Thriller Tour Group

939 Nutrient Solution 315 will be updated. There will be another update soon...


Seeing the introductions of these two titles, Sunbird felt a little bit strange. The title of patricide might be useful, but the title of brother-killing——even if he didn’t have the title, he would recognize his brother accurately.

This title also has the negative effect of killing, so it seems a bit useless in general. Unless it is really at the most critical moment, it is used to clamp down on the enemy. But patricide and brother-killing are both aimed at older men. In essence, if the target can be affected by brother-killing, it can also be affected by patricide.

In comparison, the negative effect of the former is obviously much smaller, and——

“Chirp chirp?” ‘Stay with your father on the journey forever? Is this leaving the hotel and becoming a native? ’

Sunbird was puzzled, but this is only a purple title after all, and it should not be able to do this. I can try it when I have time in the future. Putting aside the doubts in my heart for the time being, Wei Xun’s eyes fell on other purple titles.

Many of the purple titles he obtained this time look simple, but they are very useful, such as 'Empty Rune' and 'Fishing Man'. Some are more targeted and not widely applicable, such as 'Angel Forbidden Zone' and 'Gate of Heaven'. Some titles are obviously from the same series. If you get more, you should be able to put them together and accumulate an orange title.

[Empty Rune (Purple Title): You once merged the Empty Rune in Northern Europe. This is an incredible rune! It symbolizes fate, represents God's will, represents infinite possibilities, and represents unpredictable possibilities - but it is just an Empty Rune after all! If you wear this title alone, it will not have any effect, and will gradually empty your wallet. But if you use it for divination, and use it on some fate-related titles/props, it will show its true power! ]

[It is identified that you have the title of 'Gambler' and the exclusive prop 'Gambler's Dice'. You can spend a certain amount of points in the hotel to merge the title of 'Empty Rune' with the title of 'Gambler'! But this is not a small fee, I hope you can be mentally prepared! ]

[Fisherman (purple title): Wow, how do you know I caught this? That's right, you love fishing. You can enjoy fishing by the lake, the sea, or the tree. What? You said it's not just fish that are caught? You're kidding, who said it's not! Any living/non-living thing you catch will turn into fish in a very short time! But Fisherman only loves fishing. When you pick up the fishing rod, you will only focus on fishing. Even if a poisonous snake bites your throat, you will catch this big fish first! ]

[Dream Destroyer (purple title): When others are still dreaming, you have already started to destroy dreams! A big duel between the dream gates? NONONO You have mastered the latest dream-destroying skills. When you and the dreamer are in the same team, the disaster you caused during the journey will also fall into his dream! You set off a storm in reality, and a tornado will fall in his dream. Tremble, surrender, you are the most terrible dream destroyer. Of course, you must be curious. When reality can affect dreams, will dreams affect reality? Of course! Be careful. Maybe the monsters in dreams are more twisted and weird, powerful and terrible. Then it is reality that will be destroyed! 】

【Dragon Rider (purple title): This is not the first time you ride on the back of a dragon! When you did not get the title of Glacier Walker but became a dragon rider, you should know that the time gate you ride on the back of a dragon is beyond ordinary people. This is really an extraordinary talent! To become a dragon rider, you must first have a dragon that is willing to be ridden by you, whether it is an Eastern dragon or a Western dragon, wild or domesticated, any dragon is fine. When you find a way to successfully ride on its back, its favorability towards you will double, and it will let you ride for a period of time. But be careful! Riding a dragon is not an easy job. It will consume a lot of your physical strength. When you stop riding a dragon, you will not be able to walk for a period of time! So what are you waiting for? Ride a dragon all the time. As long as you never get off the dragon's back, you can solve all problems! 】

【God's Blessing (Purple Title): You are the super star in the eyes of God! God will watch you and bless you. Yes, He will definitely do so. After all, who else can be so dazzling and attract God's attention every day and night? Whether it is love or hate, God will watch you and bring you different blessings every day, but be careful, God's love or hate will increase with the daily blessing. Whether it is excessive love or excessive hatred... it is unbearable for humans.】

【Blasphemy of Death (Purple Title): My God, you killed the Hebrew Death Knight; you killed the Babylonian Hades, and you let a bug become the God of Death! To be honest, no one blasphemes death more than you. When the natives, gods, monsters, etc. with the power of death encounter you, their luck values ​​will drop to negative numbers and they will be in big trouble! And you have to blaspheme death again and again. Don't let death climb over your head by accident, otherwise... death will blaspheme you! 】

[Soul Ferry (Purple Title): Come here... go there, you can save the polluted souls back to the human gate, you can send the souls of the dead to the underworld, you can eat the souls of gods, you have established connections with more than a million souls, in terms of means, power, strength, and manpower, you are a well-deserved soul ferryman! Ferrying souls is a delicate job, you have absolute authority in this, you will have a soul ferry, you can choose the human gate, the underworld, the stomach and other places as the end point, and use the boat to ferry souls. Of course, there is definitely a risk of capsizing when ferrying. Once the boat capsizes during the ferrying process, you and the souls on the boat may exchange bodies, or merge souls... Be careful, the capsizing is uncontrollable and completely random. After all, this is just a purple title, what else do you want! ]

