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923 Saving George Plan (38) The world is shocked (1...

George is a false angel, no matter how brilliant he is, he is fake. He is not an angel created by God at all. God can recognize it at a glance, not to mention that there is so much pollution behind George. He was temporarily distracted by admiring beauty and squeezed into heaven. When God came back to his senses, his eyes were as cold as ice. This was like a provocation to Him!

What kind of arrogant angel is this, thinking that he can challenge the authority of heaven? The holy light surged, but this time it was no longer warm to George. The light was like a sharp sword and a guillotine, ruthlessly cutting off his twelve wings that were as holy as the morning light. The sacred Creator waved his hand indifferently, and with his own hands Knocked George out of heaven!

What a blow to a devout person, the door to heaven was completely closed in front of George. George's chest was sunken and several ribs were broken. The holy light burned his body and scorched his heart. He kept falling downwards, and the paradise he once had became farther and farther away from him. Yes, in fact, it had been like this for a long time. From the moment he resolutely chose to go against Whitechapel, he was destined to gradually drift away from his former faith.

The black widow who witnessed this scene felt like her heart was soaked in bitter water, and tears flowed from all eight eyes. She was in pain because she felt the same as George, but she did not regret it. Even if it happened again, she would still hold on to George tightly, and George also will make the same choice. Just as she thought, George did not collapse, he just looked quietly at the place where the gate of heaven used to be.

The torture of so many years of pollution did not destroy George, but made him more determined. He clearly knows what he wants, and what he believes in is something more essential.

Faith will not change, even if his originally golden hair is dyed pitch black during the fall, the twelve wings that have regrown on George's back are as dark as crow feathers, and the once clear blue eyes are now covered with a cloud. A layer of darkness, as deep as the ocean under a storm.

Son of light, son of morning, why have you fallen?

You have said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit on the mountain of assembly, in the uttermost part of the north, I will ascend above the high clouds, I will be with The supreme being is equal.

But you will fall from the gates of Hades and into the depths of the pit.

God knocked him out of heaven and wanted him to fall into endless hell. This was the rule. Therefore, even if the gate of heaven was opened in the crack by George, it was not far from the location of An Xuefeng and the life-haunting man. But George kept falling but didn't see them. This was equivalent to a different kind of reenactment - a reenactment of the myth of Lucifer, the angel of the morning, falling from heaven and becoming Satan Lucifer!

Even though this is an evolution and change in later generations and is not recorded in the Bible or the Book of Revelation, this statement is so classic that countless people believe that heaven should have the deputy king of heaven, Lucifer. It is so classic that countless people around the world Everyone knows that there is Lucifer, the Satan, so of course this is part of the myth, because myths are originally composed of people's cognition over thousands of years.

In the endless fall, George was completely blackened. His power was no longer light, and he was no longer the Angel of the Dawn. He completed the transformation of his title through the hand of God and the destruction of Babylon, and fell from the Angel of the Dawn to Satan— —Satan Lucifer. Maybe the scene at this moment is not completely consistent with Lucifer's fall. After all, he was not qualified to betray the Kingdom of Heaven with one-third of the angels. However, the phrase used in later generations to describe the fall of Lucifer was actually intended to describe the destruction of Babylon, which is currently being destroyed. This moment is just like that moment.

When the power was completely overturned, the mark of pollution hidden in the deepest part of the soul was finally shattered and dissipated. The originally bright power was completely turned to darkness, with no possibility of return, but George did not regret it. He only hoped that he could fall. Hurry up, George, don't waste any more useless time. But Lucifer fell from the sky for nine full days and nights. This was his title-changing mission, and it was a rule that was difficult to change.

So George made a decisive decision. When the twelve dark wings behind the falling George suddenly spread out, and his fingertips pierced his heart and stained his heart blood on the crow's crown, at this moment the guard felt something. The relationship between him and George The originally lowered resonance of Mamen suddenly increased, and it is getting stronger and stronger! The territory of Paradise Lost is expanding rapidly, and almost all of the chaotic and out-of-control Babylon pollution has been driven here by Wei Xun. Yes, no matter how much resonance exists between angels and Satan, it is also a confrontation of forces. There is no relationship between Satan and Satan. The resonance is stronger. Moreover, 'Lucifer' dedicated his heart and soul to him, and was loyal to him, and wanted to surrender to him.

Both Satan Samael and Satan Lucifer are false and have not been recorded in the Bible, but the latter's reputation is far greater than that of the former. Satan is the strongest. Originally, Wei Xun and George were destined to decide the outcome, but George never cared about Satan's identity. He fell to heaven just because his faith became more pious, his will was stronger, and he no longer cared about superficial things. He cares more about the essence of the things on earth. He wants the purity of his soul, he wants to be able to help Bingyi as soon as possible, he wants to be able to truly resurrect and return to his lover.

So he offered his heart's blood to Bingyi to express his surrender. In this way, Bingyi would be the most powerful Satan, and the chaotic Babylon pollution gathered by George would also completely surrender to Bingyi. Even though George knew that Babylon was about to be destroyed and the source of pollution could erupt at any time, he fell into a name-changing fall deep in the cracks. He was likely to be destroyed by the erupted energy and risked never to come back, but he still handed it over. took the initiative without any hesitation.

And Wei Xun never disappoints! After gathering the power of Satan Lucifer, Xun Xun's momentum soared, and his appearance changed again. New wings were formed under his broad and powerful black six wings. The evil snake was wrapped around Satan's wings, staring at the world with cold eyes. When ten Two jet-black wings spread out behind Wei Xun. He truly and completely possessed all the authority of the most powerful Satan, and could also expel all the chaos and pollution of Babylon together.

