Thriller Tour Group

924 The Plan to Save George (End) Spent in jail with Big Brother...

All the stars in the sky do not give their light. When the sun rises, they become dark, and the moon does not give out its light*

Satan roams the earth lighting the fire and will be cast into hell on the Day of Judgment.

Late at night, all the major social platforms suddenly became very busy. Countless people across the country woke up from their dreams, some turned around and went back to sleep, and some couldn't help but log in to the major platforms. When they saw it, they found that all the hot entries were trending and being discussed. The shock just now.

[Was there an earthquake just now? 】

[There are no news reports? But the water in my cup was shaking just now! 】

[Is it really an earthquake? I thought it was a cat shaking the bed, which scared me]

[Laughing to death, what kind of cat can push the bed? Is it a Maine Coon cat?]

[It’s really weird. We often have small earthquakes here. Our family is used to it. For example, my parents didn’t wake up even if they fell asleep. This time, it didn’t feel too severe, but our whole family woke up all at once. Got it! 】

[Don't say it, you really don't say it, my grandma is the same! Now I am wearing pajamas, hugging the cat and dog, and my whole family and I fled to the open space outside to daze. This is not a big earthquake, it is just a small earthquake, so strange]

[The strangest thing is, isn’t it that earthquakes are happening all over the country! Look at the IP addresses of these comments. Why are they everywhere? 】

[It’s so dark, I can’t see any stars or moon. What’s going on?]

[Something’s wrong, isn’t this the end of the world?]

[Why haven’t the official media spoken out? This can't be just our whole country. What do the outsiders say? 】

[Shocked, everyone was shocked! 】

[But something more terrifying happened. The sun is getting dark here! 】

Several people with coordinates abroad posted that it was daytime in many countries, and people in those countries saw an even more horrifying and terrifying scene - at the moment when the earth shook, the sun went dark.

This is not like a solar eclipse, not the kind of gradual darkening, but the sun is completely dark in an instant, leaving only a white sky, and a black circle hanging high in the sky, which looks extremely scary.

[Help, the family I am staying with has gone to church to pray. They are talking about the Day of Judgment. I am so scared, woohoo! 】

[The same goes for us here... I'm in the church now, and the priest hasn't come yet. Some people say that the nuns and priests heard angels blowing trumpets. Oh my god, so many people said that! 】

[I was so scared that I hid in the house and didn’t dare to go out. I closed the curtains. I wouldn’t turn into a zombie if I was exposed to this black sun.]

[…Is there a possibility that it’s not just the sun that’s dark? We organized a stargazing activity here, and in an instant, the earthquake caused all the stars to disappear and turn black, as did the moon! 】

[Help, what the hell is going on, someone can tell me! 】

Before the panic spread, the country quickly stopped commenting. The official platform claimed that this was related to magnetic pole reversal and solar activity. It was the impact of a cosmic magnetic field storm that affected the world. It would pass after a while, and called on the public to hurry up. Go home and wait for news, don't go out casually. Planes that originally flew at night were looking for the nearest airport to land, and all kinds of transportation were temporarily parked at the station. Some people reacted and quickly wanted to order takeout and stock up on food, but found that the community had been closed down. The building manager went from door to door to confirm the situation. For a while, everyone couldn't help but beat the drum.

The adults were worried about how long the storm would last, wondering whether the food reserves at home would be enough, and asking in the work group whether they would go to work tomorrow. The children who were woken up only felt excited, happy that they didn't have to go to school tomorrow, and they were fooling around at home.

But after all, it was late at night, and more people were awakened by the shock and fell asleep again with a grunt, without paying any attention to what happened next. The situation abroad was more difficult to control, but the state violence agencies were dispatched, and with the help of various community churches, the massacre was soon carried out by force. The major media came forward to create public opinion and suppress the panic of ordinary people. Somewhat worried, but not too worried.

Presumably this cosmic magnetic field storm will pass soon.

At this moment, the more senior figures in various countries are more anxious and worried. They are anxiously contacting the people connected with the hotel, but no detailed information can be transmitted - the top tourists and tour guides have lost contact one after another, and most of the tour guides in the hotel The tourists didn't know what was going on, and many of them didn't even know that the life-haunting people had returned. The hotel was under martial law again and they were all locked up. They could only surf the forums and chat about various speculations. It is also said that there has been a lot of movement in the Butcher Alliance recently. It is almost the end of the decade and the good big brother is coming back. When he returns, he will definitely fight to the death with Team An. After all, if he kills his younger brother, he may not just trample on his younger brother. a boat.

