Thriller Tour Group

953 Dear Inspector, Dream Chaser is getting serious...

"Those two students are so pitiful, so young, so...sigh."

Liu Hao did not hold an umbrella, and his police uniform was soaked, but he did not lose his enthusiasm at all. He was full of enthusiasm and quickly led Wei Xun and Dream Chaser to the infirmary. The two students who jumped from the building were temporarily placed there. Infirmary.

"It's said to be alive, but it looks no different than dead."

Liu Hao said as he walked, frowning, obviously really worried about these students: "Inspector, you must save them."

Along the way, Dream Chaser maintained his aloof and bossy style, while Wei Xun seemed more amiable and talked a lot into Liu Hao. Liu Hao and his fellow police officers from the urban police station first came over after receiving a report of a student jumping off a building. However, it wasn't long before the entire campus was taken over by some armed police special brigade and entered a state of first-level combat readiness. It was said that it was a college student named You. The captain leads the team. He is very strong and has great skills.


Wei Xun raised his eyebrows. You Ziming gave him the feeling that he was in the twenty-seventh middle school. He could not be the captain Liu Hao mentioned. How long has it been since I last saw you that you were promoted to captain? The bamboo shoots after the rain don’t grow as fast as him!

"Who is it? Stop!"

The closer I got to the infirmary, the stronger the smell of blood became, as if I was soaked in blood. Two armed policemen walked out from the infirmary in front. Their chests and bodies were stained with large areas of blood, and they looked a bit embarrassed. When they saw Liu Hao coming in with two strangers, they immediately became vigilant. However, before Liu Hao could explain, they saw two black shadows flash past. Wei Xun and Dream Chaser approached the two armed policemen in an instant. As fast as a gust of wind.



Wei Xun casually slapped the human skin map onto the blood-stained chest of the armed policeman. A sharp and ear-piercing whistle exploded, and at the same time, he moved sideways to avoid the incoming baton, and electric sparks crackled. The armed policemen mobilized to No. 27 Middle School were very capable. Wei Xun dodged while he decisively changed his moves. His movements were decisive and fierce. The electric baton passed over Wei Xun's shoulder. With just a touch, he could instantly knock out the most vicious gangster. . However, something incomprehensible happened the moment the electric baton fell. Behind the white-haired man in black, there was a black cloud, and there was a flash of silver light in it. The electric spark was immediately extinguished, and the entire electric baton was thrown away and fell to the ground. On the outside, all the electricity had been sucked out of it, and it was no different from an ordinary baton.

However, this armed policeman didn't care about the electric baton. He looked at the black behind the man with white hair and black clothes in horror. They were actually a pair of wide and powerful devil wings covered with dark silver lines that can only be seen in movies and anime! No, no, is there a big bat lying behind this person? ! There’s no way he really has wings! The dream chaser on the other side also quickly ended the battle. He poured the contaminated gray sand onto the blood on the chest of the armed policeman. He raised his hand and bent the gun of the armed policeman. The runes engraved in the barrel of the gun were extinguished before they lit up. .

It’s a joke. Since returning from Iceland, Dream Chaser has been working hard on his arm strength. Although there is still a long way to go before he can throw the Sunbird as a ball, bending a gun is no problem.

This encounter came and went quickly. As long as the power of the title can be used, the combat power of the two sides is not comparable at all. The sound of cocking was heard from the direction of the infirmary. The fighting on their side obviously attracted the attention of the police. At the same time, a red light swept across the eyebrows of Wei Xun and Dream Chaser. This school closure operation actually included snipers.

However, neither Wei Xun nor Dream Chaser was worried. Wei Xun even felt the aiming red light carefully. It was different from ordinary light, just like the electric baton he had just absorbed with the lightning pattern on the devil's wings. Electric energy has a subtle sense of power. The small pile of butterfly fragments still accumulated in Wei Xun's heart was too lazy to move, but some of the pollution he brought when he transformed into Satan was somewhat dissipated by the electricity and the aiming red light.

The equipment of the armed policemen in Blockade No. 27 was unusual. This reminded Wei Xun of the cameras that he and Mao Xiaole had previously communicated about that could detect supernatural things. Obviously, it was within the scope of the hotel's permission. Although the state no longer communicated with the hotel, The team has had too many close contacts, but they have never relaxed their research on various energies and are prepared for rainy days.

The polluted regional attractions have been under the control of the hotel for so many years, but what if the hotel ceases to exist one day? Can humans just hide their ears and wait for death? Therefore, the country has not completely cut off contact with An Xuefeng, Xuanxue and other major brigades, and is fully prepared for this day. The electric batons and guns in the hands of these two armed policemen, as well as the sniper rifles aimed at dangerous people in the distance, are the best results. Being able to seal off the campus immediately after the incident at No. 27 Middle School, this special armed police brigade in Chengdu is one of the country's reserve forces. Wei Xun believes that not only Chengdu, but other cities should also have special forces stationed.

