Thriller Tour Group

952 No. 27 Middle School There is a window crowded on each floor of the teaching building...

Jump off a building? ?

Dream Chaser subconsciously glanced at his watch, and saw that the 'current number of deaths due to epidemic sores' displayed on it was still zero, with no change, and he couldn't help but frown.

There are two possibilities, either the two students did not die, or their deaths had nothing to do with the money plague. However, both Dream Chaser and Wei Xun felt a faint smell of pollution coming from the front, which was very unfamiliar. Wei Xun was a person who had experienced many pollutions, but this was the first time he felt this new pollution. It's not multiple pollution. Wei Xun and Dream Chaser wouldn't be able to feel it if they weren't standing at the intersection. However, compared with reality, this pollution is as clear as a flashlight in the dark.

If Wei Xun and Dream Chaser hadn't come here, this trace of pollution would have infected every teacher and student in the school, the police and even the onlookers, quietly completing a new round of spread, but now It has no chance. The dream chaser had a stern face and put his left hand in his pocket, as if he was holding something. Items that can absorb pollution are rare in the world, but there are many ways to 'neutralize' pollution. The simplest is to use 'another kind of pollution' to offset it.

What the dreamer had in his pocket was a whole bottle of Sahara gray sand! A small bottle of gray sand can cover the entire campus like dust, clinging to everyone present, including stray cats and dogs, and passing birds. The Saharan pollution carried on it will naturally destroy the new pollution attached to the surface or invade the body, and then these gray sands are like anchors, which can transmit the power of the dreamer.

He will recycle these grains of sand in his dream, leaving nothing behind. Of course, gray sand is not 100% absolutely safe. People who have been exposed to gray sand are likely to contract some sequelae of Sahara pollution. But when the Dream Chasers go to the battlefield at the end of the year and take away the dead Sahara, the remaining Saharan pollution in reality will also disappear together.

However, Dream Chaser's wrist was caught, and Wei Xun shook his head at him.

Could it be that Wei Xun has a better way? The dream chaser still trusted Wei Xun's endless whimsical ideas, so he let go of his hand and was curious to see what Wei Xun was going to do. The next second he saw Wei Xun take out a pale white handkerchief from the pocket of his windbreaker - what a handkerchief, it was human skin! The human skin map of the Tusi King's Tomb is only reduced to the size of a palm, and the faint scent of butterfly fragments on it is unmistakable to dreamers.

But, no, the polluting smell of this butterfly fragment seems a bit strong... too strong! Dream Chaser was almost turned into a dragon by the smell of the abyss when Wei Xun opened the human skin map, but out of trust in Wei Xun, he still watched Wei Xun complete a series of operations. Wei Xun took out the human skin map and shook it gently in the cold and humid air. Then the dream chaser felt strands of pollution coming from all directions, all penetrating into it like a swallow in the forest. In this human skin map!

Are butterfly fragments so attractive to pollution? If the dreamer felt something, he took out the crystal bottle of gray sand in his pocket, and saw that the gray sand in the bottle was like iron sand attracted by a magnet, and all of it was close to Wei Xun. Thirty degrees north latitude is so polluted, not to mention the weak new pollution scattered outside. In the blink of an eye, all the pollution spilled over in this area was absorbed completely by the map in Wei Xun's hand.

How many butterfly fragments are these? Even the dream catcher was shocked. The next second he held Wei Xun's shoulders, frowning and staring at the human skin in his hand. After absorbing the scattered fine pollution, the pale human skin returned to calmness, except for a slight bulge in the middle, and it squirmed from time to time, as if it was wrapped in some evil living creature. Wei Xun was as calm as ever. He brushed his fingers like flowers and opened the pale white leather handkerchief. In the middle, he saw a mass of red and yellow flesh and blood fragments as big as fingernails, like a ball of hairless rat cubs with pus and ulcers. The lump of flesh looked like an evil alien embryo, and something was vaguely wrapped in the lump of flesh.

As it trembled, the red and yellow pus also flowed on the human skin. Wei Xun held his breath and handed the human skin map to Dream Chaser calmly. The Dream Chaser was also very responsible. After taking the human skin and snapping his fingers, a wisp of Saharan black sand fell on the flesh and blood, swallowing it clean in the blink of an eye, leaving only the items wrapped in it.

It was copper-yellow, about the size of a soybean grain, and irregular in shape, like some kind of metal fragment. It exuded a strong evil smell, which was obviously closely related to the pollution that was raging on the campus. =But now is not the time to delve deeper. There was some noise from the front of the crowd, and it was the police who came out to disperse the onlookers. Wei Xun took back the human skin map that Dream Chaser had cleaned up, and the two of them moved forward against the flow of people.

It was raining, and the onlookers were noisy and noisy. Liu Hao, a newly hired police officer, blushed with anxiety and persuaded the onlookers to retreat and leave with kind words. It stands to reason that the news would be blocked as soon as something like this happens, but this time the situation is different. It is very evil... Thinking of the scene he just saw, Liu Hao couldn't help but shudder. He is also considered the best in the police academy. He was a student, but the teacher had never mentioned it in class. He had never mentioned such a cruel, evil and unbelievable case. Visiting the first scene in person made Liu Hao's outlook a little shaken.