But this should not cause the hotel to be closed again, so it is speculated that there may be another big boss who has become the host, and his remarks are more supported.

However, the top tourist guides in Iceland witnessed a shocking scene that is difficult to see in their lifetime——

Babylon was completely destroyed, the barrier with the outside world was broken, and the figures of the Dream Chaser, Lizard Duke and other big bosses appeared. However, the big bosses who used to be the focus of attention everywhere they appeared were now focused on one place - originally The place where Babylon descended was now a huge pit, like the bottomless pit described in mythology. The ice-covered earth shattered, but did not collapse. Pieces of earth fragments seemed to be lifted up by unknown forces, hanging in the air at random, collapsing. The broken cracks spread endlessly outwards, and the deep black cracks revealed an ominous and terrifying smell of pollution, forcing the tourists and tour guides to retreat again and again. The outermost tour guides and tourists even almost retreated into the sea, but they were horrified to find that there was something in the water. They are all dark cracks, as if the sea has also cracked!

The collapsed Babylon pollution tornado merged with five layers of pollution at ten degrees north latitude and pierced through the depths of darkness like a chisel. It quickly disappeared from the horizon. Only burning flames remained in this large pit, like a The lake of fire described in Paradise Lost.

From a distance, two twelve black-winged Satans can be seen walking on the lake of fire. Everyone who retreated to the distance is guessing who these two people are. One of them is wearing a black tour guide cloak, and there is something faintly visible on it. When it comes to lines, many people speculate that this may be the person in charge sent by the hotel. Yes, Babylon can control the situation after completely destroying the hotel. It is undeniable that some people feel more relieved after knowing that the hotel can intervene. The power of the hotel and omnipotence have long been deeply ingrained in everyone's heart. Many people even prayed to return to the hotel as soon as possible. Even if they could not face the depth of the bottomless pit, the sense of crisis gained from years of life and death experience and crazy alarms are comparable to the current world. The hotel is much scarier!

And as if he heard their prayers, the 'chief man' in the black cloak on the lake of fire suddenly made a move, and his twelve black wings were folded, and a crimson light burst out from his body, which was extremely dazzling, just like a human being. It became the sun, and then the sun fell into the bottomless pit.

* *

At this moment, the atmosphere in the depths of the bottomless pit is even more solemn. The earth collapses and floats in the sky, completely revealing the deepest darkness. The pollution source impacted by the six levels of pollution at Ten Degrees North has finally been lifted up, and Ten Degrees North is completely exposed. The destruction burst out with terrifying power, and just now it was suppressed and guided by Wei Xun and George, and it hit the source of the pollution!

The whole world was shaken for a moment just now because the source of pollution was cracking from it! At this moment, a roaring and vibrating sound rang out in the minds of all the pioneers of the tenth northern latitude. The flame angels dissipated, and the real astrologers suddenly appeared above the lake of fire, and then rushed into the depths of the bottomless pit with the dream chasers. Personally blessing the pollution at Ten Degrees North Latitude is even more aggressive. Under the impact of the cycle, there are more and more cracks in the pollution source. All the pollution released has been consumed by the pollution at Ten Degrees North Latitude. The earth is shaking and darkness collapses. The layer between the human world and the source of pollution The darkness of the disorderly void is getting shallower and shallower. The darkness dissipates and the full picture of the pollution source is truly revealed to everyone, but no one can look directly at it. The more damaged and cracked the pollution source is, the more terrifying and powerful the pollution released is.

The next second, Xuefeng and the life-haunting man in the deepest part of the bottomless pit moved at the same time! The deep connection between An Xuefeng and Wei Xun actually forced the power of destruction of the ten-degree journey north to be poured into the return knife. The pollution from the pyramid and Daxizhou surrounded him. An Xuefeng broke through the darkness that was as thin as a piece of paper and poured it into his whole body. Li Qi used the return knife to attract the power of destruction, and slashed hard at the crack with the largest source of pollution!

The pollution source that was hit hard roared and shook, but it did not shatter, but shrank a bit. An Xuefeng's ears were bleeding due to the impact of the pollution, but his eyes were as cold as ice and he moved forward indomitably, and the sword was like a violent storm, threatening destruction again. Like a thug, the source of pollution actually became smaller and smaller under the impact and slashing force of the six-layer ten-degree north latitude pollution. When Babylon's destructive power was almost exhausted, it became only As big as a desktop.

