Thriller Tour Group

938 Nutrient Solution (314 additional updates) There will be another chapter soon...

Looking at this series of honorary titles, Wei Xun was silent for a while. Oddly enough, among so many orange titles, the one he saw at first sight was the 'Perfect Mare'... What kind of ghost title is this, can it also be considered orange? It’s simply out of place in this pile of orange titles!

Thinking that Wei Xun's eyes were a little wandering, if a perfect mare could have an orange title, wouldn't the Phantom Cat also be a perfect male cat... ahem.

His thoughts wandered for a moment and then came back. Wei Xun gathered his mind and no longer just looked at the orange titles, but carefully examined his newly acquired titles from the beginning. He has received many honorary titles after this competition. Those that are completely unrelated to the titles obtained by 'Passenger Wei Xun' include [Return to Zero], [Destroy the Abyss Rift], [Destroy the Norse Myths], and [Destroy the Babylonian Myths]. ], [Destroy the Journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude], [Destroy the Source of Pollution], [Breakthrough the Limit of Mental Power], [Rule Breaker], [Son of the Giant], [Father of Monsters], [Doomsday Judgment], [Theocratic Harvester] , [100% Pure Blood], [Plural Heritage], [Radical Main Mission Excavator], [Bane of Gods] and nearly twenty others.

Most of these honorary titles are more similar to game achievements. For example, "Father of Monsters" refers to the number of monsters with blood, soul, and energy relationship with Wei Xun exceeding one million (worms and slimes), and the Nemesis of the Gods. Wei Xun directly/indirectly killed more than ten gods.

This kind of honorary title has no bonus and was swept away by Wei Xun. Among them are several familiar honorary titles that he has received as a passenger. Two of them have slightly changed, [Highlight Passenger] has become [Highlight Tour Guide], and [Resurrection from the Dead] has become [Resurrection from the Dead]. This honor The title commemorates Wei Xun's successful resurrection of three people.

According to the rules of the hotel, people like Black Widow, Di Feiyu, and Roger Betty who come back to life during a journey are not considered resurrections. At least it must be like 'Passenger Wei Xun', who dies during the journey and is resurrected after the journey is over.

The indicator of the number of people who have been resurrected by Wei Xun also follows this. So far, the people who have been resurrected by him are recorded in the hotel, namely Yu Hehui, Tong Hege and George.

These resurrected people will all establish a certain soul connection with him, but George and the Black Widow have a deep connection. They are both travelers to the West Side and former pioneers of the 30th North Latitude. The situation is different. So far, An Xuefeng has mentioned that George has returned to the West District and is with the Black Widow, but the connection between him and Wei Xun has not been broken. Although George helped Wei Xun when he destroyed Babylon, was he not redeeming and resurrecting himself? What's more, this is the most difficult task of "resurrecting the third person". The hotel judged that George's contribution was far from being able to repay Wei Xun's kindness. I heard that George had already started making preparations to come to the East District to meet people, so he must repay the debt twice as much. Only with Wei Xun's life-saving grace and the passage of the hotel, it was possible to dissolve this soul connection.

The situation on the Fenrir Wolf side is even more complicated... I heard from An Xuefeng that the Lizard Duke is still in the council and has not returned to his station. On the contrary, the Silver Moon Killer was summoned by the council. The situation is temporarily unknown, but in the end it is estimated that We have to find Wei Xun. He is the father of Fenrir Wolf and the person who brought its soul back from the battlefield and gave Fenrir Wolf new life. This connection is even closer than resurrecting George.

"Choo Choo Choo."

Thinking of the sunbird rubbing the feathers of the phoenix, and applying the healing white light. He did not hide his thoughts, An Xuefeng and *** could feel it, and Wei Xun also noticed the slight jealousy in their hearts - An Xuefeng was not a generous person, he and his slice No, it’s always a bit unsettling to have a soul connection between your deeply connected tour guide and another powerful traveler. Who doesn’t want their lover to be completely theirs?

For example, in the brigade, as the captain, he has the deepest connection with Wei Xun. It can be said that the degree of relief and intimacy that other team members can enjoy is far weaker than that of the brigade captain. For example, when An Xuefeng and Wei Xun kissed, they felt relieved. This level of mental contamination falls on other brigade members, which is almost the same as Wei Xun cooking with Lu Shucheng, fishing with Wang Yushu, being supervised by Mao Xiaole for coding, racing with Wang Pengpai, and Wan Xiang Chun combed his feathers together and was studied to this extent by Bai Xiaosheng. This was the most efficient mental relief that the team members could experience.

This will not arouse An Xuefeng's jealousy, but George and Silver Moon Killer are both famous big travelers, and they are both powerful travelers who have been connected and enjoy the closest connection. This makes An Xuefeng feel a little inexplicable. Taste.

