Thriller Tour Group

960 Zhaogongshan Blessed Land Robbery

‘It’s just a remnant of soul obsession, the real body is probably dead’

The drizzle falls in soft drizzle, and the mountains and forests are quiet. The brief but fierce battle just now was as if it had never happened. No trace was left at the scene, except for a black tiger Shi Shiran who bit into the dream catcher that had made a calculation, turned around and handed it to Wei Xun beside him. The two robbers cooperated tacitly, and even gods could not escape their hands, let alone this little soul.

The Dream Catcher's dream catcher is a powerful weapon against mental obsessions, especially against enemies with lower strength than him.

‘Okay, okay, well done. ’

Wei Xun said with satisfaction, and put his hand into the dream catcher to fish it out. It was still the same old trick. After he turned his hand into the sun, the shadow of Abacus, which had been struggling unwillingly in the dream catcher, stopped. Like a wandering abacus, it cautiously approached his hand, and then was caught by Wei Xun. Pinch. Wei Xun's sun hand was recognized by Black Tiger, and he still held a few paper figures that were suspected of being contaminated and tampered with between his fingers.

The familiar aura of power makes Abacus Phantom hesitate, but it is just a little bit of soul obsession and is not difficult to break. With this moment of hesitation, the flame suddenly burned from Wei Xun's hand, and the small mental fire burned into the abacus shadow. The already weak abacus shadow immediately collapsed, turning from golden to golden red with a faint red light, and then Soon I heard some small sounds coming from the abacus.

[God of Fire...God of Wealth! God of Fire, God of Wealth! God of Wealth, God of Wealth! 】

The shadow of Abacus, who clamored for the God of Wealth and completely changed his mind, was released from the dream catcher by Wei Xun. However, he was no longer aggressive, but followed Wei Xun docilely. The firelight shone, and Wei Xun laughed with interest. He got enough information from this obsession.

"This is the soul fragment of Li Shixianguan, one of the four gods of wealth commanded by Zhao Gongming."

"Let's go to the north of the mountain. The blessed land is in that direction."

Dream Chaser carried Wei Xun all the way north, and Wei Xun shared the newly acquired information with him on the way. Commander Zhao Gongming has four great gods of wealth. Yao Shaosi, the immortal official of Beiluli City, is his young apprentice and has a close relationship with Zhao Gongming. Just now, Wei Xun's spiritual fire spread all the way to Zhaogong Mountain, promoting the belief in the god of fire. He seemed to have found the blessed place before he started searching, but the golden abacus jumped out with great force, almost extinguishing the flame.

Now the situation is changing, Abacus Phantom recognizes the thief as his father and is very obedient and honest. Even Wei Xun summoned the wisp of flame again. After sensing the golden light attached to the flame, it just jumped slightly dissatisfied and had no other reaction. .

This ray of gold brought out by the flames is naturally the so-called 'Blessed Land Treasure' that Lishi Immortal Official just shouted. At this moment, it is dancing on Wei Xun's fingertips, making a swishing sound like the collision of coins from time to time.

This is a ray of wealth.

It was golden and brilliant, as thick as half the belly of a little finger. It was twining and dancing around Wei Xun's fingertips like a little dragon, very active and excited. Obviously, Wei Xun is a man with a lot of wealth. He has so much wealth that it makes him feel very comfortable to be around him.

The so-called wealth is the basic force that supports Zhao Gongshan's blessed land. It is also the result of the fusion and mutual influence of Zhao Gongming's own divine power and the blessed land itself over the thousands of years he has been in charge of the blessed land.

Just a very thin wisp of wealth can bring a person good luck for three years. Such a thick wisp can even catalyze the special output of the blessed land in Zhaogong Mountain, and can also be used by immortals to practice. The Blessed Land is a treasured land of the Immortal Family. Zhao Gongming's daily progress in practice is also related to the refining of wealth, and the four gods of wealth under him have also benefited greatly from this. People who worship the God of Wealth devoutly on weekdays can occasionally accidentally enter the blessed land, get a little bit of wealth, and then prosper and reach the pinnacle of life. After gathering the wealth, they can return to the blessed land and return to the blessed land.

