Thriller Tour Group

943 Meili Snow Mountain Spiritual Fantasy

After a night of cold rain, An Xuefeng held his lover in his arms with one hand and closed the window with the other. He frowned when he felt the coolness on his fingertips. Without thinking, he picked up the combat uniforms piled next to him and wrapped Wei Xun and himself together. After he merged with * * *, it was too much last night. In the mountains at the end of October, he was hugging people in the rain with the windows open. It was said that the sky was covered with the sky and the ground was open for nature to see. Wei Xun was almost freezing after one night, he said The truth is that An Xuefeng's body temperature has always been high, and Wei Xun subconsciously squeezed into his arms when he was cold. This kind of temptation is really irresistible - well, he is so beastly, if it weren't for his good health and vitality, they would both have a fever by now. Delirious.

An Xuefeng was fine, he was worried about Wei Xun. Although according to common sense, the physical fitness of even tour guides is much worse than that of tourists, and is also stronger than that of normal people. Minor illnesses such as fever and colds should not come to Wei Xun, but after all, pollution once resided in the deepest part of Wei Xun's soul. , pulling it out and removing it will have some side effects. Now that they were back at the hotel, they probably wouldn't be allowed in. An Xuefeng thought it would be safer to observe them here.

He got up and carried Wei Xun to the stove to warm himself and drink hot water. He finally managed to squeeze out some warmth. Wei Xun was dishonest, so he broke out of his arms and said he wanted to take a bath. He was unbearably sticky and he was about to get married with An. Xuefeng stuck together.

"I want to take a bath, not a wipe."

An Xuefeng's suggestion to take a bath with hot water was rejected by Wei Xun. He pushed An Xuefeng's face in disgust and felt that his fingertips were all sticky, which was really unbearable. However, this safe house is on the edge of an extremely dangerous scenic spot and has no water or electricity. However, there is a stream of melted mountain snow not far behind the house. Visitors are in good health and often go there to wash up.

But the snow water was cold, and An Xuefeng didn't want Wei Xun to wash there. Seeing that the explanation didn't make sense, Wei Xun didn't argue with him, and directly pressed An Xuefeng's shoulders to stand up, but in the end——


When Wei Xun stood up, some liquid slipped down, making him and An Xuefeng dirty, but that wasn't the problem. The soreness in the back, the numbness in the legs all came over in an instant, and the waist was as weak as if he had lost consciousness. It was as if there were insects biting in the seams between the bones. Wei Xun's whole body stiffened, and he couldn't help but sit down again with a muffled groan. At the end, this feeling instantly made Wei Xun and An Xuefeng's scalps numb. An Xuefeng's warm and strong hands subconsciously grasped Wei Xun's waist. Men should not tease him in the morning, but Wei Xun couldn't touch him now. As soon as An Xuefeng's fingers touched the skin of his waist, Wei Xun made a move. Shivering, eyes filled with water, and numb toes curled up.

Again? ? The fields are about to be plowed! Wei Xun didn't dare to move, and was frozen on An Xuefeng's body. Especially when An Xuefeng moved his hands to hold his waist, Wei Xun felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, hugging An Xuefeng's head and glaring at him in warning. , but the rare panic in his eyes makes people want to bully him even more, like a frightened big white cat, his beautiful blue eyes are round after being frightened, and his airplane ears are sticking out, which makes the dog want to push it even more. Bullying in puddles.

"Don't move, I'll give you a massage."

An Xuefeng spoke sternly, holding Wei Xun's waist to massage his acupuncture points. Master An did have a good hand in massaging. Wei Xun groaned when he pressed the acupuncture points, which was extremely comfortable. Tianling Gai made Wei Xun couldn't help but kick his legs. An Xuefeng was sweating profusely and gritted his teeth to tell him not to move.

The two of them were not closely connected yet. They originally wanted to have some fun, but they didn't expect to get involved in it. An Xuefeng stabilized Wei Xun and talked about business in order to distract the two people's attention: "Your mental illusion is now also It’s layered, I don’t know if it’s good or bad.”

The connection that touched the deepest part of the soul after swallowing the flower petals last night allowed An Xuefeng to re-enter Wei Xun's spiritual fantasy. It's just that the feeling is obviously different from the first time he came in. When he first came in, Wei Xun's mental illusion only had one layer. Most of it was pain and negative emotions that he couldn't feel, accumulated over many years, and could be easily cleared away.