But Wei Xun did not immediately drive the Babylonian pollution storm and other five major 30-degree north latitude pollution gatherings to attack the source of pollution. The familiar low trumpet sound sounded again, flames burned across the earth, and fire rained down from the sky. The seven fallen angels headed by Michael blew the trumpets in the pollution storm. Satan actually replaced God to announce the final judgment day. Come!

Noisy and noisy sounds came from all directions. They were Xiaocui's army of demonic insects humming and surrendering spontaneously, just like what was written in the Book of Revelation, "The sound of many people at the gate in the mountain seemed to be the people of a big country." There was the sound of people from many countries gathering and shouting’

This is Satan gathering his army to prepare for war to destroy the whole earth. But there was no need for an army at all. Under the expanding authority of Wei Xun Satan, the scope of Lost Paradise suddenly expanded, and the ruined and desolate Babylon was completely submerged in the territory of Lost Paradise! At this moment, the sky and the earth were dark, and the whole world seemed to have pressed the pause button at this second. Countless murmurs sounded from all directions, disturbing everyone's emotions like mental poison, making the emotions of resentment and rage burn higher and higher, and finally ——

【I will punish the wicked for their sins】

Wei Xun's voice resounded throughout the universe, solemn and solemn. These were the words spoken by Jehovah when Babylon was destroyed in Isaiah. However, at this moment, they were tampered with by Satan and turned into Satan's declaration. Wei Xun's voice simply did not sound like he was speaking. Speaking, at this moment, the earth collapsed and the sky was dark. From now on, there was no earth and sky anymore. All the ruins and ruins of Babylon disappeared. Only the flames falling from the sky condensed into the lake of hellfire. The churning flames became more and more intense with the pollution of the chaotic and collapsed Babylon. , it turned into a fire storm that covered the sky and the earth. Even the tourist guides in Iceland at this moment saw this storm that was going to destroy everything, and in this storm, there was another fallen angel with twelve black wings. It's George!

He should still be in an endless fall, but when Paradise Lost completely covers the entire Babylon, and when the Doomsday Judgment comes, everything will be different. The legend of Satan Lucifer has evolved through numerous misinformation, misunderstandings and confusion. The fall of the Son of Light, which was once predicted in Isaiah to the death of the King of Babylon and the destruction of Babylon, is used to describe the fall of Lucifer. It is said that Lucifer led the angels to rebel and challenge God. The deeds and allusions are copied from Milton's "Paradise Lost"

The Satan described in Paradise Lost rebelled and fell, tempting Adam and Eve to make mistakes. That Satan is Satan. It is not Samael, nor Lucifer, but later generations have often interpreted it in various ways. Now Paradise Lost belongs to Wei Xun, Samael, Satan, and George surrendered to him. Lucifer's deeds originating from Paradise Lost naturally also Can be carried out in Wei Xun's Lost Paradise——

That's what is written in "Paradise Lost", when the Day of Judgment comes, Satan and the fallen angels will be thrown into the lake of fire.

Now that the Day of Judgment has arrived, this is the final chapter, which can be used to replace Lucifer's fall for nine days and nine days as the condition for changing the title of George - after all, normally, experiencing the final judgment is more difficult than simply falling. Much more.

But the 'Lake of Fire' was created by Wei Xun, and he took the initiative to open the Day of Judgment, so everything would be different. When George appeared in his new fallen angel form and was completely resurrected, the astrologers and others who had seen him in his former glory were all shocked. No one thought that Bingyi had actually succeeded in resurrecting George! No one thought that George would fall!

But when he saw George flying down next to Bingyi, and the two twelve black-winged fallen angels Satan standing together, which gave people an incomparable visual shock, the astrologer felt that George had made the right choice, but now is not the time to be distracted. After George's return, the resonance between Satan and the Gate became even stronger. At this moment, countless strong men in the Gate had chills running down their spines. The premonition of danger of death kept sounding the alarm. The strong men in Iceland desperately warned their team members to stay away. Tower of Babel, but at this moment it was as if all their voices had been taken away. Even the hotel's prompts were only vaguely humming for a while, and everyone could only hear Bingyi's voice in their minds. ,He said--

【I will punish the world for evil】

The Day of Judgment really comes the next second, with flames filling the sky and blood raining down, just like the last straw pressing on the camel. Babylon, which is on the verge of being broken and crumbling, can no longer hold on. The sky is shattering and the earth is shattering. The barrier between Babylon and the outside world is shattered at this moment, and pollution The earth roared and the earth shook, and Babylon was completely destroyed and collapsed with the roar. The New Babylon token in Xiao Cui's hand, which was full of cracks, also collapsed and collapsed at this moment. Everyone should remember this moment, the journey to the 30th North Latitude of this era, the Tower of Babel was completely destroyed!

There is no Tower of Babel or Babylon in the world anymore. Only the terrible pollution storm that can destroy the five Nordic countries proves that it once existed. However, this pollution storm did not spread outwards. Instead, it spread between the two Satans Wei Xun and George. Under the joint expulsion, all the five major pollutions were penetrated into the bottomless pit where the five major pollutions were located. Under the control of An Xuefeng and the Mingxi people, the six major pollutions at 30 degrees north latitude, which were completely condensed together, finally broke through the darkness and rushed to the source of the pollution!


At this moment, countless ordinary people woke up from their sleep and looked out the window blankly.

Just now, the whole world was shaken.

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