Thriller Tour Group

927 On the Tomb of the Tusi King Super Hard Difficulty (There will be another update soon...

Wei Xun is really curious about the blue and white slime, mainly because he is curious about why the New Babylonian pollution did not disappear with the destruction of Babylon. Normally, it should disappear. If something really goes wrong, then he may have to personally deal with the adverse effects of the contamination on Werewolf Walker and the others - it shouldn't be, the destruction of the 30th Degree North Latitude, the impact of pollution. They should disappear together.

‘It should disappear’

An Xuefeng chatted secretly with him and massaged the Sunbird with his warm fingertips. His eyes were cold and full of warning as he stared at the blue and white slime and the Devourer, his return knife buzzing in a threatening manner. There was a sound, and the dim light of the sword spread out like a candle, faintly covering the blue and white slimes and the golden slimes. They cuddled together pitifully, not daring to move, as if they were being coerced by bad guys.

In fact, slime is not as harmless as it appears. The pollution caused by the destruction of Thirty Degrees North Latitude should have disappeared. What's more, they destroyed the source of the pollution together this time, and there is no trace left under normal circumstances. It's possible, unless the Devourer used some special means, he did it on purpose, deliberately using the slime and Wei Xun's power aura to create this slime.

In this way, people who had nothing to do with Wei Xun suddenly became connected.

‘He wants to trick me? ’

Wei Xun also thought of this. Once the connection is made, many methods such as curse tracking can be used. But when he thought about it again, he felt something was wrong. To be honest, the connection between the blue and white slime and him is not as deep as the connection between Xiao Cui's insect cubs and him. After all, Xiao Cui has a soul contract with him. The connection between the souls of those worm cubs was already very weak. When Wei Xun was in pain, each worm cub could only share a small amount for him, and the connection between the souls of the slime cubs was even weaker and basically could not be shared.

Can this soul connection curse him? With Devourer's strength, Wei Xun felt that he must have more and more convenient ways to attack him. The most important thing was that Devourer directly displayed the blue and white slime, without any hidden plot.

So what is his purpose?

‘It’s useless to kill one of them, as long as the remaining breeding pollution can breed again at any time’

An Xuefeng said coldly, not hiding his murderous intent. Killing the little blue and white slimes treats the symptoms but not the root cause. If you want to cure the root cause, you have to kill the Devourer. The news he casually revealed just now is also concerning. Devourer said, 'I was able to be recognized by the hotel back then... I guess it can be too', which further confirmed An Xuefeng's speculation all along.

Back then, the ferryman disappeared deep into the abyss. When he returned, not only did his title change, but the time he joined the hotel was also recalculated. He was originally a tour guide for this decade, but suddenly he became a tour guide for the next decade. It can be said that he is the first person in the hotel to successfully extend his life, but even the tour guides and tourists who have a strong desire for survival, few want to copy his path.

The main thing is that after returning, Devourer didn't hide the difference between himself and the past at all, it was like he was a different person.

If, like the Puppet Master, Devourer is a fusion of the Ferryman and the Golden Slime King, then someone could still take over. But if he is completely replaced by the Slime King and is no longer himself, then there is no point in living for another ten years.

ten years.

An Xuefeng's eyes darkened, and he suddenly had a new idea. Putting aside all conspiracy theories, the Devourer had a good relationship with the Life-seeking Man before. This friendship was actually somewhat unreasonable. After all, they were in the East District and the West District. Under normal circumstances, they had very few opportunities to meet.

And when the Life-Haunter retired from the Sun Gate and no longer participated in the year-end celebrations, the Devourer caused trouble during the year-end celebrations, and finally succeeded in getting himself into the next decade. He also intervened in the preliminaries for the competition to prioritize the selection of sides. , and now he is using blue and white slime to establish contact with Wei Xun... All kinds of things make An Xuefeng feel like an astrologer inexplicably.

Could it be said that Devourer was also blinded by fate and invested in the Life-haunting Man? Now that you realize something is wrong, do you want to switch to Wei Xun?

But he opposed Wei Xun in Babylon, which even caused him to lose control of the butterfly fragment and fainted. It is difficult to explain, and the Devourer and the Astrologer are essentially different - he comes from the abyss.

Wei Xun is closely related to the Abyss, and the Devourer may have other intentions. At least in terms of attitude towards the source of pollution, he and the life-seeking people should be consistent.

Not planning to destroy the source of pollution is, in a sense, equivalent to standing on the 'opposite' of the butterfly.

"Let me see the source of the contamination."

An Xuefeng pondered that the Devourer and the Life-eater were chatting about the source of pollution. Although the pollution core was destroyed, the carrier of the pollution source was still there, and the Devourer was interested in it.

"Come to see the Puerta del Sol?"

The man laughed, picked up the hot tea prepared on the coffee table in the cell, poured a cup of tea, slowly tipped the cup lid off, and took a sip.

"Are you planning to reopen the Sun Gate for exploration?"

The Devourer was not interested in tea, but he picked up a piece of tea and started eating it. He seemed to have his own opinions on gourmet food. He praised the luxurious cells at the deepest part of the parliament for making the best snacks, which were hard to find outside. It's just that there aren't many opportunities to come in and eat, which is really frustrating.

He commented so thoroughly that the slimes next to him were crying, and Wei Xun was also really curious. Knowing that he wanted to eat, An Xuefeng raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the three-layer exquisite snack cage placed on the counter next to them floated to them, filled with a variety of Chinese and Western snacks, salty, sweet and meaty. There are all kinds of food, which can make Wei Xun gorge himself.

