Thriller Tour Group

920 Nutrient Solution 309 He wants to dominate a latitude of 30 degrees north...

When severe pain that exceeds a person's ability to bear occurs, the body's self-protection mechanism will take effect. Wei Xun didn't know when he fainted, and he had no memory of the moment of severe pain. But the strange thing is that he did not completely lose consciousness, and could still vaguely feel the dense connections in the darkness——

That is the soul connection between him and other humans/animals, the strongest of which is the deep connection between him and An Xuefeng, and further down are the connections with other passengers in the returning brigade (with An Xuefeng, it is an entire brigade) , followed by Yu Hehui, Tong Hege, Fenrir Wolf and Black Widow who were resurrected by him, followed by Xiao Cui, Flame Angel Astrologer and the Seven Fallen Archangels, and then a group of other demon insect subordinates, and There are animals brought back from various journeys, such as stoats and white deer.

Many soul connections are actually very small and weak, and the only ones that can be sensed by the comatose Wei Xun are deep connections. However, in the endless darkness, even the smallest connections appear very clear - this darkness is not completely dark. Occasionally, you can see the faint golden light, which looks familiar. It took Wei Xun, who was confused, to remember for a while that these were the lines on the cloak of his master, the black tour guide.

The authority and power of the master allowed Wei Xun to temporarily grasp his sovereignty even after fainting, but he could not stay like this. The blue-purple flashes that flashed from time to time in the darkness showed that the butterfly fragments were already excited to a certain extent. Even if Wei Xun Xun has already 'dominated' them, and if this continues for a while, the butterfly fragments will lose control.

The cold and cold power deep in his soul kept rising like a slowly rising tide, trying to drown Wei Xun's will. However, Wei Xun did not have such a clear consciousness at the time. He just instinctively felt the threat and struggled to make changes. . The first thing to do is to remove the culprit of his fainting - excessive pain.

It was difficult for Wei Xun to struggle out of the pain that exceeded the limit. The sudden pain, the overactive butterflies, the huge pollution at the 30th North Latitude, and the backlash of the collapse of Babylon that made matters worse were far beyond his endurance. But the pain was still the biggest problem, and Wei Xun could handle other aspects by himself, so Wei Xun quickly took action——

He instinctively spread the pain along the lines of his soul. When he was in a coma, it was difficult for him to remove the pollution, and he was unable to contact the outside world. Each soul connection could only bear a small amount of his pain. If there were enough people who had a soul relationship with him before, it would still not be enough to share Wei Xun's pollution. No matter how many people there are, how many can there be? Dozens, hundreds, or even thousands? That was useless, the pain he could convey in each line was too little.

But this time is different. There are so many things that are soul-connected with Wei Xun, not hundreds or thousands, but millions, tens of millions - that is Xiao Cui Thousands of monster insects and little slimes born from slimes! When the New Babylon pollution first got out of control, many demonic insects and slimes died, but their numbers were too large, and there were still many left. When the New Babylon pollution collapsed and swept out of control, it actually replenished their energy.

Especially Xiao Cui, because she was worried that the backlash against her father would be too strong, she laid eggs in the Sweet Water Abyss in advance. These eggs gave up their fighting ability and only retained the ability to absorb pollution. When encountering the pollution of New Babylon, they would automatically absorb it. After being polluted, they hatch, and the new bugs will help share the pollution until they die. This low-quality demonic insect Xiaocui grows faster, and the reproductive power of the top-level insect mother is unimaginable, let alone with the blessing of pollution.

When Wei Xun fainted, Xiao Cui made a decisive decision and covered Wei Xun's surroundings with countless insect eggs, and then sucked in the pollution when the New Babylon pollution came. In fact, the amount of pollution that came was not as much as Xiaocui expected. After all, most of the pollution was absorbed by George. But she gave birth to so many demonic insects that really helped Wei Xun.

Wei Xun can merge with Xiao Cui's spirit, and the larvae are also born due to his pollution, so these larvae have some spiritual connection with him, and they can all help Wei Xun share some of his pain!

The large number of demonic insects helped him share almost half of the pain, and Wei Xun could normally bear the rest of the pain. But he couldn't wake up from his coma, because the butterfly fragments suddenly rioted violently, and even caused the cold will deep in Wei Xun's soul to surge upwards, almost drowning him! As soon as the old crisis was resolved, new problems arose. Wei Xun didn't know that just at that moment, the Devourer had attacked the Lizard Duke and almost snatched Wei Xun away. His hand was already reaching for Wei Xun's heart.

But the Fenrir wolf nestled in Wei Xun's arms reacted very quickly and immediately grew in size and swallowed Wei Xun! The Lizard Duke was not slow to react. The golden dragon grew bigger and swallowed Fenrir Wolf in one gulp. Their meat-and-meat protection was considered to be the ultimate. Yu Xiangyang, who had the hardest bones and was not afraid of slime erosion, faced and devoured him. Furthermore, the person in charge, Cen Qin, was watching eagerly from the side. The Devourer immediately smiled and retreated, but what he wanted to do had already been accomplished——

A bit of petal fragments fell on Wei Xun's chest. The next second, the butterfly fragments accumulated in his heart became excited and crazy, almost like a riot of butterfly fragments! Wei Xun's condition was extremely bad in the next few moments. A large number of cocoons spread from his heart and grew rapidly, almost completely wrapping him up. The pure abyss pollution was so heavy that Wei Xun even woke up for a few minutes. , the Fenrir wolf that swallowed him also suffered a disaster. The cocoons made of pure abyss pollution piled up in its belly. It couldn't bear it if another passenger came, and almost sent it away, scaring the lizard Duke out. Covered in cold sweat.