But this time when Wei Xun entered, there were two more layers of mental illusion. The second layer was in Babylon. The butterflies in his chest were attracted by the power of petals brought by the Devourer, causing him to become polluted, lose control and fall into a coma. This was Wei Xun's fantasy. The deepest pollution in the soul. An Xuefeng sneaked in with the power of petals and easily diverted the attention of the polluters and freed Wei Xun. After he woke up in the mental illusion, they solved the pollution together.

However, this was already the deepest pollution in Wei Xun's soul, but it was only on the second level of his mental illusion. Then what is the third level of his mental illusion - the deepest level?

Although he had already speculated in his mind, when An Xuefeng descended to the third level of Wei Xun's mental illusion, he was still speechless for a long time due to the sight before him.

The deepest part of An Xuefeng's own mental illusion is the most dangerous place, and their deep connection has not been able to reach there until now. But the third level of Wei Xun's mental illusion only has one flower.

It stretched its petals in the darkness, emitting gleaming light. It was breathtakingly beautiful, but one of the petals was half missing. A ball of blue-purple light gently lay on the petals, like a butterfly, with its thin forelimbs hugging the petals, showing a strong sense of confusion and confusion. It seemed that it didn't understand why half of the petals were missing, as if a pine cone had been thrown away. squirrel.

As if he sensed An Xuefeng's arrival and felt the breath of petals on his body, the light immediately looked over, and then——

Then An Xuefeng was expelled from the mental illusion. This was not a place he could enter at present, nor was it a problem he could solve. Whenever he thought of this scene, the words that Taoist Kongkong said in his old dream echoed in An Xuefeng's mind over and over again. What he hinted at was actually very obvious. It was nothing more than saying that Wei Xun was essentially a ball of light in the deepest part of the original abyss. For various reasons, it was finally bred by Hong Dao and became Wei Xun.

The ball of light itself might be a product of the abyss, or some abyss consciousness, such as the consciousness of a flower, the consciousness of a cocoon, or the consciousness of a butterfly. Judging from Wei Xun's various performances, the last possibility is higher. In the years he lived in reality, he obviously lived as a ‘human’, and his original consciousness was suppressed in the deepest part.

An Xuefeng is not very clear about why this is and what the purpose is.

But there is no doubt about one point, that is, the flower of the abyss is very important to Wei Xun.

An Xuefeng swallowed the petals, and so did Taoist Kongkong and his companions. However, An Xuefeng did not fuse the power of the petals, and swallowed and spit them out. Taoist Kongkong and his companions fused the petals, but were eventually contaminated by them, which was equivalent to becoming fertilizer.

Only after Ximingren ate half of the petals did Wei Xun react violently. An Xuefeng seriously suspected that Ximingren had mastered some method to truly swallow and take away half of the petals, so that the power of the petals could be used by him. The petals of the Abyss Flower could not regenerate, which meant that it was always missing half of the petals.

Wei Xun regained his sense of pain, and it seemed that some of his terminal illnesses were cured, but if ‘painlessness’ itself was his power, wouldn’t it be equivalent to depriving him of some of his power? Especially since his initial title was ‘Painless’, ‘Painlessness’ was the manifestation of the source of his power. If this aspect was affected, the situation would be very serious.

An Xuefeng felt a little heavy-hearted. He couldn't tell whether he hoped that his lover could gradually change from a non-human to a human, so that they could stay together for life; or he hoped that his lover could regain all his strength and control his fate. Even after discovering the strong hostility of the butterfly to the pollution source, An Xuefeng realized that the price to pay for this fate might be extremely cruel, but he couldn't decide everything for Wei Xun.

He respected Wei Xun's ideas.

"Why don't you move? Keep pressing."

Wei Xun said lazily. He was a smart man. He could feel An Xuefeng's complicated mood and could also guess what happened to him. But unexpectedly, Wei Xun was very calm, even very relaxed. It can be said that after the return of the playful man, the destruction of the pollution source, and the deep connection with An Xuefeng again, the sense of urgency lingering in his spirit disappeared, and he was rarely relaxed.

"You can even destroy the pollution source. You are very strong. Of course, I will be stronger too."

He smiled and tapped An Xuefeng's chest: "So there is nothing to worry about."

