Thriller Tour Group

955 Zhao Gongshan Blessed Land Lungs Like Money Trees

Wei Xun didn't know what nonsense Dream Chaser and You Ziming were arguing outside. At this moment, he was listening to the news fed back by Xiao Jin's buzzing voice. With the all-powerful Corn Bamboo Shoots and Xiao Cui, as well as the Big Butterfly and Little Golden Butterfly, which are very powerful against pollution, Wei Xun rarely uses other monsters now. Even the Golden Circle of Responsible Monsters and the Third Generation of Ladybirds are only used in the Ideological and Moral Class of the Mutual Aid Alliance. After using it, he was first conquered in the beautiful Xiangxi. The Valentine Demon Mosquito Xiaojin, who was once valued and relied on by Wei Xun, has now been deprecated. He cannot transform into a human form, and his words always have a buzzing sound, which makes Wei Xun's ears itch. , and it doesn’t have much use.

Although it can control various creatures and even insect swarms by sucking blood, it can inject mutated blood into the creatures to cause distortion, and it can feed back the blood-sucking power to Wei Xun, and its concealment talent is even more amazing. But the mythical enemies that Wei Xun is currently encountering are not ones that it can control by sucking blood. Xiao Cui is the one who controls the insect swarm, and Butterfly is the one who controls the pollution distortion. Although the corn shoots are not fat enough to be hidden, they are surprisingly powerful.

Wei Xun doesn't need to act in secret now!

But when it comes to actual tasks, the Demon Mosquito Xiaojin is really good. Although it is a bit bigger, and it is already the end of October... the mosquito will not arouse too much suspicion after all!

The group of large black-and-white mosquitoes that Wei Xun put into the infirmary were hatched from the ancient giant mosquito egg sheaths that Xiao Jin had stolen from the Sahara and were re-conceived by Xiao Cui and fused with Xiao Jin's genes. Their bodies became smaller. They were from Xiao Jin and Both sides of the ancient giant mosquitoes inherited the characteristics of concealment, blood-sucking, strong resistance to pollution and energy absorption. They were indeed a group of powerful mosquitoes. The moment Wei Xun put them into the ward, the pus, blood and blood inside the entire infirmary were wiped out. Absorb it all.

If it hadn't been for Wei Xun's order, these second-generation demon mosquitoes could have sucked the two students infected with the money plague into mummies. Although they were contaminated by the money plague, they had inherited the ancient giant mosquitoes from the ancient oasis and Compared with the second-generation devil mosquitoes of Xiaojin bloodline who drank Wei Xun's blood, the contamination of this money plague is really a piece of cake.

Wei Xun first let them suck the dirty blood that spilled out of the infirmary out of caution. Seeing that there were no problems with the ancient giant mosquitoes, he immediately issued the order. With a loud buzzing sound, the second-generation mosquito swarm entrenched in the infirmary like a black fog suddenly flew out of the window and flew to major teaching buildings, offices, and every corner of No. 27 Middle School. In addition, a group of devil mosquitoes quietly flew out of the campus, following the smell of blood and flying into the distance.

The human skin map containing an excessive amount of butterfly fragments absorbs free pollution inside and outside the campus, while the second-generation devil mosquitoes suck the blood of everyone in No. 27 Middle School and absorb the polluted energy from their bodies.

The incident in No. 27 that left everyone in You Ziming's special forces team helpless and desperate could be solved easily for Wei Xun.

But if the spread of the epidemic is too large and the number of infected people is too large, the difficulty cannot be compared with that of No. 27 Middle School. In just one morning, the number of infected people displayed on the hotel's watch has risen from more than 110,000 to 23 Ten thousand, this is really too fast. I am afraid that this number will be even more astonishing at night. Only the dream chasers, who are the best at dreaming, can quietly erase the money plague contamination from the bodies of Chengdu people in their dreams.

And Wei Xun focused more on the source of the money plague. Let Xiaojin, the devil mosquito, bite You Ziming himself and absorb the pollution, which is considered a special treatment for an old friend. Wei Xun kicked open the door of the ward with his toes and walked in with Xiao Jin.