Prisoners in luxury prisons are treated the best, and the council will try their best to meet their every request, except for prison escape. Sunbird poked its head out from An Xuefeng's big hand, pecked some strawberry cake and tasted it. It tasted really good, but what made people more attracted was the hint of something hidden deep in the cake. pollute--

Their prison was full of high-risk prisoners. It was located in the deepest part of the parliament, very close to the contamination of the battlefield, and the food was also tainted with the smell of contamination. But this just the right amount of pollution was like magic powder to Wei Xun, drastically raising the deliciousness of the food to a whole new level.

No wonder Devourer praised this snack so much that Wei Xun also immersed himself in eating and eating. On the other hand, the Life-seeker has no interest in the snacks that Devourer highly recommends. His attitude was unclear when he mentioned the Sun Gate. It seems that he has no intention of reopening the Sun Gate.

The piece of pollution source carrier fell into his hands, and it would be difficult for others to get it. This strange, alloy-like carrier is worthy of study. It has unique characteristics. Even if it is full of cracks, it is difficult to be completely destroyed. Instead, it will become smaller and smaller. When the contamination is completely leaked, the remaining carrier may be Shrunken down to less than half a palm.

But it can carry a lot of polluted energy. If there is a way to repair it and pour enough polluted energy into it, it might be able to grow bigger again. It's a pity that this carrier fell into the hands of those who care about life... However, An Xuefeng has two journeys to 30 degrees north latitude, and it is not without research on the pollution source carrier on the way back.

‘Do you have one there? ’

Wei Xun also thought of this. An Xuefeng did not hesitate to use the return knife to cut down the pollution source carrier. He obviously knew a lot about it. Even the Black Widow is aware of the source of pollution. An Xuefeng holds two Thirty Degrees North Latitude Journeys in his hand and can fuse and take out the tokens at will. There must be research in this area within the Return Journey.

Wei Xun is very interested in the source of pollution, especially the butterfly fragments, which are very hostile to it. The destruction of the pollution source this time mainly depends on the power of An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren. If one day he wants to do it himself, he must know about this thing. What is the nature of the enemy and where are the weaknesses? Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. It doesn't matter if this pollution source carrier falls into the hands of the Mingxing people. An Xuefeng definitely still has it, and he should also have it at his own Tusi King's tomb.

‘I’ll take you to see it when I get back’

An Xuefeng squeezed the sunbird's claws, rubbed the sunbird's hot belly with his fingertips to keep warm, and said calmly: "I have studied more before, but my state has been bad these years. Bai Xiaosheng and the others alone have dealt with too many pollution sources." Danger, research is somewhat on hold'

Speaking of this, An Xuefeng pondered again: "You will definitely be promoted when you return to the hotel. The Eastern District won the warm-up competition this time. You also took the lead in destroying the Tower of Babel and the source of pollution. Seeing as the Devourer wore shackles and you didn't, just Knowing that the hotel has no intention of punishing you, your score will be very high this time. It's no problem to upgrade from C level to B level, or even B level elite... In the Sahara before, you killed the A10 cannibal witch. ’

Of course, upgrading a tour guide is not only about being able to advance directly if you have enough points, but also has various requirements. For example, if you want to advance, you have to kill the tour guides of the previous level. But the good thing is that the tour guides in the east and west areas are the same no matter who you kill. As long as you have enough points, it will be no problem to advance to a second-class elite tour guide, especially——

‘When I killed the puppet master, I took you with me’

An Xuefeng analyzed: 'You dug out the puppet master's butterfly fragments, and you also absorbed her energy afterwards.'

From this perspective, Wei Xun can even be considered as killing a first-class leader! He broke the rules and was able to obtain nine spiritual lancets. It can be seen that the hotel is indeed very optimistic about him and hopes that he can become the principal.

But now there is a shortage of three of the top first-class directors in the Eastern District, and there is an open position. It's just that if you want to become a great tour guide standing at the top of the hotel pyramid, the conditions you need to meet are not just "Kill an A/S-level tour guide."

‘This time you go back and you will most likely be promoted to the second-class elite. Once the tomb of the Tusi King is completed, the probability of being promoted to the first-class elite is very high.’

An Xuefeng thought about it and said that he didn't know much about the advancement of tour guides, but he knew the rules of the hotel very well. Even if Wei Xun participates in destroying the source of pollution this time and gives the hotel a taste of the benefits, it is unlikely that it will issue the task of 'destroying the source of pollution' as the advanced standard for a first-class great guide. After all, the rules are here, and there is a high probability that it will still be Let Wei Xun finish opening the tomb of the Tusi King and it will be considered a success.

‘It takes more preparation to open the tomb of the Tusi King’

An Xuefeng said that the Thirty Degrees North Latitude Journey Hotel, which has not yet been fully developed, will not be open to team formation. It would be best for the Free Team to go together on the return trip. After all, there is a deep connection, and they can all take care of each other and experience life and death together. They can also get to know each other the fastest and polish the team.

It’s just that returning travelers have been exposed to pollution sources to some extent. At this level of strength, thoughts and memories will also be contaminated with pollution. It will not be good if the pollution changes and the difficulty increases as soon as they enter the tomb of the Tusi King. You must plan well before going. After a while, it might be necessary to seal off the memories related to the pollution source. An Xuefeng, who has made two journeys to the 30th North Latitude, is still very experienced.

‘You need to be more prepared’

Wei Xun thought of the butterfly fragments stored in the human skin map and told An Xuefeng about it. Wei Xun felt a little guilty when he felt An Xuefeng's fingers that had been caressing him suddenly pause, as if he suddenly fell into some kind of silence.

So many butterfly fragments went in, and there was also pollution from Wu Lao Liu and Shan Shen inside...

The difficulty of the Tusi King's Tomb is truly unique!

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