He had gone deep into An Xuefeng's mental illusion. The scene of the victory of the year-end celebration in the past could occupy a layer in the depths of his mind. This should have been a glorious time in his life, but it could appear in the mental illusion, which shows that it can also be regarded as a demon in the heart. An Xuefeng had a sense of urgency about the passing of time and how many responsibilities he had in his heart. He never showed it to the outside. Only the deep connection could let Wei Xun glimpse a little. Wei Xun was not stingy with praise and affirmation. Words had power. This was not only a part of spiritual relief, but also his true recognition of An Xuefeng.

Every time he praised directly, he could feel that An Xuefeng was lively and happy. He could even destroy the pollution source. To be honest, Wei Xun really thought An Xuefeng was too handsome. Thinking of this, Wei Xun got horny again. He pressed An Xuefeng's chest and touched it a few times, and then An Xuefeng grabbed his hand as a warning: "...Don't move!" Seeing An Xuefeng's Adam's apple sliding, his eyes were surprisingly dark. Wei Xun's waist was not so sore and his legs were not so painful. Seeing An Xuefeng like this, he got bad intentions again and scratched his Adam's apple provocatively. This time, An Xuefeng accepted the challenge and held Wei Xun's waist and shook him back and forth. Wei Xun couldn't stand it and begged for mercy. What kind of officer An and captain came out. But it was really hard for a beast to control when it tasted meat. Wei Xun also loved and feared the pleasure of this mixture of pain and pleasure. He said no, but sometimes he was more addicted than An Xuefeng. The water on the stove boiled, but no one cared this time. The weather outside was clear, with blue sky, white clouds and swaying tree shadows. This deep connection didn't end until noon. Wei Xun collapsed on An Xuefeng, completely exhausted, and felt like a dead man. When Wei Xun felt that An Xuefeng was in the wrong and started to massage him again, he knocked his head against An Xuefeng's neck and said word by word like a resentful soul who had lost all hope in life: "I... want to... take a... bath..." This time An Xuefeng finally agreed, and first placed Wei Xun aside and then went to pack some things for bathing. This safe house was for them to live together on the way home, but An Xuefeng was mentally unstable and lived in a single room on the second floor, while everyone else lived on the first floor. An Xuefeng originally went to the storage room to get two new bath towels, a piece of soap and a toothbrush and toothpaste, and wanted to go upstairs to pick up Wei Xun. Thinking about Wei Xun's smooth skin and curly white hair, he finally picked a few bottles of shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner from Lu Shuchengtun. They were pure plant-based. I heard that they were made by a beauty-loving traveler. They were pure natural and pollution-free and the effect was particularly good. An Xuefeng had never used them, but he thought Wei Xun would like them.

It was sunny outside, and An Xuefeng carried Wei Xun to the creek. The stream was cool. An Xuefeng picked up some stones and surrounded a place for Wei Xun to bathe. He picked up the little sun transformed by Wei Xun's traveler and threw it into the stream. Soon the surrounded stream rose to a suitable temperature. , he put Wei Xun into the water, and saw his white hair soaked in the stream, and his blue eyes reflecting the blue sky, like an elf transformed from a snow-capped mountain.


The water washed over his body, making Wei Xun squint his eyes. His waist was still shaking and his legs couldn't close. An Xuefeng placed the combat uniform on the bank of the stream, let Wei Xun sit on it, and carefully washed his hair. Seeing An Xuefeng's alright look, Wei Xun felt very angry. He suddenly waved An Xuefeng to raise his face, and then took advantage of An Xuefeng's unpreparedness to hold down the tip of An Xuefeng's nose and press it upwards.

"Why can't you eat enough? You're like a pig."

Wei Xun lazily smiled and cursed, An Xuefeng didn't notice it, he just didn't hide. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and snorted, biting Wei Xun's finger.

"Nothing is enough."

After all, this was in the wild, and the wind was still very cold. An Xuefeng didn't let Wei Xun wash for too long. Wrapped in a bath towel and sitting in the bend of a tree by the stream, Wei Xun admired the beauty of An Xuefeng bathing in the stream, and suddenly looked thoughtfully at the white-capped snow peaks in the distance.

"I feel a little bit of the power of pollution, like a mountain god...the mountain god of Meili Snow Mountain?"

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