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944 The dark history of An Xuefeng. You are a very kind person even though you are a life-seeking pe

"Kawaborg is asleep, and it's not time for him to wake up yet."

An Xuefeng said: "This mountain stream is the melted water of Meili Snow Mountain. It is not surprising that some mountain gods have power."

Meili Snow Mountain is also called Kawabog Snow Mountain in Tibetan areas, and its main peak is Kawabog Peak. ‘Kava Borg’ means white snow mountain in Tibetan, which is also the god of snow mountains. Legend has it that he was originally an evil god with nine heads and eighteen arms. Later, he was taught by Master Padmasambhava and converted to Buddhism. He became a divine general under the throne of King Gesar, the master of the enemy orb, and protected the snowy land*

He is the patron saint who rides on a white horse and holds a long sword in his hand, but Kawabog is not the only mountain god in Meili Snow Mountain. The entire Meili Snow Mountain has many snow peaks, which are called the "Thirteen Peaks of Prince". Of course, "Thirteen" refers to the large number. In addition to the Kawabog Mountain God, Miancimu Peak on its south side is known as the goddess of the sea. It is also said that she is the daughter of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and this mountain is the wife of Kawabog.

In addition, there are their children Bu Zhongsong Jiewu Xuefeng, the general Ma Bingzhalawangdui Xuefeng who guards Kawabog, and so on. In other words, the "Mountain God of Meili Snow Mountain" does not refer to just one god, but to a large family, a group of mountain gods.

"Of course, the so-called wives and children of the general are all local legends."

Although God was born due to man’s consciousness and belief over thousands of years, it is not completely the same as man’s understanding. After all, human consciousness is not unified. The same god may have different priesthoods, different names, and even different appearances.

Just like the wife of the mountain god, some people think it is other mountains, some people think it is the lake under the mountain, and some people think it is the girl from the Luohua Cave, but they all agree.

Therefore, when you really meet the mountain god, you have to observe it on the spot to make a conclusion - at least this Kawabog Peak is different.

This mountain god has an arrogant personality, powerful strength, and noble status. He is the prince of the snow mountain and rules the snowy area. He does not have a wife, because his vision is too high, and the so-called 'daughter of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain' is not taken seriously by him at all, and naturally he has no children. It is said that he once had a lover whom he fell in love with at first sight, but because he was too arrogant and possessive, they could not be together in the end. But the mountain god has given his heart to him, and he no longer looks down on other people. If anyone wants to use his "wife and children" route to get close to the mountain god, he will get angry.

Of course, this mountain god loves ostentation and shows his holiness to others, and he likes to raise horses, leopards, wolves, and eagles. An Xuefeng had a good relationship with this arrogant mountain god, and was even able to build a safe house not far from the foot of the mountain. Not only because he passed the journey and completed many tasks for the mountain god, but also because he transformed into a snow leopard and wolf king, which really made the mountain god very happy. like.

"Previously we thought that the journey to the 30th North Latitude was likely to come from Meili Snow Mountain."

The sound of running water sounded. After serving Wei Xun, An Xuefeng also took a bath. His bath was simpler than Wei Xun's. He swam twice in the stream like a strong big cat and then carried the little sun to the bed. When I got to the shore, I picked up a bath towel and wiped it casually. The steep cold wind in the mountains made his skin tighten, revealing his beautiful streamlined muscles, like the smooth and oily fur of a snow leopard, full of healthy power, like a creature born in the snow-capped mountains, and like the incarnation of the snow-capped mountains. Kong Wu is powerful.

Wei Xun was really envious of this muscular body. When he saw An Xuefeng picking up his combat uniform and washing it in the stream, his movements were neat and he looked familiar, but his eyes were no longer on him - Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and deliberately crossed his legs. Come on, swaying on your toes, causing the bathrobe on your body to slip a little. Sure enough, An Xuefeng glanced at him and immediately put down what he was doing and came over, wrapping his bathrobe tightly around him.

These deep black eyes were calm and powerful, and they looked very stable and reliable, but when Wei Xun smiled maliciously and stepped on his feet, and his toes traced his beautiful and strong calves, knees, and thighs like a deer-- As he went up, a big hand grabbed his ankle like a vise, like a lively fish. And there were waves in those black eyes, and there was a hint of warning and dark danger in their depths.

