Thriller Tour Group

951 Money Disease Dream Chaser Oh

"You Ziming is a very good friend of mine."

While heading towards the destination in the gray drizzle, Wei Xun briefly introduced You Ziming to the dreamer: "We have known each other since we were children. I was seriously ill and felt that I would not live for a few years. I had to take care of the cat at home. "

"Cat? What cat."

Dream Chaser is now a little stressed about cats, so he is a little wary after hearing this, but he feels more relaxed after hearing Wei Xun say that You Ziming is a policeman——

"Bingbing, what other cat can I have?"

Wei Xun said it easily, and Dream Chaser's radar suddenly went up! The three keywords of 'Knowing each other since childhood', 'Good relationship', and 'Entrusting me to raise a cat' were floating in his mind, as if there were cats playing cymbals. But Dream Chaser is a great tour guide. He is no longer as impetuous as he used to be when he smelled the fun. When he heard this, he just said calmly: "Oh?"

"Is he the back-up man left behind by the life-seeking people in reality?"

"Ah? You're right. This is indeed possible. I didn't expect it."

Wei Xun pretended to be surprised, feeling that Dream Chaser moved the umbrella a little as a warning, then he smiled and said seriously: "It shouldn't be, An Xuefeng met him in real life later."

An Xuefeng has seen it, so it should be fine. The dragon heart mentioned by the dream chaser was gently put down. I heard Wei Xun mention that You Ziming has a strong sense of responsibility and justice. An Xuefeng said personally that he had been anchored by the hotel and almost thought of "Looking for Wei Xun" as the name. Obsession was selected into the hotel. This is not impossible. Although An Xuefeng was influenced by some family members back then, he was mainly selected to join the hotel because of the investigation of Yu Hehui's disappearance.

However, You Ziming was given some psychological hints by An Xuefeng and no longer insisted that Wei Xun was missing. This would slow down his entry into the hotel, and if he was lucky he might be able to live a normal life for the rest of his life.

However, the real world now has obviously become abnormal.

"The unusual incident I want to solve this time in the summons is the money plague."

The dream catcher raised his arm to reveal his wrist, and saw that he was wearing a luxurious watch, with three matching colors of black, blue and purple, like a galaxy in the universe. The hands were slender diamond butterfly wings, and the surface was decorated with tiny light spots like stardust. , looks low-key and luxurious. In fact, these light spots contain mission information that only the tour guide can 'see'.

[Calling Order - Class A Mission: Money Epidemic]

[Mission Level: Extremely Urgent]

[Task description: An outbreak of money plague is about to occur in Chengdu. This disease spreads very quickly. When mature, it will lead to death of patients and a large-scale outbreak. Please contain the source before the outbreak of money plague, identify and solve the disease contamination. Roots, which can be developed into new attractions if necessary]

[Task time limit: 3 days]

[Current number of infected: 118034]

[Current number of deaths due to epidemic sores: 0]

Money sores, also known as ringworm, is a contagious skin disease. The patient's skin will have circles of swollen red spots with a little white in the middle, which look like copper coins. It is also called money sores.

However, the money sores issued by the hotel, which is a serious task, obviously have nothing to do with normal skin diseases. The hotel attached a picture to the task description, which is a pair of bright red lungs. They look very healthy, but there are some spots at the tips of the lung lobes. Red and swollen, seems to be a bit inflammatory.

However, if you look closely, your scalp will suddenly feel numb. These red and swollen circles are clustered together, like raspberry berries. The edges of the swollen circles are slightly yellow, like pus or the glitter on the edge of copper coins, and there is a depression in the middle. Go down, it's a little gray. But if you look closely, the bit of gray is shaking slightly like a living thing, revealing a cold and evil feeling, like an insect egg about to break out of its shell, cold and terrifying like a ghost in the cemetery!

Wei Xun's feeling was not wrong. The mission message he received made this clear.

[Summoning Deputy Orders - Assistance Mission: Money Epidemic]

[Mission Level: Extremely Urgent]

[Task description: Assist the Dream Chasers to solve the money epidemic outbreak in Chengdu, kill the epidemic ghosts condensed by the epidemic pollution, and cure the patients. The task reward will be calculated based on the number of epidemic ghosts killed/the number of patients cured]

This money disease sore is born in the lungs and breeds disease ghosts!

Wei Xun's watch is almost the same as Dream Chaser's, except there is no butterfly decoration on it. After all, this time he only came out with Dream Chaser to check on the situation and care about his real friends, and there was no additional task of taking orders. When Dream Chaser reported to the hotel, he applied for Bingyi as his deputy. After all, although Wei Xun already had the strength of a second-class elite, his official rank was still Bingyi, and Dream Chaser wanted him to be his deputy. It's reasonable and the hotel has no reason to disagree.

For Wei Xun, doing missions with Dream Chaser is also beneficial to him. The summoning order mission assigned by the hotel to the dignified Director Jia Er is definitely the most difficult in the country and the closest to the core essence of the world's mutation - because East District Jia Yi The man who has committed many evil deeds has not been summoned by the hotel, and the position of Class A and Three is vacant. Currently, Dream Chaser is outstanding, with a good conductor and an honest person, and the hotel is very relieved.

In particular, the core power of the Dream Chaser title is related to dreams. Whether it is solving problems in the aspect of dreams, or concealing ordinary people's memories related to abnormal events from the dream level, these are the strengths of the Dream Chaser. It can be seen that from the current point of view, the goal of the hotel is to return reality to purity and not to be changed by pollution.

But can it really remain unchanged?

Wei Xun is not too optimistic.

"The plague ghost formed by the contamination of the plague air."