They are not tourist guides with activated titles. In order not to implicate their families, even their files are specially created and all tasks are kept confidential. They gave up a lot, but built a steel defense line with ordinary people, limiting the outbreak of pollution to the minimum range, and doing their best to reduce the spread of pollution. Blocking the campus is equivalent to exposing yourself to a polluted environment and blocking the last way to survive.

But for Wei Xun, even though he had not entered the hotel, he was still in real danger. This made him sigh in his heart and look up at the infirmary. The door of the infirmary is now full of armed police armed with live weapons and nuclear bombs. The captain standing at the front with great momentum raised his hand to ask his comrades to put down their guns. Then he took off his goggles. I saw that this man had good facial features and was full of righteousness, and his aura was very powerful when he was serious in speech.

However, when he looked at Wei Xun, the captain's lips curled up into a straight line, then flattened quickly, as if this fleeting smile was more like a habit...

“Wearing sunglasses on a rainy day?”

He calmed down all his emotions and didn't look at Dream Chaser. He just stared at Wei Xun and asked in a deep voice.

"Our inspectors have to wear sunglasses when they go out to handle cases."

In front of him, the familiar man in black with only white hair and height spoke in a relaxed tone. He took the ID from the person next to him and waved it in front of everyone.

"The inspector handles the case."

As soon as this inspection card came out, the attitude of the armed police immediately became friendly. Even the armed policeman who was gritting his teeth and staring at the devil's wings behind Wei Xun in disbelief also changed his attitude 180 degrees. He was almost enthusiastic. Bloom. Especially when Wei Xun took the human skin map away from his chest, he saw that the blood on his chest had withered and broken into pieces of dark copper-colored blood scabs, like fish scales, or something more evil and terrifying. s things……

But those evil terrors have long been solved by this pale 'handkerchief'. That's right, why would these two inspectors attack the police? They are saving his life!

The attitudes of all the armed police officers changed, except that of Captain You. With an expressionless expression, he looked at the man in black in front of him from head to toe. His voice had changed, his momentum had also changed, and his name was no longer revealed. The inspector's card only had the code name 'A2' - and This inspection card was also taken out from the hand of the man in black next to him.

He didn't even show him his inspector's card.

But Youzi is convinced that he will not admit his mistakes. He seems to have always had the talent to recognize his friends.

Yes, they should be best friends, so good that he only trusted him with the cat.

He also knew that even though he was in pain, he would always yearn for excitement and adventure.

But this is too exciting and too risky. This is a world that You Ziming cannot enter. He can't help, and his friends don't seem to need help. Unexpectedly, a huge sense of loss came to his heart, but he was also somewhat relieved and happy. At least now his friend was indeed alive and well, looking much healthier and stronger than before. However, there are many worries amidst the joy. There is no strength without paying a price. What did he pay for these health and strength?

You Ziming even kept that familiar name deep in his heart. The inspectors seemed to call each other by code names, and hid their true voices and appearances. You Ziming was not sure what it meant to them to be called by their real names, but he was watching. By the time the friend didn't take off his sunglasses like he used to do, he had already decided to keep it a secret.

However, in this world that is gradually becoming abnormal, personal willpower, no matter how strong it is, may not be worth mentioning. Maybe he should undergo some psychological hypnosis, and completely forgetting the name might be a relatively safe way to keep it secret——

"Hello, you are You Ziming."

At this moment, the inspector codenamed Jia Er took a step forward and stood between You Ziming and Wei Xun, blocking his view. Compared with his previous cold and arrogant attitude, his tone at the moment was particularly kind.

"Bing mentioned you to me along the way. This time I came to see you first. You are his best friend, right?"

The dream chaser felt familiar as soon as he saw You Ziming. If he looked carefully, he looked very familiar! He still remembered that the first time he noticed Wei Xun as a 'traveler' was when he was on his journey to explore northern Tibet. The dream chaser later watched the live video of that time. The 'Wei Xun' who made the journey for the first time was not exactly the same as he is now. He had black hair and black eyes, and he felt quite upright.

Later, after receiving many titles, his appearance gradually changed. For example, his hair turned white, his appearance became more refined, and his eyes changed from black to blue. But this was normal, and with Huitu and An Xuefeng covering it up, no one thought there was anything wrong.

It wasn't until now that I saw You Ziming with my own eyes that Dream Chaser suddenly discovered that Wei Xun's initial disguise was somewhat similar to You Ziming's, especially in terms of temperament, and he was very good at "integrity".

Being able to make Wei Xun think of him first when he changes his face, he is indeed a good friend... so good that Dream Chaser didn't know what to do, so he stood between Wei Xun and You Ziming, looking directly at You Ziming's head. , and then closed his eyes a little suffocated.

Wei Xun and You Ziming have a pure brotherhood, but some tourists may be very jealous if it is not guaranteed. In particular, You Ziming almost claimed the little hippie, which made the dream chaser even more wary of his instinct to play dirty tricks on life-haunting people. As An Xuefeng's friend, Wei Xun's friend, and the witness of their relationship, Dream Chaser decided to really show off his inspector style, stop being lazy, and leave the next communication with You Ziming to him!

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