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921 Saving George Plan (36) Satan comes...

The title "Master" is an upgrade from Wei Xun's original title "Painless One". This is different from the many titles he obtained later that are closely related to the superposition of energy pollution transformation, and represents his own potential that can be tapped. Therefore, even without the interpretation prompts from the hotel, Wei Xun can clearly feel the resonance of the dominant power, because this is equivalent to the advancement of his own power.

To dominate the journey to 30 degrees north latitude is to dominate the ‘desire’ of power, which is equivalent to the condition for the advanced title! Dominator is already an orange title, which is the ultimate height that most titles can reach, but Wei Xun, who has seen the "future" with a telescope, knows that this is not the end of the title of Dominator.

Upgrading the title has always been related to many factors such as breakthrough, environment, and everyone's state at the time. It is even quite metaphysical. Now that the opportunity hits his face, Wei Xun will never miss it. It is not easy to completely dominate a journey of 30 degrees north latitude. First of all, you must be strong. Secondly, you must be the pioneer of this journey of 30 degrees north latitude. Then you must master the tokens and/or butterfly fragments of this journey. You must at least integrate before you have a chance to conquer the journey to the 30th North Latitude. Even if you want to imprint the lines representing its pollution on the cloak, you still need the support of the hotel. In addition, it also has something to do with the degree of exploration, destruction, etc.

In terms of strength, although Wei Xun's combat prowess has soared, it is definitely not as strong as An Xuefeng and Mingxiren. In terms of opening up, he is not considered the first developer of the Tower of Babel, and this journey is already considered a third hand in his hands. The degree of control is far less than that of a true pioneer. Regarding the butterfly fragments, the butterfly fragments of the original Babylon have been sent away by Wei Xun, and most of his own butterfly fragments have also been sent away. It is not certain whether he can suppress the nearly collapsed Babylon. As for the token——

In all aspects, Wei Xun is not superior and does not even meet the standards. The most important thing is that Babylon is almost destroyed, so what is the use of dominating it? The resonance of the dominant force is also that it 'wants', not being able to. It's like receiving a mission to cross a level in advance, and just wait until it is strong enough to complete it.

However, Wei Xun's thinking was different from ordinary people. After sensing the resonance of the power of the title of Dominator, he responded immediately. Wei Xun did not feel that he could not do it. On the contrary, he even thought that this was a great opportunity to dominate the journey! It's just that the direction he responded to and the 'desire' of the dominant power were completely different. The previous butterfly pollution riot made him return to zero again, and the great demon escaped from the belly of Fenrir wolf and the belly of the golden dragon.

He was seen covering the sky with demonic wings, holding a scarlet blood-sucking sword. The remaining blue-purple butterfly pollution floated on the dark cloak like a star streamer. His slightly curly hair was not affected by the demonic power this time and remained pure. It is as white as snow, like dense wool and like fresh and clean cocoon silk, hanging on Wei Xun's blood-soaked chest and hanging next to his cheek, making the butterfly pattern appearing under his eyes more magnificent and mysterious, and a pair of blue eyes. It was so deep that it was almost black and blue, like the cold and boundless universe.

The return of severe pain and the butterfly pollution riot still brought subtle changes to Wei Xun's appearance, but at this moment, the Lizard Duke and others had no time to pay attention to any changes in him. Their heart rates soared after Wei Xun (Bingyi) appeared—— Why did you come out? ! Yes, it's good to wake up and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief, but the Devourer may not really be gone! The true strength of the West Region S1 director Rufeng is still a mystery to this day. Even the person in charge, Cen Qin, who had fought fiercely with him, could not guarantee whether Devourer had used all his strength at that time.

If an enemy of this strength were to use the same trick again to cause the butterfly fragments in Bingyi's body to riot out of control, or if they really snatched him away, wouldn't the 'Protect Bingyi Plan' be completely over?

When Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, the Lizard Duke had the most poisonous eyes. When he was vigilant and alert, he actually saw the figure of the Devourer on the edge of the Sweetwater Abyss in the distance! That's okay, the Lizard Duke was so nervous that he immediately opened his mouth wide and ordered Fenrir Wolf to repeat the meat-wrapped-meat-wrapped-meat act again, swallowing Bingyi into his stomach before he could really feel at ease. But the next second Fenrir Wolf became nervous and realized that he couldn't swallow Wei Xun!

In Norse mythology, the two children of Fenrir Wolf can swallow the sun and the moon. Fenrir Wolf's own belly capacity is also huge. Not to mention swallowing a person, even a ball is more than enough. But no matter how big its belly is, it can't swallow the whole 'world', nor can it swallow Bingyi's unfolding lost paradise. The dark and tall gate of Lost Paradise, engraved with snakes and grapevine patterns representing Salman, was erected in the ruins of the Sweetwater Abyss. Behind the gate is another vast world.

Looking in from the gate of Lost Paradise, you can see three clear springs, and you can see the lush and tall World Tree beside the springs. Wheat seeds brought back from Northern Europe were carefully sown beside the springs, and they have grown into golden waves. , look deeper and see the milk river flowing through the entire world, flowing through the 'prairie' full of dark green parasitic fungi, the Nordic cows that are bigger than giants grazing leisurely, and Wei Xun's various harvests from Northern Europe animal. The light elves and the dark elves were fighting at the statue of the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and in the center surrounded by the three statues was the vineyard of Samael Satan. The low and demonic song of Satan came from the grape trellis. It was the seven fallen angels. A 'hymn' that is sung for Satan all the time, praising him for being invincible and praying for his success and peace.

