Thriller Tour Group

946 Interesting anecdotes on the way home, handshake meeting

An Xuefeng and Wei Xun were very low-key when they returned. They did not go to the virtual lobby of the hotel, but went straight back from the safe house without alerting anyone or notifying anyone in advance.

However, as soon as they arrived at the living room, An Xuefeng and Wei Xun saw people on the sofa - Wang Pengpai, Lu Shucheng, Bai Xiaosheng, Wang Yushu, Wan Xiangchun and Mao Xiaole were all in the living room. He immediately looked over, and saw six pairs of bright eyes staring at them. Their gazes were hotter than the sun, and even those with a little thin skin might freeze.

But An Xuefeng was thick-skinned. He put his arms around Wei Xun's shoulders without changing his expression, and then scolded: "What are you doing here? Is there nothing to do on the way home?"

"Of course I'm waiting for you two to come back."

Wang Pengpai was thicker-skinned than him, his round face trembled, his smile was very enthusiastic, like a diligent eunuch, he gave a thumbs up: "I knew Director Cui was this, Fatty. I have watched the competition for so many years. There is really no more intense event than this one, and the difficulty is even comparable to the year-end celebration!”

"That's right. I'm afraid even the hotel won't be able to clean up the pollution caused by this competition. We need to have a deep connection."

"We finally have a tour guide with whom we have a deep connection on our way home. This is really the biggest good news in the past ten years!"

As soon as Wang Pengpai finished speaking, Wang Yushu took advantage of the situation and praised him, and his tone was extremely affectionate. The hair on Wei Xun's spine stood up when he heard it. But he has never been a person with stage fright. When An Xuefeng raised his brows and was about to scold him away, Wei Xun pinched his fingers calmly, without letting An Xuefeng say a word, and said with a smile: "From now on. There will be more good news.”

After saying that, he Luoluo stretched out his hand to Wang Pengpai, as if he was solemnly getting to know him again. Wang Pengpai smiled even brighter, and quickly took Wei Xun's hand and shook it, but then he was stunned. His spirit has been polluted for too many years, and he has long been accustomed to this feeling. Ever since Director Cui joined the team, Wang Pengpai feels that this day is getting more and more promising, even if he has not officially given them mental relief.

But he couldn't guess what it would be like to be relieved by a tour guide who was deeply connected to the brigade, and he didn't think much about it. Until now, when Cui Dao held his hand, Wang Pengpeng shivered and felt a warm current pouring into his soul, like the warm spring sun and the gentle breeze, quietly melting the polluted frozen soil that had accumulated over the years.

This is not only because Wei Xun and An Xuefeng have a deeper connection, but also because Wei Xun is strong enough that his mental relief can be effective even for senior peak travelers. Wang Pengpai only felt that his soul was light and relaxed, as if he had lost dozens of pounds all at once. This comfortable feeling was indescribable. Wang Pengpai had been a top traveler for so many years, and it was rare that he could be as completely relaxed as he is now. , the mood is in high spirits.

When Director Cui let go of his hand, Wang Pengpai's fingers moved like little carrots, and he felt a sense of loss in his heart, wishing he could shake hands with Director Cui until eternity. In fact, such a short half-minute handshake did not eliminate too much pollution in his spirit, but if it can be eliminated, there is hope. It feels really good, just like a person who walks in the darkness all day long no longer feels the pain. I also forgot about the light I saw in the past.

But when the light falls again, even if it is just a thin wisp, memories deep in the soul emerge like an overwhelming river, recalling the warmth and beauty of the past, and finding hope again. It’s not that Wang Pengpai acted exaggerated. It’s not that Bai Xiaosheng was still thinking when shaking hands. He shook hands with his left hand and quickly recorded various data with his right hand. Wang Yushu and Lu Shucheng made more noise when shaking hands than Wang Pengpai. , Lu Shucheng turned into a wolf on the spot, wishing to put Director Cui's hand in his mouth. Director Cui let go and walked around his legs with a grunt, wishing he could 'accidentally' trip Director Cui. The whole wolf can just lay down and stick to it naturally. Wang Yushu gasped loudly, his eyes turning red as he relaxed. This time, Mao Xiaole almost released the pressure and cried without having to put on the crying charm.

Even Wan Xiangchun, who had always been calm, rarely lost his composure when shaking hands with Wei Xun. His face was still serious, but he couldn't help but take out a few bank cards from his pocket and play with them like playing poker. Even when Wang Pengpai next to him saw one of the cards, his fat face trembled, and he yelled angrily, "Fuck, this is my fucking card!" Wan Xiangchun didn't say a word, but only played the card more vigorously.

