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917 Saving George Plan (33) Babylon falls...

When the endless tide of insects gushes out from the depths of the Sweetwater Abyss and hits the slime ocean like a tsunami, no one can remain calm. The Lizard Duke even vaguely recalled a movie he had seen about the pyramid mummies. The terrifying scene in which a swarm of beetles ate people alive was far less terrifying than it is now.

The demonic insects that overflowed from the sweet water abyss grew as fast as a balloon after emerging from their eggs. In a blink of an eye, they grew to nearly two meters long. They were ferocious and terrifying. The color of the insect's body was uniformly blue and white, and some Some are bluer and some are white. The long beetle-like tentacles on the top of the head are all pure white, while the two serrated dagger-like forelimbs of the devil insect are scarlet like a mantis -

Obviously, compared to the 'traitors' of the slime group who just grew white hair and blue eyes, the good children of demon insects who are loyal to Bingyi look more like his children... Oh God, Satan Merlin, no matter what What, as soon as these slimes and these demonic insects were connected with Bingyi's 'children', the Lizard Duke's stomach turned upside down, as if he had eaten a tumor alive.

In just this moment, the slime army and the army of demonic insects at the forefront had collided. The scarlet scythe forelimbs of the demonic insect can easily crush the soft body of the slime, but the juice spilled after the slime is crushed will also wrap the demonic insect, and it needs to be assimilated - it cannot be assimilated, if you kill Slime No matter what else, the slime invasion is unstoppable.

The problem is that they are all ‘sons of God’ caused by the pollution of Neo-Babylon. This is another battle between the original gods and the rebelling camp gods, and is invisibly shrouded in the rules of Neo-Babylon. Gods can feed on rebellious sons of gods, but after the sons of gods on both sides kill each other, there is no way that the loser can corrode and transform the winner! Therefore, the most the dead slime can do is corrode the nerve brain of the demon insect with juice, cutting off its control of the body and making it unable to fight again. However, it cannot assimilate and pollute the enemy into slime.

With Xiaocui's terrifying fertility and the support of Wei Xun's personal control of the pollution of the New Tower of Babel, although the number of demonic insects was not as large as the slime army at the beginning, and they almost got dumped, but as the war progressed, they became more and more difficult to control. The more powerful it is, the one-for-one exchange in the early stage is not a loss at all! Okay, what a weird tactic! Even a dream chaser would find it difficult to use the adjective "powerful" to praise Wei Xun's tactics without conscience. If you put yourself into it a little bit, when you think about the insect mother giving birth to a bunch of children who can be called her own in a sense, The crystal gem demon insect made Dream Chaser feel suffocated...

Wei Xun really dares to think! And he actually did it! However, it was Devourer who did this first, and Wei Xun was just on guard. If it weren't for the army of demonic insects, just dealing with this sea of ​​slimes would be a problem. The Dream Chaser can understand Wei Xun, but he has a new and subtle view of the Devourer - the Life-Haunter will just let the Devourer use slime to give birth to his brother's 'child'? Doesn't he really think this is incredible?

Unexpectedly, when An Xuefeng saw this pile of blue and white slimes, the Queen of Blue and White Demonic Insect's face froze for a moment. At that moment, his eyes were so dark that even the Dream Chaser didn't dare to look, and he saw An Xuefeng taking Wei Xun in his arms. Lai bit his mouth as if to vent her anger, and then transformed into a pair of sand wings and fluttered towards the end of the slime ocean. Every time the sand wings flapped, they spread a piece of pyramid pollution, so move!

However, Lifetheater and Devourer are not normal people either. When Dream Chaser figured it out, he had already fluttered his wings and was about to fly across the slime ocean. From a distance, he could see an extremely tall and simple stone doorframe full of carved patterns standing at the end of the sea. A devil in a scarlet cloak was holding a sun. The scepter stands on the Gate of the Sun, and it is the person who is trying to make a fortune!


A deafening loud noise came from the distance of the Slime Sea. The dark sky was suddenly covered by the scarlet light of the expansion and explosion, as if an atomic bomb had been detonated. New Babylon let out an overwhelmed scream during the earthquake. It seems like the end of the world is coming. Wei Xun, who stayed in the Sweetwater Abyss, could not directly see the fierce battle taking place there, but he could sense the fierce fighting there from the constant collapse vibrations coming from New Babylon. It was probably a real fire.

Yu Xiangyang, Lizard Duke and Fenrir Wolf are guarding him. After all, this battle is likely to involve the destruction of New Babylon and the source of pollution, so the ones closest to the battle are the pioneers, An Xuefeng, Dream Chaser, and Flame Angel. Both the Astrologer and the Black Widow have gone - although the Black Widow is no longer a pioneer and it is extremely dangerous for her to join the war, she knows best the place where Babylon meets the source of pollution. She must go to this battle, and it is also the battle she wants to fight against. An expression of utmost sincerity. George also went together. Once Babylon is destroyed, he will absorb the pollution as quickly as possible, slow down the backlash on Bingyi, and hinder the plans of the life-seeking people.

The person in charge, Cen Qin, is always keeping an eye on the big crack in the Babylonian underground and the light path that has not yet dispersed, and is always ready to deal with the hotel. The Puppet Master volunteered to go to the front line of the melee between the Slime Sea and the Demonic Insect Sea, saying that he would keep an eye on the movements of the slimes at all times to prevent the Devourer from sneak attacks. In fact, she just wanted to eat as much as possible... Slime didn't dare to eat, and the demon bugs could always use the puppet silk to eat a little bit, which was a great supplement to her.

