Thriller Tour Group

949 Shocking changes in reality and supernatural recovery

"Do you know why Tiger Leaping Gorge is called Tiger Leaping Gorge? Because there was a chieftain in Lijiang before..."

When Zhang Xingzang and Dream Chaser came, they saw a whole group of people on their way back preparing to have breakfast in the restaurant. This is a rare thing. After all, everyone has their own schedule. For example, the werewolf Lu Shucheng likes to eat late night snacks and sleep during the day. People like Bai Xiaosheng basically eat directly in his laboratory, which is very difficult. Come to restaurants less often. In the past, unless there were special circumstances, there was no such thing as everyone gathering at the table on time and waiting for the meal to be served.

And this morning, although Lu Shucheng yawned while frying fried dough sticks, Wang Pengpai was full of energy preparing side dishes, and Wang Yushu was drowsy washing dishes, each of them had their own mental state, but in the end they all came together.

"Hey, wait for us, don't say goodbye, that's too polite."

Zhang Xingzang exaggerated, he smiled and bumped his fists with An Xuefeng, put the large bag of mud embryos aside, deliberately made a serious face, and said sternly: "How to say it, I just say that a brother from the brigade is If we have to eat together and eat separately all day, how can we talk about unity and friendship? Can we cultivate tacit understanding?"

"Leave me poor."

An Xuefeng was originally sitting next to Wei Xun cleaning the knife. He had long legs and long hands. His expression was serious and charming when he was cleaning the knife. Even when Wei Xun was talking to Mao Xiaole, he would glance at An Xuefeng from time to time to admire him. But now seeing Dream Chaser approaching as if he wanted to talk to Wei Xun, An Xuefeng raised his knife and gave up his seat, sitting on the sofa opposite with Zhang Xingzang to chat. He left, but Mao Xiaole didn't want to leave and looked at Wei Xun eagerly.

He was talking about some Yunnan folk customs just now. Wang Pengpai and Teacher Sanshui were talking and laughing last night after riding back. They kept talking at the dinner table, which made Mao Xiaole sour. Baba went up to ask the deputy team for advice. Knowing that Wei Xun liked to hear about folk customs about Yunnan, he immediately lit a lamp and cooked the oil all night. He made a list of all his experiences on the Yunnan route over the years, waiting to capture Teacher Sanshui today. heart of.

Now he has just finished speaking and doesn't want to leave...

"Xiao Le is teaching me his past experiences."

Wei Xun and Dream Chaser looked at each other and saw that his mood was quite calm, so they knew that what he was about to say was not too urgent. And when it came to serious business, he went to the study room. When he saw Dream Chaser sitting down next to him, as if he was listening together, Wei Xun smiled at him. Then continue to listen to Mao Xiaole.

Mao Xiaole immediately became energetic when another village saw bright flowers, and racked his brains to make the boring and dangerous itinerary interesting: "One of the chieftains in Lijiang in the past was very superstitious, and often asked people to tell fortunes when he got older."

"Our journey reenacted history. My identity was the disciple of the fortune teller. I heard him say that he was going to be summoned by the chieftain to tell fortunes, and he wanted to take me with him to become familiar with him in front of the chieftain, so that I could have a supporter in the future."

"But I saw that his hall was dark and the whites of his eyes were black, and he looked like he was about to suffer a bloody disaster, so I didn't follow him."

Mao Xiaole is indeed not as talented as An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai in telling journey stories, which shows that people who love reading novels may not necessarily be able to tell them. There was supposed to be a thrilling game between him and the fortune teller around "to go or not to go", but Mao Xiaole said it all in one sentence, saying that in the end he managed to stay at his residence, while the fortune teller was unhappy and went to tell the chieftain king Tomb fortune telling.

News of his death soon came.

"I know this allusion. The fortune teller said that the chieftain died without a coffin and had no place to bury him. The chieftain thought it was unlucky, so he killed the fortune teller."

Mao Xiaole was thinking about interacting with Wei Xun and asking him why, but Zhang Xingzang, who was sitting opposite, suddenly picked up the conversation.

