Thriller Tour Group

919 Plan to Save George (35) Resurrection of George (1...

An Xuefeng knew that Wei Xun's illness was unusual as early as when he saw the painful snow mountain in Wei Xun's mental fantasy when he was helping him to relieve himself.

It's not that he really has a genetic mutation and can't feel pain, it's more like the pain he should have felt since childhood didn't reflect on Wei Xun for some unknown reason, but accumulated. Even though An Xuefeng thinned Wei Xun's snow mountain of pain several times after the connection, Wei Xun's pain accumulated too quickly. Compared with the whole, what An Xuefeng shaved off was just the tip of the iceberg. Once one day his pain 'returns' , the pain accumulated for decades was fed back to him. The painful impact Wei Xun suffered at that moment was absolutely terrifying and unimaginable to ordinary people.

People can really be hurt to death. An Xuefeng even saw with his own eyes the soul of a passenger who was parasitically tortured by witchcraft during the journey but could not find a way to escape immediately. Finally, he died quietly one night - his body was still good. Complete, but his soul disappeared. Even if the brigade later completed the scenic spot mission and obtained props that can summon souls, they could not resurrect him.

Because this person's soul was extinguished due to the unbearable severe pain, which is equivalent to the person's soul being scattered and never being found again. An Xuefeng was subconsciously afraid of this the most. He had seen with his own eyes the other side of Wei Xun, which was colder and more animalistic. At first, An Xuefeng was worried that the butterfly fragments had a will and whether they would replace Wei Xun's consciousness. Up to now, his past speculations have been overturned and changed several times, but An Xuefeng's worries have not diminished at all.

Even if the soul is the same, Wei Xun still has two sides. On the one hand, he is a person who abides by social order and good customs, and on the other hand, he is extremely dangerous. This is different from dual personality. It is more appropriate to use the metaphor of id and self. The Tower of Babel is on the verge of destruction and now the restlessness of the butterfly fragments has made Wei Xun's side deep in his soul about to emerge. What if the sudden severe pain destroys Wei Xun's "human" will, what will he become? Can he still recover after the battle? Will he never change again? These are all unknowns.

An Xuefeng didn't want to think about the worst, but he forced himself to think about it because he found that the deep connection between himself and Wei Xun seemed to be interrupted, as if there was a transparent layer of strength between them. Although the empathy was still there, it was Like a clogged water pipe, An Xuefeng was unable to share more pain with his lover, and most of the pain still fell on Wei Xun.

And all this happened after the man ate half of the petal! It is obvious that Taoist Master Kongkong once swallowed flower petals. It is even said that the petals swallowed by Taoist Master Kongkong over the years have been integrated with his spiritual soul, and were cut off and separated by Wei Xun with a knife, but Wei Xun was not there at that time. There are too many strange manifestations. This time, maybe it really has nothing to do with the petals. It is caused by the backlash of the destruction of Babylon, coupled with the gathering of multiple ten degrees of northern latitude pollution, causing the butterfly fragments to become restless.

But An Xuefeng's instinct told him that Wei Xun's 'recovery' of pain was definitely related to the life-seeking man! He very keenly discovered that at the moment when Wei Xun regained his sense of pain, the movement of the man who was fighting fiercely was stagnant for a moment, as if he had expected something and was waiting for something. An Xuefeng was obviously distracted because he felt Wei Xun's pain. The man who wanted to seize this opportunity could have used the sun sickle to cut his throat, but because they both paused at the same time, they were still almost evenly matched. , An Xuefeng had a slight advantage, but a fire seemed to be burning in his heart, and the raging fire could burn his soul out at any time.

What on earth do you want to do, you man?

The roaring question was pressed deep in the throat. In such a dangerous battle, no one would fight while shouting like in the anime. The occasional short sharp shouts were just to release the energy and build up strength when the battle was in full swing, but combined with the thirty degrees north latitude. The battle for pollution tokens is different from traditional fighting. Neither An Xuefeng nor Xi Mingren spoke during the fight, because sound is also a kind of pollution and has been integrated into the mixed pollution environment. When the blades of the close-quarters fight collided, An Xuefeng gathered his strength and fought downwards. For a short period of time at close range, his eyes looked deeply into the life-seeking man's eyes, but he could not see anything from his cold and deep eyes.

After a brief pause that was almost an illusion, the Mingxi people's offensive became fierce again. The devil is a naturally fanatical warrior. Even if close combat is not really the Mingxi people's strength compared to An Xuefeng, in Gui Ling and Taiyang. Under the dual pollution of the hymn and the twisted death song of the sun, the demon in the scarlet cloak became stronger as the battle progressed. Both sides of the fierce battle finally had wounds on their bodies, but surrounded by the fusion of extremely heavy pollution, what flowed out of the wounds was not blood, but pollution. . Or maybe they are so strong that their whole body is full of energy. In Western fantasy novels, someone bathed in dragon blood but died because they couldn't bear the violent energy in the blood. The blood that An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren were bleeding at this moment were also... It's almost like this.

However, there are differences in strength, and it will also be affected by the environment, state and emotions, etc. The return knife pressed the sun sickle and made an overwhelming creaking sound. The next second, the life-haunting person no longer fought hard but took advantage of the situation to release the force and fall downwards. , but An Xuefeng had already been prepared for the pyramid pollution to turn into soft quicksand, which slowed down the man's fall. An Xuefeng caught up with him with his return knife and destroyed the ghost pattern on the wing bone, and he fell into a fight again.

