Thriller Tour Group

940 Tour Guide C1 Settlement (End) The Marauder, the Father of Demonic Insects...

[You robbed the Inexhaustible Spring from the Nordic Land of Mist, the Fountain of Wisdom from the Nordic Land of Giants, the Fountain of Destiny from the Land of Nordic Gods, the Blazing Sword from the Land of Fire, the World Tree from the Nordic Mythology, the Great Cow from the Primordial Abyss, the Seven Archangels headed by Michael from the Hebrew Mythology, and the entire Babylon from the Babylonian God Marduk - even passing dogs were robbed by you, the whole world was trembling under your plunder, and you were awarded one of the highest orange titles: 'Plunderer'! ]

[Plunderer (orange title): You are the plunderer]

Wei Xun thinks the title of plunderer is quite interesting. The three orange titles of 'plunderer', 'invader' and 'conqueror' obtained by the traveler Wei Xun are actually somewhat similar, but with different emphasis. Conquerors focus on suppressing, conquering and controlling indigenous people, gods, monsters, etc.; invaders focus on expanding territory and occupying land; and looters focus on plundering resources - of course, indigenous people, gods and monsters are also a kind of resource.

The four BUFFs of the orange title of looters are respectively aimed at "plundering natural resources (including air, water, land, forests, grasslands, wildlife, various minerals and energy*)", "plundering polluted resources (including abyss pollution, northern latitude pollution, battlefield pollution, local pollution and pollution-related monsters, etc.)", "plundering the resources of the entire scenic spot (such as the World Tree, the three major springs, Babylon, etc.)" and "plundering intelligent creatures and their products (including dragons, angels, gods, etc.)".

For each resource, the looters have corresponding looting bonuses. Of course, this orange title also has one item, which is for "looting teammates and enemies". That is to say, he can take away things belonging to the guides or tourists of the hotel, even if the things are obtained, contracted, and possessed by the other party, the looters can also take them away with special props - for example, he can loot the cloak of the playful man. Of course, whether it can be used after taking it away is another matter, the key is looting.

It is looting, not taking away, so the more the target resists, the more excited the looter Wei Xun will be - the resistance to various attacks of the target will rise sharply until the looting is successful.

It can be said that as long as he is not defeated at the beginning, but dragged into a protracted war by him, then in the end even the gods can only be looted by Wei Xun. Of course, looting is not invincible, because it focuses on looting, not killing.

So if the "resource" attacks with his life, this orange title does not have many means of counter-killing, and even the related props are related to looting.

[You get the orange title matching series props ‘Plunderer’s Contact Lenses’, ‘Plunderer’s Stun Sack’, ‘Plunderer’s Multi-purpose Engineer Shovel’, ‘Plunderer’s Locust X99999’]

[Name: Plunderer’s Contact Lenses]

[Quality: Title Exclusive]

[Function: Wear this pair of contact lenses, all the lootable resources in front of you will be marked in gray, green, blue, purple, orange, and red in order from low to high in terms of preciousness, and a resource distribution map will be automatically generated! Whether it is plants, animals, water sources, land, enemies or pollution products, any resources will have nowhere to hide in front of you, making it convenient for you to loot everything! ]

[Name: Plunderer’s Stun Sack]

[Quality: Title Exclusive]

[Function: What if the looted spoils are unruly and powerful? You can put it in your stun sack. As long as you put it on from head to toe, even the most ferocious prey will fall asleep and find it difficult to escape! Of course, when the prey is just put into the sack, it is the easiest time for the prey to escape. It is recommended that you use a multi-functional engineer shovel to stun the prey through the sack, and it will be doomed! ]

[Name: Multi-functional Engineer Shovel of the Plunderer]

[Quality: Exclusive to the title]

[Function: This is a multi-functional engineer shovel, suitable for various environments, including but not limited to swamps, ice fields, woodlands, mountains, and seabeds. It can easily dig up any resources, even the gems inlaid in the crown of the gods can be dug out by it! Similarly, it can also shovel off the lock on the treasure chest, can knock out all the looting targets indiscriminately within five hits (must attack the back of the target's neck or head), and can shovel off the connection between the target and the looted (according to the closeness of the connection, it is determined whether it is permanent looting or looting for a period of time). It is really a must-have engineer shovel for looters! ]

[Name: Locust of the Looter X99999]

[Quality: Exclusive to the title]

[Function: Release these big cuties, and they will automatically collect various natural resources for you! Of course, you can also use special resources to upgrade the locusts and make their collection more targeted. If you can have a queen locust and let the predator locusts reproduce, they will always be loyal to you, rustling! 】

Oh, locusts, nearly 100,000! Sunbird closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes calmly. It was just another group of magic insects. He now has the orange title of the father of magic insects, and he should have gotten used to all kinds of insects-

[You successfully cultivated a devil insect from a newborn larvae into a terrifying existence that destroys the world in mythology (corn shoots are divided into bamboo shoots); you successfully cultivated the lowest female insect into the god of death in Norse mythology (Xiao Cui); you succeeded Cultivate a demon insect to transform twice, and let it have its own offspring of the same race (big butterfly, small golden butterfly); more than a million demon insects are born because of you, and they are all willing to die for you. Fight, because you are the father of demonic insects, the great father, and any demonic insect will obey your orders! 】

[Father of Demonic Insects (orange title): You are the Father of Demonic Insects! 】

This is an upgrade from Wei Xun's original purple title of "Liansi". In this competition, Corn Bamboo Shoots, Xiao Cui and Die Da have all advanced greatly. It is expected that Wei Xun's Demonic Insect title will be upgraded. Fortunately, after this promotion, although the title of 'Thread Pulling' disappeared, the 'Father of Demonic Insects' retained and strengthened the power of pulling threads.

