Thriller Tour Group

925 Take off the sun mask, discordant notes

This was not the first time that Wei Xun entered the parliamentary prison. However, last time he wore the red nameplate of the deputy speaker and changed her clothes under her identity. He could go to all the prison cells without any hindrance. Later, he even entered the parliamentary prison. After some fuss, they even went to the battlefield.

But last time he didn't reveal his identity to too many people. This time the hotel caught him and imprisoned him here. If he took out the nameplate on the spot, he would have revealed his identity. The situation back then is full of mysteries that have not yet been completely solved. This kind of thing with unknown benefits but high risks must be a big deal. Wei Xun thinks it is better to wait and see what happens - the most important thing is that this time he is not imprisoned alone. You can't wear a name tag and wear women's clothes in front of your brother!

The sunbird frowned and shrank deeper into the corner. The carpet under the bird ball had been burned to black. He noticed that the man's brows were slightly furrowed, the corners of his lips were pursed into a straight line, and he casually rested his fingers on the armrest. Knocking impatiently. Sunbird Wei Xun finally raised his head in the increasingly stagnant atmosphere, and made a series of chirping sounds towards his elder brother. There was clearly a hint of intimacy in his tone of voice, begging for mercy.

But no matter how many people talk to Wei Xun, they can't tell him--his current state is actually a bit bad.

The hotel threw them directly into prison without settling the bill. Naturally, it would not treat the wounds of this group of terrorists. So much so that they were still in the same state as when they left the bottomless pit. The man holding the demon horns on his head is still in the zero state. The wide and powerful demon wings behind him tear the back of the sofa to pieces, but because they are too big, when he stands up and folded, the wing tips can reach almost to his ankles. , to sit on the sofa with the wingtips folded would have to poke through the floor. Therefore, it can only be stretched out, and the devil wings on both sides rest on the armrests on both sides of the sofa, just like the backrest of a new gothic sofa. The overly long bony wingtips drooped down and hit the ground, sinking into the thick carpet.

Wei Xun's condition was far worse than returning to zero. When he was destroying the source of pollution, he personally jumped into the bottomless pit, and used some of the Sun Hymn pollution he had obtained before to contact the Sun Gate. He was exposed to the pollution within a short period of time. There are so many that even the name tags have completely exploded at some point, so that Wei Xun is now in a very strange state - he has no SAN value!

It's not that the SAN value is 100%, nor that the SAN value has returned to zero, but that Wei Xun found that he no longer has the SAN value attribute bar! But this does not mean that he has no taboos from now on. Wei Xun even thinks that there is too much pollution accumulated in his body at this moment. If other tour guides had fallen into this situation, they would have completely lost control, fallen into the abyss, and been recycled by the hotel. But Wei Xun was different. When the Heroes opened the Sun Gate, he used the sun's pollution and the power of Satan that he had completely mastered after leading the Judgment Day to forcibly transform from the demonic state of Zero into the form of a sunbird.

The Nordic Sun, which currently dominates the power of Wei Xun's fused sun, is the largest flame crystal. It has no mind, no soul, flesh and blood, and has no fear of pollution.

Therefore, Wei Xun's current state is delicate. He dare not easily release the form of the sunbird, fearing that the pollution will not be controlled and it will really explode. In addition, the adrenaline pumped by the life-and-death crisis and excitement dropped, and the existence of some negative states that had been ignored in the high excitement and tension became clear again - it hurts. Even in his sunbird state, Wei Xun felt pain all over his body like pins and needles. His crystalline surface seemed to have cracked many small cracks that were difficult to discern with the naked eye. It was painful, itchy, hot and dry, and he was tortured. The sunbird wants to soak itself in cold water.

But this pain has been greatly weakened by the state of Sunbird. If he returns to his human form, the pollution and severe pain will hit him at the same time. Wei Xun feels his spine tremble even if he thinks about it. The power of dominance emerges like a stress, and Sunbird wraps around him. A small black cloak. There are tiny bits of starlight shining on it, but if you sense it carefully, you can find that these 'starlights' are filled with a strong power of destruction and chaos. They are not like stars, but more like small shining vortices that can swallow up and destroy everything. .

After Wei Xun put on the cloak, these densely packed small vortices began to swallow up and destroy the energy in Wei Xun's body that was outside the scope of his 'control'. This was regarded as his 'new' function of dominating the title of Lord after the destruction of Babylon. From this, we can see how overbearing and tyrannical the title of Lord is. From a broad perspective, it seems that everything in the world should be under the control of Wei Xun, and things that are not controlled by him will be completely destroyed and eliminated.

But now the star vortices on these cloaks are just enough to eliminate some of the pollution that is almost overflowing from Wei Xun's body. The sunbird shivered in comfort and couldn't help but tuck itself into the cloak, leaving only a sharp point. The beak is outside, and it looks a little funny, like a red chicken wrapped in a black cloth bag, with only the tip of the beak exposed. It can be picked up and walked away. With his weight, he would definitely fetch a terrifyingly high price in the market.

This time, Xi Mingren's eyes really fell on Sunbird. After looking at it for a while, he felt eyes falling on his cloak. Wei Xun did not hide it, and generously let Xi Mingren look at it as he pleased. They had been separated for too long, and the pictures in the past were blurry when they were recalled, especially those related to their parents. Wei Xun met his parents in his old dream in Iceland, and they all said that the old dream was not exactly the same as the past. However, judging from the information revealed by Taoist Master Kongkong, Director Hong and their past experiences were basically consistent with the old dream. .