On the way home, everyone is too mentally polluted. Everyone has their own quirks. Some like to cry happily, some like to eat wantonly, and some like to steal money. Very few people know that Wan Xiangchun is so indifferent. It's mysterious that such a person has such eccentricities. Of course, Huilu is a role model in the brigade, and he is very powerful. Stealing money from strangers is like bullying. It would be too embarrassing to be recognized for robbing someone from the brigade with the same strength.

Wan Xiangchun simply grabbed his family members on the way back. Anyway, with their current size, they have more savings points than they can spend in a few lifetimes. Grabbing them casually is good for the body and mind, and has no harmful effects. On the way home, his family members knew about his family affairs and cooperated. Every time they found out that money had been robbed, they were genuinely angry, which made Wan Xiangchun's robbery beneficial to his body and mind and alleviated pollution.

However, this time Wang Pengpai was not in the mood to roll up his sleeves with Wan Xiangchun. In fact, when he saw Director Cui walking in front of Mao Xiaole, he saw that Mao Xiaole still had his head lowered, his body tense, and his whole body showed a refusal attitude. Wang Pengpai's heart skipped a beat, feeling both worried and distressed. In fact, Mao Xiaole has calmed down a lot this day, and has regained some sense. He no longer goes to the Butcher Alliance to kill people with his sword filled with evil spirits, but finds a corner to sulk by himself.

But this made the returnees even more worried. Mao Xiaole's accumulated mental pollution must be released by killing. If he suppresses his murderous intention now, it may cause more serious backlash in the future. This is really worrying. Seeing Director Cui raising his hand, Mao Xiaole did not take the initiative to shake hands. Instead, he leaned back more resistingly. Wang Pengpai clenched his fists worriedly. Seeing that Mao Xiaole was still awkward, Wang Yushu, who had the best relationship with him, directly said He slapped the unsuspecting Mao Xiaole on the back with such force that he pushed Mao Xiaole staggering and fell into Wei Xun's arms——

But Mao Xiaole's control over his body was also so terrifying that he straightened his back and shifted his body to the side, unwilling to fall into Wei Xun's arms and trying to stand firm again. And Wei Xun had already raised his hand - in fact, with Wei Xun's current strength, he could avoid it if he wanted to, but the hand he raised happened to fall on Mao Xiaole's shoulder, and he took him into his arms. .

Mao Xiaole froze. Although he was young, he had been a traveler for so many years and was very strong. Wei Xun could not control any effort he made. But he remembered that tour guides were generally more fragile. He was subconsciously afraid of hurting Wei Xun, so he didn't even resist. He even threw the sword aside, fearing that his body memory would accidentally stab the person in front of him. Heartbroken.

There was a clang sound, and the sword that never left his hand fell to the ground. At the same time as this sound, Director Cui chuckled and whispered in his ear:

"Want to see the archived manuscript?"

Save the manuscript? What deposit? Mao Xiaole didn't react emotionally for a while, but his mouth was faster than his brain: "I want to see it!", and then he suddenly came back to his senses. Before he was angry, Wei... Director Cui should be more or less the same. Give him some explanation. He can't be coaxed away like this. It's really, really...

But when Wei Xun put the little sun incarnation into Mao Xiaole's hand and took his other hand to walk into the house, Mao Xiaole's face was as cold as ice and his expression resisted, but he still followed. Really, he is not someone who can let go so easily. The grievances, depression and depression in his heart were still tightly blocked for a while, but, but, but he really wanted to know——

Are there really any manuscripts saved? Do you have many manuscripts saved? Director Cui has been secretly coding in his spare time and has already saved a book!

Mao Xiaole's heart beat very fast when he thought about it, and he immediately followed him, not even paying attention to Wang Pengpai and others behind him, who stretched their necks and looked in their direction curiously.

It wasn't until Mao Xiaole and Wei Xun's figures completely disappeared in the stairwell that An Xuefeng coughed lightly to wake everyone up. With the minors and tour guide gone, the remaining adult travelers can chat about adult topics.

"I'm with Director Cui."

An Xuefeng set the tone with one word: "What he says on the way home from now on will be the same as what I said."

For him to say this, no one was actually surprised. The main reason was that An Xuefeng and Wei Xun could feel their energy as soon as they stood together.

"This is a great news. Captain An, you are finally single!"

Wang Pengpeng sighed and winked at An Xuefeng: "How do you say, how is your relationship?"

I heard that An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren were tit for tat at the end. This and this will not affect the relationship between Captain An and Director Cui.

"you still need to ask?"

