Thriller Tour Group

942 Rizhao Jinshan Butterfly and Flowers

People's skills always get better the more they practice, especially for someone as talented as An Xuefeng. Before, he just lacked opportunities to practice, but now he has plenty of time. An Xuefeng's observation skills were astonishing and he was strong enough. He quickly found the technique. After a few rounds, even Wei Xun had to admit that An Xuefeng was alive.

But Wei Xun's mental illusion has never been opened, which means that An Xuefeng has not yet touched the deepest pollution in his soul, and needs to work harder. However, An Xuefeng is not too anxious anymore. He can feel that the pollution in Wei Xun's physical strength is being washed away by the resonance of the soul under the deep connection, and is decreasing at a perceptible speed.

When the pollution in the body is eliminated, the pollution deep in the soul will have nowhere to hide, and An Xuefeng will eventually catch him.

It was always dark outside and rain kept falling. Wei Xun couldn't tell the time, but he only remembered changing his posture a lot. He was in pain and happy. After experiencing the most unbearable pain, Wei Xun was pleasantly surprised to find that the pain made all his feelings more real. It was not the false, nowhere-to-reach happiness he felt when there was no pain. Just soreness, numbness and itching. Pain stimulates people's nerves, making them more sensitive, and can bring them new and unfamiliar happiness, as well as physical and psychological happiness.

He loved this kind of reality so much. When An Xuefeng's skills improved and the pain stopped, Wei Xun was so out of breath that he asked An Xuefeng to work harder. He can also feel that his condition is not actually good. The deepest pollution has not yet been aroused by the current level of deep connection. He still needs deeper, more intense stimulation and closer connection.

The in-depth connection between Wei Xun and An Xuefeng in Iceland was mainly to relieve An Xuefeng's mental stress and pollution for many years. However, due to time constraints and the restraint of the first connection, Wei Xun only entered An Xuefeng. The eighth floor of the Fengxin Illusion Realm failed to enter the ninth floor. However, now that I am a polluter, I am not suitable to enter An Xuefeng's spiritual illusion. If you can't deepen the connection from the perspective of spiritual illusion, then come from this aspect.

"You can't stand it."

When An Xuefeng said this in a low voice, Wei Xun sneered. He even endured it from the beginning, what else could he not endure? He lazily raised his hand that was stained with liquid and patted An Xuefeng's cheek, saying nothing. An Xuefeng didn't say anything more. Hearing Wei Xun speak, his voice was a little scratchy. His strong arms lifted Wei Xun up and fed him water. Wei Xun was fed a full glass of water. When he looked up, he saw An Xuefeng's eyes were like those of a wild animal. , it was shockingly bright under the dim light. His short black hair was soaked with sweat and slid down the bridge of his handsome nose. The smell of male hormones hit his face. Wei Xun felt that all the water he had just drank had evaporated. The beauty was alluring, and his mouth went dry for a while, desperately wanting to flirt with her a few more words.

But before he could say anything, the world was spinning, and Wei Xun's voice was stuck in his throat. Only then did he realize that An Xuefeng was still holding back his strength, but now that he had completely let go, Wei Xun couldn't bear it after a few times. He wanted to run away again, but was beaten to death by the lecture. The deepest part of his lower abdomen was like a ball of fire. An Xuefeng pressed against him so hard that the world shook and shattered before Wei Xun's eyes. It was hard to tell whether it was tears or sweat on his face, and his wet white hair was stuck to his forehead.

"Get out...ah, get out!"

It is difficult to express love when it is extreme. An Xuefeng's hot breath was spitting in front of Wei Xun's face, like a wild beast locked on its prey. It seemed that he wanted to bite him hard on the face and stamp him. His animal nature was ready to come out, but in the end he restrained himself. Yes, he just bit the hair stuck to Wei Xun's cheek and rubbed it between his teeth. However, the force of relief was even greater, so great that Wei Xun couldn't bear it and trembled. However, no matter how incoherently he scolded him in a broken voice to get out, An Xuefeng would not listen.

The darkness outside the window became lighter, the sky changed from jet black to dark blue, and the impact on the world caused by the destruction of pollution sources began to fade. But the sound of rain became louder and louder, and the violent storm hit the windows, making a crackling sound, almost like hail, covering up the sound of water inside the house. An Xuefeng hugged Wei Xun and sat down on the stool. He mixed the water with the right temperature and wiped his body with a towel. Wei Xun buried his head in An Xuefeng's neck, pretending to be shameless and letting him swing around, biting a piece of An Xuefeng's flesh with his teeth and grinding them bitterly. After this long period of relief, most of the pollution in Wei Xun's body was removed, and An Xuefeng's spirit finally successfully touched the deepest pollution in his soul.

But this pollution was more stubborn and cunning than they thought. It was like a brand, and it would never move no matter how much An Xuefeng's spirit stirred up. On the contrary, Wei Xun couldn't bear the too intimate touch between souls and was defeated. An Xuefeng was afraid that his throat would be uncomfortable. He had fed him too much water before, and Wei Xun's body had reached its limit. If he was not careful -

Now he regrets it, but there is still a little aftertaste in the regret. What An Xuefeng gives him always exceeds the threshold and makes him taste the marrow.

“The pollution deep in your soul is too deep for deep connection to truly reach.”