[1. As the father of demonic insects, you are the best at cultivating larvae. No matter how inferior the demonic insect is, it will be reborn after being raised by you. Your blood will have the effect of transforming and upgrading all kinds of demonic insects. Drinking your blood The demonic insect will be completely loyal to you and respect you as father! 】

[2. As the father of demonic insects, you are best at appeasing female insects. All types of female insects will have a natural affinity for you and will not take the initiative to attack you when in a non-attack state. You can find genes from creatures of any race and share them with the female worm. Your breath of power can make the female worm excited and active, lay a large number of high-quality eggs, and increase the chance of the eggs mutating! 】

[3. As the father of demonic insects, you are best at deterring wild demonic insects. Even the Star Diamond worms will give up their territory and run away when they see you, mistaking you for a powerful father insect that will devour his offspring. Even if you are caught in the siege of a crazy insect swarm that has no rational instinct and out of control, don’t worry. Your deterrence is enough to stop the most powerful and terrifying insect swarm for ten seconds - someone/insects should come to rescue you after ten seconds. If Otherwise, please form your own family of demonic insects first, and then go out to search for genes! 】

【4. As the father of demonic insects, you will build your own demonic insect family! The thread will serve as a soul chain connecting family members, uniting the entire family. Every family member will feel unparalleled happiness and security in the family, without fear of danger and fear, and follow your will to expand and conquer— —You are the fraternal father of the demonic insects. Even non-insects can be included in your family and receive your protection! 】

[You get the orange title to match the series of props ‘Insect Nest’, ‘Special Blood Emulsifier Formula’, ‘Gene Reptile Production Blueprint’, and ‘Portable Pheromone Converter’]

The styles of these four items are slightly different from the props given by other orange titles. The insect nest is used to carry magic insects. It is essentially equivalent to the highest level magic insect ball. The internal space of the insect nest is huge - or No matter how big the devil insect is, it will become smaller after entering the insect nest, making the space appear to be very large. The insect nest is divided into nine layers. Demonic insects of different races can live in different layers peacefully. Theoretically, Wei Xun can raise up to nine female insects in the insect nest.

The insect nest will automatically produce the most basic magic insect food 'cpet', and the army of magic insects can also enter a dormant state on weekdays to reduce food loss. Wei Xun thought about integrating and recasting his improved magic insect ball with the insect nest, and then placing it in the Lost Paradise - in the final analysis, magic insects are most suitable for growing in an environment close to the abyss.

As for the blood emulsifier formula and genetic reptile production blueprint, one is to make Wei Xun's blood into insect milk that can be used for high-quality insect eggs/insect hatchlings to upgrade and mutate. With Wei Xun's current strength, just a drop of blood plus some Various other materials can produce insect milk that can evolve and mutate a hundred insect eggs. This is much more civilization than using blood directly.

Of course, he can also directly use pure blood. The mutated demonic insects will be more aggressive and have a higher probability of mutation, but there is a certain possibility that they will lose control.

The genetic crawler is more like a mechanical gadget, very small, that can collect dander and other things from other organisms to crawl genes-converting them into genes that can be used by the mother insect to reproduce offspring. It is very portable and practical. The only problem is that a genetic crawler can only be used once, and the loss rate is too high.

The pheromone converter also uses Wei Xun's blood to convert into powerful pheromones that can deter the Zerg. This kind of pheromones can also be used to build stronger ties and form a stronger soul connection.

Generally speaking, this orange title cannot directly improve one's combat effectiveness, but is more inclined to assist development. But it works well as an auxiliary. Wei Xun's combat power has improved horribly after this competition, and he has no shortage of such orange titles, Destroyer - derived from his destruction of Nordic mythology, Babylonian mythology, the journey to the 30th North Latitude and the source of pollution. Orange title, the effect is very abnormal. It only has one exclusive weapon, and that is the Crow Crown, which is still floating in the West End.

After Wei Xun gets it back, the title of Destroyer will be merged with the Crow Crown to form a set of seven matching items including a crown, veil, gloves, and medals. Similar to the set of Dapeng Bird Horn King that Wei Xun obtained in northern Tibet, each item of Destroying Crows has its own effect, and together they will become a unified force, the strongest power that Wei Xun can control—— 'Cataclysm'

Destroyed by Wei Xun himself, the powerful enough forces/things will be remobilized by him during the cataclysm and become his power to destroy his enemies. Of course, summoning these powers requires items closely related to them, somewhat similar to conjuring spirits.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp?" Doesn't pollution destruction just disappear? How could he still be summoned?

