Thriller Tour Group

956 Qingcheng Mountain Cave Heaven Zhao Gong should collect treasures for the immortals

"Grade 11, Class 11, the Sports Committee will lead the team to the east gate of the cafeteria to form a team."

"The first and second classes of high school formed a team in the corridor and went downstairs."

"Count the number of people in each class and register."

The sound of the radio was heard amidst the rustling rain, and drizzle fell on the colorful umbrellas. After Wei Xun gave the purified magic honey and Nordic wheat grains, You Ziming immediately arranged it. Soon, white smoke rose in the direction of the cafeteria of No. 27 Middle School, with a strange, refreshing sweet fragrance, which attracted people. The mind is restless, and the greed in the stomach can hardly be restrained.

"It's twelve o'clock, it's time to eat."

Yin Jingyi, who was in Class 5, Grade 1, was sitting by the window and couldn't help but take a deep breath. While grabbing the big bag on her arm that had been bitten by mosquitoes at some point, she whispered to her deskmate.

"You are still thinking about eating. Alas, we have been studying in self-study all morning, and the old classmate didn't tell us what happened."

Her deskmate made a few strokes on the scratch paper, fiddled with the table and secretly retrieved the cell phone that he had secretly brought, and then said in frustration: "Why is there still no signal? What's going on?"

"Who knows, I heard that someone here has a very bad flu, and the school has to be closed."

Yin Jingyi shrugged her shoulders, still a little excited: "Do you think we are going to sleep in the class? Sleeping on tables and chairs? I haven't lived on campus yet!"

"Who wants to live on campus? It's the end of October and there are still mosquitoes in the school. It's outrageous."

My deskmate pinched the tip of his nose. The nasty mosquito bite caused a big red envelope on his nose. It was itching like crazy.

But I have to say that after being bitten by mosquitoes, the throats of these two people who originally had cold symptoms and coughs no longer itched, and there was no wheezing in their chests when they took a deep breath. But they didn't notice this. Like most people in the school, they didn't even know that someone jumped from the building. I just thought that life would go on as usual, and what I was concerned about was whether school would end early today or whether there would be no homework left.

"My mother told me to stew pork ribs for me at noon. There is nothing delicious in the cafeteria... Hey, what did you say the dishes were cooked in the cafeteria today? It's really delicious."

"I don't know. I go home to eat every day. The smell coming from the cafeteria today is really delicious. I'm starving to death. Why do I ask each class to eat?"

"It should be to prevent the spread of the flu, but he will be in our class soon!"

Many times, ignorant people are the happiest. Everyone in Twenty-Seven has his or her own ignorance.

The students simply think about three meals a day, they are happy if they don’t go to class and attend self-study, and they are happy that today’s meal is delicious and free; the students who know that someone jumped off the building and the students of Class 8, Grade 2, where Chang Qiaoqiao and Zhao Liang are, After the teacher announced that the two students had only suffered minor injuries and were now safely sent to the hospital, they couldn't help but cheer. They felt that a thrilling incident had a happy ending, and their hearts were relieved.

The faculty and staff who knew that the school was caught in a terrible epidemic heard from the police that the government had distributed a special medicine, and after taking it, they no longer worried about infection. The armed police officers were so happy when they learned that the government had specialized experts coming to support them and that they had solved the incident of supernatural resurgence in the 27th School in an instant, they couldn't help but smile. Sensing the owner's emotions, the police dog scratched its mosquito-bitten back and made a happy sound in its throat.

Several special police officers in You Ziming's brigade knew a lot about the inside story. They exchanged glances with their comrades when they went to the cafeteria to serve meals. Captain You's brigade was well-connected and had a very powerful inspector friend. This secret really made people feel confident and energetic. The autumn rain is cold and drizzling, but the stagnant and dead atmosphere that originally enveloped No. 27 Middle School has completely disappeared. The shouts of students are faintly heard from the teaching building, and umbrellas are strung together in front of the cafeteria. It gave the whole school a lively atmosphere.

But Wei Xun, Dream Chaser and You Ziming, who had actually discovered the source of the money epidemic outbreak, all had solemn expressions.