"This chieftain was very superstitious. He killed the fortune teller but was afraid, so he placed coffins everywhere he visited, so that even if he died in an accident, he would have a place to bury him."

"But one time the chieftain and his wife traveled together - ah, the chieftain rode a tiger, and the chieftain's wife rode a yak. ​​It was said that when they visited the Jinsha River, the tiger saw a stone in the middle of the Jinsha River and jumped up. As a result, the tiger jumped over and Tusi fell into the water and died. He really followed the fortune teller's words and died without a coffin."

Zhang Xingzang not only interrupted, but also finished the allusion in one breath: "So this river beach was renamed Tiger Leaping Stream. It was called Tiger Leaping Beach in the Republic of China, and now it's called Tiger Leaping Gorge."

Mao Xiaole:......

He looked at Zhang Xingzang with a very unfriendly look, his eyes were cold, and he kept stroking the hilt of the sword.

Hate you!

"Okay, enough words."

An Xuefeng had always been paying attention to Wei Xun. Zhang Xingzang kept nagging in his ear. Now he was even more unhappy to see him bullying children so proudly. He finally raised his eyebrows and drove Zhang Xingzang to the study, saying If you have anything to say, go to the study. However, Zhang Xing couldn't hide it and spoke eloquently.

"I'm here to have breakfast with you. We are as close as a caravan, so of course we should have breakfast together."

This made An Xuefeng amused: "Why, do you eat together every day?"

"That is, we have always been united and friendly."

Zhang Xingzang deliberately exposed An Xuefeng's background: "I remember someone seemed to criticize me before, saying that eating together was a waste of time. It is simply unreasonable for so many people to accommodate one person..."

"I was wrong, you were right."

Seeing that Zhang Xingzang wanted to settle an old score, An Xuefeng stopped decisively. My thoughts drifted back to the first year I entered the hostel. Tours with a tour guide and tours without a tour guide are actually somewhat different in every aspect. Like An Xuefeng, they basically eat separately, which is more efficient and can also take turns to be on guard. But the Hope Brigade that Zhang Xingzang led at that time was different. Their entire brigade always ate together.

In the final analysis, it is because of the presence of a tour guide that everyone eating together is equivalent to a small relief. It is effortless for the tour guide, and it can cheer up and eliminate fatigue for the tourists. According to Zhang Xingzang's words: "Fools don't look for tour guides. Can you survive the game without a wet nurse in your team? The Chopper Team. ’

These words angered An Xuefeng, who was young and energetic at the time. The two sides competed several times. At first, each had a victory or defeat, but later An Xuefeng's strength gained the upper hand. However, it is undeniable that at the end of each mutual practice, even if Zhang Xingzang was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen like a dead dog, his recovery speed was faster than that of An Xuefeng, because they found a good tour guide.

But good tour guides are so rare, and An Xuefeng is not willing to put his life and that of his companions in the hands of others. Therefore, even if they later became friends, some differences still existed in this regard. The torture of being imprisoned for ten years made Zhang Xingzang repeatedly recall and chew on the good things of the past, and he cheered up again and again to survive the pollution attack. For him, the memory of the first year was as vivid as it was yesterday.

Now that he saw An Xuefeng, who was stubborn and unwilling to go to the tour guide, and the way home, they all got up on time in the morning just to have breakfast with Wei Xun, Zhang Xingzang couldn't help but want to tease him a few words.

"I see that your strength has grown very quickly recently."

Seeing Zhang Xingzang's proud look as if he had won a battle, An Xuefeng raised his eyebrows and kindly put his arm around Zhang Xingzang's shoulders: "If you don't practice on the journey, it's just a lie. Let's go, let's go to the training room." Discuss."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Xingzang immediately looked around and said to him: "Hey, don't say it, really don't say it. I've kneaded a lot of clay figurines and I'm good at kneading noodles. I'll go to the kitchen to help Xiaolu, that Shucheng -"

"Let's go."