Of course, An Xuefeng didn't keep this sour taste in his heart. The jealousy and the occasional sourness were part of the fun between him and Wei Xun, to seduce Wei Xun into taking the initiative to be intimate with him - although Wei Xun was already very proactive.

After Sunbird and Fengniao exchanged breaths, Fengniao kissed him and urged Wei Xun to continue to familiarize himself with the various newly acquired titles. Many of the orange titles obtained this time are upgrades from the original purple titles, which Wei Xun himself is familiar with, but most of the newly obtained blue and purple titles are ones that he did not have in the past.

Among them, there are not many blue titles, because Wei Xun's frequently used "extraordinary power" in the competition has basically been promoted to the purple or orange level. The person who still has the title of blue is either because he has not carefully explored his power, or he does not have much room for growth.

But he has received too many purple titles!

[You get the blue title of [Horse King]]

[You obtain the [Hunter] blue title]

[You get the [Warm-hearted] blue title]

[You get the [Good Popularity] blue title]

[You get the [Photographer] blue title]

[You get the blue title of [Raising Ghost Babies]]

[You get the purple title of [Patricide]]

[You get the purple title [Brother Killing]]

[You obtain the [Lure] purple title]

[You get the [empty symbol] purple title]

[You get the purple title of [Fisherman]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Dragon Knight]]

[You obtain the [Gladiator] purple title]

[You obtain the purple title of [Dream Destroyer]]

[You get the purple title of [Friends of Killer Whales]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Friends of Elf]]

[You obtain the [God’s Blessing] purple title]

[You obtain the purple title of [Desecration of Death]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Angel Forbidden Zone]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Soul Ferry]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Animal Personality]]

[You get the purple title of [Heaven's Gate]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Aurora Arrival]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Dragon Gourmet]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Abyss Builder]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Story Performer]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Mercy Hunter]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Egg Collector]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Meat Collector]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Corpse Collector]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Collector of God’s Authority]]

[Horse King (blue title): You are the well-deserved Horse King. This is an honor unanimously recognized by the indigenous people of Iceland and awarded to you! When wearing this title, you can command the horses even if you are not in the form of a horse. You will be regarded as the King of Horses by any living thing/non-living thing! 】

[Hunter (blue title): You are a qualified hunter. In order to protect the Icelandic horses, you shot and killed a polar bear that came ashore and was disguised as a human! Your marksmanship is extremely accurate. When you wear this title, you will automatically obtain an all-purpose gun, which will deal a critical blow to the prey in disguise! 】

[Warm-hearted (blue title): You have a warm-hearted heart, and you will take the initiative to help whether animals, monsters, aborigines or gods encounter problems! Even in the coldest time, you will have a warm heart, and even death will not make your heart cold! 】

[Good popularity (blue title): You are very popular, enthusiastic, generous and helpful. The aboriginal people praise you full of praise. When you wear this title, you can easily win the love of all the aboriginal people! 】

[Photographer (blue title): You love photography and have taken many excellent photos during this trip. You have taken so many photos that every participating passenger has his or her own photo album! Go ahead and take photos, you'll always capture the best pollution shots and the photos will automatically appear in your album! 】

[Raising ghost babies (blue title): You once owned a ghost baby, and the ghost baby's breath has been left on your body since then. Wild ghost babies will feel close to you when they see you again, and you can raise more ghosts. Baby, maybe one day we will be able to cultivate high-quality ghost babies who have gone to college! 】

In Wei Xun's opinion, these blue titles are all interesting and have their own uses. In particular, the affinity with the ghost infants in "Raising Ghost Infants" and the critical attacks against pretenders in "Hunter" should both come in handy when exploring the tomb of the Tusi King.

In comparison, the scope of application of many purple titles is not so wide... Ahem, at least killing father and brother will not play a big role in many journeys.

[Patricide (Purple Title): If you want to kill your father, you must first have a father. Even Ymir, the original giant in Northern Europe, is willing to take the initiative to treat you as his own son. This is not a problem for you at all! Wearing this title will make it easier for you to establish father-son relationships with older male natives, gods, monsters, etc. during your journey, and you will receive additional tasks assigned by your father. After that, as long as you kill 'Father', you will get his entire inheritance! But be careful and be sure to kill your 'father' as soon as possible, otherwise you will develop more and more affection for him until you become a true 'father and son', and by then you will be on the journey forever. Accompany my father...]

[Brother Killing (Purple Title): Even the Nordic god Odin pinched his nose and admitted that you are brothers. In the world, is there any other brother that you don’t recognize? absolutely not! Wearing this title will make it easier for you to establish brotherly relationships with older male natives, gods, monsters, etc. during your journey, and you will be cared for by your elder brothers. After that, as long as you kill the 'brother' with your own hands, you will get all his assets! But be careful, Brother Bear is the most annoying. The longer you wear this title, the more your brother will gradually become murderous towards you! 】

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