Wei Xun frowned slightly and looked thoughtfully at the pedestrians around him. Chengdu is a prosperous big city, and 110,000 people seem to be a lot. However, the huge crowds are like drops of water mixed into the river, making it difficult to trace. Seeing that all the pedestrians on the road looked normal and showed no signs of illness, Wei Xun turned his eyes and opened his yin and yang eyes, but he did not see any ghosts.

Wei Xun, who has always been sensitive to pollution, did not even realize that there was any pollution force invading the entire city.

But this also proves how difficult this mission is. Wei Xun does not doubt the hotel's prudent nature. The fact that it can assign this task to Dream Chaser shows that in the hotel's view, the source of this disease is only the Dream Chaser. Only two major guides can solve the problem, and the cheaper and weaker tour guides may not be able to do anything. I'm afraid this money epidemic is just a symptom. If we trace it back to the root cause, the root cause should be terrifying power. Even the hotel agreed to allow Dream Chaser to include it in the new attraction - that is to say, it is willing to give him the help of the hotel and let the hotel do its best to suppress it.

The implications of this are terrible. Does the hotel think that even Dream Chasers can't solve the problem perfectly?

"Go to your friend first, then go to the hospital. Wait until tonight and contact the provincial government tomorrow."

Dream Chaser is very calm. Judging from the task prompts given by the hotel, there are still three days before the death of the patient will lead to a large-scale outbreak of money sores. The higher the difficulty of the task, the more calm he must be.

Under the arrangement of the hotel, Dream Chaser is currently regarded as a "special inspector of supernatural events" and can directly contact government agencies for help. Since the hotel has judged it as an "epidemic", there must be a patient zero. But there is a problem. This is not a simple infectious disease. It is essentially related to 'pollution'. A problem arises when it comes to pollution.

Ordinary people, or people whose SAN values ​​are stable enough, cannot 'see' pollution.

In other words, if a person becomes sick due to pollution, even if his body is covered with sores, he may only feel pain but not be able to see his real sores. This is especially true for doctors, who may misdiagnose the disease. And 'invisible' infectious diseases can spread rapidly and are difficult to contain, and money sores can grow in the lungs. Dreamers are worried about conquering the country and they don't know exactly how many people are suffering from money sores, and the source is unknown. Where is it.

So this matter cannot be rushed. The dream chaser decided to go to the hospital and Wei Xun's friend today to check. It would be best if there are clues. It doesn't matter if there are no clues. At night, when most people in Chengdu have fallen asleep, he transformed into a dragon in the dream and shuttled around. In the dreamland, all pollution diseases are violently crushed and found to the source, and people will only think that this is a bizarre dream. After waking up from the dream, they will naturally forget the dream, so the great tour guide should use extraordinary means.

Not now, it's daytime. Although dreamers also have the power to daydream, not everyone daydreams during the day. Chengdu has a permanent population of more than 20 million, and it is difficult for so many people to dream despite being exhausted. And if people themselves have fallen asleep and the dreamer is just traveling in the dream, he will not feel tired when traveling from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere.

As long as the area where patients gather can be found from the dream, the government should be contacted to seal it off and find out the source.

Despite this, Dream Chaser still walked a little faster. The feeling of reality is different from the journey. Dream chasers have rarely returned to reality over the years, mostly resting alone at their residence. But it is undeniable that the vast majority of tour guides and tourists in hotels still regard this world as a paradise, a calm but safe harbor.

Therefore, when the power of pollution is raging in reality, people want to remove it as quickly as possible.

"He's not close to us. It would take almost two hours just to walk."

Wei Xun sensed that An Xuefeng had left a psychological hint on You Ziming, and he and An Xuefeng were closely connected, and he could rely on this vague aura to locate You Ziming.

"It's a pity that I can't turn into a dragon and fly you there."

Dreamcatcher came to his senses and made a joke. Although the hotel allows tour guides to use title powers when solving problems, in order to avoid causing larger-scale chaos, unless things are really out of hand, try not to let ordinary people see those powers that should not exist in reality, such as Talk about becoming a living dragon. If they are really seen, the hotel will have to erase their memories in the future, and those who have been exposed to extraordinary powers will most likely be selected into the hotel in the future if they meet the hotel's selection criteria.

This is what dreamers don’t want to see.

"Although we can't ride on the dragon, we can fight."

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows, grabbed Dream Chaser, who was continuing to walk forward quickly, and raised his hand to stop a taxi.

Dream Chaser: Oh?

Dream Chaser, who was pushed into the back seat, hesitated to speak. He wanted to explain to Wei Xun that he was not a fool and that he didn't really intend to rely on his legs for several hours... But how should I put it? He was indeed the first. Time didn't think of this. After all, he has basically never returned to reality in these years, and the tours taken by Class A tour guides are all in uninhabited areas in various deep mountains and old forests, and do not involve the surrounding areas of the city.

But the driver looked at the two of them in surprise, with a hint of caution in his eyes, as if he felt that the two people wearing sunglasses on this cloudy day were really suspicious. Wei Xun skillfully chatted with the driver in local dialect and dispelled the driver's doubts in a few words. In the end, Dream Chaser didn't say anything. He just leaned back on the chair silently and raised the collar of his windbreaker in a low-key manner, pretending to be a dark mushroom. .

"Master, go..."

Wei Xun briefly sensed You Ziming's position, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Go to Rongcheng No. 27 Middle School."

"Middle school?"

Dream Chaser frowned when he heard this, and exchanged a look with Wei Xun through his sunglasses. The presence of the police near a school always gives people an ominous feeling.

Sure enough, the taxi drove along smoothly, but when it reached the intersection, it couldn't get in. When Dream Chaser and Wei Xun got out of the car, they saw that even though it was raining, there were many onlookers at the street. Through the gaps in the crowd, they could see the cordon and heard the noisy comments from the people around them, which seemed to be——

Two students jumped off the building.

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