In other words, his father, the Red Team, died completely in the Primordial Abyss, and his memory was confused, or someone had been his father's puppet, or... his father had taught him, and before he died, he taught the light under the Primordial Abyss. group'. Wei Xun thought about his connection with the light group and all the possibilities. He couldn't help but sigh deeply and blew a small hot wind of fire.

Forget it, let's not think about this for now. The most important thing at the moment is that he finally met his brother. His obsession with finding his missing brother has finally achieved the best result. But finding them does not mean they can embrace each other enthusiastically. Just like friends who have not seen each other for many years, even if they chat lively online, they will be a little reserved when they meet offline. They always have to talk about some common topics to find the familiar ones. It felt like, not to mention that there was a whole decade between him and his eldest brother, so they were almost a generation in the hotel.

But it doesn't matter, Wei Xun is not a human now. Perhaps if one party is in animal form, it will appear less serious than when two people face each other, and the atmosphere will be relatively relaxed. No matter what outrageous things are done, it can be attributed to the influence of animal instincts. Just like the phantom cat comes and goes freely when getting along with Wei Xun, it is also common for him to squat on his shoulders. He is also a bird now. The sunbird emerged from the black cloak and stared at his brother with burning eyes, somewhat ready to make a move.

Of course, the sun can't come and go as freely and flexibly as a cat, and Wei Xun won't just roll over - it's too embarrassing, but he can get bigger, and when it gets bigger to a certain extent, the sunbird can naturally stick to the sun god. To be honest, the devil's wings of the Life-Haunter looked really big and his shoulders were quite broad. He wanted to stand on his shoulders——

Under Sunbird's overly enthusiastic gaze, the Ming Man took action a second before Wei Xun made the move. He slowly took off the mask of the Inca Sun God, which immediately diverted Wei Xun's attention. They were all familiar people, so there was no point in covering their faces. Wei Xun stared at the face of the life-seeking man. The eldest brother looked the same as ten years ago, but his eyes were colder and his aura was more powerful. He lived in a society governed by the rule of law. Time was different. In the hotel, he no longer restrained himself at all. He had a sense of fatal danger intertwined between the sacred and the evil. Perhaps it was the influence of the two different pollutions of the Sun Gate?

Wei Xun's eyes immediately fell on the Inca sun god mask held by the person being ordered. He saw that the shape of the mask changed after it was taken off. It was no longer suitable for a tour guide to wear. It only covered the upper half of the face. Instead, it changed into its most primitive form - looking like a golden disk.

In the center is an almost square 'face' with oval eyes and an angular nose. The square face is surrounded by gold bars radiating outwards, carved into a wavy shape, symbolizing sunlight. The whole thing looked round, like a golden tray. The next second the man twisted his wrist and threw the golden 'disk' in front of Wei Xun, then raised his chin and said without mercy:

"Let it out, all of it."

This is to ask Wei Xun to hand over the part of the pure Sun Gate pollution that he has intercepted. His sun has already blessed the people with power once. It can be regarded as a sun that can be believed in. Even the sunlight that blooms after the Sun Gate is wide open can be Under the influence of Wei Xun, if he was allowed to intercept part of the sun's pollution, he would really sneak into the Sun Gate some time, and the sun's hymn would be changed to praise him.


Wei Xun grunted twice, but did not bargain. Sunbird moved his body. When his heavy and round body pressed against the Sun Mask, he only heard a muffled sound. The mask seemed to be a little flattened by him, but gold is soft like this, people It will also become flat when you sit on it, so you can't blame the bird. And Wei Xun began to release the Sun Gate pollution to the outside world. It is sad to say that he is planning to mix some Sun Gate pollution and Vulcan pollution, and then select the best ones from generation to generation. Maybe Sun Gate will be the next one. Where's Michael?

But now he had no choice but to hand over all the pollution from the Sun Gate, leaving no trace behind. This allowed Wei Xun to find some familiarity with the past. Some people may think that he and his eldest brother just had a tit-for-tat confrontation, and finally destroyed the source of pollution and made the Ximingren's plan fail, indicating that the brothers will turn against each other, but in Wei Xun's view, this is just a normal game - just like the Ximingren He grabbed the petals and swallowed them.

Even though petals are very important to butterflies, and Wei Xun is also closely related to butterflies, he does not have the idea of ​​'I am your brother and you must let me'. Similarly, this time in the game about the source of pollution, his side finally prevailed, and Wei Xun doesn’t think so either. This has a lot to do with my brother’s teachings in the past: you have to fight for what you want.

And competition will not affect the relationship between them, just like now. Of course, even cold-blooded people will have various emotions and will express their anger, but the target of the Mingxi people's anger is not Wei Xun——

"Brush la la——"

The sound of chains suddenly sounded, and the prison door opened again, causing Wei Xun to look up curiously, and the man who ordered his life lowered his hood, scarlet covering his face - very timely, because the person who came in did not want to judge them. The deputy speaker of the parliament and others are An Xuefeng!

Speaking of which, An Xuefeng also knew the true identity of Xi Ming. He also found the traces left by Xi Ming through the power of his connections in reality. He knew his true face. It didn't matter whether he covered it up or not - but An Xuefeng wasn't. He came alone, and there was a shackled Devourer behind him!

This person is not familiar enough to look at the faces of the three of them.

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