Thriller Tour Group

916 Nutrient Solution 308 Slime Ocean

The murmur in my mind was getting louder and louder.

Wei Xun took a deep breath as much as possible to slow down his heartbeat, but his heartbeat was still getting faster and faster. His heart seemed to be completely inhabited and controlled by butterfly fragments. Every time it rubbed and fluttered its wings, there were several heartbeats, and the butterfly fragments became more and more restless. The more powerful it becomes, it's almost like a litter of noisy cubs. The fragments rub together with the heart muscles and blood vessels, making a harsh murmuring sound.

That was the butterfly fragment resonating and 'speaking'. The newly generated Babylon token in Wei Xun's hand still carried the power of the source of pollution, and the butterfly fragment was extremely disgusted with it.

Get close to it.

Suppress it.

Destroy it.

Destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy—

The harsh buzzing sound like an electrocardiogram came from the heart and every blood vessel, making Wei Xun dizzy, and layers of double images appeared in front of his eyes. He was convinced that he was still conscious and could barely maintain his sanity. But when he opened his mouth to say the meaning of the restless resonance of the butterfly fragments, his tone was completely unlike his own, and his emotions at that time were completely unlike his own. It was like a flame frozen by ice. It looked calm and cold on the outside, but the emotions inside were not at all like his own. Like a fire, a flame that wants to burn him out.

Wei Xun remembered that An Xuefeng had said that he had lost control before, but he could not lose control now. He buried his head deeper into An Xuefeng's clothes and breathed in his breath with all his strength, the faint fragrance of the flower of the abyss. Perhaps being the pioneer of two journeys to 30 degrees north latitude at the same time, perhaps because of too many contact with flower petals these days, or perhaps sensing the power of the pollution source at close range, the butterfly fragments residing in the heart were extremely restless and almost out of control.

Until strong fingers firmly lifted his chin and planted a burning kiss on his cold lips. The familiar kiss made Wei Xun open his teeth when he felt the tip of the other person's tongue brushing over him. The flushed tongues were like two The snakes entangled themselves, exchanging each other's breath. There was the fragrance of flowers in the other person's body fluid, which made Wei Xun immediately change from passive to active and eager to explore, just like a butterfly sucking nectar, the sound of water slurping, making people blush with enthusiasm.

And those strong big hands reached into the tour guide's cloak, hugged his shoulders and back, and one hand slowly and powerfully stroked along the spine from shoulder to waist, like smoothing the fur of a feline. The other hand closed on the back of Wei Xun's neck, kneading and pressing it somewhat heavily, showing an unabashed possessiveness, as if he was firmly grasping his whole body.

Wei Xun quickly relaxed in the fragrance of flowers and the relief of intimacy, and only the sound of kissing water and a simple, somewhat fast heartbeat remained in his mind. The noisy resonance of the fluttering wings of a butterfly becomes peaceful and no longer disruptive as the butterfly fragments residing in the heart become peaceful.

Finally, after licking the other person's hot palate hard, Wei Xun slowly straightened up and blinked. He found An Xuefeng lying on his back in the sweet abyss, holding his waist with both hands, staring at him intently with his thick black eyes, his lips were a little red from being kissed and licked, and Wei Xun himself was riding on An On Xuefeng's waist, his hands were holding his collar, as if riding a horse, very boldly.

The astrologer and others who were originally standing with them for discussion now stood on the other side, with their backs turned to them, leaving the guide a private space to relax. Everyone knows and has experienced mental disorder and loss of control, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

[There are too many butterfly fragments living in your body, and you are agitated by the journey to 30 degrees north latitude and the source of pollution]

A familiar voice sounded in Wei Xun's mind. It was the voice of the remnant soul of Taoist Master Kongkong. He said in a soothing tone: "I know everything, it's not that bad." The butterfly fragments of Babylon were taken away by you and put into your own token of the Tusi King's Tomb, becoming fragments of the Tusi King's Tomb. The newly created Babylon has no fragments. You have a special physique and have many butterfly fragments in your body. Today's You are the butterfly fragment of Babylon]

[Butterfly fragments and the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude are mutually constraining and hostile to each other, but they can also be infected with some of the characteristics of this journey at 30 degrees north latitude - did you know that butterfly pollution is essentially the suppression and balance of the earth at 30 degrees north latitude? sources of pollution. The pollution released by the pollution source merges with the energy of local attractions to form a powerful pollution at 30 degrees north latitude. The butterfly fragments are integrated into the journey of 30 degrees north latitude, and are also integrated with the energy of local attractions. In this way, the butterfly pollution and the pollution of 30 degrees north latitude compete with each other, balancing each other, and completely restraining it in this journey, and will not outward. Overflowed]

Therefore, Wei Xun's situation this time is not as bad as imagined. It is not that the resurgence of a butterfly occupies the ideological high ground and confuses Wei Xun's self-awareness.

It's that he is currently a 'butterfly fragment' of Babylon, but he has not integrated the power of New Babylon, failed to suppress the pollution and pollution sources of New Babylon, and violated the 'responsibility' of the butterfly fragment for thousands of years.

That's why they are so restless.

Of course, frequent contact with flower petals is also one of the triggers, but it is not serious. Travelers who are deeply connected can return to normal after a little relief.

