Thriller Tour Group

954 Campus Disputes Lungs Like Coins

? !

Not to mention the complicated thoughts of the dream chaser, the armed policemen behind You Ziming were all shocked when they heard his cordial greetings!

what? What? Their captain is actually friends with this powerful vampire-like inspector? Or best friends? ! Okay, okay, the captain is really secretive, and at the same time, everyone is very excited.

Compared with the twenty-seven mutations, all the training they have undergone in the past is childish. The real supernatural resurrection is too powerful and terrifying. When the campus was blocked, everyone was ready to die before this operation, but they Death may not necessarily stop the supernatural resurgence. The supernatural resurgence may even spread further, and there are still so many innocent students and staff in No. 27 Middle School!

Everyone felt deeply powerless, but there was nothing they could do because the disasters happening elsewhere in Chengdu were more serious. The captain could only issue an order to seal off the campus and let everyone hold on. Maybe if they hold on for a while, support will come. But no one is stupid, they just put their life and death into silence and go all out to carry out their tasks.

Until now, when they saw the two inspectors coming and heard that one of them had a close friendship with their captain, everyone felt a sense of vague joy in their hearts. Maybe the supernatural resurrection in Twenty Seven can solve it?

Listen, such a powerful inspector is a friend of their captain, and he is also the first one to come to him. What a big deal this is! Even Captain You was feeling dizzy, as if he was wrapped in the clouds, and his ears were filled with the brisk sounds of "best friend" coming to you first. He was very happy, very happy for his friend Even though his identity was hidden, his friendship with him was not hidden. This is actually quite dangerous. After all, Bai Mao is the only one You Ziming knows... But it also shows that this Inspector A-2 is very trustworthy, so his friend told him.

A two, A two, C one, C one.

There seems to be another worry in the swollen happiness. Bingyi does not seem to be a very safe code name. Without much thought, You Ziming dismissed his comrades, saying that he wanted to report to the two inspectors alone. The comrades all showed understanding expressions, thinking that he wanted to catch up with the mysterious and powerful inspector before reporting on the situation, and went to patrol other places thoughtfully, leaving the three of them a private space. In fact, only Youzi knew that he actually did not trust his comrades.

Their loyalty is trustworthy, but compared to the supernatural resurrection, their strength is too weak. If one day Bingyi's identity is exposed in front of ghosts and it has a bad impact on him, then Youzi Ming will really regret it for the rest of his life.

There was only one armed policeman left, the one whose gun barrel was broken by Dream Chaser. The contamination situation is serious and must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"...the 8th, 9th, and 10th Special Forces Brigades of the Chengdu Armed Police are all responsible for special events. Each brigade has six squadrons and eighteen squads."

You Ziming is the captain of the Eighth Armed Police Brigade. Only armed police officers with the best physical fitness, the highest talents, and character qualities that can stand the test, are absolutely loyal, and have passed some special examinations or recommendations can enter the brigade. Those who are slightly worse in one category can only enter the squadron, and then the squad.

There are ten armed policemen in each squad, eight armed policemen in each squadron, and only six armed policemen in each brigade. In other words, even if these three armed police special forces brigades are fully staffed, they will only have 702 people. Compared with the huge Chengdu, it is as small as a drop of water. But talents are always only one in a thousand, and good talents with high enough talent are picked up one after another by the hotel. It is not easy for the special brigade to reach the scale it is today.

Of course, when an abnormal incident occurs, the normal police force will also be involved. The tasks that require the dispatch of special forces are often extremely dangerous. However, the most powerful combat force in Chengdu against supernatural resurgence is actually Qingcheng Mountain. Taoist priests.

Many of the specialized courses of You Ziming's special brigade are taught by specially hired Taoist priests from Qingcheng Mountain, and they also do morning and evening classes on weekdays. Taoist priests often disappear from time to time to perform secret missions. Many mission information is not communicated to them. It is said that many times the information itself is a kind of 'danger', which can make ordinary people get lost.

You Ziming originally had a skeptical attitude until he was in danger today. Their brigade of special police officers all carry the country's latest protective equipment. However, when an unexplainable danger occurs, it is only enough to protect themselves and cannot save more people. However, this time the No. 27 Middle School jumping incident was so serious that no Taoist priest from Qingcheng Mountain was sent to deal with it. Therefore, You Ziming concluded that something worse must have happened in Rongcheng.

"The first student to jump off the building was Chang Qiaoqiao from Class 8, Grade 2, No. 27 Middle School. Her father was Chang Huiming, the chairman of Longsheng Construction Group Co., Ltd., and her mother passed away ten years ago. Chang Qiaoqiao comes from a wealthy family and has a more selfish personality. "I repeatedly paid my classmates to help me do homework, copy homework, bring meals, etc., and I didn't pay much attention to my words. In the first semester of high school, I had a conflict with my classmate Zhao Liang."

"Zhao Liang's family is relatively poor and he has high self-esteem. He is not accustomed to Chang Qiaoqiao's style. The conflict between the two deepened in his sophomore year of high school. The incident occurred when Zhao Liang reported to the class teacher that Chang Qiaoqiao had cheated on exams and plagiarized homework. , the two started arguing after Chang Qiaoqiao came back from the teacher's office."

