Paradise, and the seven fallen angels followed the big cow. He fluttered his wings and flew out behind him. The song of Satan was already sung before anyone arrived. This entire lost paradise is the territory of Satan. Qingcheng's father-in-law's magical power here was no different from a god leaving the country. It was difficult to move on the land. He was immediately attacked. suppress.

But at this moment, he felt a huge force suddenly sweep across the door, pushing the golden mountain and overturning the jade pillar, causing Qingcheng's father-in-law to fall to the ground. He saw that the crystal dragon, which had been suppressed by invisible gravity, suddenly stood up at some point. It was clear that the dragon's immortal power was still acting on him, like a big mountain, but he seemed to not feel the movement at all. With such flexibility, he knocked Qingcheng's father-in-law into the spring water behind him!


With a sound of water, Qingcheng's father-in-law fell into the fountain of destiny. A spring from Norse mythology drowned him, and fallen angels from Hebrew mythology surrounded him outside the spring. Obviously this is in the mainland, with Qingcheng Mountain outside, but his immortal power is infinitely compressed at this moment, and the door is completely out of control for a moment. What else is there to say? There was a faint anger in Qingcheng's father-in-law's eyes. He didn't know that when he was planning this space gate, he was also involved in the calculations of these two bold people and the dragon.

However, even so, they still underestimated an immortal. Green light floated in Qingcheng's father-in-law's eyes, and the hairpin transformed from the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain fell out of his white hair. His split soul can completely leave through the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan. This small space door cannot trap him at all——


The green light in Wei Xun's eyes was struggling more and more obviously, like a wisp of blue wind hitting the invisible door hard. However, no matter how violently the green light rose, it was unable to leave Wei Xun's body at all, like a big fish caught in a net!

"It can hold so many butterfly fragments that they cannot leave my heart unless I want to."

"Your souls have finally come in, and you still want to leave?"

A light and smiling male voice sounded. He no longer had the anxiety when trying to control the flames to turn over, and seemed extremely calm and casual. At this moment, Wei Xun's eyes had turned one into cyan and the other blue-purple, like the breeze, bright moon and butterflies falling in his eyes. And in those blue-purple eyes, there was a figure of a Taoist priest sitting cross-legged and meditating. His face seemed helpless, and there was a faint voice, gentle and clear, as if he was persuading.

[He is the split soul of Qingcheng’s father-in-law, the teacher of the Yellow Emperor, so he should be respected a little more. If everything is really broken, there will still be some minor troubles]

The person who spoke was the remnant soul of Taoist Master Kongkong! After returning to the hotel, for his safety, Wei Xun kept him hidden in his body and took him with him. This time he took it with him when he went to Qingcheng Mountain. In fact, Wei Xun had received a warning from Taoist Master Kongkong as early as the moment he entered the mountain, and he knew that Qingcheng's father-in-law had already set his sights on him.

The Tao is one foot high and the devil is ten feet high. Wei Xun simply uses his plan!

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