After being sucked blood by the second-generation mosquito swarm, the thick blood in the ward was completely gone. Even the floor was extremely clean. Every gap in the tiles was sucked clean, leaving no trace of blood. This made Wei Xun more fond of the second-generation mosquitoes, but mysophobia still made him stand still across the hospital bed, just raising his chin. Two partition curtains vaguely blocked the two hospital beds. The original blue curtain turned into a dark color——

It was once soaked with blood and sucked clean by mosquitoes. Only some shadows were reflected on the bed curtain. It was deformed, twisted and very tall, almost extending to the roof, just like the figure lying on the hospital bed behind the curtain. Not a patient, but someone standing there.


Demon Mosquito Xiaojin, who was standing on Wei Xun's shoulder, buzzed with great momentum. The next second, he saw a pale and slender hand with dark red nails quietly protruding from the curtain. The hand moved slowly. , the joints move stiffly, not like a living hand, but like a zombie. The already gloomy ward felt even more chilly. Under Wei Xun's gaze, this hand slowly grasped the curtain. With a soft swipe sound, the curtain was slowly opened, and a pair of sunken black eyes stared at it quietly. Wei Xun.

This really does not look like a human head, but more like a skeleton. Her hair is as fluffy as dry grass, and her withered skin clings to her skull. Her lips, with only a layer of skin left, cannot cover her teeth, leaving her teeth exposed. The receding gums cannot hold the teeth, and only a few are left, vaguely blocking the deep and dark throat. She really didn't look like a living person, more like a skeleton covered with skin and all her flesh and blood had been swallowed up. It was impossible to tell that she was a young girl and a sophomore in high school.

The person on the hospital bed was Chang Qiaoqiao who jumped off the building on his own initiative.

The Demon Mosquito Xiaojin sucked her blood and could control Chang Qiaoqiao's movements and detect her thoughts. However, Chang Qiaoqiao's mind went blank, without any emotion and unable to detect anything. It was as if her brain, like the rest of her internal organs, had shrunk. As the curtain opened, Chang Qiaoqiao's extremely horrifying body appeared in front of Wei Xun.

Different from her shriveled and pale body, bright red, thick, root-like blood vessels extended out from the broken chest, entangled and blended together, like tree branches growing out of Chang Qiaoqiao's body, the distorted and thick blood vessels Powerfully, they intertwined and grew upward, until they were close to the highest point on the roof of the ward, holding up two huge, thick leaves that drooped downward like a tree crown.

That's not the crown of the tree, but the lungs of Chang Qiaoqiao. The crowns of these two extremely thick lung leaves are covered with golden abscesses, layer upon layer, one next to the other. They are golden and bright, and they really don't look like abscesses, but more like layers of copper coins.

This entire deformed lung, with thousands of nearly mature money sores, is like a money tree growing out of Chang Qiaoqiao's thin and shriveled body. As Chang Qiaoqiao opened the bed curtain, the giant deformed lung growing out of her chest swayed slightly, and a slight clanking sound suddenly sounded in the ward, just like the shaking of copper coins, making Wei Xun's eyes narrow.

He suddenly felt that the hotel was stingy, the tour guide had no way to make money, and his financial luck was really bad. He could not keep the money, and the money he just got would be spent like running water, so that he would never be satisfied. However, An Xue had control over the hotel. For Wei Xun, who has great financial power, has the legacy of his good brother sitting outside the hotel, and has enough money in any bank across the country to cover his lifetime expenses, he has never experienced what it means to be short of money.

So the greedy desire for money that is stirred up is like a bubble in a mirror, which will dissipate if you are not careful. Wei Xun failed to confuse him for even a second. When he came back to his senses in a flash, he saw the lung tree growing out of Chang Qiaoqiao's chest quietly tilting towards him, and piles of golden money sores facing him. It trembles slightly, like the wind of fortune blowing the leaves of copper coins.

But it couldn't shake Wei Xun's heart. He only made him smile and said softly: "I caught you."