But Wei Xun was not helpless. When he was in a coma, he instinctively knew that the journey to 30 degrees north latitude and the butterfly fragments would suppress each other. The journey to 30 degrees north latitude itself would have a great attraction for the butterfly fragments. Subconsciously, Wei Xun still remembered how he transferred the butterfly fragments into the vampire knife, and how the butterfly fragments from the Tower of Babel took the initiative to defect to the human skin map.

The butterfly fragments were in danger and were going berserk. For this reason, Wei Xun, who was briefly awakened by the heavy pollution of the abyss, made an absolutely unprecedented decision - he turned the tip of the vampire knife and aimed it at his chest in the intense pain that remained. Without hesitation, he dug out most of the heart with most of the butterfly fragments!

Then he didn't wait for the butterfly fragments to riot or any other changes, and took out the human skin map that was the token of the Tusi King's Tomb and wrapped it on Can Xin - although the butterfly fragments from the Tower of Babel were included in the token, it was equivalent to the Tusi King's Tomb. of fragments. But after all, Wei Xun has been staying in Babylon at 30 degrees north latitude, and has neither gone back nor placed any tokens in the Tomb of the Tusi King, which has not yet been completely opened. Therefore, in fact, the Tomb of the Tusi King can be regarded as free of butterfly fragments.

Such a human skin map can at least attract another butterfly fragment, or it can temporarily distract their attention! That's what Wei Xun thought at the time, but he soon discovered something was wrong - most of the heart covered by the human skin map became strangely quiet, and the whole piece was filled with butterfly fragments that originally came from the previous generation's journey of 30 degrees north latitude. , almost all of them got into the human skin map!

It’s not surprising that such large pieces of butterfly fragments were born to suppress pollution during their journey to the next generation’s 30 degrees north latitude. However, the people who ordered the fate did not know what means they used to seal the pollution and leave them in reality. After Wei Xun entered the hotel, these butterfly fragments took up residence in his chest again. There was no chance of going to the 30th degree north latitude to fulfill their 'duty', and everyone was feeling very depressed.

In the past, the butterfly fragments were sleeping peacefully without any big problems. Now they are gradually becoming active. Especially during this period, they were really affected by pollution and pollution sources from the major 30 degrees north latitude. Wei Xun could hear the resonance of the butterflies before. And now Wei Xun's condition is so bad that it is even difficult to completely confine the butterfly fragments in his body. At this time, there is a token of 30 degrees north latitude that has just been opened in front of the butterfly fragments. Of course they rush directly!

How many butterfly fragments will be taken on this journey if we all enter the Tomb of the Tusi King?

This question flashed through Wei Xun's mind, but there was no time to think about the future now. The large butterfly fragments have all entered the human skin map, but the scattered butterfly fragments (such as those taken from the puppet master) are still left, and the total number is not a small number. As they drilled into Wei Xun's heart, they released a large amount of abyssal pollution. The newly dissipated cocoon threads showed signs of resurgence, making Wei Xun worried about how to deal with them. Is he trying to transfer them into weapons? Or forcefully suppress, dominate and dominate again?

But just when he was worried, An Xuefeng's mental connection suddenly came with a strong aura of power from the pollution source, which immediately completely diverted the attention of the scattered butterfly fragments. They tried their best to release the abyssal pollution over there, but the source of pollution and the horror of multiple pollutions at 30 degrees north latitude could not be solved by a few scattered butterfly fragments. Soon the abyssal pollution they could release was completely drained, and then One by one, Ansheng entered a temporary dormant period.

Wei Xun's crisis finally came into contact temporarily, and the world became quiet - no, not at all! The experience in the dark and coma made Wei Xun almost sink several times, making him more vigilant and cautious. However, after surviving all this terrible experience, Wei Xun's strength leapt forward again, and he was awarded the title of 'Lord' due to his success in 'sending away' large-scale difficult situations. After enduring the pollution, he successfully 'sent away' a large number of butterfly fragments, becoming stronger and able to 'dominate' more things!

In the past, Wei Xun could only control the power of his own title and some people with whom he had a soul contract, and after dominating, the patterns representing them would appear on the master's black cloak. Wei Xun also thought about the black cloak of the principal, and thought that * * * said that the patterns on his cloak represented Daxi Continent, and there were also some triangular patterns of pyramids.

If one day I can also control the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, and the pattern representing the journey appears on the black cloak of the master, will it be similar to the master's cloak in a sense? Wei Xun also thought about this, but he knew that his power to dominate was not that strong at all. Even if he killed all the gods in Babylon, became the only god in Babylon, and had new tokens and new pollution, he would still be powerless at that time. Dominate Babylon, even if the journey is on the verge of collapse.

And now Wei Xun has an instinctive feeling. It is the resonance of power between the power of domination and him. It wants to dominate - he wants to dominate -

It/he wants to dominate a journey of thirty degrees north latitude and imprint its pattern on the dark cloak!

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