[Abyss Builder (Purple Title): Oh my God, how can there be such a bold person as you! You graze abyss sheep in your personal territory, sow abyss parasites, raise cows from the original abyss, and even the river water is abyss-flavored milk. Old swan, you are the abyss builder, you are building the abyss from scratch! Under your careful care, the output of all abyss-related things will increase, and the hotel will be stressed. Let's make a deal and raise all these ghosts in the real abyss. Otherwise, please do not wear this title in the virtual lobby/resident of the hotel, otherwise the hotel will be fined severely and will hang a sign - the abyss builder and his team members are prohibited from entering! 】

[Beast personality (purple title): Awoo - Awoo awoo - beasts, flying in the sky, walking on the ground, swimming in the water, there is nothing you won't change into! The joy of changing into an animal is unimaginable. You have been in animal form for too long, and you are so happy that your personality has been distorted in the direction of animals! After the beast personality, you will have the personality and psychology of a beast. The negative effects such as pollution, pain, and mental breakdown that you suffered when you were a human seem to be far away from you. If you maintain a deep beast personality state, you can even join other journeys in the form of a beast! But when you stare at the beast, the beast is also staring at you. Be careful, if you stay in the beast personality state for too long, you will lose your true self! 】

"Chirp?" Is the sunbird also considered a beast state?

Sunbird Wei Xun tilted his head in confusion. He felt that he did not maintain the animal form for too long in the competition. If he really wanted to count, it would probably count the time gate when he was a cat in the old dream and turned into a sunbird, otherwise this title should not fall on him.

This title reminded Wei Xun of the past. When An Xuefeng turned into a snow leopard in northern Tibet, he didn't have much human brain. It was just like a real beast. In addition to his orange title of Archdruid, he should have been in a deep state of beast personality at that time. Speaking of it, An Xuefeng felt the best when he became a snow leopard. Perhaps it was because when he first met and when he first cut off the Pain Snow Peak, An Xuefeng was in the snow leopard state. Among these animal forms, Wei Xun likes the furry big snow leopard the most. He decided to enjoy the leopard hug when he returned to the base.

In addition to these purple titles that he focused on, Wei Xun quickly skipped the other purple titles. It’s not that they are not important. The prerequisite for the "story interpreter" is that someone tells the story, and Wei Xun can interpret the content of the story into the journey/reality. With An Xuefeng around, the horror stories are endless. As an interpreter, Wei Xun will naturally become the protagonist of the "story". That is to say, if he cooperates well, he can become An Xuefeng when An Xuefeng tells the story with himself as the main body!

But this title also has the risk of interpreting the monster when interpreting the story, and becoming a monster himself. What's more, An Xuefeng can't move when telling the story. An Xuefeng is restricted, so Wei Xun's interpretation of 'An Xuefeng' feels like a mentally retarded person taking off his pants to fart. Unless it is in some special circumstances, this title is a bit useless.

'Merciful Hunter' is a subordinate title of the orange title 'Hunter'. It emphasizes that Wei Xun can see the enemy's weaknesses clearly, and will obtain various targeted buffs after entering the hunting state. It should be a very useful title for killing people and enemies. The problem lies in 'mercy'. After killing the enemy, the merciful hunter cannot take any spoils, and must bury the enemy!

The fact that he cannot take spoils makes Wei Xun lose this title, especially from the process of selecting the hunting target to burying the body of the hunting target, the title of Merciful Hunter cannot be switched, and cannot be stuck with BUGs!

This reminded Wei Xun of the storytelling night in the competition. His story had the most murders and he became a hunter, but Wei Xun did not follow the hotel's plan to oppose the travelers and provoke their hatred to become their motivation to become stronger. Instead, he buried all the spoils obtained after hunting.

Tsk, the hotel is not taking revenge on him, no, no, there won't be such a stingy hotel!

Wei Xun complained in his heart that the title of Merciful Hunter can only be put aside for now, and wait until it is promoted to an orange title. The remaining purple titles ending with "Collector" are also the same. They can specifically improve the collection efficiency of a certain item, but during the period of wearing the title, the door can only collect this type of items, and cannot collect other resources. It is indeed a bit useless.

But if you can collect seven purple titles of the "Collector" series, then these titles will be integrated and advanced to become the orange title "Great Collector", and from then on, there will be a very large collection gain for any spoils, and there will be no restrictions on any type.

At that time, the title of 'Collector' can be worn alternately with the two orange titles of 'Explorer' that Wei Xun obtained in the past and the newly obtained 'Plunderer' this time. First explore, then plunder and finally collect. It's simply One-stop coverage!

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