There were butterfly fragments protecting his body. If Wei Xun hadn't deliberately indulged, the contamination from the money plague would have been swallowed hard as soon as it entered Wei Xun's body, and it would not have aroused any reverie in him. Wei Xun did it on purpose. When the money-sore pollution tried to invade him, Chang Qiaoqiao's most active and original ray of money-sore pollution had already been captured by him. He had destroyed pollution at Thirty Degrees North Latitude and helped destroy the source of pollution. During the settlement, Wei Xun received a new orange title of 'Pollution Buster', which gave him the powerful power to capture and trace the source of pollution.

Walking around Chang Qiaoqiao's hospital bed, Wei Xun glanced at Zhao Liang, who jumped off the building after an argument with her, and found that his situation was similar to Chang Qiaoqiao's, except that the Lung Money Tree was not as mature as Chang Qiaoqiao, and was only half a person tall. The sores on it looked more like abscesses than golden copper coins. With Chang Qiaoqiao's maturity as a money tree, she is probably one of the first people to be infected with the money plague. The captured pollution is closest to the source, and the more accurate the traceability is, the more pollution captured from Chang Qiaoqiao is enough for Wei Xun.

After seeing it all, Wei Xun raised his index finger and swiped it past his ear. It was like picking a white flower from the branch. Like magic, a very beautiful butterfly rested quietly on Wei Xun's white jade-like finger. When his index finger moved slightly, it flew up and landed on Chang Qiaoqiao's lungs.


A butterfly landing on a money tree should be a very beautiful scene. However, Chang Qiaoqiao's pulmonary tree shivered and shivered as if encountering a natural enemy. The trembling sores on the pulmonary tree jingled and shook, giving off a sense of panic. But Wei Xun had already turned around and left the ward. Look no further, Die Da takes action, and the contamination of the money plague that is about to mature in Chang Qiaoqiao and Zhao Liang's bodies is nothing to be afraid of.

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

A tall figure stood guard at the door of the infirmary, it was You Ziming. He didn't peep at Wei Xun's methods, but just looked at him with a worried look on his face.

"It's okay. When these two children wake up, soak the honey in water for them to drink, and then steam a pot of wheat kernel rice."

Wei Xun casually handed a finger-long crystal tube filled with purified magic honey to You Ziming, and gave him a small animal skin bag as big as a purse, which contained a grain of wheat from the Nordic god. After thinking about it, he warned again: "This honey can be soaked in fifty buckets of water, so that the whole school can drink it. Just put this grain of wheat in when steaming rice, and let the whole school eat the rice steamed with it. You can’t eat it alone.”

Money sores not only bring powerful pollution, but also consume the qi and blood energy in the human body. Two teenagers like Chang Qiaoqiao and Zhao Liang would not be able to survive if the pollution was simply removed, because basically all the flesh and blood in the body would be used up to support the growth of the Lung Money Tree.

But if you eat some rice soaked in Nordic magic wheat kernels and drink magic honey water that can remove pollution from the roots and has powerful energy, there is still hope of survival. It's just that weakness is inevitable, and it's hard to say how much he can recover in the future.

However, surviving in this kind of pollution that is unbearable for ordinary people is already considered lucky... But for Chang Qiaoqiao, whose mother died early and only her father is still alive, surviving is not necessarily considered lucky. She was not the first person to contract the money plague; she contracted it from her only relative.

"I have a clue. I have found the source of the money plague contamination."

Wei Xun said to You Ziming and Dream Chaser. The second generation of the Demon Mosquito he released followed Chang Qiaoqiao's blood energy and found her father - or not completely, because the blood energy pointed to a big mountain and disappeared into the mountain. However, there is a great terror looming in the mountain. The second generation of the Demon Mosquitoes are restless and wandering outside the mountain. They dare not enter the mountain without Wei Xun's order.

And the ray of pure money plague pollution that Wei Xun grabbed from Chang Qiaoqiao, after using the power of the 'Pollution Buster' to trace the source, it also pointed to the mountain that the second generation of Demon Mosquitoes found -

That is the highest peak of Qingcheng Mountain, the Ancestral Mountain of the God of Wealth, Zhaogong Mountain!

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