You Ziming explained clearly the causes and consequences of this jumping incident. This was all detailed information collected by the Eighth Brigade during the school closure: "At 7:45, the quarrel escalated into a scuffle. When the monitor and classmates tried to break up the fight, , Chang Qiaoqiao suddenly vomited blood, and vomited all over Zhao Liang's face. Then the verbal conflict between the two escalated. Chang Qiaoqiao suddenly suffered a nervous breakdown and shouted, "If you want to force me to death, you will force me to death." , OK, I will die for you,' then he picked up a chair and broke the window, trying to commit suicide by jumping off the building. Zhao Liang, who was nearest, grabbed Chang Qiaoqiao's clothes and tried to stop him, but he was taken down with him. "

"We adjusted the surveillance and found that Zhao Liang's actions at that time were not sure whether he wanted to catch Chang Qiaoqiao or push her down. He had a strange expression on his face at that time, he was laughing excitedly and his nose and mouth were bleeding like Chang Qiaoqiao. And he was bleeding from the nose and mouth like Chang Qiaoqiao. Both of them survived after jumping from the six-story building, and their bodies suffered some similar mutations."

You Ziming showed the photos taken at the scene to Wei Xun and Dream Chaser, and saw two boys and girls in school uniforms lying in a pool of blood in a twisted posture. Their chests were broken. Chang Qiaoqiao was in a worse condition than Zhao Liang. Even more serious. A terrible gash ran through her upper body, and a mass of flesh and blood squeezed out from the stubble of the gash. From the close-up photo, it can be seen that the mass of flesh and blood was Chang Qiaoqiao's two lung lobes.

But they are not very similar to the lobes of the lungs. They are bulging and sticking out, one to the left and one to the right, expanding and contracting with breathing, just like some kind of plant sprouting. The tips of Chang Qiaoqiao's lungs were covered with pus-yellow circular marks, which looked like copper coins squeezed together from a distance.

Money sores.

After taking over the mission, You Ziming and his team immediately sealed off the scene, wrapped Chang Qiaoqiao and Zhao Liang in the highest-grade radioactive negative material seal bags, and moved them to the infirmary for isolation. However, an accident still occurred. You Ziming and the deputy captain of the brigade are responsible for transporting the most dangerous Chang Qiaoqiao, while Wu Zhen and Zhang Zhixing are responsible for transporting Zhao Liang, and the maneuvers of the other two are to be determined.

While transporting Chang Qiaoqiao, You Ziming felt that the sealed bag was getting more and more bulging, as if someone was inflating it, or something was continuing to grow. He reminded Wu Zhen and Zhang Zhixing, and they were careful enough, but an accident happened when they moved Zhao Liang and placed him in the infirmary——

"The sealed bag wrapping Zhao Liang had a tear, his lungs sprouted out, and blood spurted onto Wu Zhen, and some of it was also stained on Zhang Zhixing."

Wu Zhen and Zhang Zhixing were the two armed policemen who took the initiative to remove the pollution from Dream Chaser and Wei Xun. When talking about this scene, You Ziming took a deep breath and still couldn't let it go: "We were all poured with cinnabar mixed with cinnabar during the mission. Cock blood, but it’s useless. I ordered Wu Zhen and Zhang Zhixing to temporarily self-isolate in the warehouse west of the playground, and then..."

Then there was the scene where Wei Xun and Dream Chaser attacked the police at the door of the infirmary.

"We took action because we found something wrong with the blood on both of their bodies."


While listening to You Ziming's report, Dream Chaser kept taking off various equipment from Wu Zhen's body. The blood spurting from Zhao Liang's lungs was so vile that it could not be wiped off no matter what method he used. Up to now, all the pollution on Zhang Zhixing's body has been inhaled and removed by the storm of the human skin map. Wu Zhen is in a bit of trouble because the dream chasers have to recycle the Sahara gray sand.

The pollution in Wu Zhen's blood was interesting. It actually hindered Dream Chaser's speed of recovering the gray sand. This was pollution at the 30th degree north latitude. Not a single particle could be left outside. To be on the safe side, Dream Chaser dismantled all the equipment of the armed police, while Wei Xun went to the infirmary first to take a look at the two students.

The source of the strong smell of blood was in the innermost ward of the infirmary. The door was locked. As soon as Wei Xun turned the door handle, he felt a thick, dirty liquid flowing down the crack in the door. You Ziming next to you saw this scene and his breath was stagnant. He was about to remind him. The next second he saw Wei Xun take a step back calmly. However, he did not take out the pale white leather to wipe the crack of the door. Instead, he snapped his fingers and released it. A flying orange fur ball.

You Ziming:? ?

What the hell is this? Bee? However, when this orange fur ball lay on the crack of the door and started sucking blood, You Zi clearly understood something.

This appears to be a mosquito.

Genetically modified? Mutant species? A supernatural resurrection product?

However, when You Ziming saw Wei Xun raising his hand again and releasing a swarm of huge black-and-white mosquitoes, he fell silent.

" is his life at your place?"

Swarms of large black-and-white mosquitoes crawled all over the front door. As the ward door opened, filthy pus and blood continued to overflow, but as soon as the blood flowed out, it was sucked up by the large mosquitoes. Immediately afterwards, You Ziming saw these big mosquitoes, like a buzzing black and white smoke, squeezing in from the crack in the door to suck blood, and the orange, very clever-looking mosquito flew back to Wei Xun. There was a buzz around his fingers.

You Ziming can't understand the mosquito's words, but he can understand the body language of his old friend. That kind of disgusted, slightly leaning back body language, unwilling to move the mosquito that just sucked blood, made You Zi clearly believe that his old friend's likes and dislikes in this regard have not changed much. At this moment, he finally couldn't help it and asked Inspector A2 in a low voice some questions that were not part of his mission.

how have you been?

No matter what Jia Er's answer is, You Ziming knows it in his heart. I know my own sweet and bitter experience. His friend has obviously hated bugs since he was a child, but after becoming an inspector, he has the power to control mosquitoes. It is really a trick of fate that is hard to explain.

Even if this swarm of mosquitoes is so powerful that it can easily suck up the extremely polluting and terrifying pus and blood, they are still mosquitoes. Bingyi doesn't like bugs at all, but now he can only rely on bugs. How can he live a good life?

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