The battlefield they were killing at this moment was completely different from before. What was originally a cracked ruin was now completely turned into a bottomless pit. The pollution of destroyed Babylon was attracted by the Crow Crown worn by George, and shot straight down like a tornado. It was extremely terrifying. But the stormy Babylonian pollution cannot reach the deepest part of the Abyss. Its connection with the source of pollution has been severed by the multiple thirty-degree north latitude pollution on the sun pendant.

So the lowest point of the Babylonian pollution storm suddenly disappeared into a thick darkness. This darkness is the 'gap' between the journey and reality, filled with terrifying and chaotic space cracks. No matter how powerful a person is, he will die if he falls, even if he is strong enough. If you resist the cracks in space, you will eventually get lost in the chaotic darkness, unable to find your way back, just like being lost in the vast and cold universe.

But something is shining in the deepest part of this darkness. It is extremely huge, and most of it is submerged in the darkness. Only a little bit is exposed, as if the surface of some kind of alloy reflects the light of multiple pollutions of ten degrees north latitude. The reflected light is not as good as the pollution itself. So bright, but cold, just like the halo of pollution lingering on its surface.

This is the source of pollution that has caused the formation of Ten Degrees North from generation to generation! When they saw it with their own eyes, both the Mingxi people and An Xuefeng paused. Their spirits were being impacted by the massive amount of pollution. Just as the person in charge was invisible, unheard, and unimaginable to ordinary travelers, their powerful Energy itself amounts to indescribable pollution. The source of pollution is also the same for the top tourist guide. Even An Xuefeng, who has fused the double token of 30 degrees north latitude, seems to have returned to the past when he was extremely mentally unstable and on the verge of collapse.

However, it seemed that An Xuefeng was worried that the impact of massive pollution would bring greater stimulation burden to Wei Xun, so An Xuefeng only briefly confirmed the existence and status of the pollution source and immediately closed his eyes. Losing vision is not a problem for a strong man of his strength, and it will make his perception sharper, but An Xuefeng is still worried about whether the impact of the original pollution just now will affect the butterfly fragments more. It will have an impact on Wei Xun——

But soon the worry in An Xuefeng's heart turned into excitement, because he had not been able to sense Wei Xun's response for a long time, but there was actually a bit of Wei Xun's response in the mental connection, although it was vague and was broken again soon. But An Xuefeng was certain that the person who responded to him was Wei Xun. The raw pollution that just came from the spiritual connection did have a certain impact on Wei Xun, but it was actually a good thing for him at the time. After receiving the news from Wei Xun, An Xuefeng stopped being distracted and went all out to deal with the life-seeker.

The Mingxingren seemed to have noticed something from his suddenly intensified offensive. In response to An Xuefeng's terrifying offensive, he no longer held back and revealed his trump card. As the battle became increasingly fierce, the pollution at the 30th North Latitude on both sides also increased. It was completely activated, so majestic and thick that it made Babylon make a shattering sound, while a large amount of pollution from the Ten Degrees North Latitude and butterfly pollution were intentionally or unintentionally led into the depths of darkness by the two in the fierce battle.

Although their purposes are different, they both need to completely weaken the source of pollution before they can either destroy or seize it. The two of them are not pretending to fight. The more fierce their fighting, the more pollution they will attract at Ten Degrees North Latitude, and at the same time, a large amount of pollution will be restricted. In this area of ​​the duel, Lai did his best to keep Babylon still in shape and delay the hotel's intervention.

The darkness that can swallow everything can stop the pollution of Babylon, which is on the verge of destruction and chaos, but it cannot stop the heavy or even four-fold pollution of ten degrees north latitude. Although the Babylonian pollution is caused by the pollution source distorting the world's local energy, the distorted pollution at Ten Degrees North is not a vassal of the pollution source. Especially after the token is completely integrated and controlled by people, coupled with the butterfly fragments, it can cause a lot of damage to the pollution source. . Pollution is constantly bombarded on the surface of pollution sources, visibly triggering the backlash of large areas of pollution sources. A lot of source pollution is released, but it can only be transformed into the Babylonian pollution that has been transformed. The newly transformed Babylonian pollution is either leaked to the outside, or Absorbed by the resurrected George.

In this way, the glossiness of the surface of the pollution source visible to the naked eye is much lower, and the speed of releasing pollution after being hit is also much slower. It is really being weakened and worn away! It is not invincible, even if the conditions are harsh, there is still a chance of destruction! This discovery was exciting enough and made An Xuefeng become more aggressive and cause more pollution. And the man who wanted to die was not willing to give in. He even allowed a giant stone pillar from the Sun Gate to descend into the bottomless pit, almost as if the Sun Gate had truly arrived, releasing pollution unscrupulously.

Seeing that the pollution source was bombarded by the 'joint efforts' of the two of them, the surface was covered with corrosion pits. There were already some cracks and seemed to be crumbling, as if the edges were constantly accumulating and would eventually become a qualitative change. But it was not their source of pollution that experienced the first qualitative change. Just two deafening explosions were heard, and the holy light suddenly burst out in the darkness intertwined with all kinds of pollution! The snow-white six wings are dyed with the glory of the morning sun by the holy light, and the perfect angel body is shaped by the holy light——

After absorbing massive amounts of pollution from the destruction of Babylon, George is finally resurrected!

But another explosion came from outside the bottomless pit, from Wei Xun!

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