Wealth does not come out of thin air. It must be collided and exchanged in the human world and in the hands of everyone, so that wealth can grow stronger day by day. In normal times, losing a ray or two of wealth wouldn't matter. However, for Zhao Gongshan, who is now a dead place, wealth can no longer be generated on its own and has become a limited consumable. For this reason, the remnant spirit of Lishi Immortal Lord calls it the 'Blessed Land Treasure'. It is not nonsense. Once the wealth in the blessed land is exhausted, the Zhaogong Mountain Blessed Land will no longer belong to Zhao Gongming and can change owners at any time. It is no wonder that Lishi Immortal Lord The remaining soul was almost anxious.

"The soul obsessions of the four gods of wealth are still struggling to support themselves in the blessed land after their death. They don't know much information. After all, they are not living people."

While talking, Dream Chaser had already led Wei Xun to the north of Zhaogong Mountain. They didn't meet any animals along the way, not even a bug. The pollution in Qingcheng Mountain is getting worse, and a layer of mist has also risen on Zhaogong Mountain. It can't be seen clearly, but there is only a faint breath of terrifying power, which moves like the rise and fall of sea water, making dream chasers even more vigilant about their surroundings. Wei Xun also No more exploring mountains with small mental fires.

However, having found the blessed land's lair and having the remnant soul of the Immortal Lord Lishi in hand, Wei Xun would not resort to such crude means as Xiao Huo. It was probably determined that the Blessed Land space was nearby. Defender Xun released the remnant soul of Lishi Immortal Lord and looked on with his hands behind his back. He saw the golden abacus hanging in the air flicker, and the water ripples in the space disappeared without a trace. It was obvious that he had entered In the blessed land. However, no matter how carefully Wei Xun and Dream Chaser sensed it, they were unable to capture the entrance to the blessed land at the moment when the blessed land let the remnant soul of the Immortal Lord of Li City enter. Even Wei Xun, the sun stone, was blocked outside and could not sense more. Half a point.

‘The Cave Heaven and Paradise are extraordinary’

The dream chaser comforted Wei Xun: "For now, I have never experienced Dongtian Paradise becoming a tourist attraction."

‘Chasing Dreams, why were the Ming Tombs not a tourist attraction before? ’

Wei Xun thought for a moment and asked, 'Is it because the emperors in the Ming Tombs didn't allow it? ’

'more than'

The dream chaser shook his head and expressed his understanding of the hotel: 'If there is really pollution that will affect the display, the hotel will send various tour guides, tourists, and parliamentarians in charge, and eventually the place will be included in the hotel and classified as an attraction.'

If there is a place that has not been mentioned as a tourist attraction by the hotel... it means that it is not too polluted and there is no need for the hotel to pay attention to it.

Wei Xun nodded thoughtfully. He had personally experienced the Ming Tombs, seen the dragons of different shapes, and had also won the title of tomb keeper. This shows that the Tombs of the Ming Dynasty are not without energy. It can also activate new titles with high levels, and can also bring props such as Death Ming Tokens. The pollution level is definitely not low. However, the hotel sent the person in charge to negotiate and finally turned the Ming Tombs into a tourist attraction. It was indeed after the pollution of the mountain god appeared.

In other words, the energy contained in the Ming Tombs did not worry the hotel. Is it because the Imperial Tomb is special? Can the dragon inside be restrained? still……

Wei Xun's mind flashed over what An Xuefeng had mentioned before, about the difference between 'external' and 'local' pollution, and he couldn't help but think about it. While he was thinking about it, the remnant soul of the Immortal Lord Lishi was like high-quality fishing bait. He successfully fished out the obsession of the remnant souls of the other three gods of wealth by 'stealing' wealth from the blessed land. As Wei Xun expected, they only had a little bit of obsession and soul fragments left, surviving in the blessed land without much wisdom and no memories of the past, so they were caught one by one and caught by the dream chaser. Take down the net. Later, he was easily deceived by Wei Xun, and was so contaminated by the spiritual fire that he had to change the family.

