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962 Longqi Zhenren Boiling the mountain god is like boiling the eagle

Finally, the soul of Qingcheng Zhangren that sneaked in was imprisoned! For a moment, Wei Xun and the dream chaser finally breathed a sigh of relief. Soaking in the spring water, Wei Xun followed the suggestion of Taoist Kongkong and did not communicate with the soul of Qingcheng Zhangren who was angry for a while. He just asked Taoist Kongkong to sing the "Qingjing Sutra" for him to calm Qingcheng Zhangren down quickly.

When Wei Xun recalled the series of things that happened just now, even he felt dangerous and was really frightened.

It is very dangerous to be targeted by something like a mountain god. Wei Xun has been in close contact with mountain god pollution and has also accepted mountain god cycle tasks. He has a deep understanding of this. Qingcheng Zhangren is not just a certain mountain god. He is the "Five Mountains Immortal" pardoned by the Yellow Emperor. It can be said that he governs the Five Mountains and has great power. If the mountain god pollution really spreads to the whole country and even the world, every mountain will be polluted, then Qingcheng Zhangren will definitely not escape. He will be the most dangerous pollution leader in the future.

Rongcheng is too close to Qingcheng Mountain. You Ziming is here, and Dream Chaser has also accepted the Rongcheng mission. Wei Xun must find out what the current situation of Qingcheng Zhangren is. After Taoist Kongkong reminded him that he was targeted by Qingcheng Zhangren, Wei Xun has been thinking about countermeasures.

First of all, he certainly can't deal with the entire Qingcheng Zhangren. If he really wants to get people to fight, the momentum will be too loud, which is not in line with Wei Xun's usual behavior habits and is more likely to cause trouble. For this reason, he must find the right time to act-

As soon as he entered Zhaogong Mountain, Wei Xun felt something faintly. He sensed the power of the unlucky person sent by the hotel to carry out the mission in Qingcheng Mountain: Slice Cen Qin! The so-called following and loyalty of the person in charge is not just talk, words are weighty, that is really connected by fate and life and death, and it is somewhat similar to the soul contract, otherwise the Ximing people will not trust many things to ??? to do.

Qingcheng Mountain is a Taoist holy land, and sending half-life slices to negotiate with Qingcheng Zhangren is the best choice. But Half Life Slice does not have its own code name for the master at present, and its strength is weaker than that of the normal master (except...). There may be more than one master to carry out the mission of Qingcheng Mountain.

But it doesn't matter. Wei Xun, the mouthpiece of the message, needs him. The news that the master is going to attack Qingcheng Zhangren was passed back to him by Half Life Slice. Wei Xun deliberately chose the time when the master and Qingcheng Zhangren were fighting to rob Zhaogong Mountain Blessed Land. Qingcheng Zhangren could not ignore the blessed land, but he also had no time to get away and could not come to manage it personally. If it was a clone or a soul, Wei Xun would have room for operation.

As for why Qingcheng Zhangren targeted him, Wei Xun was thinking about the mountain god statue and mountain god mission on his body at that time, but he really didn't expect that Qingcheng Zhangren would take a fancy to his Lost Paradise. But it didn't matter. From the beginning, Wei Xun decided to lure Qingcheng Zhangren's power into the Lost Paradise and control it in the Lost Paradise. This was of course for myth suppression.

The power of the mythology can only be exerted in the native land. Qingcheng Mountain is the base camp of Qingcheng Zhangren. Fighting him here is just like Qin Shihuang touching the wire for Qingcheng Zhangren. He will win. A wisp of soul can also make Wei Xun and the dream chaser very anxious. So he must be dragged to an unfamiliar environment and use the mutual suppression and restraint between myths. When he arrives in Paradise Lost, Qingcheng Zhangren will have no choice.

To prevent him from being vigilant, Wei Xun had long ago specially arranged and hidden the seven fallen angels, the big cow, the goat of Thor and the two solar horses pulling the sun chariot. As long as they are not there, the abyss parasites and milk rivers all over the mountains in Paradise Lost, and the three fountains of destiny and the tree of life in Northern Europe, the energy of the myths on both sides is almost the same, and will not be strong enough to arouse the vigilance of Qingcheng Zhangren. And if he wants to hide something in the Lost Paradise, hiding it from an immortal, it is not difficult for Wei Xun now. Since he got the purple title of "Abyss Builder", Wei Xun's Lost Paradise has become his first experimental object. He doesn't want to really build an abyss. Although Wei Xun also has the abyss node, this thing is so far away and inconvenient to enter and exit, and it can't be entered and exited at any time during the journey. How can it be as convenient as the Lost Paradise. It's just that the Lost Paradise is too big. If he really wants to build it, Wei Xun's energy alone is not enough. He has to find some helpers, such as Yin Yang Butterfly and Bee Taoist. They have an alienated state and will not be rejected by the abyss. It is the safest to do the work of building the abyss, which is also helpful to them. But before really building the Lost Paradise and introducing helpers, the most important thing for Wei Xun is to hide the big cow first. The current Lost Paradise is flat, like a large plain, lacking mountains, rivers, trees and stones, and lacking a sense of hierarchy. This big cow from the original abyss is the only "mountain" in the Lost Paradise. It is a real treasure from the Jinlunga Divide. It is big and eye-catching. No matter where you enter the Lost Paradise, you can see it as soon as you enter. Wei Xun has long wanted to hide the big cow in a safe place. This time, becoming an abyss builder is a good opportunity. Using the power attached to this title, Wei Xun melted the token of his own abyss crack into the Lost Paradise. The abyss crack he got from northern Tibet is a crack belonging to * * *. When this person gave Wei Xun the token, he deliberately used half of his heart as a token and melted it to Wei Xun, thus establishing the most inseparable relationship.