The beast was not yet full, so this meal was only half-full for him. The big hand grasped the ankle that looked like a pile of snow jade and rubbed it with great force, as if kneading dough. The pads of his fingers were as hot as sparks, igniting the skin and blood there and burning them all the way to the bottom of his heart, making Wei Xun shiver. , but the smile in his eyes is even bigger. Of course, he didn't plan to take a bath in this too primitive place again, so when An Xuefeng's hands held his knees with an aggressive tone, Wei Xun said softly: "The power of the mountain god can come over, isn't it?" Should we also be able to use some titles?”

"I want to see you turn into a snow leopard."

So An Xuefeng turned into a big snow leopard. Next to the stream is a small alpine meadow, with deep green mountain forests behind it, and beyond that are the undulating snow-capped mountains. The big fluffy snow leopard was nesting on the grass, with a big bath towel spread in front of its belly. Wei Xun was sitting on it, and another bath towel was draped over him. The long and flexible leopard tail was wrapped around Wei Xun's waist, and he was leaning against it. Snow leopard, holding a comb in his hand to comb the snow leopard's fur.

An Xuefeng's spirit was extremely polluted, not to mention the fact that he had a polluted * * * around him. One day of relief could not completely solve the problem. But if Wei Xun can't stand it any longer, he should take it easy - grooming is also a very good and intimate means of relief. It is said that Zhang Xingzang will brush the scales of Dream Chaser, and the Lizard Duke also looks like a man who grooms wolves. What Wei Xun was holding was a wooden comb, which An Xuefeng had also received from Lu Shucheng. It was a new unpacked comb, intended to comb Wei Xun's hair and tie it into pigtails.

Lu Shucheng is a werewolf, so combing his hair is more important than combing his hair. This comb doesn't look like a normal person's comb. It's barely usable for humans, but it's more suitable for combing snow leopards. An Xuebao was happily being combed, and he was purring coquettishly in his throat. As he was combing, he took the initiative to twist his body to reveal his white downy belly. Two large leopard paws were curled up on his chest, and the black flesh pads were thick and beautiful. On a whim, Wei Xun gestured with his hands. An Xuefeng's snow leopard turned out to be larger than ordinary snow leopards. He could only hold a leopard paw with two hands, and he could press the hook-like claw tips out of the paw pads with just a push of his hands. .

Seeing that he was having so much fun that he forgot to comb his hair, the snow leopard cupped his hand with his big head to urge him, and brushed Wei Xun's fingers with the tip of his scarlet tongue. Even though An Xuefeng had suppressed the barbs on the leopard's tongue, it still had a dense, rough feeling. It licked Wei Xun's hand, and then carefully licked Wei Xun's white hair hanging beside his face. As a result, the barbs on its tongue caught the white curly hair, like drawing, and Wei Xun's hair grew a lot longer. The snow leopard tried hard to tilt its head back and finally succeeded in licking.

This made Wei Xun laugh, remembering the time he saw a phantom cat licking its fur in Iceland. The white hair on the Maine Coon cat's chest is thick and long. When licking the hair, a large tuft of hair is picked up. You must raise your head and lick hard to lick the tuft of hair from the bottom to the tip. Although the phantom cat was very impatient, he still licked it clean. But now Wei Xun can feel that his mental illusion is silent, and it seems that it has not taken the shape of a cat, and cannot be summoned for the time being.

This made Wei Xun couldn't help but sigh, and An Xuefeng felt something in his heart. Snow Leopard licked his fingers soothingly and said to him in his heart:

‘Do you know why I thought Meili Snow Mountain would be a journey to the 30th degree north latitude? ’


Wei Xun asked in response, rubbing the snow leopard's fur ears twice.

"When I went on this journey, the whole team narrowly escaped death. It was also unlucky at that time. The tour guide randomly met your brother."

The snow leopard snorted, as if he thought of something angry, and pressed his big paws on Wei Xun's body. But Wei Xun became interested and asked An Xuefeng how the trip was.