The sheets were in a mess, so I couldn't take them anymore. After wiping Wei Xun's body clean, An Xuefeng hugged him and placed him on the table. He picked up the combat uniform jacket next to him, shook it, and wrapped it around Wei Xun's body. An Xuefeng's combat uniform was a bit too big for Wei Xun. He huddled in the large black combat uniform and looked particularly well-behaved, like a beautiful and noble white bird with fluffy feathers. An Xuefeng couldn't help but raise his fingers to twirl Wei Xun's hair. He looked at his soft, curly white hair wrapped around his fingers, but his expression was serious.

“This can’t go on like this.

"The backlash of your pain was caused by the man who ate half of a petal; the out-of-control pollution caused by the butterfly fragments was also caused by the devourer's breath of power from the petals, which affected the butterfly in your chest."

Thinking of this, An Xuefeng couldn't suppress the evil spirit in his eyes. The Devourer should really die. After Wei Xun touched his eyes with weak and sore fingers, An Xuefeng calmed down the look in his eyes, held his waist, lowered his head and looked at Wei Xun seriously.

"To untie the bell, you must tie the bell. You must have thought of it."

"Now that most of the butterfly fragments in your body have been put into the Drunken Beauty Xiangxi Token, I think maybe you can give it a try."

"Too risky."

Wei Xun, who had always been mute, finally spoke, his voice slightly hoarse. He looked steadily at An Xuefeng's eyes. Just like before, An Xuefeng's eyes were calm, with only determination and concern in his eyes. There was no hesitation or hesitation. On the contrary, he was hesitating.

“None of us are afraid of taking risks.”

An Xuefeng said slowly, and kissed the tip of Wei Xun's nose lovingly.

When An Xuefeng ate half of the petal, everything became different. Wei Xun had never felt his heart beating so violently before, as if his soul was resonating fiercely, and something was about to come out. This was completely different from the feeling brought to him by the life-seeking man swallowing the petals. He and An Xuefeng were deeply connected, their souls were interdependent, and they were half of each other. In a sense, An Xuefeng eating the petals is equivalent to Wei Xun touching the petals, but it is not Wei Xun eating the petals himself, so there is not much danger to him.

But it was very dangerous for An Xuefeng. He didn't swallow the petals and fuse the power of the petals. He just swallowed it and was temporarily infected with the breath of the petals to use all his strength to hook the deepest pollution in Wei Xun's soul. If An Xuefeng is not strong enough, he is likely to be eroded by petal pollution. And he has been exposed to too much pollution including abyss characters in the competition. He personally chopped up the source of pollution, and his own spirit has been polluted to the point of being polluted again. Almost approaching the tipping point.

Danger, this is taking a risk.

He is willing to take risks.

The thangka hanging on the wall bloomed with soft light, and the gods and Buddhas on it looked like they were alive, hiding the pollution that was faintly spreading in the safe house. Tentacles poked out from the shadows between the two of them, joining in this scene together. adventure. This is not a hotel but a reality. According to common sense, the person in charge cannot come here. But the safe house An Xuefeng chose was on the edge of the extremely dangerous scenic spot Meili Snow Mountain. The pollution in Meili Snow Mountain was very strong and could withstand the temporary fusion between him and ***.

Wei Xun didn't know when they kissed each other passionately, with crazy desire and forceful kiss, greedily searching for the scent of the petals. An Xuefeng sat on the table, and Wei Xun took the initiative to sit on his lap, in front of his body. The force exerted was like biting the stamens, which were overgrown and hot. The butterfly was intoxicated by them, and the pain caused by losing part of the petals seemed to be cured. Looking at Wei Xun's obsessed gaze, An Xuefeng's eyes were deep and morbidly possessive. His tentacles quietly pushed open the window behind them. Cold rain suddenly hit with the wind, bringing the moist smell of earth and the mountains. The original cool chill in the room is like they are in the wild, in the mountains and forests, surrounded by white-capped snow-capped mountains, deeply connected under the gaze of nature, letting the world know that they are together and cannot be separated.

The sound of rain in his ears seemed to turn into gibbering, and there was a colorful phantom in front of him. The air became thinner. Wei Xun felt like he was having an altitude sickness. His heart ached with every beat. The deepest pollution in his soul was finally eliminated. The breath of petals is drawn out. For a moment, Wei Xun's hanging instep tightened, twisting against An Xuefeng's legs, and his toes curled together, trembling, and water slid down the white jade toes and fell to the ground, as if pouring in from the window. It rained heavily, but soon the tentacles wrapped around the toes and sucked away the traces of water.

The pollution caused by the petals was finally released from the petals, and was finally arrested by the police, and then was eliminated through deep connections again and again, but this was not the end. When An Xuefeng coughed out the petals and put them away again, he lost control of his strength, and the back of Wei Xun's waist turned green and red. After Wei Xun's pollution was relieved, it was An Xuefeng's turn.

It rained all night and until dawn. In the early morning of October 25th, the sun finally broke through the darkness and rose as usual. The sun fell on Wei Xun's eyelids, and his eyelashes trembled. He was still sitting on An Xuefeng's lap, feeling An Xuefeng's steady and powerful breathing, resting his chin on his shoulder, feeling indescribably satisfied and stable in his heart. Lifting his eyelids, Wei Xun looked out tiredly and satiated, and saw that the window had a very good view, facing the Meili Snow Mountain in the distance. The orange sunlight reflected on the snow-covered mountaintops, creating a golden glow.

Rizhao Jinshan.

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