Thriller Tour Group

947 The Road to the Caravan There will be another update soon

In the end, Wei Xun was not forced to use 30,000 words to prove himself by Mao Xiaole's ghostly gaze, protecting the dignity of a writer who dug holes.

But he did chat with Mao Xiaole for a long time and found a lot of inspiration. He also made paper figures with him and talked about things during the competition while making them. Only then did Wei Xun realize that when he returned to zero in the competition, the returnees outside would also feel it. Even under the control of hotel rules, it would be difficult for off-site tourists to provide much support to on-site tour guides, but after the competition was completely out of control, hotel rules would not be able to play much role.

Especially at that time, the way back was in Iceland, just outside of Babylon that had descended. It was one outside and one inside of Wei Xun, so the distance was actually not that far away.

"No wonder..."

Wei Xun thought thoughtfully after hearing this. No wonder An Xuefeng's spirit was obviously chaotic and collapsed due to the invasion of pollution sources, but he himself was not affected by many pollution sources. He was still polluted by out-of-control butterflies caused by flower petals. host. In contrast, Mao Xiaole's spirit had some pollution that was similar to the source of the pollution, and other people returning home also had a faint feeling. Wei Xun thought it was an illusion when they shook hands, but now listening to Mao Xiaole's words, he knew that this should be the return journey sharing the pollution for him. .

Previously, An Xuefeng concealed the fact that he and Wei Xun were in deep contact, and temporarily isolated himself from other passengers on the way home. It wasn't until they saw the team leader's ring on Bing Yi's hand after returning to zero during the live broadcast of the match that most people knew about his deep connection with An Xuefeng. Since this matter could no longer be hidden, An Xuefeng lifted the isolation within the team before his true body came to the competition, and only then did Wei Xun deeply connect with the entire team.

Mao Xiaole and others can help share the pollution, which is also the effect of deep connection.

"So, Wei Xun is sleeping and recovering from his injuries?"

Seeing Wei Xun starting to mix paint and draw eyebrows on the paper man as Mao Xiaole had just taught him, Mao Xiaole looked at it for a while and finally couldn't help but said awkwardly with the little sunbird ball in his hand.

"Yes, he risked his own life after all. He needs more rest and recuperation."

Wei Xun said boldly and nodded at the little sunbird in Mao Xiaole's hand. In fact, Wei Xun understood from the moment Mao Xiaole asked him to code. Mao Xiaole already knew that he had two identities, that of Wei Xun. At this moment, he mentioned "Wei Xun" again to make amends - even though everyone on the way home realized that he had two identities, An Xuefeng never let him take off Wei Xun's vest in an honest way, just to prevent the hotel from getting hold of him. This "handle" deprives Wei Xun of the power to live the journey in two identities.

The tour guide has an incarnation as a tour guide, and the hotel allows it. The tour guide has an incarnation as a tourist, and the hotel waits and sees. Tour guides like Wei Xun, who have been pushing the limits of difficulty in scenic spots and turning the impossible into possible, have the identity of a tour guide and tourist at the same time. Moreover, these two identities have been added to the return journey, and they can also travel at the same time. Hotels are not allowed.

But Wei Xun just helped destroy the source of pollution and destroyed Babylon, which is a great contribution.

Moreover, the true identity of the tour guide is protected and concealed by the hotel. This is a rule. Once Wei Xun's double vest is exposed, the hotel will have to spend a lot of effort, consume a lot of resources, and then implement a memory blockade on the entire hotel's tour guide passengers, making them forget all memories about Wei Xun's true face to maintain the rules.

Not to mention that Wei Xun and Xi Mingren are related by blood. If someone like An Xuefeng knows Wei Xun's true identity, he can find out the real face of Xi Mingren in the blink of an eye. The hotel has to let them all forget these memories...

Unfortunately, too many things have happened recently. Taoist Master Kongkong returned to the hotel, and the metaphysical half-life became the main person. The main person... colluded with the polluted mountain god to escape from the hotel. Babylon collapsed at 30 degrees north latitude, and the source of pollution was destroyed - he wanted to go to the hotel. There are too many things that cost a lot of effort to maintain and repair, and they are too serious. Looking at it this way, Wei Xun's priority has fallen to

‘As long as it doesn’t spread and is not made public, the hotel will turn a blind eye.’