This was a journey many years ago. An Xuefeng had not yet opened up Daxi Continent, and the Mingxi people had not lived in seclusion at the Gate of the Sun. It was not long after the previous generation entered the battlefield. An Xuefeng took over the rules-based mission at that time, and also It is the task leading to the person in charge. Similar to Wei Xun, his mission is also related to the mountain god, and his previous missions were directed at the mountains of Yunnan.

‘I have been to Yunnan for more than ten times’

Recalling the past, An Xuefeng's eyes narrowed slightly. He had traveled almost all over Yunnan, some with him on his way home, and some on his own. From Dali, Lijiang, to Xishuangbanna, Shangri-La.

An Xuefeng physically surpassed the river ghosts in the Jinsha River, killed the Thai ghosts and gods that sneaked in from the Daluo Port in Xishuangbanna, worshiped the three gods of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and went deep into the bottom of Fuxian Lake to explore the ruins of the ancient Dian Kingdom.

‘Before Dali, there was the Nanzhao Kingdom, and before the Nanzhao Kingdom, there was the Ancient Dian Kingdom. Legend has it that the ruins of the ancient Dian Kingdom are at the bottom of Fuxian Lake. Some fishermen went deep into the water and saw the palace. In the past, there was a live broadcast of diving by an archaeological team, but the live broadcast was suddenly interrupted, and it was never broadcast live again, and the matter was settled.'

An Xuefeng said: 'The first stop of our trip was Fuxian Lake. Originally, the task of the scenic spot was to live broadcast the diving in Fuxian Lake. The people directly led the team to the ruins of the ancient Dian Kingdom at the bottom of Fuxian Lake. Many people died.'

There were large schools of fish and ghosts in the forest of corpses in the depths of Fuxian Lake. At that time, An Xuefeng was killing the fish with a knife, and the blood dyed the lake red. And when the lake is completely red, the remains of the ancient Dian Kingdom appear at the bottom of the lake.

"The deepest part of the ruins is the treasure house of the ancient Dian king. There are two treasures in it. One is the golden seal of the ancient Dian king, and the other is the enemy-controlling orb of King Gesar. The real tomb of the ancient Dian king is not here."

Of course, they didn't know the origin of this bead at that time. An Xuefeng caught both of these things. At that time, the ruins were on the verge of collapse and everything was in chaos. The resentful zombies of the ancient Dian Kingdom came out as the ruins were destroyed. Well, the returnee who traveled with An Xuefeng this time was Wang Pengpai. When he was guarding An Xuefeng's back, he was picked up by the corpse demon. When he evacuated Fuxian Lake, he lost his mind. Instead of following him up, he went to the corpse demon. As the pile sank, An Xuefeng kept fighting at the front. He was very anxious when he found out something was wrong but could not return for a while.

'I didn't even think at the time that the Mingxing people would use the tour guide microphone and read the tour guide at that time'

An Xuefeng said that it was this sound that made Wang Pengpai jump out of his wits, wake up from the chaos, and finally successfully escape from the clutches of the devil and come back alive. Whether it was intentional or not, Wang Pengpai owed him his life, and An Xuefeng repaid the debt for him. At that time, the people who were interested in the matter simply said that they would share half of the harvest in the ancient Dian King's treasury.

He also specifically asked An Xuefeng what he wanted.

'At that time... the teams he led to destroy were not too many.'

An Xuefeng explained: ‘And basically the group was wiped out because the difficulty was too high’

Apart from anything else, An Xuefeng's journey was basically the most difficult one. Although he would take care of the passengers in his team, at least half of them would die after the journey. So he didn't have much opinion on the leader of the team at that time. This time he used the tour guide wheat to save Wang Pengpai. It is said that he was punished by the hotel, but he didn't mention anything much, and the treasure house harvest was not as good. Just half.

An Xuefeng was young at that time, and he had a different view of Xi Ming Ren. He looked at the harvest. As you can imagine, the Golden Seal of the Ancient King of Dian is definitely an important task prop, which can open a series of tasks later. It is very precious. As for the bead next to the seal, no one recognized it at that time. There are indeed some traces of energy left in it, but as time goes by, there is not much remaining energy. It should be used to resist ghosts.

An Xuefeng wanted to give the more precious golden seal to Xi Ming Ren at that time, so he said that he only wanted the bead.

Hearing him say that he wanted the bead, Xi Ming Ren nodded, and then took the bead without hesitation.

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