Thriller Tour Group

926 Slime Miracle If you die, it will no longer be a miracle...

An Xuefeng strode in. Although the luxurious prison was spacious enough, An Xuefeng, who was more than 1.9 meters tall, felt very oppressive when he entered the cell with a frown. As soon as he entered, his eyes were attracted by a magnet. He also looked directly at Wei Xun in the corner, looked at the sunbird from head to talons, and walked quickly towards him out of habit.

It wasn't until he felt the pollution from the Sun Gate that was filled with unkind hostility that An Xuefeng glanced at the somewhat deformed but still familiar mask pressed under the Sun Bird's body. Only then did An Xuefeng stop and stand not far away from Wei Xun. Beside the sofa on the other side, not far away, he helped Wei Xun to relieve himself through spiritual communication, conveying some worries and comforting emotions in the past.

An Xuefeng knew that they would not be imprisoned for long and would be released soon, let alone any trial. Compared with the unparalleled achievement of destroying the source of pollution, all the previous violations were nothing more than a cloud. The hotel itself I will settle this account. In fact, the hotel locked up a bunch of them, just because they didn't want them to cause trouble again while the hotel was dealing with the mess.

The one who doesn’t want anything to happen to them now is the hotel. After all, there are still many sources of pollution in the world. This time they were able to get rid of one with the right time and place, but who says they can’t get rid of more in the future? That's why An Xuefeng was able to report to the hotel so easily and came to Wei Xun from his cell. His reason was that Wei Xun was seriously polluted and must be relieved in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The hotel quickly agreed, but this excuse was not a pretense for An Xuefeng to deal with the hotel. He could feel that Wei Xun's situation was indeed very bad. Multiple persons in charge and members of parliament are very efficient in cleaning up pollution. They can be returned to the station before tonight, settle accounts normally, and sleep normally to deal with the pollution. But even for a minute or two, those who are extremely worried about Wei Xun's condition It’s very difficult for An Xuefeng!

When Wei Xun saw that the pollution was completely out of control and he didn't even dare to transform from a sunbird back into a human form, if there had been no one else in the living room, An Xuefeng would have directly hugged his lover and went into the study room to have an in-depth communication. The cell door was blocked by him Even the deputy speaker couldn't get in, so the hotel couldn't really do anything to him anyway.

No matter what happened, he should hold the sun bird in his arms and comfort him, instead of soothing him through the air - but An Xuefeng saw the sun mask under Wei Xun's body.

The tour guide mask is a very private and important prop, even more important than the tour guide cloak. The mask of the Life-Happy Man is even more suspected to be fused with the Sun Gate token. Now the sunbird is nestled in it, even the mask is a little deformed due to crushing, but the Life-Happy Man does not show any displeasure.

From this glance, An Xuefeng could tell that Wei Xun and Xi Mingren were having a good chat when they were alone, at least there was no conflict over the source of pollution.

In this case, he will not become the 'conflict' between them. Captain An is self-taught in managing love, showing some mature cunning. The idea of ​​'choose him or me' is so boring and childish. It's a question that never really has an answer. An Xuefeng will not let his lover have to go through this kind of choice. In his opinion, Wei Xun deserves the best - of course he can ask for all family and love. An Xuefeng has experienced the death of his father and also experienced it in his old dreams. Mother's love. Family affection is very important to him, and obviously Wei Xun also attaches great importance to it.

In this case, An Xuefeng is willing to pinch his nose and nod his head when it is not a big deal, just like now he will not hold Wei Xun in his arms despite the man's implicit warning gaze, which will only make Wei Xun Difficult to do. He seems to be magnanimous and sensible now. If he gives in, Wei Xun will be more interested - not to mention that he did not come alone, and there is a Devourer behind him. If there are only three people who can still compete, they can't be Devouring now. Don't give anyone a face in front of the person who cares about his life.


Sure enough, Wei Xun felt the hostile Sun Gate pollution and the life-seeking man's increasingly cold and warning gaze. He originally thought that An Xuefeng would come over and hug him, and then he would find a way to communicate with his elder brother properly later. But now seeing that An Xuefeng didn't want to make things difficult for him and took the initiative to give in, Wei Xun's little bird's heart felt as if it had been soaked in hot water, warm and warm. Good is always relative, and Wei Xun also wants to be better to An Xuefeng. In particular, he knew that An Xuefeng was more deeply affected by the pollution source. It was he who slashed the pollution source to the brink of destruction with a single stroke of his sword. The intensity of the pollution and shock to his spirit was unimaginable to others.

Not only did he need relief, An Xuefeng needed it even more. Wei Xun can turn into the Nordic Sun without being too affected, but An Xuefeng is made of flesh and blood. Thinking of the sunbird, it raised its head and barked twice at An Xuefeng. It pecked its feathers as if it was a little uncomfortable. It looked weak, and ominous black cracks could be seen vaguely on its flawless body made of pure flame crystals.

The mythical solar energy was swallowed and shot, so its endurance is naturally not endless. Wei Xun's condition is indeed not good, but the pain is shielded so that he will not show it at all. Once it shows up, it becomes very serious——

At least An Xuefeng was anxious. All his previous thoughts were forgotten by him. Hearing the feeble hum of the sunbird, he furrowed his thick eyebrows and immediately strode forward. He didn't care about the burnt carpet and sat down directly on the ground. As soon as he retracted his legs, he took Sunbird into his arms. Although his movements were fast, he was cautious.