* * * There was a message left in Wei Xun's mind when he left. He and An Xuefeng must have reached some kind of agreement with the hotel, allowing the hotel to be more lenient, and even gave out rewards belonging to 'Wei Xun'.

But Wei Xun knew very well that more and more people would know about this, and there was no guarantee that one day the hotel would be freed up and they would fall out. For this reason, Wei Xun was also prepared to take off his vest. Before that, This dual identity must be utilized to the end.

For example, let’s explore the Tomb of the Tusi King together, or explore the journey to the 30th North Latitude.

As the core, the incarnation of the Little Sun is better than the previous clay figurine incarnation, and it could have been even better. In the competition, the 'Wei Xun' under the control of An Xuefeng actually killed the Nordic sun god Sur, for Bing. Kill the gods. As a result, Bingyi swallowed the old dusk sun and became the new sun, while 'Wei Xun' killed the Nordic sun god and was closely connected with Wei Xun's soul, so he should have been given the title of 'Sun God'.

But when the passenger Wei Xun's title was settled, this title did not appear. An Xuefeng said that when the Ximing people killed him, they would naturally take away the power of the Sun God, because the Ximing people were on their way to becoming the Sun God of the world. Having lost the authority of the Nordic Sun God, ‘Wei Xun’s merit in killing the Sun God Sur was not enough to obtain the orange title of God Slaughter, but he should also receive some rewards.

Wei Xun cut himself and used a small piece of flame crystal to recast it into the passenger incarnation. In contrast, it echoed the power obtained by "Wei Xun" when he killed Suer. This sun incarnation would be even stronger than the previous clay puppet.

But strength will bring strength. If you want the incarnation of the sun to take a human form as soon as possible, the fastest way is to ask Zhang Xingzang to make a clay embryo and carve a human shape. In fact, it is not impossible to paste some paper to carve a paper figure. Mao Xiaole strongly recommended it, and they both tried it just now. But the paper is still too easy to burn. After all, the core is a fragment of the sun.

No matter how unhappy Mao Xiaole was, he would eventually stop and stay angry. Wei Xun was not used to him either. After staying together for a while, he felt the mental pollution of Mao Xiaole. When he found that all the superficial pollution had been sorted out, he announced that the relief was over and asked Mao Xiaole to bring Wang Pengpai.

Relieving people will consume the energy of the tour guide. Unlike the large amount of feedback that An Xuefeng will give at the same time, Wei Xun did feel a little tired after sorting out Mao Xiaole. He decided to relieve two people in one day. This is a detailed and long process. Living, too much is not enough, not to mention that Wei Xun has other things to do. He calculated by himself that if he can sort out two rounds before the carnival dinner in seven to six days, it will be considered a success.

Mao Xiaole was not happy, but he still listened to Wei Xun's words and left with a drooped face. After a while, there was a knock on the door of the entertainment room, and Wang Pengpai squeezed his fat face over. Hearing Wei Xun say that he wanted to relieve his spirit, Wang Pengpai's fat face shone brightly, rubbed his hands and smiled happily: " Okay! That’s great! I see that Xiao Le is glowing when we go out. Now that we have Cui to guide you, your mental outlook will be different, but this, this..."

Wang Pengpai was afraid that Wei Xun would consume too much energy, not to mention that Wei Xun was paired with the captain. Thinking of An Xuefeng's cold gaze in case Wei Xun was exhausted, Wang Pengpai felt like his whole body was trembling.

After confirming that Wei Xun indeed had the energy to rescue one more person, and that he was only going to rescue two people in one day, Wang Pengpai felt relieved and happily invited Wei Xun to go horse riding with him.

Different people have different ways of relieving themselves. Mao Xiaole can gain spiritual peace by watching Wei Xun's code words and making paper figures with him. But most travelers who want to relieve themselves have to start with the initial title to overcome the chaos. Find yourself again in the collapsed spirit and stabilize your mind again.

