Thriller Tour Group

950 Supernatural Resurrection Two Models

“I felt the Sahara shake when Babylon was destroyed.”

The dream chaser said seriously: "But the situation was urgent at the time and there was no time to think too much."

"When the source of pollution was completely destroyed, there were many more monsters in each of the nine layers of sand in the Sahara."

Thinking about it on a small scale, the destruction of the Thirty Degrees North in this era will cause a chain reaction of other journeys to the Thirty Degrees North. Thinking about the big picture, it is likely that the destruction of the pollution source corresponding to Babylon will trigger other pollution sources at 30 degrees north latitude.

"There are also some reactions from Pyramid and Atlantis."

An Xuefeng said calmly: "It's not too strong, it's just a contamination shock. No new monsters have appeared so far."

“But if more pollution sources are targeted in the future, what Dream Chaser is talking about could happen on all Thirty Degrees North journeys.”

Bai Xiaosheng said calmly and pushed up his glasses. The Sahara is different from other journeys to the 30th North Latitude. It was not until this year that the Dream Chaser finally regained the butterfly fragments from the Star Diamonder worm. Prior to this, the butterfly fragments had not been on the Sahara pioneers, and their ability to suppress the pollution of the Sahara was not high. Wei Xun's trip to the Sahara to explore was a repeat of the scene where they accidentally strayed into an ancient oasis. The previous generation's journey to the Sahara at 30 degrees north latitude reappeared, which also had some impact on the Sahara itself, leading to the active level of pollution in the Sahara until now. More than any other journey north of thirty degrees north latitude.

So much so that now that something has gone wrong, Sahara is the fastest to show abnormalities. This is not a bad thing, as it allows them to be on guard and prepared immediately.

"This change is likely to also occur on the thirty-degree north latitude journey that has not yet been fully developed, and the specific circumstances are not yet clear."

The dream chaser looked at Wei Xun and reminded: "Be careful."


Wei Xun coughed slightly, feeling a little guilty. He looked particularly well-behaved. The dream chaser didn't know how many butterfly fragments Wei Xun stuffed into the human skin map of the tomb of the Tusi King. Speaking of which, even if the pollution sources in various places were disturbed, it caused the 30th degree north latitude. As the pollution becomes stronger, it becomes difficult to suppress the butterfly fragments - Wei Xun's Tusi King's Tomb is definitely the worst. It is impossible to suppress so many butterfly fragments together.

Dream Chaser only saw that Wei Xun was rarely well-behaved, so he stood next to An Xuefeng and listened to them silently, without expressing much opinions. It stands to reason that the tour guide should be the most casual and show his true nature in his team. But compared to him who controlled the overall situation in the competition, Wei Xun is much more low-key right now.

Dream Chaser rolled his eyes and felt that he had figured it out. It is estimated that Wei Xun's dual identity was exposed, and it was somewhat awkward to get along with the people on the way home. Although the atmosphere at the breakfast table was harmonious just now, in the final analysis, true tacit understanding still needs to be cultivated. Especially on the way back, everyone's position has been fixed in these years of fighting. Who makes the plans, who sets the direction, who is the first to explore the road, and who is responsible for supplies. There is already a tacit understanding. There is no place for the tour guide. Now it is casually ignored in the discussion. With a tour guide, both parties still need to get used to each other.

Wei Xun is now silently listening, which can be regarded as getting familiar with everyone's temperament and finally integrating into the group. But maybe Dream Chaser has gotten used to it over the years. Although he used to integrate into the group and listen to Zhang Xingzang's arrangements and plans, over the past few years, it is inevitable that he has also developed the temperament of a big tour guide and is used to telling the truth.

Besides, there is no need for the tour guide to integrate into the group. After all, during the journey, the tour guide and the tourists essentially have different things to do and can do. Tourists mainly focus on scenic spots, but tour guides can start with indigenous people and new scenic spots. Tourists and tour guides can cooperate with each other and do their best in their own fields, which is far better than being rigidly integrated into a group.

"The hotel issued a summons to tour guides above B level this morning."

Thinking of this, the dream chaser said to Wei Xun: "Assemble the tour guides to deal with some abnormal events in reality when time permits."

"You can at least be promoted to a second-class elite after the carnival feast is settled, and you will receive a summons sooner or later. How about you come back to reality with me for a walk?"


Wei Xun temporarily cut off communication with An Xuefeng. He had been silent just now. In fact, he was discussing the source of pollution with An Xuefeng in private. Now hearing what the dream chaser said, Wei Xun immediately agreed after thinking briefly.

"Let's go together."

The destruction of pollution sources has caused darkness in reality for several days. Now various abnormal phenomena have appeared all over the world. It is obvious that it will closely affect reality. Wei Xun is really curious about the source of pollution. However, as An Xuefeng said, before officially opening the Tomb of the Tusi King, it is necessary to reduce direct contact with the pollution source to avoid contamination from the pollution sources corresponding to the Tomb of the Tusi King, which will significantly escalate the difficulty.

The "summoning order" mentioned by the Dream Chaser is obviously a very good opportunity to indirectly obtain information on pollution sources from the side to solve abnormal events that occur in reality. An Xuefeng also agrees with Wei Xun's idea.

