Thriller Tour Group

937 Tour Guide B1 Settlement (Part 2) Nutrient Solution 313 added...

[Your salary for the East-West Competition has been deducted]

[Because your resurrected George indirectly/directly caused the Babel Tower of Babel to descend on the 30th Degree North Latitude Journey, your accident insurance compensation for the 30th Degree North Latitude Journey cannot be effective]

Behind the hotel's continuous "likes", "good reviews" and "pride", the rewards given by the hotel next are completely inconsistent with its praise.

There is definitely no bonus like the daily scenic spot tasks that traveler Wei Xun can get, after all, the tour guide himself has never been required by the hotel to visit scenic spots. Wei Xun completed many main and branch team tasks, but according to the hotel's usual reward rules, the things he got from completing these additional tasks belong to him as rewards, and the hotel did not say that he would give additional rewards for this.

Including the "gaze" of various Nordic gods, what Icelandic horse test purity bonus, rune character fusion bonus, etc., none of them. Compared with the number of points obtained by traveler Wei Xun, the tour guide's reward points are much less.

However, Wei Xun looked carefully and found that the rewards he received as a tour guide were not much less than those as a tourist. The main rewards were the Nine Spirit Swords, the Destruction of Babylon, the Destruction of Pollution Sources, and the live broadcast of the competition. He received too much!

[You get a bonus for leading the East and West Warm-up Competition for the first time: 20,000 points]

[You get a bonus for all members surviving: 20,000 points]

[You get a bonus for redeeming tourists (super high difficulty): 10,000 points x3]

[You get a bonus for becoming a tourist in the fourth camp in the competition: 50,000 points]

[You get a bonus for dominating the Last Judgment: 50,000 points]

[You get a bonus for dominating the Ragnarok: 100,000 points]

[You get a bonus for the Best Tour Guide in the Competition: 100,000 points]

[You get a bonus for passing the Old Daydream for the first time: 500,000 points]

[You get Reward for breaking through the limit of mental power: 900,000 points]

[You won the warm-up competition - East District Winner·Winner's individual gold medal reward: 1,000,000 points x 7]

[You won the reward for destroying the Tower of Babel: 10,000,000 points]

[You won the audience's selection of the 'most popular tour guide' reward: 10% of the total income from the live broadcast of this competition]

[Based on your contribution to the destruction of the pollution source and your mental and physical injuries, the hotel evaluates that you should receive a 999999999 point reward and pension. After your confirmation, the bill will be sent to the S1 Devourer, who will make the payment]

[Comprehensively evaluated, your trip has received five-star praise! You have become a popular tour guide. Please lead more groups in the future and keep up the good work! ]

[Your mental illusion also performed well in this competition. Its achievements are your achievements! Unfortunately, you are in a bad mental state now. The mental illusion is hidden, and it is difficult to settle the corresponding points for the mental illusion. After your mental condition stabilizes, you can apply to the hotel with your mental illusion to receive your reward.]

[You passed the old dream test in this competition. According to the rules, you will be able to choose three designated heritage items from the two former strong men, the ‘Red Team’ and the ‘Red Guide’, and randomly allocate 10% of the heritage items to the two former strong men, the ‘Red Team’ and the ‘Red Guide’, including but not limited to props, titles, hotel-related sealed assets, reality-related sealed assets, abyss-related sealed assets, etc. After the settlement is completed, you can apply to the hotel to choose the heritage at any time within 30 days.]

"Chirp, chirp" Apply for heritage!

The sun bird saw two scarlet keys appear in front of him. There were not many patterns on them. One key was carved with a butterfly wing wrapped with a long whip, representing the tour guide, and the other key was only half, but it could be inlaid with the previous key, representing the traveler.

This pair of tour guides and travelers were deeply connected during their lifetime, and most of their assets were sealed together after their death, so there would be such a special shape of key.

"There are three most precious things in the legacy, and they are the best to choose first."

An Xuefeng, who had experienced the inheritance of the legacy, passed on his experience to Wei Xun: "The most important thing is the items and information related to the journey to the 30th degree north latitude."

"The second is the power and exclusive items related to the initial title."

"Finally, if you are a traveler and your relatives on the heritage side were also travelers, choose the strongest title or the strongest exclusive item; if you and your relatives on the heritage side are both tour guides, choose the tour guide cloak power induction."

"If the first three are difficult to choose, then choose the unique orange title or unsolvable items."

"In addition, if you know what the elders left behind is the most precious, then choose those first. You don't need to choose the hotel residence, reality and abyss assets specifically, just wait for the distribution, the hotel will divide them about the same."

Obviously, An Xuefeng also counted the people who took the legacy. He must have participated in the old dream, and it is also a hotel practice to choose three items by yourself. For example, he may have taken away the information of the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, the cloak power induction, etc. that Hong Dao and others opened up at the beginning, and the later ones can no longer obtain these things again. There is no way, the rules of the hotel are like this.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp." The hotel actually seals up these things. It seems that it has more energy than we imagined.

The sunbird chirped. It used to be said that hotels were cleared every ten years, and even the posters in the past would no longer show faces. But now it seems that the hotel has preserved a lot of things. What legacy will Red Guide Red Team leave behind? Wei Xun was preoccupied with two things, and he was able to concentrate on thinking while listening to * * * talk about the various titles he had received.

The number of titles Wei Xun received this time is simply ridiculous. Many tour guides and tourists may not get so many titles in the next ten or fifteen years! It may also be that if you have taken a few trips in the past and obtained a title, there will be a hotel prompt during the trip, and it will not be specifically displayed again during settlement. And this time, just like when I went to the Sahara, the hotels during the trip were out of reach. It would be too much to settle the bill together after the trip, but it is also equivalent to giving the tour guide/passengers new strength to cross the road in case something happens. If there are any omissions in calculating power, please report it to the hotel as soon as possible.

The titles obtained by Tour Guide Bingyi are also blue starting. Some of the titles are the same as those of Tourist Wei Xun, and some are advanced versions of Tourist Wei Xun. However, no matter which level of title it is, the number obtained by tour guide Bingyi is much greater than that of tourist Wei Xun - there are as many as twenty orange titles alone! Wei Xun felt dizzy looking at it.

【You get the [Fire] Orange title! 】

【You get the [Nurturing] orange title! 】

【You get the [Sun] Orange title! 】

【You get the [Master] orange title! 】

【You get the [Invader] orange title! 】

【You get the [Plunderer] orange title! 】

【You get the orange title of [Destroyer]! 】

【You get the orange title of [God Killer]! 】

【You get the orange title of [Dragon Slayer]! 】

【You get the orange title of [Deceiver]! 】

【You get the orange title of [The Lost One]! 】

【You get the [Blade Dancer] orange title! 】

【You get the orange title of [Resurrection from the Dead]! 】

【You get the orange title of [Pollution Buster]! 】

【You get the orange title of [Perfect Mare]! 】

【You get the orange title of [Vulcan Loki]! 】

[You obtain the orange title [Father of Demonic Insects]! 】

[You obtain the orange title of [God of the Abyss]! 】

【You get the orange title of [Nordic Divine Power]! 】

【You get the orange title of [Babylonian Divine Power]! 】

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