The doubts in Wei Xun's heart deepened. If it were Nordic mythology and Babylonian mythology that originated from the power of human consciousness for a long time, it would be okay to say that even if it was 'destroyed' by Wei Xun, as long as people are not extinct, they will definitely be restored. existence', it is normal to be summoned.

But the trip to the 30th degree north latitude like Babylon was completely destroyed, and only a tiny bit of the pollution was left in Wei Xun. Or should we use a little less? Can this kind of power be summoned by the 'cataclysm'? Where to call from? Squeezing the power of contamination from its former belongings?

If this can barely be said... it would be terrible if even the power of the destroyed pollution source could be summoned. How much would it cost?

"This title is not normal."

An Xuefeng's tone was solemn. Destruction would not be a good thing, especially since Wei Xun's power has not yet been fully formed and he is easily affected by the distortion of the outside world. If the title of Destroyer is only for those myths, it would be reasonable. Even the thirty degrees north latitude Both the journey and the source of pollution can be targeted... This is not a power that humans can have.

Nor should it be a responsibility that humans can bear.

Wei Xun... Thinking of the clues revealed by Taoist Master Kongkong and the inferences he had drawn during this period, Fengniao couldn't help but bury his head on the sunbird and took a deep breath of the hot sun's breath, even if Wei Xun comforted him and joked. The lack of a title will not affect his ability to destroy the myth. He will not use this title indiscriminately. There are so many orange titles, and Destroyer is not the least of them.

And no matter how abnormal it is, it is impossible to have the title of 'Perfect Mare'. It is even more abnormal. This thing can have an orange title. Wei Xun's eyes are really open. Although according to the introduction of this title, the 'Perfect Mare' is indeed worthy of it - unlike its title, its introduction is extremely serious, because Wei Xun turned into a magical horse that turned all living beings upside down and fascinated all the original people in Iceland. Resident, it was recognized by the Norse gods, and it also fascinated the fire giant Surtur. It also ran like an aurora at a costume ball, won the crown of horse king, and even gave birth to Fenrir wolf and Jörmungar. Got and Hela, the three giants of Ragnarok.

Therefore, this orange title claims that Wei Xun is the most perfect divine horse, which essentially represents the horse-shaped god Loki; it runs as fast as the aurora, or it is the incarnation of the aurora; even the god's mortal enemy falls for it, and it It can also breed creatures that are soul-connected with itself, thereby giving them the power of gods - if they are related to gods, they must have an orange title.

Wei Xun used this to try to liven up the atmosphere, but the restless mood was like a thorn in An Xuefeng's heart. Even if he was calm and focused on the surface, his heart would be pricked with blood every time it beat, and the thorn would prick deeper and deeper.

But he was An Xuefeng after all. His anxious mood was forcibly suppressed by the chirping of the sunbird. An Xuefeng's eyes regained his composure. He had to walk step by step. Anxiety could not solve any problem. Solve immediate problems first, then plan for the future. * * * I feel the same way as An Xuefeng. It is rare for Wei Xun to come to the conclusion before he has browsed all the orange titles.

[Comprehensive evaluation, your performance in leading the team in this east-west district competition has reached a five-star rating! You are already a very powerful and charming tour guide. All tourists are willing to be led by you through the journey. Please lead more tour groups in the future and keep up your efforts! 】

[You have obtained the East-West Zone Competition·Iceland·Special commemorative items: Competition·Iceland special seal]

[You have obtained the East-West District Competition·Iceland·Special commemorative item: Iceland Photo Album (the album contains the best photos you took in each scenic spot, which can be viewed at any time, and the pollution has been dealt with)]

[You obtain tickets for the east-west district warm-up competition and post-game auction (non-transferable, you can bring up to ten companions)]

[You get an invitation letter for the East-West District pre-heating competition and evening banquet (including a set of custom-made men’s tour guide dress cloaks, the invitation letter is non-transferable, and you can bring two family members)]

[In this east-west district competition, your score has reached the top among contestants and tour guides in the district! The specific score settlement will be broadcast live in the hotel during the dinner seven days later. This is the honor you deserve! 】

[At the end of the journey, the tour guide flag, tour guide microphone, and tour guide brooch are automatically returned to the hotel]

[After the East-West District Competition, you will be given one month to rest. The host of Thriller * * * reminds you that work and rest should be balanced. The hotel is very concerned about your physical and mental health. Proper rest will help you soothe your nerves. Thriller Hotel , your warm home! 】

When the epilogue fell, the settlement of this confrontation was finally over. The pure white space fluctuated, and the blue-white slime that was originally thrown into the prison in the corner of the space by An Xuefeng also rolled out. As if it sensed the power of the person in charge, it huddled in the corner and did not dare to come over. Finally, it was left behind The healing white light slapped Wei Xun's side.

The healing white light has replenished Wei Xun with sufficient energy. His trauma has been healed, but the stacked pain and pollution have not been completely resolved. The settlement space will soon collapse, indicating that they will be able to return to their base soon and be able to connect deeply. Really solve these stubborn problems in Wei Xun.

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