An Xuefeng did not pick up the sunbird rashly. He noticed that Wei Xun was releasing Sun Gate pollution into the disc-like sun mask. Perhaps this was a way to alleviate the pollution in Wei Xun's body. No matter whether the black cat or white cat is useful, it is a good cat. So even though An Xuefeng's fingers hurt from the hostile pollution of the Sun Gate, and the babble-like hymns made his brain buzz, An Xuefeng didn't throw out the mask or change the Sun Bird's original movements. Putting it on his lap, his big hands hugged the little sunbird, and then Wei Xun was completely enveloped by his aura of power.

Then An Xuefeng carefully pressed the sunbird's head with warm and dry fingertips, and stroked down the crystallized feathers on its neck. He used some force, as if massaging, and used close contact to relieve Wei Xun. He carefully It's like sharpening a knife. It was obvious that he was stroking the sunbird, but An Xuefeng's face was serious and solemn, and his handsome brows were furrowed. The first passenger rarely showed such an expression, even when his life was hanging by a thread, he often remained calm and his spirit was on the verge of collapse. In those years, his expression was mostly cold and solemn, and no one would notice any clues. His occasional loss of control would make people feel even more frightened.

But it's different now.

"Why are you here in handcuffs?"

The Devourer was originally observing the reactions of the three of them with great interest, until the man spoke in a calm tone, he knew that he could no longer look at it, so he retracted his gaze. Behind the mithril mask with swirling patterns, the Devourer's dark green eyes Tong smiled, raised her hand gracefully, and joked: "Ha, maybe the hotel thinks that I have done all the bad things this time."

The life-loving person obviously has no sense of humor, and his eyes do not change. He didn't look at An Xuefeng and Wei Xun again. Out of sight, out of mind, he chatted with Devourer for a few words, which was regarded as a silent acquiescence - it would be good to solve more pollution, and if you can use it, you should use it to the end. Don't have too many scruples, An Xuefeng's behavior in broad daylight was not too out of the ordinary.

"Have you done all the bad things?"

As if he was interested in the Devourer's handcuffs, the man smiled and raised his wrist. Whether you are shackled or not can tell the judgment tendency of the hotel. Even if you don't go to the hotel like An Xuefeng, but just because you and Wei Xun are not chained, you know that the hotel just puts them first. 'Here, there is a high probability that there will be no trial and punishment.

But Devourer is different.

"Yes, the crime the hotel convicted me of is not a small one."

The Devourer smiled and sighed, and joked: "Since 'I' illegally stopped the tour guide, causing people who should not have walked on the light path to be promoted to the hotel, in the heart of the hotel, my sin has been deep."

When he said this, the sunbird ball felt comfortable and was spread out in An Xuefeng's hand for him to touch the base of its wings and chest. His round eyes peeked through An Xuefeng's fingers to see what was going on there. He felt the Devourer suddenly look at it. Sunbird blinked innocently when he came over to look at it, as if the big melon that was originally attached to Devourer (the ghost captain with the slime) had nothing to do with it.

"That's pretty bad."

The Life-Happy Man obviously didn't intend to 'justice' the Devourer, so he just made a perfunctory statement without emotion. Seeing his appearance, Devourer pretended to sigh sadly, complaining that the Life-Happy Man was not friendly enough to his old friends. At the end of the meeting in the Bottomless Pit, in the eyes of the hotel, the Life-Happy Man and Bingyi were destroyed together. The source of pollution is a matter of returning to the wrong path and returning to the right path.

He, the Devourer, was the only one who walked all the way from beginning to end and did not participate in the major event of "destroying the source of pollution". In the end, he was severely caught by the hotel as a typical example.

"Why do I feel like I'm so unlucky when I meet your brothers?"

The Devourer sighed, but there was still a feeling of intimacy in his tone. It was obvious that his good relationship with the Life-eater was not groundless. As the Devourer walked toward the life-seeker, his long mithril cloak flowed like mercury, and the golden slime on his shoulders also murmured, like a sigh, and then rolled down from the cloak, about to jump in front of Wei Xun. . But before it could jump a few steps, it heard a buzzing sound and thought. The return knife was thrown right in front of it. The blade that blew the hair and cut off the hair was very close to the slime. It had a cold and chilly feel. It was obviously An Xuefeng's. warn.

After the battle in the Bottomless Pit, everyone present had a new understanding of An Xuefeng's Return Sword, which could even cut the source of pollution! Obviously, the soft and jelly-like slime can't resist it. Even if it doesn't actually hit it, the sword energy will cut a gap in the slime, just like an orange that is almost cut open. Golden Slime He was startled and made a popping sound. Then in full view of everyone, a small blue-white slime rolled out of the crack. It was so dizzy that it fell soft to the ground and spread into a round puddle.

Seeing this slime with a familiar color, Wei Xun, An Xuefeng and the Mingren fell into silence. For a moment, only Devourer was left holding up the small blue-white slime and sighed sincerely:

"The pollution in New Babylon is really shocking. Even now that it has been completely destroyed, the pollution that was passed on to the outside world still remains, but I don't think this is a completely bad thing."

"Speaking of which, don't you plan to leave some blood? You are a celibate and your brother is with An. I can give the little slime to you to raise. I was able to be recognized by the hotel and become a puppet master. Jia Er Tour Guide, I guess it can also be used.”

"Maybe it will be a miracle!"

How could An Xuefeng endure this, but the sunbird was still holding the chrysalis with great interest in his hand, as if he was really interested in the slime son - how could this be okay!

"It wouldn't be a miracle if he died."

An Xuefeng spoke coldly, and the next second he heard the man saying, "Thank you for your kindness."

The life-loving man said coldly: "Bloodline is not necessary. I am allergic to both hairy and non-hairy things."

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