An Xuefeng smiled heartily and hugged Zhang Xingzang, forcing him to get up and walk to the training room. He had the strength to kick the Sun Gate and carry the Sunbird. How could Zhang Xingzang be able to carry it? He didn't want to lose face in front of the dream chaser, so he laughed and put his arm around An Xuefeng's shoulders, and went to the training room together like two good brothers. . The interaction between the two people really made Wei Xun laugh without saying a word, while Dream Chaser helplessly held his forehead.

However, it can be seen from An Xuefeng's leisurely chatting with Zhang Xingzang just now that his mental state is indeed very good.

"Team An's mental state has improved a lot."

Dream Chaser chatted with Wei Xun and talked about some mental relief techniques, but after all, the situation of Wei Xun and An Xuefeng was different from the ordinary pairing of connection guides. The relationship was deeper. It was hard for Dream Chaser to say this. I only talked with Wei Xun about the techniques of relieving the spirits of a large number of tourists at the same time, and how to grasp the balance so that the feedback from passengers and my own consumption can be balanced.

"Just like when you and Wang Pengpai were relieving themselves, Wang Pengpai was in the original state of the 'old driver' when he was riding a horse. He was the most relaxed and had the highest relief efficiency. And when I let the passengers fall into a dream, they were in the original state of my dream chaser. The title state has the strongest control and the strongest power to relieve mental pollution. "

"So if you want to carry out group relief, it's best to create an environment suitable for your core title. This will save time, effort, and be more efficient."

"So that's it, let me think about it."

The suggestions given by Dream Chaser to Wei Xun were very helpful, but Wei Xun's own core title was advanced to be the master. If an environment related to the core title was created... would he be expected to dominate the passengers?

But this involves the issue of personal will. Who can open his soul to a tour guide without reservation? And even if he was really the master, Wei Xun didn't want to dominate too many people except for the returning team members and a few well-connected travelers in the Sunset Brigade. It would be embarrassing to be the master if he didn't reach that level of familiarity.

However, if the title of Dominator can be advanced to the level of horror, the situation will be different. Literally speaking, Wei Xun is a dangerous and terrifying journey... In other words, Wei Xun takes the passengers on a thrilling journey, which can be regarded as being in an environment that matches his original title, so that they can be relieved at all times. !

If the journey helps him relieve mental pollution, then they will really not be afraid of all kinds of dangers after their return, and they will become stronger as they go! The more Wei Xun thought about it, the more he felt that his future was bright, and he discussed title advancement with Dream Chaser. Ever since he dominated the journey to 30 degrees north latitude and was destroyed, Wei Xun could feel that his title of ruler was getting closer to perfection. He only needed to adapt and master it a little more, and he would have the opportunity to climb higher.

And after returning, Wei Xun thought about it again and felt that the choice he made at that time was in line with the route of title advancement - what could be more terrifying than the journey to the 30th degree of destruction north latitude? As long as he can dominate the destruction of a few more journeys to the 30th North Latitude, the title of Dominator will definitely advance to the Horrible Path faster.

But there are so many journeys to the 30th North Latitude for him to destroy.

Moreover, the dream chaser came to see him this time, mainly talking about the destruction of the 30th North Latitude.

"After the destruction of Babylon, the power of pollution in the Sahara became stronger, and the pollution became more restless."

After breakfast, Zhang Xingzang and Dream Chaser, who had a bruised nose and face, followed everyone on their way back to the living room. Dream Chaser seriously talked about the key news he had brought this time.

"Not only the trip to the 30th North Latitude, there are also problems in many places in reality... Captain An, you should know more about this than I do."

An Xuefeng nodded solemnly. What the Dream Chaser mentioned this time was indeed a problem that is happening in reality... At present, it is still relatively hidden. It has not been circulated on the Internet and has not been known to too many people. But people like An Xuefeng who have connections with the above naturally know.

At present, similar abnormal phenomena have occurred in many places around the world. The abnormal phenomenon in China is temporarily called... supernatural recovery.

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