[The consciousness conveyed by the resonance of the butterfly fragments is to destroy the source of pollution]

Taoist Master Kongkong has a good voice that is used to singing sutras, and his words are clear and light, which makes people relax unconsciously. Wei Xun could clearly feel An Xuefeng's tense nerves relaxing a little. He raised his body and kissed his heart, then stood up with Wei Xun in his arms and said in his mind:

[Butterfly pollution and pollution sources are inherently hostile, this is normal]

An Xuefeng pondered for a moment and said: [Butterfly pollution is local, and the pollution source caused by the journey to the 30th degree north latitude is external]

Local? foreign? Something flashed in Wei Xun's mind, but as he thought, the butterfly fragments that had just calmed down started to stir again. An Xuefeng also noticed it and didn't say anything more. He only said that when the source of pollution was destroyed, Wei Xun would naturally be able to see what it was.

Yes, during the short period when Wei Xun lost control, their camp had reached a consensus, just as Bing Yi said. Most of the people present are pioneers, and they know more or less deeper secrets. They know that this source of pollution is not a good thing, and it cannot be destroyed easily - but the one under Babylon is special at the moment.

The journey of the Tower of Babel was forcibly thrown by the black widow to Iceland, which is not 30 degrees north latitude. The source of pollution was also pulled away. It was only its own body and no longer the land that had been polluted by it for thousands of years. The pollution was dangerous. Sexuality is diminished.

And it happened to have just released a large amount of pollution and created a new Babylon pollution. In order to match the huge energy of the butterfly fragments (Wei Xun's multiple butterfly fragments were superimposed), the new pollution was also very powerful, consuming a lot of the power of the pollution source itself.

Coupled with the large amount of pollution released over the years, by this decade, the energy of the pollution source itself is indeed much lower than before.

Astrologers bluntly said that cautious people like the Life-haunters have the ambition to take away the source of pollution, which shows that it is indeed different from the past. A life-loving person will not take back a hot potato that cannot be completely controlled (destroyed). If it can be taken away and used, it will be destroyed. So Wei Xun's suggestion is totally fine. He also wants to see the real source of pollution.

"It's adjusted."

Wei Xun and An Xuefeng walked towards the crowd. When everyone saw them coming, their expressions were as usual and they didn't ask any questions. At this moment, the tumors in the abdomens of Kung Fu Lizard Duke and Fenrir Wolf were removed by the puppet master, and everyone adjusted their condition. The person in charge, Cen Qin, raised his hand and handed a powerful dark green female insect to Wei Xun. It was Xiaocui who was sent to the rift of Babylon by the Yin-Yang butterfly and was taken over by Cen Qin.

Wei Xun held Xiaocui in his arms and felt that she was extremely active and excited. The birth pollution of New Babylon was a real paradise for her! Xiaocui even showed the prototype of a more fertile female insect as soon as she entered, eager to absorb Babylon's energy. Wei Xun and Xiao Cui whispered a few words, and then asked for his and Fenrir Wolf's two tumor children from the Lizard Duke, and brought them to Xiao Cui to observe, and then brought all the tokens of New Babylon for Xiao Cui to hold. .

Xiaocui nodded seriously while listening and watching. After understanding the task assigned to her by her father, she immediately sank to the bottom of the sweet water abyss and began to absorb pollution to breed insect eggs in a low-key manner and accelerate hatching. The powerful female insect is simply an egg-making machine, laying hundreds of eggs every second. Living in the pollution of Babylon, there is no shortage of food, especially since Wei Xun has a soul contract with Xiao Cui and can instill more of the pollution of Babylon into her.

"Destroy the Tower of Babel as quickly as possible."

Black Widow suggested: "The longer it is delayed, the greater the impact will be on Director C, and the backlash will be more severe."

"It's been a quarter of an hour. The Life-Rickers and Devourers must be ready, just waiting for us to take action."

Lizard Duke said impatiently: "Even if they don't have a puppet master, they can remove the tumor just by caesarean section... and so on."

Suddenly something occurred to him. The Lizard Duke's breathing was stagnant. He couldn't help but glance at Fenrir Wolf, then looked at the golden slime wall in the distance, and murmured: "Wait a minute, Fenrir Wolf can be pregnant with tumors. That slime——"

Of course slimes can also be infected by New Babylonian pollution! The moment he finished speaking, he heard a roaring sound in the distance, like the sound of a thousand-meter tsunami rising one after another. Everyone immediately looked warily, and saw that the extremely tall slime wall in the distance collapsed suddenly, turning into thousands of golden slimes, like a mountain of jelly beans that collapsed, and each slime was falling. In an instant, a new slime burst out of his body, and the number of slimes doubled in the blink of an eye, like a golden sea. The original slime mother body was twisted and distorted, like a dragon made of sugar syrup, and turned into a 'Mother of Dragons'. The new slime was wrapped in the new pollution of Babylon, and its momentum was stronger than the mother body, with white hair growing on each top. The long-haired, golden-blue eyes stared at Wei Xun as soon as he opened them. With malicious intentions, countless slimes were roaring towards them, carrying pollution.

The rebellious descendant gods are the enemies of the original gods. In less than half an hour, the Devourer used the pollution of New Babylon to create a slime army. The number of participants in the battle was instantly switched. This was a true 'human sea' tactic. ! Not to mention the strength, just this appearance made the Lizard Duke lose half of his SAN in an instant. He couldn't help but want to fly high into the sky and spray poisonous fire to kill the slime, but Wei Xun grabbed his arm.

"Go directly to the Devourers and Lifetheaters. I have a way to deal with these slimes."

He said decisively, and his words were followed by the sound of insect eggs cracking and breaking out of their shells - the insect army bred by Xiao Cui also broke out of their shells!

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