Thriller Tour Group

945 Demonic Snake of the Demonic Kingdom Opens up Meili Snow Mountain

The life-loving man's thoughts were unpredictable. An Xuefeng didn't understand it at the time, and he didn't have any other thoughts in his mind. Since the life-loving man wanted the beads, An Xuefeng readily gave them to him. This life-saving grace could be regarded as being written off in one stroke and settled in both directions. The gold seal of the King of Dian obtained by An Xuefeng is exquisite in shape. The seal is a snake button with scales on its back and its head raised in a straight direction. Snakes are very common among the cultural relics unearthed from the ancient Dian Kingdom. Almost every bronze vessel has some snake patterns, but this gold seal does not only represent the ancient Dian Kingdom.

"It is recorded in "Historical Records·Biographies of Southwest Yi" that Emperor Wu granted the King of Dian a jade seal"

An Xuefeng said: 'This Dian King Seal is related to two major tasks. With it in hand, you can not only find the tomb of the Dian King, but also the ruins of the Han Dynasty through it’

After saying that, he transformed from a snow leopard into a big snake, with clear eyes and beautiful scales. He hissed out a message, coiled himself around Wei Xun in his arms, waved the tip of his tail in front of Wei Xun, shook it like a puppy, and then flicked the tip of his tail. Circle, a golden seal was trapped out of thin air.

An Xuefeng can transform into many animals, each of which has its own unique characteristics. Even if there are many changes later and no longer resemble the original image, most of the animals at first are related to ancient ruins, such as the phoenix he can transform into. , like the snake he turned into. The exploration of the tomb of the King of Dian and the ruins of the Han Dynasty is no less thrilling than the exploration of the 30th North Latitude. An Xuefeng is actually not a talkative person, and rarely boasts about his past.

But when his lover is in his arms, he can't help but be like a young man who just joined the team. When he meets his sweetheart, he can't hold back anything. He wants to share all his past deeds that turned the tide, and wants to go up the mountain to kill the god. In the past, I would tell Wei Xun the thrills of going into the sea to look for dragons, hoping to arouse his emotions. Seeing his focused eyes and hearing his excited or excited exclamations made An Xuefeng feel that those experiences he had experienced in the past had really come true. More value.

However, the tomb of the King of Dian and the ruins of the Han Dynasty were things that came later after all. Compared with them, there were many more thrilling experiences. If An Xuefeng could really tell the story of his life-and-death adventures over the years, it would take seven days and seven nights to tell them, especially yes--



There was a faint roar in the distance in the sky, which seemed to be thunder and vibration, but now the weather is clear and the blue sky is cloudless. Is there any sign of thunder and rain? In particular, there was a faint sound of thunder between the crashing waves of the stream flowing in front of them, which showed that the thunder was not ordinary. The atmosphere suddenly became solemn, and the cold wind was killing me quickly, like a warning.

‘The mountain gods here in Tibetan areas don’t like snakes. ’

An Xuefeng was very calm and calm. He just changed from a snake back to a snow leopard. The thunder no longer roared and the atmosphere became relaxed. The stream gurgled and the waves splashed, giving off a sense of joy. Obviously, what he said The mountain god likes to be true.

"Why don't you like it?"

‘Because the totem of the Demon Kingdom is the snake’

The snow leopard circled Wei Xun and licked his cheek intimately. The epic story of King Gesar subduing demons and conquering the demonic kingdom is magnificent. This epic is widely circulated in Tibetan inhabited areas, and any scenic spot involving King Gesar The tasks are extremely difficult.

Although Wei Xun's journey to northern Tibet also encountered demons and involved some related tasks, the basic difficulty was not low and it did not involve the epic legend of King Gesar.

'King Gesar was born in the Ling Kingdom, which was a very powerful dynasty in Tibetan history, involving many provinces and cities today. Ling means 'big' in Tibetan, and the Demon Kingdom is in the northern part of the Ling Kingdom. , there is the epic poem "Conquering the Demons in the North"

The Ling Kingdom is very large, so you can encounter quests related to King Gesar not only in scenic spots in Tibet, but also in scenic spots involving Tibetan settlements in Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and other places.

"Is there any connection between the snake totem of the ancient Dian Kingdom and the snake of the Demon Kingdom?"