Less than an hour later, the residual obsession fragments of the four God of Wealth subordinates gathered behind Wei Xun, and four strands of golden wealth like earthworms danced on his fingertips, and the wealth was overwhelming. The obsession of the four Gods of Wealth transformed into fragments, hanging behind Wei Xun. Yao Shaosi, the Immortal Lord of Fortune, turned into an abacus, Chen Jiugong, the messenger of wealth, looked like an ingot of gold, and Xiao Sheng, the God of Fortune, turned into a big palm. The golden copper coins are like red coral Cao Bao Nazhen Tianzun. For a time, Wei Xun was really in the limelight. If he was not the God of Wealth, who else could be the God of Wealth!

But the dream chaser couldn't be happy. Even though he knew that the God of Wealth was probably in danger, but when he saw that all the five gods of wealth were dead, and only a little bit of residual soul obsession remained in the blessed land, Wei Xun and the dream chaser looked very excited. serious.

Wealth is a very important fortune, ranging from individuals to countries. Once there is a problem with wealth, turmoil will follow. Although gods rely on human beings to be born, it is more difficult for them to affect reality, but the momentum of being cut off first in terms of wealth is very bad, which makes Wei Xun wonder if there is any deeper conspiracy regarding the pollution of mountain gods.

Zhao Gongming's position as the God of Wealth has been officially pardoned, recognized by people all over the world, and recorded in many classics. Moreover, there are so many people in the world who worship the God of Wealth, and it is not something that a small God of Fire can match. If Zhao Gongming hadn't died and his wealth hadn't leaked out, Wei Xun wouldn't have been able to get even these four strands of wealth.

It is not easy to become the God of Wealth. Even if the Ming Tombs gave Wei Xun an edict to pardon him and make him the God of Wealth, it would be difficult to succeed. Not to mention that now, despite having fake tigers, wealth and the obsessive soul fragments of the four God of Wealth subordinates, Wei Xun still failed to touch the gate of the blessed land, which shows that Zhao Gongshan blessed land has not recognized his identity and has not opened it for him.

If he were on the journey, Wei Xun could only do more complicated tasks, join various camps, and use various means to finally achieve what he wanted.

But now is the reality, the hotel does not have much control. Especially when the soul fragments of the dead gods of wealth were left behind in the blessed land, Wei Xun paid more attention to them. In the process of fishing for the God of Wealth just now, although the blessed land has not been completely opened to Wei Xun, Wei Xun has already established a subtle connection with it. The four huge strands of wealth originating from the blessed land made Wei Xun and blessed land feel each other, and he roughly knew which large area the blessed land was located in, and where the four boundaries were.

Feeling that the aura of pollution floating deep in the mountains is getting stronger and stronger, it seems to have become more intense than the previous calm. It is possible that the person in charge and Qingcheng's father-in-law are fighting. This is a great situation for Wei Xun! After the pollution in Qingcheng Mountain was diverted to the direction of fierce fighting, and he stayed here for a short time, Wei Xun immediately opened the door to the Lost Paradise. This terrifying crack like a crack in the sky spanned from north to south, almost splitting the entire Zhaogong Mountain.

The ground shook, as if a terrifying entity had noticed something and released a terrifying pressure as a warning. But Wei Xun didn't change his expression, and threw the four rays of wealth and the fragments of the obsession of the four gods of wealth into the Lost Paradise, and then he and the dream chaser immediately went in. The Sun Stone, the God of Wealth, the Black Tiger, the Four Gods of Wealth, and Wealth are all present, and the Lost Paradise immediately established a close connection with the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain.

The shaking of the earth became more and more violent, as if a terrifying enemy was coming. The soil on the entire mountain became as sticky as a swamp, trapping people in the mountain. However, at this time, Wei Xun had already taken on the title of plunderer and launched a plunder of scenic spots and resources! In an instant, he saw that the crack at the gate of the Lost Paradise was like an upside-down pocket, swallowing up the area around the Zhaogongshan Paradise. The space fluctuated, as if a light flashed past, and the entire Zhaogongshan Paradise space was carried back to the Lost Paradise by Wei Xun. ! Then the crack in the door closed, and Wei Xun and the Dream Chaser returned to the Lost Paradise.

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