And now, half of her heart was beating up and down in Paradise Lost, even closer to Wei Xun. Wei Xun has already connected the cracks of the abyss into his lost paradise. With the power of someone, no one would be able to notice it, and this was a safe house set up for Wei Xun. He had long been displeased when An Xuefeng led Wei Xun to his safe house. In the end, this was really a wink for a blind man, and Wei Xun was very happy. He was happy because he let the big cow go into the cracks of the abyss, and no one would be able to find it even if he broke into the lost paradise.

This time before going to Qingcheng Mountain, Wei Xun asked all the fallen angels in his family to hide in the cracks of the abyss to hide their auras just to be on the safe side. Only then did some Qingcheng merchants explore the entire Lost Paradise, but they were surprised not to find the big cow and the seven fallen angels. , did not generate more vigilance in advance, this is the right time and place.

As for "humanity", because Wei Xun felt that Qingcheng's father-in-law was here for him from the beginning, he had prepared bait for him long ago - Taoist Master Kongkong was actually not interested in Wei Xun and Dream Chaser's fight against Qing Cheng. Qingcheng's father-in-law was not optimistic about this matter. Along the way, Taoist Master Kongkong provided Wei Xun with a lot of knowledge about Qingcheng's father-in-law and analyzed various possibilities.

First, the father-in-law of Qingcheng is a True Immortal of the Way of Fire. He is the second most powerful being in "The Legend of the Immortals". What kind of fire power and authority Wei Xun uses in front of him is just a trick. In particular, Wei Xun wanted to use the small spiritual fire to encircle the scope of Zhao Gongshan's blessed land, and use the small spiritual fire to distort the cognition of the remaining souls of the four Gods of Wealth, making them think of themselves as the God of Wealth. At every stage, it was very likely that they would be captured by Qingcheng's father-in-law. Power sneaks into the fire, and when the time comes, for Wei Xun, it will be like playing with fire and burning himself.

Similarly, Qingcheng's father-in-law is also extremely restrained towards Dream Chaser, because he is still the 'Zhenren Longqi'. This title is very important, even ahead of Wuyue Zhenren and Huangdi's Master. When Qingcheng's father-in-law ascended to immortality and lived in Qingcheng Mountain, the Yellow Emperor once asked him about the way of flying. Qingcheng's father-in-law passed on the "Dragon Flir Sutra" to Huang Di. This is the classic book that teaches the art of flying. If you can master it, you can fly on the clouds and dragons. Baji.

After Huang Di finished his studies, he and his father-in-law in Qingcheng became masters and disciples, and his father-in-law in Qingcheng became Huang Di's teacher. Later, the Yellow Emperor also granted the father-in-law of Qingcheng to take charge of the Five Mountains, making him a real person in the Five Mountains.

The so-called Dragon Flying means lifting one's feet to step on the dragon. Master Long Qi can trample the Dragon King under his feet, let alone the crystal dragon Dream Chaser.

However, Taoist Master Kongkong said there were dangers everywhere, but here in Wei Xun there were opportunities everywhere. After entering the mountain, he deliberately made Dream Chaser leave footprints with every step and swayed slowly, in order to make Qingcheng's father-in-law misunderstand Dream Chaser's true power. Then the pressure was far from reaching the Dream Chaser's limit, and only then did he have the opportunity to easily get up and hit him.

Wei Xun spread fire all the way, and even deliberately used small mental fires to transform the remnant souls of the four gods of wealth, in order to leave a gap for Qingcheng's father-in-law, as if all the roads were blocked but this one, so that he could think of flames. When sneaking in, subconsciously start with the flames.

The right time, right place, and right people allowed Wei Xun to use his body as a prisoner and finally succeeded in imprisoning the remnant soul of Qingcheng's father-in-law. Of course, Wei Xun has one last backup, which is the spiritual connection between him and An Xuefeng. Just like when someone tried to invade his soul, but ended up losing everything. A guide with a deep connection is no longer so easy to bully, as if there is a beast hidden deep in the soul. If Qingcheng's father-in-law's split soul was more powerful, Wei Xun would have to let An Xuefeng come and talk to him.

Fortunately, everything went well, and all the immortal energy that Qingcheng's father-in-law dispersed into the Lost Paradise was driven back by the pollution of the abyss. The entire Lost Paradise did not suffer any damage at all, except for a few mountains that were piled up and the landscape was enriched. The remnant souls of the Four Gods of Wealth and the traces of energy left by Qingcheng's father-in-law on Zhao Gongshan's blessed land were all thrown into Wei Xun's body in order to control Wei Xun's body as quickly as possible and take away the lost paradise.

In fact, Qingcheng's father-in-law shouldn't be so anxious, and he shouldn't be fooled like this one after another, even if he is a separated soul. But he was too anxious... From the moment he was so anxious that he sent a ray of soul to aim at Wei Xun, looking for the possibility of life, his emotions were already being planned and exploited by Wei Xun. Now Taoist Master Kongkong is singing the "Qing Jing Sutra" with his left eye, and the remnant soul of Qingcheng's father-in-law cannot escape from his right eye. In the end, he can only calm down numbly.

But how could Wei Xun keep him quiet? Boiling an immortal is like boiling an eagle. If you want to suppress the temperament of Qingcheng's father-in-law, so that he can really communicate well with others, you have to do it a lot!

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