Thriller Tour Group

948 Jinsha Shuihan Supplementary update

"Director Cui, do you want to smoke?"

Chatting about the past together, the atmosphere between Wang Pengpai and Wei Xun was obviously much harmonious. After the conversation started, Wang Pengpai held the reins of the horse with one hand, took out a pack of cigarettes with one hand, and knocked the cigarette out with one hand. He quickly took the cigarette out and held it in his mouth. It looked like he was a heavy smoker. Seeing Wei Xun shaking his head, Wang Pengpai put away the cigarette case. He simply didn't smoke it himself, just held it in his mouth to enjoy it, shook his head and said:

"I have a good wife and smoke Yuxi cigarettes. The Yuxi cigarettes in Yunnan are very good and the aborigines like them."

"I heard that the team on the opposite side bought Yuxi cigarettes from the tour guide, but the man who sold his goods only sold tobacco leaves with holes. There is really no way to compare. As long as he can sell some good tobacco leaves, we can bake them after buying them. How much? Get some money, but tobacco leaves with holes are really not good.”

Wang Pengpai was vomiting his bitterness, and made it clear secretly that he was not biased against the life-seeking people. He directly felt that what he was selling must be bad. They also asked and looked at it at the time. It was true that it was not good, so they did not buy it in the end. There are many kinds of tobacco leaves in Yunnan, and the leaves are very large. To exaggerate, they can be used as quilts. He is most afraid of hail. Once the tobacco leaves are hit with holes, they are worthless and can only be disposed of at a low price.

They followed the caravan route and jumped into the Jinsha River. The veteran driver Wang Pengpai used his strength to temporarily turn the Yunnan horses into "seahorses" so that they could ride in the water. But it was not easy to get out of the turbulent Jinsha River. As soon as they fell into the river, they met the "River Dragon King".

"Everything that falls into the river is the Dragon King's sacrifice. If we really buy rotten tobacco leaves, the Dragon King will be angry."

Wang Pengpeng said with emotion: "Now we have no goods, and there is still room for mediation. Team An went to talk to the Dragon King, and finally agreed to help the Dragon King kill Jiang Gui."

In the end, the mission was successfully completed and we were finally able to land.

"To the east of the Jinsha River is Lijiang and to the west is Zhongdian County. The Dragon King of Jiang asked us to choose which side to go to."

Wang Pengpai then explained that there are several Shangri-Las in Yunnan, most of which were renamed later. Among them are Zhongdian County, the one that people are most familiar with, Songzanlin Temple, and Shangri-La City in the ancient city of Duzongke.

However, the aborigines on the journey still called it Zhongdian County. They said that they competed with Daocheng Yading for the name of Shangri-La. Zhongdian County won the battle and changed its name to Shangri-La. Riva Township, where Daocheng Yading is located, was also renamed Shangri-La Township in the first year, and later changed to Shangri-La Town.

"Aren't the itinerary attractions already decided by the hotel from the beginning? Can we still choose?"

Seeing Wei Xun's curiosity, Wang Pengpai was of course a warm-hearted person to his tour guide and answered in detail: "This is the route. Sometimes the same itinerary will have Line A and Line B, and the scenic spots will be somewhat different. Which route should I choose?" Choosing among hotels is not a matter of choice at the outset.”

Just like traveling in reality, the same route does have different options for Line A and Line B. The destinations are different, the accommodations are different, the transportation methods are different, and of course the final prices are also different.

"In reality, it is better to stay at more tourist attractions, so the trip will be more expensive. The routes chosen by the tourists in the hotel are more difficult, so the tour guides will earn more."

Speaking of this, Wang Pengpai laughed and lowered his voice: "Hearsay, isn't it true that too many people die every time the leader leads a tour? After his trip, the basic salary of the tour guide will be deducted."

"Ha ha."

Wei Xun's face was expressionless. He knew very well how the hotel deducted the basic salary.

"But, we are going to die on our way back. Even if we encounter a life-seeking person, we will not die. He can still earn three melons and two dates when he takes us."

Hearing the cruelty of Wei Xun's laughter, Wang Pengpai laughed and rubbed the horse's ears, and added: "All the scenic spots we have passed are difficult, what about Line A and Line B, all the scenic spots that can be passed, but this way The trip will be very busy. ”

Under normal circumstances, when traveling in a hotel, except for evening attractions, you usually return to a safer hotel at 1pm in the evening, and get up at 7 or 8 in the morning to go to the next attraction.

But if the schedule is too busy, it is likely to get up at four or five in the morning and set off, or not return to the hotel at all and drive all night to go directly to the next attraction. This was the case for their trip, they came up from Jinsha River and then transferred to Lijiang first. It was not easy to get back to the main road from the Jinsha River. Several horses died while killing the river ghosts, and the horses were not fast enough. Of course, Wang Pengpai had other preparations. He brought out several motorcycles.

"The garage is my exclusive prop, but after all, it's just a garage. It can't accommodate airplanes, nor can it accommodate too many off-road vehicles."

The motorcycle can hold a lot of motorcycles, which is enough for them. Moreover, the motorcycle can be driven up the mountain and down the ground. It is very fast and easy to use. In the past, Wang Pengpai packed a garage of motorcycles every time he got off the road. This time he sent one Used.