Zhaogong Mountain, the ancestral mountain of the God of Wealth, formerly known as Da Mian Mountain, ranks as the 50th blessed place among the 72 blessed places in Taoism.

Zhao Gongming is the essence of the sun and is in charge of all gold and silver treasures in the world.

Among the Qingcheng Mountains, Zhaogong Mountain is very famous. The greater their career, the more superstitious many people become. They burn incense and worship Buddha more diligently during festivals and festivals than anyone else. The famous ancestral mountain of the God of Wealth, Zhaogong Mountain, is a sacred mountain that they will not miss when worshiping the gods.

Chang Qiaoqiao's father, Chang Huiming, is a native of Chengdu. Even if his career becomes bigger and stronger and goes national and global, he will return to Chengdu every year to pay homage to his ancestors and worship the mountains.

I worship the God of Wealth Mountain.

Most likely, he got the money plague while worshiping the mountain.

"It is not unreasonable to say that the money plague came from Zhao Gongshan."

Amidst the clanging sound, the dream chaser mused: "Zhao Gongming is not only the God of Wealth, but also the ghost of plague... No wonder, the money plague arises from the lungs, yes, it's him."

Gods have their own evolution process. Zhao Gongming, who today controls thunder and lightning, controls wealth, and eliminates plagues, was originally a "plague ghost".

"Zhao Gongming, the white plague ghost in the West, is the essence of gold, leading all ghosts to cure the disease*"

You Ziming answered the dream chaser's words and felt Wei Xun's surprised gaze. He subconsciously explained: "What you have to memorize in class is at least the various myths and legends of Chengdu and the surrounding B\u0026Bs. You must remember them by heart." The president will conduct random inspections from time to time.”

The lungs belong to metal, and Zhao Gongming, who is the essence of metal, leads all ghosts to inject qi into the disease, which is the lung infection, and the money plague originates from the lungs.

However, what Chang Qiaoqiao and Zhao Liang got was not a serious plague. It seemed that there was pollution behind it. And this pollution is closely related to Zhao Gongming, which is really not good news.

"In other words, Zhao Gongming... this god is the source of the supernatural resurgence in Chengdu?"

You Ziming frowned and couldn't understand: "Or is it that Chang Huiming worshiped some foreign evil god and raised a kid to ask for a Buddhist amulet, which indirectly angered Zhao Gongming and brought this plague?"

Dream Chaser raised an eyebrow and glanced at him: "You have a very rich imagination."

"If you read the novel, it's written like this."

You Ziming sighed: "But judging from your expressions, this matter will definitely not be that simple."

If Zhao Gongming was just angry and punished, or if this plague was a repeat of some ancient event, it wouldn't be too difficult to solve it. The problem lies in pollution... A terrible suspicion arose in Wei Xun's mind.

Mountain god pollution.

"What do you mean, has the hotel mission changed?"

"There are some."

Dream Chaser is still carefully recycling the gray sand of the Sahara, and Wu Zhen is wearing more clothes distributed by the country than Dream Chaser. There seems to be some kind of talisman engraved on the armed police helmet, and the goggles also have some energy fluctuations. Some special materials should have been added during production, so that the armed police can see some traces of contaminated energy. Master Chai, who was busy, turned his wrist to let Wei Xun see the change of hotel mission on his watch. Chang Qiaoqiao was identified as the source of the twenty-seven money plague, and tracing the source back to her father, Chang Huiming. He happened to attend some press conferences a few days ago, which caused the money epidemic to spread widely throughout Chengdu.

The hotel asked Dream Chasers to find and deal with people who had close contact with Chang Huiming after the epidemic. As usual, the money tree in their lungs has the highest degree of mutation. When the money sores fully mature, they will release plague ghosts to wreak havoc in the world. Therefore, the pollution on their bodies must be removed before the money trees in their lungs grow.

"It's gone?"


Wei Xun looked over and over but couldn't find any new instructions. The hotel actually didn't let them deal with Zhao Gongming, but just asked them to continue cleaning up the pollution in Rongcheng.