Wang Pengpai's initial title evolved and upgraded to the orange title "Old Driver". Even the life-loving people are quite fond of him, but he doesn't just know how to drive a boat or fly an airplane. For example, when traveling in the mountains and uninhabited areas, sometimes the car is useless, and the iron bumps may turn into real scrap metal under the power of nature. Many times the traditional way of traveling is more effective - such as camel riding and horseback riding. They circled a piece of grassland on the way back and raised many good horses. This place was originally a scenic spot on the journey. After it was completely solved by the way back, the way back built a safe house next to the playground, which was in the style of a yurt. This safe house is like their extended station outside the site. As long as you have permission, you can go directly from the station to the safe house, which is convenient and convenient for travel.

The group of horses on this grassland are all raised by Wang Pengpai, and he can call them with just a whistle. However, these horses are not tall and energetic horses. Instead, most of them are slightly short and stocky looking.

"This is a Yunnan horse. It has good endurance and a high load-bearing capacity. It is most suitable for carrying things on mountain roads. It is not afraid of horse bandits."

Wang Pengpai smiled and patted the first horse. The first horse docilely licked the candy in Wang Pengpai's hand. His beautiful big eyes were as gentle as a deer and very smart. However, when facing Wei Xun, the first horse lowered his head and knelt down. , this is respect and submission to the 'Horse King'.

The best thing about this kind of place between scenic spots and reality is that you can try out the title for a while. Wei Xun was quite satisfied with the effect of the title of Horse King, so he picked a brown horse that he liked. The two of them got on the horse and walked slowly in the sunshine. Take a horseback ride. It was late autumn and early winter, and the grasslands were all yellow. The withered grass under the blue sky and white clouds and the chilly autumn wind make people feel excited at first glance. The world is vast and one can't wait to ride a horse.

However, Wei Xun was more interested in the stories told by Wang Pengpai.

"...In order to avoid the horse bandits, the caravan dug a road in the mountain. The steeper the better. One person and one Yunnan horse can just pass through, but there is no way to turn around."

"If two caravans come from both sides and meet in the middle of the road, there is no other way. The two sides can only negotiate and compare the goods brought by both sides. Which side is more valuable and which one will be kept? The other side will jump into the sand with people and horses. Jiang, there are no bones left.”

Wei Xun was very interested in An Xuefeng's previous story about a group tour in Yunnan led by a life-loving man. An Xuefeng should have reminded Wang Pengpai. What Wang Pengpai was talking about to Wei Xun at this time was a small place in that trip. Scenic spots, experience the ancient caravans, re-walk the caravan road, and at this scenic spot they have to 'compete' with another brigade. The so-called 'goods' are not what they gain along the way, but what they pay to the tour guide. Only the things purchased can be called goods. Obviously they didn't buy enough things and didn't meet the standard. Compared with another caravan, they could only jump into the Jinsha River. It wasn't because they were not strong enough to climb rocks and walls. This was the rule.

"Can't one side retreat?"

"How can we retreat with such a long cavalry and so many people? It's impossible."

"You will die if you jump into the river?"

"It can't be said that he will die. If he were destined to die, grandpa, I wouldn't be alive now."

Wang Pengpeng patted the horse's head and said with a thief smile: "There are big fish and river ghosts in the Jinsha River, but Team An is not afraid of this. He led us to kill them for a round and landed them ashore."

Wei Xun also laughed: "So you lost when we compared the value of the goods?"

Wang Pengpai said with a bitter look on his face: "My dear, who dares to buy something from someone who is interested in life?"

Wang Pengpai said this on the surface, but in fact he couldn't help complaining. Yes, some scenic spots have shopping spots. Buying the right props from the tour guide can reduce the difficulty of the scenic spot. However, what Ximingren is after is the difficulty of the scenic spots, and he does not sell good things at all. If you really want to buy something from him, you will definitely buy the wrong thing. If the difficulty of the scenic spots soars, it is better not to buy it!

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