Wei Xun is very smart and some words do not require much explanation. An Xuebao nodded and continued to talk about the past events in Yunnan. The gold seal is so important at first glance, how could a man who cares about life abandon the seal to get the pearl? Especially when he specifically asked An Xuefeng what to choose, An Xuefeng was even more wary. Although he didn't have much interaction with the life-seeking people, judging from the performance of this journey, life-seeking people and those who like to tease people maliciously The tour guide who was having fun should be a little different. He shouldn't be asking that question just to grab the thing he chose, right? He must have other plans.

Sure enough, An Xuefeng's speculation was confirmed again. After the ruins of the ancient Dian Kingdom collapsed, there were many bronze fragments washed up by the water. Bronze ware was prevalent in the ancient Dian Kingdom. Most of the tombs in other dynasties used murals to record the life of the tomb owner, but the ancient Dian Kingdom recorded the patterns carved on the bronze vessels. life. In the history of the Ming Dynasty, bronze vessels were extremely valuable even if most of them were washed up as fragments. The brigade that had just experienced life and death did not rest for long before they began to salvage and collect these bronze vessels. Among them, a complete shell storage vessel was the most eye-catching.

The shell storage device is actually a piggy bank, but only the nobles in the ancient Dian Kingdom could afford to use it. Most of them have various exquisite carvings, recording scenes of important events in the ancient Dian Kingdom. The most exquisite bronze shell storage device has The carving is a scene of the King of Dian's murder and sacrifice. There are more than 120 people carved on it. In the center is a building with a unique style of the ancient Dian Kingdom. In the middle of the building stands the witch who presides over the sacrifice. There are more than a dozen bronze drums on the side. , there are more than a dozen copper pillars, and someone is playing sacrificial instruments.

Downstairs is the specific scene of sacrifice. There are two large bronze drums on both sides. In the center is a bronze sacrificial pillar with a naked person tied up on it. There is a snake coiled on the bronze pillar and devouring him, and next to the bronze drum. There were many people with their heads cut off. There were also many people kneeling aside or tied to copper pillars waiting for sacrifice. The large number of people sent a chill down the spine.

The background of this sacrificial scene is even more weird and horrifying. Behind the small building where the witch is located, there are rolling mountains. There is snow on the mountain. There is a dark vortex in front of the mountain. Beside the vortex, there is a big snake with its head raised and swallowing. Many black figures emerge from it. Flying to the Shekou during the sacrifice, the scene painted on the back of the reserve is different. Instead, it shows a general riding a horse and holding a sword, fighting a giant snake and cutting off its head.

The man put the orb into the shell storage vessel, which was just big enough to hold it. And when the moonlight reflected like water at night, the orb in the shell storage container bloomed with light, and when reflected in the shell storage container, a map was faintly revealed.

‘The map in the shell storage container points directly to the Meili Snow Mountain. What is depicted on the shell storage container is the scene of the Kawabog Mountain God killing the Demon Snake General of the Demon Kingdom. After the battle, the Demon Snake General died, and the snake bones were cut into coins and sealed in a storage device. This orb was a replica of King Gesar’s enemy-controlling orb to suppress and dissipate the Demon Snake General’s evil spirit.

'Later, due to some accidents, the function of the orb was greatly reduced, and the evil spirit was never completely eliminated. We destroyed the ruins of the ancient Dian Kingdom and salvaged the shell storage containers. This evil spirit turned into a curse and fell on us.'

An Xuefeng said in a deep voice: "The man holding the useless orb in his hand was regarded as an enemy by the evil snake general and was cursed the most."

"Ah this."

Wei Xun stopped combing the snow leopard. He really didn't expect that this matter would develop like this. At that time, An Xuefeng did not expect that he would be subjected to the most severe curse after taking away the beads for the life-seeking people. He felt a little unexplainable guilt in his heart and decided to do something to make up for it. He even said that the journey was over. Finally, at the Meili Snow Mountain, when the Mingren was hostile to the Kawabog Mountain God and almost killed by the Mountain God because he carried the evil spirit of the Demonic Snake General, An Xuefeng briefly transformed into a snake with the help of the golden seal snake button of the ancient Dian Kingdom. Using the power of the ancient Dian king to activate the shell storage vessel, he temporarily attracted the aura of power on the demonic snake bone coins to himself, diverting the attention of the Kawabog Mountain God and allowing the life-seeking man to escape.