Unknowingly, Wei Xun's Lost Paradise has begun to take shape! Tong Hege and Yu Hehui, who were anxiously guarding the Lost Paradise, looked at Wei Xun as soon as the gate of the Lost Paradise finally opened. The pain from the soul connection made them worried. They had to make sure that he was really safe before they could rest assured.

However, at this moment, the Duke of Lizard and others looked at Bingyi differently from Yu and Hui. They saw Bingyi sitting on the extremely high gate of Paradise Lost, overlooking all living beings. The devil wings behind him turned into dark fallen angel wings at some point. Ominous black fog lingered around several pairs of wings. The crimson flame burned in front of Satan, illuminating the hem of the cloak that was drooping down. The demon insect Xiaocui, representing the underworld of Hell, turned into a spiritual state and sat on Satan's shoulder in a meek and submissive manner. Where Satan was was Hell! Bingyi did not act immediately. He was waiting for an opportunity. The gate of Paradise Lost allowed him to perceive the situation of Angel George more clearly. However, his current form and posture could arouse the PTSD in the hearts of the Duke of Lizard and others - brothers all like to sit on the door frame, right! He is addicted to playing, right! But even if he felt the hair on his back stand up, he still had to do what he had to do. It was too dangerous for Bingyi to sit alone so far away from them. What if the Devourer attacked him? Fenrir Wolf was the first to move, stepping on the vines and snake carvings entwined on the door frame of Paradise Lost, climbing all the way and reaching Wei Xun at the fastest speed. Before it moved, Yu Xiangyang quickly grabbed the wolf's hair, and the puppeteer used puppet silk to stick to the wolf's back. The two were taken to the highest point together, followed closely by the Lizard Duke.

The top of the gate of Paradise Lost was wider than expected, and it was more than enough to form a square formation, which could accommodate so many of them plus the seven fallen angels. When they really stood next to Bingyi, everyone felt something in their hearts, as if they had joined a certain camp and activated a certain task during the journey. The sharp peak passengers and the big guide immediately understood that Bingyi was going to make trouble. Even though An Xuefeng and the Ximing people were fighting in full swing, almost affecting everyone's mind, Bingyi could always shine in the chaos, shocking and amazed everyone.

No one would miss such a good opportunity, but the person in charge, Cen Qin, did not come. The terrible multiple pollution at 30 degrees north latitude that An Xuefeng and his team bombarded the pollution source was approaching the final node of qualitative change. Babylon, which was barely separated from the outside world, was completely shaky. The hotel's orders and prompts and inquiries resounded in Cen Qin's mind like bombings. If the pollution source really exploded in the end and was not destroyed or taken away in the first time, it would have an extremely terrible impact on the whole world.

At this critical moment, the hotel would even descend on the person in charge, Cen Qin, to intervene in the fierce battle at the pollution source! Even if Cen Qin risked being severely punished afterwards and had been holding on without responding to the hotel, the hotel would intervene sooner or later if it continued like this - there were other people in charge outside.

But the next second, Cen Qin didn't have to worry about this problem anymore.

Because at this moment, Satan Wei Xun turned Paradise Lost into a physical entity and descended on Babylon, which was on the verge of breaking! The chaotic and violent Babylonian pollution fee uttered its last wail, and the only remaining primitive gods of Babylon also abandoned it. At this moment, Wei Xun was no longer Apsu, no longer the creator and guardian of Babylon, but an invader, Satan who came with seven fallen angels!

At the same time, a shocking explosion sounded in the dark bottomless pit where An Xuefeng and the Ximing people were fighting fiercely, and a brilliant holy light burst out. George was reshaping his body and was finally resurrected! The brilliant holy light bloomed in the dark nothingness. At this moment, even pollution could not tarnish his light. This holy light was extremely pure and sacred, like the coming of heaven, but who would have thought that the angel who was born of misunderstanding and reshaped his body at this moment was a false seraph!

Just like Wei Xun's Samael Satan, who was not recorded in the Bible and only appeared in the apocryphal book, they were also false and powerful. At the moment George was resurrected, Wei Xun Satan's momentum soared, and there was a resonance between falsehood and falsehood. The Crow Crown that Wei Xun temporarily lent to George strengthened this resonance. For a moment, Wei Xun could even use George's eyes to perceive what was happening on his side. The keen perception left over from the butterfly riot allowed him to find that An Xuefeng and the Ximing people were still one opportunity away from completely weakening and breaking through the pollution source.

And the complete destruction of Babylon will be the last opportunity. At this moment, this is no longer Babylon on the verge of breaking, but a territory conquered by their brutal invasion! The original Sweet Water Abyss ruins and the original ocean ruins collapsed. The appearance of the Dawn Angel and Satan was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. When the Paradise Lost energy (pollution) dominated by Wei Xun spread outward and eroded, the balance in Babylon was finally completely broken. Wei Xun's black dominant cloak moved without wind, and the dark gold lines were like vines winding and drawing, growing twisted lines full of power.

Who says that the journey of thirty degrees north latitude that dominates destruction is not the domination? Destroying the journey of thirty degrees north latitude is hundreds or thousands of times more difficult than opening up. Dominating destruction is also the domination!

But in the next moment, the momentum that continued to soar suddenly stopped after reaching a certain intensity, and even had a faint downward trend. The expansion speed of Paradise Lost also slowed down a lot. The resonance between Wei Xun and George suddenly weakened, and it was difficult to completely cover and erode Babylon. It was because something suddenly went wrong with George!

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