Thriller Tour Group

941 Shocking Rain in Yubeng Village, Strong Firepower


The sound of rain continued continuously, bringing the coldness and chill of late autumn. After the whole world was shaken, the sun, moon and stars seemed to have disappeared. It was obviously noon, but the sky was still as dark as ink dye. The warm-up competition between the East and West regions was supposed to start on October 16th and end on October 25th. However, starting from Ragnarok in the early morning of the 20th, the competition completely got out of hand. On the 20th alone, a series of ups and downs events occurred, including the destruction of Norse mythology, the arrival of Babylon, the slaughter of the Babylonian gods, the destruction of Babylon, and the destruction of the source of pollution.

When Babylon was destroyed and the pollution source hit, the world was shaken around the early morning of the 24th. Wei Xun and others stayed in the parliament prison for four or five hours, and stayed in the settlement space for another six hours, waiting for the tourist guide to settle. The settlement lasted for nearly more than an hour——

It is now October 24th, 12:54 noon.

At high altitudes, the clouds covering the sky are so thick that they seem to fall to the ground, like rice paper stained with ink, exuding a thick and cold moisture. The autumn rain is continuous, from heavy rain in the first half of the night to moderate rain in the second half of the night, and now the rain is getting heavier again, like a water curtain that isolates the world, and the chill is like gauze and mist lingering among the mountains, falling into clusters. The clumps of autumn branches and leaves shrouded in darkness fall on the tiled eaves of the village at the foot of the mountain.

Yubeng Village, Yunling Township, Deqin County, at the eastern foot of Meili Snow Mountain in Yunnan, the mountain village shrouded in darkness is as quiet as if it were still night, with a few lights scattered in the village. Even though many people have begun to pursue "niche" tourist routes in recent years, Hiking in Yubeng Village is a bit more exciting, but overall it is relatively primitive and simple. Especially after the "world shock" not long ago, the villagers were worried and followed the cadres' instructions to stay at home and not wander around. The village is still dark and quiet, with the occasional barking of a dog or two, which makes it even quieter against the patter of rain, making people's hearts calm down from the restlessness and chaos.

Suddenly, there was a flash of red light in the dark mountains, like the sun falling into the mountains and forests, but it didn't have the bright and dazzling light that people thought of the sun. And this crimson light just flashed and disappeared into the dark rain. No one noticed its existence, except for the alert yellow dog who barked a few times.

After leaving the settlement space, An Xuefeng had no place to return, nor did he return to Wei Xun's mutual aid alliance. The members of the Mutual Aid Alliance are mixed. After the death-defying people return, it is difficult to say whether the tour guides who previously left the Eastern Butcher Alliance to join the Mutual Aid Alliance will have other thoughts, and what kind of movements will be made by people from other brigades and the Guide Alliance.

While the return journey was safe, it was also unsuitable. As soon as An Xuefeng returns to the station, all the returning team members will know that the passenger Wei Xun's "resurrection from the dead" must be explained to everyone as soon as possible, but it is not appropriate now when Wei Xun cannot even change his body for the time being. And if he wants to have a deep connection, Wei Xun must first transform from a sunbird back into a human form. By then, the pollution on his body will explode first. Even if An Xuefeng is confident that he can suppress it, the hotel will not let such a pollution outbreak happen. In the hotel, in the station.

They need a quiet, secluded, private space outside the hotel.

So after throwing the blue and white slime back to the station, and briefly communicating with Wang Pengpai, the door was opened. After leaving the settlement space, An Xuefeng and Wei Xun appeared directly at a place on the way home. Located at the foot of Meili Snow Mountain, in a safe house near Yubengshang Village.

The main peak of Meili Snow Mountain, Namjagbarwa Peak, is located at 28.4 North Latitude, which is within the possible range of a journey of ten degrees north latitude. The scenic spots here are very difficult, second only to those under ten degrees north latitude, and Namjagbarwa Peak is the first of the eight sacred mountains of the Tibetan people, known as the "Prince Snow Mountain". So far, there is no record of human beings successfully climbing it. On the way home, I have often gone deep into Tibet in search of the tenth degree of northern latitude. If I could get permission from the God of Prince Snow Mountain before entering Tibet, the whole trip would go much smoother.

Therefore, on the way back, we built a safe house in the mountain forest near Shangyubeng Village to facilitate the return trip. This place is not on the hiking route, but in the real mountain forest. It is a vast area with sparsely populated areas, rugged mountain roads, surrounded by mountains, and towering clouds behind it. White-capped snow-capped peaks, the tall man carried the cold rain in the sound of rain, his steps were like wind, and he hurriedly entered this small Tibetan building with the treasure in his arms, went up to the second floor, and walked to the innermost room.

Entering the room, the sound of rain became dull and blurry. There was a soft click, and a warm orange light lit up. An Xuefeng lit up a camping lamp, put down the home knife against the bed, and then carefully placed the ball wrapped in combat uniform on the bed frame. , turned around and went to the cabinet to take out clean sheets and cups to make the bed neatly. When he was making the bed, the ball wrapped in combat uniform was held back and forth by him like a cat lying on the bed. The clothes were originally wrapped so tightly that the clothes came loose. There was a rustling sound, and the fiery red The plump sunbird poked its head out of the jacket package and pecked the tip of An Xuefeng's nose affectionately.