Especially since Wei Xun still has friends in reality, and You Ziming is still a policeman. If any dangerous situation happens in reality, police and soldiers who are fighting on the front line are the most likely to get into trouble. It’s better to go back to reality and see.

Mao Xiaole and the others also wanted to go with them to protect the tour guide in reality, but were rejected by Dream Chaser.

"So far, travelers cannot use the power of titles in reality. Only tour guides who have received the summons can do so."

The dream chaser said coldly: "I am enough. I will take the explorer to make a special application to the hotel, and he can also use the power of the title."

Speaking of which, supernatural events are happening in some urban areas in reality. To some extent, they are similar to tourist attractions. The hotel maintains the 'normality' of reality, so it is natural to incorporate these anomalies into the hotel and turn them into attractions. And those who deal with abnormal events must use the power of titles. Compared with tourists, tour guides have closer ties with hotels and are more controllable. Moreover, tour guides are regarded as "employees" hired by the hotel. They can open up these "new attractions" back to the hotel. This is also the responsibility of the tour guide. At most, they can be given some salary, which will save a lot more than giving awards to tourists.

Especially now that the whole hotel is on holiday, no one is going out to take tours, and the tour guides happen to have free time. Before the abnormal events around the world spread to the point that it is difficult for the tour guides to handle, the hotel will only issue a summons order to the tour guides for the time being. .

Being able to use the title, the tour guide's original weakness can be suppressed by the power of the title. Everyone is a superman, which is better than the tourists who can't use anything.

"I'll be back before dinner."

Wei Xun smiled and winked at Lu Shucheng and Wang Yushu. Today was a relief for them. Wei Xun would come back to cook dinner with Lu Shucheng, and then relax fishing with Wang Yushu.

"Then you have to come back soon."

Mao Xiaole reluctantly said, Lu Shucheng's doggy eyes also made the tour guide particularly fond of him. The passengers who were left aside reflected on why they didn't give Wei Xun more words during the discussion just now. They sighed in their hearts, but they could only stare blankly. He watched the two tour guides disappear into the station.

* *



The weather turned cold at the end of October, and there was even a bit of cold rain today, but Chunxi Street was still bustling with people coming and going on weekends. There are two very eye-catching figures standing on the street, which always attracts the curiosity of passers-by. These two figures attract attention not because they are particularly tall, but because these two people have extraordinary temperament. They are both wearing double-breasted long windbreakers with belts that outline their neat and narrow waists. The one on the left shows a bit of snow-white shirt collar and a meticulously tied tie. The one on the right is wearing a smoky gray plush scarf. The black straight pants make their legs look long and beautiful, and the boots add to their temperament, like He is an agent who came out of the Matrix, and he is also like a gentleman walking on the streets of England.

The person on the right is also holding a big black umbrella in his hand. The umbrella is tilted to cover the head of the person on the left. His posture is very elegant. He is as quiet as a painting in the cold rain and crowded streets, even though they are all wearing sunglasses. The masks cover their faces, which also makes people subconsciously think that these two people should be good-looking.

Especially the shorter one on the left who is talking on the phone has white hair that attracts the attention of others. The long and curly white hair is tied with an orange hairband. It is not the dry white hair of the old man. His white hair is very shiny, with a faint halo under the early winter sun. It looks very smooth and has the same texture. It's good to watch. People can't help but wonder whether this is a wig or a natural white head, and they look back frequently.

"Let's go sit in the cafe?"

Wei Xun, who has been accustomed to being noticed by passers-by since he was a child, remained calm and still making calls. But the Dream Chaser standing next to him was a little stunned by the frequent glances. This kind of gaze was different from what Dream Chaser was used to, the way tourists look at tour guides. It was not malicious, vigilant, and respectful, but it was more Make him uncomfortable. He pulled up the mask with all his strength. The first thing in his mind was that he was scolding the hotel for being stupid for requiring the tour guide to wear a uniform. The second thing was that he was scolding himself for being stupid for knowing that Wei Xun had albinism and deliberately decided to hold an umbrella for him.

Who knew that Wei Xun would not need an umbrella if he was wearing a hat! However, it happened to be raining lightly here, and it was not suitable to put the umbrella up. As a result, he could only stick to Wei Xun's side like a tree and continue to hold the umbrella. He couldn't even move a little away to avoid the gaze of passers-by. , however, the dream chaser forgot that in reality, a man with longer hair would inevitably attract the attention of others. His hair was not short, and it was tied up with an orange hair tie, which was also very eye-catching. What's more, he was wearing a scarf and gloves, all wrapped up tightly. He didn't look like a normal person. Coupled with his cold temperament, it actually attracted the attention of passers-by.

Fortunately, Wei Xun finally hung up the phone that had not been connected, with a serious expression.

"You friend didn't answer the phone. He must have some case on his hands."

He muttered to the dreamer: "Maybe it's related to abnormal events. Come with me to see it."


Dream Chaser responded quickly and took the lead. As long as he didn't stand there stupidly on this street, that would be better than anything else!

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