And just when An Xuefeng was about to use the knife again, the murmurs of praising the sun and mourning the sun sounded at the same time, and the boundless heat descended suddenly. This time it was no longer imaginary. The man who dared to live actually made the Sun Gate descend directly above the source of pollution. . When An Xuefeng slashed down the source of pollution with his sword and the roar and tremors became more and more severe, Xi Mingren took off his gloves and saw that the knuckles of his right hand were faintly imprinted with the pattern of petals, which was probably related to the petals he had eaten. When An Xuefeng slashed his sword and reduced the source of pollution to half the size of a desktop, the Devourer who had been disappearing suddenly appeared. King Slime entangled himself in the return knife. The Devourer resisted An Xuefeng's blow. , and in this brief moment, I saw the man who had his life directly grasped the source of the pollution with his hands!

Being so large is already the limit of reducing the source of pollution. It is covered with cracks and is shaking violently, releasing pollution. If it is hit hard again, it will be completely destroyed. And at the moment when it was weakened to the extreme, the isolation of the petals allowed the Life-haunting Man to actually successfully seize the source of the pollution. The pollution source, which had been pried and damaged many times under the violent vibrations of the earth, was held in the hands of the Life-Happy Man. , the ghost runes flashed on the demon wings behind him, and the next second the man grabbed the source of pollution and returned to the Sun Gate. He really wanted to take the source of pollution and return to the Sun Gate!

An Xue's front was as cold as ice, and the momentum around him was so terrifying that it shocked people. Then he actually dropped his return knife and transformed into a candle dragon. He even exposed his undefended back to the Devourer in order to stop the Life-haunting Man. !

But he still slowed down a beat, and the Sun Gate suddenly opened, and the bright and scorching sunlight suddenly bloomed, like a golden stream of light that enveloped the life-seeking man, trying to take him back to the Sun Gate. No one could see clearly. The man's face changed slightly at this moment. The light was so hot that the Slime King almost melted. An Xuefeng, who transformed into a candle dragon, not only did not close his eyes to weaken the sun, but at this moment Opening your eyes to the maximum, the rays of light like sunlight actually resonated with the sunlight in the Sun Gate, making the power of the sun even more intense——

No, this is not the light of the Inca sun! Xi Mingren felt that his strength suddenly increased. At his level of strength, the blessing of the sun can also increase his combat power. This means that this is not just any blessing from the sun, it must be closely related to him. It has never happened before, but it is such a 'tacit understanding'. This is the 'cooperation' between the sun and the sun god, and it is also the 'cooperation' between blood brothers.

"Long time no see, brother."

The sunshine lingered around the life-player, and he seemed to hear Wei Xun's smiling voice, and - a crisp sound.

The top powerhouses like Xi Mingren were already trying their best to maintain the Sun Gate in the face of the confrontation with Zhulong An Xuefeng. The pollution power lingering around him was already powerful and terrifying. Now that the power suddenly rises again, the consequences are... It was the source of pollution in his hands that suffered the final blow. There was a click, and the earth shook for the last time. The fragments of the pollution source that caused Babylon to be generated for generations were finally fatally wounded and shattered. The sun, the sun god and the candle dragon jointly destroyed the pollution source!

The final pollution leaked out loudly, the surface of the unknown alloy lost its luster, and all the pollution inside leaked out, completely scrapping it. The figure of the life-seeking man disappeared from the Sun Gate, taking with him only the empty shell of the source of pollution. In essence, it has been completely eliminated. This source of pollution finally disappeared from the world. Before the pollution shock spread, the power of the hotel rules came, the principals in black robes appeared, and the hotel took over the mess.

The other tourist guides who had experienced this thrilling night were directly sent back to the hotel. Countless people wanted to know what happened in the deepest part of the bottomless pit. People from the major brigade tour guide alliances went to find their respective captains one after another. On the way back, everyone was even more confused. They were worried about the safety of Team An, Wei Xun and the Explorers. However, when they returned to the station and searched, they were surprised to find that they did not return to the station together——

The hotel, which had been unable to intervene until the end and felt aggrieved, finally got angry and summoned these trouble-making backbones to the hotel and imprisoned them all in the parliament prison!

In a luxurious cell, Wei Xun, who had turned into a sunbird, felt guilty and huddled in the corner. The atmosphere was as cold and stagnant as in a cemetery.

Because he was not the only one in this luxurious cell. The person sitting on the sofa not far from him, looking at him coldly with an interrogating look, was extremely oppressive and should have returned to the Sun Gate. Life-haunting people!

Bad news, he and his eldest brother were in jail together, and it was just when he destroyed the source of pollution and ruined his eldest brother's good deeds.

Good news, An Xuefeng and Devourer were soon sent to this luxurious cell by the hotel.

The four culprits identified by the hotel are gathered in the luxurious cell!

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