An Xuefeng sneered, calmly and calmly, as if he had everything under control: "We have passed the clear path."

In the parliament prison cell, he hugged the sunbird for several hours in front of the orderliest man. Wasn't he overstepping the mark? The orderliest man didn't refute it. Even if he denied it, there was a Devourer standing beside him as a witness. Devourer didn't recognize it, and there was also the blue and white slime. Thinking of this, An Xuefeng ordered:

"Place that slime. Lu Shucheng, please monitor it closely and don't eat it."

"The arms dealer from the parliament sent a message saying that the Lizard Duke is staying in the parliament and won't leave? Wang Yushu showed me the detailed information."

"The new person in charge will assign duties soon after he appears. Bai Xiaosheng, you will be responsible for liaising with Xuanxue."

"The East District Butcher Alliance will undergo major changes soon after the return of the Life-haunting Man. There will also be Director Cui's Mutual Aid Alliance. Wan Xiangchun, please pay special attention..."

The warm-up match has just ended, but there are more things coming next, and there is no time to rest at all. However, after giving the instructions, An Xuefeng said that tonight was a family dinner for the return trip and the Sunset Brigade, so they could relax and party as much as they wanted. In the future, the mental pollution relief matters on the return journey will be given to Cui Dao, who will arrange the order and time for each passenger's mental relief.

The handshake just now was only a preliminary blow, and Wei Xun's current strength was still weaker than those of the veteran peak travelers. The only way to truly relieve the stress of their mental pollution and release their combat power was to get along one-on-one. Just like Wei Xun took Mao Xiaole to the recreation room. He was the youngest and the first one to be relieved because he was too polluted. No one had any complaints.

However, the atmosphere between Wei Xun and Mao Xiaole in the entertainment room was not as wonderful as outsiders imagined.

"So, you didn't save the manuscript?"

“I keep the manuscript in my head. I’ve already conceived the outline and it’s time to write it.”

Wei Xun said slyly, just kidding, since entering the hotel, there are so many new, fun and exciting things, who can still code. He said that he was taking Mao Xiaole to read the manuscripts, which was purely to put money on his own face. He had to keep in mind whatever manuscripts he could have. But to appease Mao Xiaole, you still have to do something. So Wei Xun pretended to open a computer in the entertainment room and asked Mao Xiaole about his past journey experiences to 'find inspiration'. In fact, it was during their one-on-one conversation that the hostility in Mao Xiaole's body accumulated in his spirit. The pollution is slowly and gently being eliminated.

This lasts longer than a handshake and also helps them understand each other better. In the process, Wei Xun also felt the power feedback from the passengers, which was different from the feeling An Xuefeng gave him back. Under this level of relief, the power Mao Xiaole gave him back was much weaker, but it also deepened. The connection between them. If Wei Xun is injured again, Mao Xiaole will share more pain with him with his permission, and now Wei Xun can feel that his pain has eased.

At the same time, Wei Xun was also more aware of Mao Xiaole's mood. Although he talked about a lot of past adventures and seemed serious, he was still a little depressed. From time to time, he raised his eyelids and glanced at Wei Xun silently and a little aggrievedly. The little paper man on his shoulder also shook and dropped scraps of paper, as if he was crying. It really touched Wei Xun's rare conscience and made him He felt slightly guilty in his heart, but finally became serious.

"Otherwise, I'll write a thousand words for you to read."

Wei Xun said, putting his hands on the keyboard. Listening to An Xuefeng's story about the past trip at Meili Snow Mountain, he did get a lot of inspiration. Although I have no intention of writing a novel now, it is very simple to start by coaxing Mao Xiaole.

"Thousand words?"

Mao Xiaole finally raised his eyelids, glanced at Wei Xun, and shook his head.

Wei Xun said kindly: "Then how many words do you want to write? Six thousand words?"

He is now more or less a strong man, and his speed in typing words is naturally not comparable to that of an ordinary person. He remembered that Mao Xiaole would be so excited every time he added an update in the past, thinking that it would be okay to write six thousand words. Now that he is addicted to coding, he still wants to write——

"Ten thousand words."

Mao Xiaole glanced at Wei Xun and said slowly, his originally gloomy eyes finally became more hopeful.

"I read that other authors had a lot of chapters 10 or 15 updated when they were released. I've been wanting to read it, and I've been looking forward to your release, but..."

As a result, Shui only updated one chapter that day, which really made him scratch his head and hate the fact that iron cannot become steel. How can he compete with other great authors by writing so little? He really wants to read ten chapters in a row!

excuse me.

Wei Xun took his hands off the keyboard, his expression very peaceful.

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