The group of them rode motorcycles around the Jinsha River, climbing over the mountains and walking on narrow paths. Many places along the Jinsha River were not roads and were extremely difficult to walk. They were not much wider than the roads used by caravans. On the left is rocky land, and on the right is the cliff. The one who rides the motorcycle most steadily is Wang Pengpai, and the person who wants to ride the motorcycle sits on his back seat. To be honest, this scene made Wei Xun gasp in surprise. He really couldn't imagine what it was like.

Wang Pengpai had a grimace on his face and was still frightened. He said that the good guy was really scary. The scarlet tour guide's cloak was fluttering behind him. Wang Pengpai was frightened just looking at it from the corner of his eye. He simply wondered if there was blood flowing behind him. .

However, as good as Wang Pengpai's driving skills were, he almost had an accident while driving along the Jinsha River.

"As soon as I rounded a corner, I saw a half-cut stone figurine lying upside down in the middle of the road! Something as white as a piece of bran was piled next to the stone figurine. It was still moving when the wind blew. It was so evil. Who dares to do this? It’s going to hit you! But there’s no way around it. There’s a cliff on the right, and the motorcycle is so fast that it will fly out if the direction changes slightly.”

Wang Pengpai made a crooked steering wheel with the horse's head, but the horse impatiently shook his hand away, and made an empty gesture to the left: "Guess what in the end, my heart was crossed, and the soil layer on the mountain wall on the left looked like It was still quite soft, so I just twisted the motorcycle into the dirt on the left and forced it to stop, just-"

The motorcycle stopped, but the car also exploded. Wang Pengpai was an experienced driver and had his own airbag, so he was not afraid of a car accident, but the man in his back seat rarely suffered. Of course, what Wang Pengpai said was very true. It is said that the man jumped out of the car very quickly and hid in time. Compared with Wang Pengpai who was stuck by the airbag, he was not embarrassed at all and was very powerful.

But Wei Xun really loved the story of Xi Mingren jumping out of the car, and Wang Pengpai told it over and over again. As a driver often used by Xi Mingren, Wang Pengpai's story was much older, and it was a great story to tell when he got interested. After all, the relationship between the two has become more harmonious. After the relief, both parties were very satisfied. Wang Pengpai felt that his thoughts were clear, and he still kept thinking about it when they had dinner together in the evening. Looking at An Xuefeng who was serving Wei Xun some food, he couldn't help but think, this is a little bit of a simple solution. It's so comfortable to be free from layer of pollution. Team An is really a blessing!

This dinner was an internal gathering for Homecoming. Chef Lu Shucheng. In addition to the members of Homecoming, there were also the chief and deputy captains of the Sunset Brigade, as well as Shao Yuan and Miao Fangfei, who had just finished the competition with Wei Xun. We are all acquaintances, we have nothing to worry about, and we are very happy to eat and drink together. Wei Xun, who was sitting next to An Xuefeng, narrowed his eyes slightly. After everyone was very relaxed in the middle of the dinner, he could clearly feel the floating mental energy of everyone and some pollution attached to it.

With Wei Xun's 'watching', this pollution is slowly decreasing, making the atmosphere more lively. Of course, this cannot compare to the relief of one-on-one time, nor can it compare to the close contact of a handshake, but a tour guide leads an entire brigade and even pays attention to the group, so it is impossible for everyone to be relieved one by one. Except for those who have enough pollution and have a good relationship to have one-on-one time, tour guides in large groups usually only attend banquets and dinner parties to provide the simplest relief in the process.

“When the Hope Brigade and the Hope Brigade were big, Dreamers were eating every day.”

Wang Pengpai was happy today. He talked a bit too much after drinking too much. He said with a loud tongue: "Later he found that eating was still too slow. He couldn't bear it even if he ate every day, so he changed it to a big room and everyone stayed in it." , he turned into a dragon and made everyone sleep together and dream together, and the spiritual relief was achieved in the dream.”

This is indeed much simpler and less troublesome than eating, and the effect is even better. Wang Pengpai said this to open up Wei Xun's thinking, but Wei Xun thought about it and realized that the power he could control——

Bringing everyone into Paradise Lost?

No, no, this place is already a pollution paradise and we really can’t take it away.

Then give each person a demon insect cub?

No, no, the demonic insects that Xiaocui bred with his power aura are too dishonorable, and we must not allow these insect cubs to overrun again.

Then he turns into a sunbird and everyone gathers in a circle to warm themselves up?

Hmm... This is a good idea, but compared with the dreams of all dream chasers, Wei Xun feels that this is not strong enough.

"Let's eat together first."

Wei Xun finally said sincerely: "Take your time."

"That's right, take your time, don't be in a hurry!"

Lu Shucheng was also very happy. He raised the wine glass filled with juice and cheered: "Anyway, we have Director Cui, there is no rush at all!"

"Director Jing Cui!"

"Director Jing Cui!"

After the lively dinner party, Wei Xun and An Xuefeng naturally slept in the same room at night and continued to deal with pollution. It’s just that this time I can’t be as unscrupulous as I was at the Meili Snow Mountain hut. I have to get up early on the first day. Yesterday was a rare moment of relaxation after returning to the hotel from the competition. Today I will start to get down to business, and there are many problems to be solved.

Early in the morning, while Lu Shucheng was still frying fried dough sticks, someone sent a message. After Wang Pengpai passed the application, he saw Zhang Xingzang and the dream chaser were the first to arrive at the home station. Zhang Xingzang was carrying a large bag of clay embryos and rushed to An Xuefeng winked. The dream chaser, on the other hand, had a clear goal as soon as he entered and walked towards Wei Xun.

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