The old policeman responsible for taking Liu Hao was also frightened, but he could still hold on. Seeing that Liu Hao's face was so bad, he asked him to go to the school gate to take a breath and look at the police cordon, not to let media parents or the like get in. But this is not an easy task for a new police officer. No. 27 Middle School is located in a residential area, and most of the people who attend this school are children from this area. Neighbors have seen the big ones since they were young. Now they are gathered here not only out of curiosity, but also because they are worried about the students in the school. Some people swear that they saw two ambulances parked at the school gate before, and the people inside were carried out on stretchers. It was all covered in blood, and the leading police officer also had blood on his chest and body. It was particularly scary.

There is no such thing as jumping off a building. I don’t know who it is, but it spreads that a crazy murderer got into the school, stabbed the students with a sharp knife and attacked the police. This time it was even more frightening, and everyone was anxious to think about it. Pick up your own child. The crowd in the front just moved back, and the people behind wanted to push forward again. Umbrellas collided with each other in confusion. The people in the front were noisy and asked the police what was going on inside, but Liu Hao, who was just starting out, was I was so anxious and overwhelmed.

But at this moment, the crowd in front of Liu Hao suddenly made a way like Moses parting the sea, and he saw two men in black trench coats who were dressed incompatible with ordinary people walking over.

The two men were dressed in black from head to toe and looked very stylish. They also wore sunglasses on a rainy day. One of them was holding a black umbrella. The umbrella was tilted towards the head of the white-haired man on the right, and the white-haired man held a black umbrella in his hand. Wearing a pale white handkerchief, her manners are elegant, and her white skin looks like a vampire in a movie, not like a living person. This made Liu Hao's thoughts a little confused for a while, and he couldn't tell whether these two people were engaged in media and cosplay or funerals.

But no matter what it is, you are not allowed to enter now. Liu Hao, who had been unable to drive away the onlookers, finally made a serious face, stopped in front of the two men in black and said seriously: "Two comrades, please leave immediately -"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the man holding the umbrella raise his hand and show his ID. His voice was colder than the cold rain:

"The inspector handles the case."

Inspector? What inspector? Liu Hao frowned, and his eyes changed when he looked at these two people, as if he was looking at two dangerous lunatics. However, as soon as his eyes glanced at this person's ID, he was suddenly caught in a whirlpool. His eyes were dazed for a moment and then condensed, and then turned into a surprise that was difficult to conceal:

"It turns out to be the inspector! Come on, please come in. Oh, I've been waiting for you!"

Liu Hao's excited cheeks turned red and his eyes shone, as if he had met his idol. Strangely enough, after the dream chaser took out the inspection certificate issued by the hotel, the onlookers spontaneously retreated silently without saying a word. No longer needing to worry about others breaking into the campus, Liu Hao happily led two inspectors into the campus of No. 27 Middle School. He saw that security tapes were pulled down the office building of each teaching building, and armed police with live ammunition were guarding the entrance of the building. Entry and exit are prohibited, and there are patrolling armed policemen patrolling the campus with police dogs. The atmosphere is terrifyingly serious, and it does not look like a simple student jumping incident at all.

When they saw Liu Hao leading two people into the school, the patrolling armed policeman's eyes sharpened and he immediately stepped forward. But when Dream Chaser quickly waved around with his inspection card, the eyes of these armed police officers quickly became friendly. Even the police dogs wagged their tails when they saw Dream Chaser and Wei Xun. The inspection certificate issued by the hotel is for the convenience of the tour guides, including but not limited to dispersing the surrounding people to prevent the spread of pollution, having a special status in front of the police and the army, etc. The government will give them the green light when they show the inspection certificate. .

Precisely because extraordinary things are done at extraordinary times and the hotel gives the tour guides too much temporary authority, a butcher leader with a long record of criminal record such as Ming Mingren will not be put into reality by the hotel. This also shows that the situation in reality is indeed somewhat serious... When I walked into the No. 27 Middle School, I saw that the bustling campus in the past was missing half of the students. It was like a dead zone, with only the cold wind and drizzle falling on the ground, stirring the atmosphere. The moisture from the soil, and...

Strong smell of blood.

The pollution floating in the campus has been absorbed by Wei Xun's human skin map, but there is still more pollution lurking. Wei Xun felt something, and suddenly raised his head and looked at the teaching building next to him. I saw faces crowded by the windows on each floor of the teaching building, some anxious, worried, scared or curious, staring at them passing by downstairs.

It was still class time when the accident happened. After the school was closed, the students and teachers of No. 27 Middle School stayed in the classroom. Many people were still unclear about what happened. However, in Wei Xun's view, these faces were dyed gray by the hazy sky, exuding an ominous air of death. It's like there are evil ghosts looking through people's eyes and looking at the world with evil intentions.

Wei Xun and Dream Chaser exchanged a look. I'm afraid... the entire No. 27 Middle School must have been infected by the money plague.

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