It emits a faint red light, like a red Christmas light ball, curiously looking at everything around it. An Xuefeng, who took off his combat uniform, only wore a black vest on his upper body. When he leaned over, his strong and smooth muscles were stretched out. The black tactical belt outlined his thin and powerful narrow waist, and his combat trousers could be kicked shut. Sun Gate's legs were long and powerful, wearing military boots, carrying a bit of water vapor in the mountains and forests, and full of the charm of male hormones. Wei Xun particularly liked this aura.

An Xuefeng took off his black fingerless combat gloves, held the sunbird firmly in his big hands, and placed it under the soft quilt. The power of the title cannot be used in reality, not to mention that this place is far away from Northern Europe. Wei Xun's sunbird characteristics are fading, and he has lost the weight of the sun. Otherwise, this bed will definitely not be able to bear its weight.

After placing the sunbird, An Xuefeng began to work again, while Wei Xun looked around curiously. The room was not big, about ten square meters, with some Tibetan decorations. At first glance, it seemed that only one person lived in it. The furniture in the house was very simple. There is a large bed against the wall, with a standing cabinet at the foot of the bed. The bedside is next to the window, and outside the window is the dark mountain forest. There is a table by the window and a bench next to it. There is an old-fashioned stove in the opposite corner. Next to the stove hangs Zhang Zhijin's thangka. The patterns on it are complicated and exquisite. The gold threads emit a lustrous light in the dim light. They are not blackened on the side of the stove. It is obvious that it is not blackened. It's a very high-level item.

With the protection of thangka, this safe house is safe enough. After An Xuefeng made the bed, he went to light the fire. He found a kettle from where he didn't know, went to the water storage area, filled it with water, and put it on the stove to boil. , with water boiling on it. After boiling the water and pouring it into the thermos, An Xuefeng rinsed the cup and poured out a cup of hot water. He was going to let it cool for a while and give it to Wei Xun to drink. When he got up, he subconsciously looked for Wei Xun's figure, but found the sunbird on the bed. No trace. His heart tightened, and he took a step or two to the bedside. He saw a bulge on the dark green thick quilt. Judging from the size, it was obviously not a sunbird.

An Xuefeng's heart moved slightly, and then he saw a corner of the quilt was lifted, and Wei Xun's head was exposed. He has returned to his human form, his breathing is slightly rapid, his eyes are slightly closed, and he is a little distracted. His snow-white eyelashes cast a small shadow, and his snow-white slightly curly hair is scattered on the clean navy blue sheets, as if the sky is about to dawn. Dandelions in the dark blue night. The dark green quilt was lifted by him until his collarbone was exposed. It was obvious that he was not wearing anything after he had just transformed from a sunbird back to his human form. He was just lying on the bed that An Xuefeng had just made. This scene made An Xuefeng's eyes wide open. Deep, Adam's apple slides.

An Xuefeng could feel the pain coming from the mental connection, and he could even feel Wei Xun's unstable mental state at the moment and the pollution of the restlessness in his body. This level of pollution Wei Xun should obviously be in a state of zero, but there is no demonic alienation on his body, but his hair has become longer, like the silk of a butterfly's cocoon, which is even more worrying. Wei Xun must be eliminated as soon as possible It’s the pollution in the body that matters.

Wei Xun, who was in some chaotic state, endured the burning pain while trying his best to suppress the riot of pollution in his body. When his lover, who felt a deep connection and could share the pain, approached, he did not hesitate to put his arms around An Xuefeng and ask for a kiss. But they can do much more than kiss, and if they want to relieve the pain of pollution as quickly as possible, they have to do more.

There was a soft clang, and the tactical belt was thrown to the ground next to it. The metal collided and made a slight sound, but this sound was quickly replaced by the ambiguous sound of wet water. The long and powerful hands are so controlling that they clasp the white fingers with clear joints and press them on the navy blue sheets. The difference in skin color is obvious. The interlocking of the fingers is like a prison, so that the lover cannot escape and can only be imprisoned in this space. .

The foreign body sensation was extremely clear, and Wei Xun frowned, a thin layer of sweat covering his body like dew on white porcelain after being kissed cleanly. The sound of rain outside the window became louder, accompanied by a faint hum. When the pollution really started to be relieved, Wei Xun's scalp became numb. He had never experienced pain in the past, only feeling stimulated and happy, but this time he felt It’s really important to realize that if it’s too big, it will really hurt!

It hurt, but it was really more exciting, making Wei Xun's spirit become more and more excited in the chaos. His fingers couldn't help but want to grab something, but they were firmly pressed. Under the deep connection, the resonance of the two souls began to powerfully wash away the pollution in Wei Xun's body again and again. This was too much, and he couldn't bear it. Wei Xun raised his head, and some inarticulate murmurs overflowed. When the session finally ended, His lower abdomen was so sore that he instinctively struggled and turned over to escape, but as soon as he crawled out a few steps with trembling hands, a pair of big hands grabbed his waist and abdomen and pulled him back.

"it's beautiful……"

A sigh, accompanied by the choked sobs of Ruo Youruo Wu who was pushed to the limit, was drowned out by the increasing sound of rain outside the window.

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