‘The Kawabog Mountain God is very powerful and has divine beasts to protect the mountain, but it is not absolutely invincible. He was invaded by pollution, sometimes sane and sometimes crazy. I chopped up his pollution and made Kawaborg almost regain his consciousness, but at that time I was almost exhausted. ’

'At the last moment, the assassin attacked me from behind and almost killed me. At that time, the Kawabog Mountain God had almost recovered his senses. He presented a replica of the orb to express his intention to the mountain god. Because he killed the "devil snake" with the orb in his hand, he was appreciated by the Kawabog Mountain God."

An Xuefeng said calmly: 'Then there was a reminder from the hotel that he had completed all the prerequisite tasks and would participate in the development of a new journey.'

Just like Wei Xun's trip to the beautiful Xiangxi, due to the geographical location of Meili Snow Mountain, this new journey is most likely a journey to the 30th degree north latitude! The birth of a new journey will expel all surrounding passengers back to the hotel, and An Xuefeng saves his life. This was the first time he had suffered such a big loss since he became the number one passenger in this era.

He could feel that the life-seeking man really wanted to kill him. At that time, An Xuefeng didn't know where this murderous intention came from, but it didn't matter. The hatred between Huilu and the East District Butcher Alliance was completely deepened.

Wei Xun couldn't say anything, so he just hugged the snow leopard's head and kissed its nose. An Xuebao thought deeply for a while, feeling that the atmosphere was almost brewing, he licked the seam of Wei Xun's lips, and then continued to say lightly: "Later, your brother and I faced each other during the journey, and we didn't even leave." After taking over and being prepared, I won more victories, destroyed many abyss nodes of the Butcher Alliance, and made him suffer big losses on several occasions.'

Haha, with the vaccination he got today, even if Xi Ming and Wei Xun get along with each other in the future, even if he accidentally mentions An Xuefeng's tit-for-tat confrontation with him and nearly killed Xi Ming Ren several times, Wei Xun must also I won’t say anything more!

Although he didn't know if such a face-saving person like Xi Mingren would talk about the fact that he suffered under An Xuefeng in the past. But it’s better not to say it. Being an elder brother requires face, but falling in love doesn’t require face!

‘After I returned that time, everyone said that it was a certainty that the Empire would embark on a journey to the 30th North Latitude, but the strange thing was that the return list was not updated, and the hotel did not say anything about it.’

An Xuefeng stopped when he was satisfied and turned the topic back to Meili Snow Mountain: "We are basically sure that Meili Snow Mountain is almost a journey of 30 degrees north latitude. Later, the entire Eastern District started a craze to explore Meili Snow Mountain, but nothing was found."

Is Meili Snow Mountain a journey to the 30th degree north latitude? What exactly did the Ximing people pioneer back then? This is really a difficult puzzle to solve.

'After you go back, you can ask Wang Pengpai, Bai Xiaosheng and Wan Xiangchun about their explorations over the years. I have been mentally unstable in the past few years, and the journey to explore Tibetan areas was basically taken over by the three of them.'

An Xuefeng said, seeing Wei Xun deep in thought, Xue Bao stood up and kissed his lover. It was getting late, so he was lucky to have a free day. They both had their own things to do and couldn't rest. It's time to return to the station.

The pollution in Wei Xun's body is now gone, but the return of pain cannot be underestimated. Only after he returns can he better judge his current state and find a solution.

'Mao Xiaole...'

Before going back, An Xuefeng reminded Wei Xun that after Wei Xun's name was erased from the death list, Mao Xiaole also regained a lot of rationality and calmness. He must also be able to taste some differences from the words of his companions' persuasion. Come as usual.

But knowing is knowing, and the grievance must still be grievance. After all, he is still young and it is easy to get into trouble, so Wei Xun must be coaxed.

Wei Xun readily agreed. He was now the tour guide on the way home and should take responsibility. Besides, Mao Xiaole also remembered all the sincerity and good things Mao Xiaole had shown him in the past. There was also the friendship between the author and the reader before they entered the hotel. The relationship is closer than that of others. Both emotionally and rationally, Wei Xun had to resolve this matter perfectly. With the little sun avatar in his hand, he already knew how to appease Mao Xiaole.

But when he returned to the home station and was pushed to the computer desk by the unhappy Mao Xiaole, who asked him to update 30,000 words a day to prove himself, Wei Xun put his fingers on the keyboard and fell silent.

Ah this.

How could this happen? ?

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