This is a bit strange, but it further confirms Wei Xun's suspicion. The Dream Chaser was not sent to reality by the hotel. The Dream Chaser was the strongest tour guide in the East District, and the mission he received should also be the most difficult. But the hotel did not send him the task of Zhao Gongshan's sudden change, which shows that the person who is currently dealing with this matter is stronger than the dream chaser.

Wei Xun remembered that An Xuefeng had said that there might be big moves in the hotel recently. ···The hotel attaches great importance to the contamination of the Japanese mountain god caused by the golden cicada's attempt to escape its shell, and specially sends the person in charge to inspect and deal with the pollution of the mountain god.

And Zhaogong Mountain is not a wild mountain. It is named after a god and is one of the seventy-two blessed places. It receives incense from people on weekdays and is the ancestral land of the God of Wealth. Once it is polluted, the severity will be far greater than that of Brother Mountain, Pheasant Slope and other dirt mountains. not to mention--

Zhaogong Mountain is located in the mountains of Qingcheng. If its mountain god is polluted, what will happen to Qingcheng Mountain now? If there is a problem in this area, the hotel will definitely send the person in charge to solve it. For attractions as powerful as the Ten Great Caves, only the person in charge is qualified to talk to the local mountain gods.

"You don't know about the mission on Qingcheng Mountain?"

"Not sure."

You Ziming shook his head, Qingcheng Mountain had a higher status than them, and mission information could not be exchanged. But he thought about it and said to Wei Xun: "On weekdays, we are taught by the Taoist priests from Qingcheng Mountain, Tianshi Cave, Shangqing Palace, Jianfu Palace and other Taoist temples who take turns to guide us. This time we took the action. Warning paper figures made by Taoist priests.”

"This is it."

You Ziming opened the buttons to show Wei Xun the paper figure inside the body armor, but Wei Xun had already squatted down next to Lei Zhen, who was still unconscious, and picked up his body armor. Just as You Ziming said, Wei Xun found a paper man in the inner pocket of Wu Zhen's bulletproof vest. It was very crude, with no facial features or eyebrows painted on it. It didn't even look like it was cut by hand. It looked more like mass production. It was only cut into shapes. The birth date was written on the human-shaped yellow paper in red and black ink.

Wei Xun had dealt with Qianjiazhi at the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing, and had interacted with Taoist Ban Ming a lot. In addition, Mao Xiaole's paper people were as attentive as him on weekdays. Wei Xun had seen a lot and knew the paper people very well. Very spot on. The paper man in Wu Zhen's bulletproof suit is not as supernatural as Mao Xiaole's paper man, nor can he die as a substitute. Its function is just as the simplest 'incarnation' of the armed police, which can bear some pollution and allow the armed police to carry out their tasks. maintain sanity longer.

But when Chang Qiaoqiao sprayed Wu Zhen with blood, the paper man had no warning. Was it because the amount of pollution in that instant was so great that the paper man was ineffective, or... Wei Xun was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly focused his attention. Something was wrong. Wei Xun frowned and stared at the paper man, but saw no change in it, as if the sense of crisis just now was an illusion. But Wei Xun would have no illusions. Suddenly his fingertips turned crystal clear red, as hot as the sun, and he pinched the paper man's face.

It is written in "Langya Gold and Stone Annotation" that there were ten consecutive days in the sky, and Hou Yi shot for nine. Among them, eight fell into the sea and became the Eight Immortals of the Sea, and one day fell into the rooftop and became the Sun Stone. Among them, the essence turned into a human being is Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming's background is indeed quite big, but to Wei Xun, he is no longer a Sunstone! Feeling the power of the sun, the paper man finally changed quietly. Under Wei Xun's gaze, the paper man's originally blank head quietly had two more holes, like two eyes, directed at Wei Xun. He bent and seemed to be smiling. Then the two holes opened and closed, like two mouths, and an extremely high-pitched and harsh sound sounded in people's minds. The paper man was saying one sentence repeatedly, like pollution, it was saying -

[The father-in-law of Zhao should collect treasures for an immortal, and the father-in-law of Qingcheng should become a green immortal! 】

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