It would be best to patch up a few puppet threads polluted by New Babylon, so that even if New Babylon is destroyed, she can still use Babylon's pollution to make food for herself.

Everyone knows the puppet master's little thoughts, but this is indeed a problem. The Lizard Duke even condescended to let Bingyi ride on his dragon's back, fearing that some slime would sneak in from the depths of the Sweetwater Abyss and launch a sneak attack. Fenrir Wolf shrank its body and was held in Wei Xun's arms. Yu Xiangyang transformed into a shrunken demon and squatted on top of Bing Yi's head, forming an all-round three-dimensional defense.

But no one expected that the battle at the Sun Gate would be so fierce! Perhaps they had anticipated and thought that the Life-seekers and the Devourers could work together to destroy Babylon, but they still far underestimated the terrifying power that would erupt when a journey of 30 degrees north latitude truly leads to destruction! The scarlet sun's rays burned away the darkness like fire. The Sun Gate stood above the deep pit of the ruins of Whitechapel. Slime flooded the cracked earth, pulsing like a heart and blood vessels. The real thing that started the destruction of Babylon was He is a life-loving person.

When An Xuefeng and others attacked, the Mingxing people took out something, which was an enlarged version of a more exquisite and complex sun pendant. It contained extremely powerful pollution energy and bloomed with scorching dazzling energy. The light is almost like the real sun - or in other words, it is equivalent to the real sun. The energy it releases is almost exactly the same as the sunlight leaked when the Sun Gate was opened. That was the sun of the Inca Sun Gate!

The heavy pollution that spreads too wantonly on it is like a provocation, and even triggers pollution at other 30 degrees north latitude. Different pollution at 30 degrees north latitude are inherently incompatible and hostile to each other, and this is also affected by the will of the pioneers, and The Pyramid Pollution and Atlantis Pollution, which had fought fiercely against the Sun Gate Pollution, rushed towards the Sun Gate Pollution first. The enlarged versions of the sun ornaments filled with pollution were entangled and devoured each other, and then the jet-black sand grains representing the Sahara pollution rushed over. The dream chaser has a deep grudge against the life-seeking person. Even though he will restrain himself around Wei Xun, the pain accumulated over the years needs to be vented urgently.

Watching the triple pollution at 30 degrees north latitude attack, completely suppressing the overflowing Sun Gate pollution back into the enlarged version of the sun pendant, the four colors of pollution fiercely fight and devour each other on the sun pendant, even if it is suspected of being 100% open. The Sun Gate pollution could not withstand the triple pollution of 30 degrees north latitude. In the blink of an eye, the sun pendant was on the verge of breaking in the fierce struggle, full of cracks, and the debris fell like the powder of the sun, falling to the unmoved player. The scarlet tour guide's cloak seemed to be illuminated by light.

The astrologer couldn't help but think of the past, and the brilliant golden light of destiny he saw when he first divined fortune-telling people.

What exactly do you want to do?

The astrologer was flying high, looking down at the life-seeking people with an expressionless face. Maya's pollution at 30 degrees north latitude was extremely agitated by so much pollution. She wanted to rush out and devour the Sun Gate pollution, but was pressed to death by the astrologer. It is not difficult to find that the Life-seeking people are deliberately inducing their pollution. They must be using multiple 30th degree north latitude pollution to completely destroy Babylon and truly induce the original pollution.

Think about it, this is indeed a good time. In addition to the Tomb of the Tusi King that has not been completely opened up, the Pharaoh's Pyramid, the Sahara of Death, the Tower of Babel, the Inca Sun Gate, the Lost Ancient Maya and the Sinking Atlantis Continent are all complete. All of them are The pioneers are all gathered here, how rare it is. An Xuefeng must have noticed it, but he didn't stop his pollution from running towards the sun pendant. Presumably he had the same idea as the life-seeker in this regard.

First gather all the pollution from the 30th North Latitude and destroy New Babylon, and then use your strength to compete with the life-seeking people and then destroy the source of the pollution!

Then why did the man who wanted to seize the source of pollution? What has he planned over the years? The more the astrologer wanted to see him clearly, he laughed at himself and found that he couldn't see clearly at all. Perhaps from the very beginning of their encounter, he had never seen clearly the real intention of the life-seeking man. Pollution gathered at 30 degrees north latitude, leaving only the ancient Maya. The scarlet devil above the Sun Gate raised its head and looked at the astrologer from a distance, and the corners of its lips seemed to be curled up, like a smile.

It was not a knowing smile when an old friend reunited, it was just a casual smile, like seeing something interesting, a casual smile when seeing a bright star. Innate self-confidence, as if he was not surprised that the astrologer did not release pollution - and did not care about his hesitation at all, as if he was sure that he would eventually release pollution.

If you are a rebellious person who is easy to get angry with, you may be provoked by this smile and insist on doing it in front of you. But astrologers have long been mature adults. People who have been immersed in hotels for many years, and people who follow their destiny... won't be too rebellious. So the astrologer looked at him indifferently, but finally let go of his hand, letting the ancient Mayan pollution as dark as the rainforest hit the sun pendant.

All their pioneers were complicit in the total destruction of Babylon before reaching the final divergence.


When all the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude gathered on the giant sun pendant, the pollution of different colors became completely entangled. When the sun pendant made an overwhelming dull cracking sound, the man let go and threw it down. The slimes that covered the earth avoided it, revealing a huge hole that was just big enough to accommodate the giant pendant, leading directly to the darkest depths, allowing the sun pendant full of pollution to fall in the darkness.

At this moment, the world was silent. The slime army and the insect army, which had been fighting fiercely just now, froze at the same time, as if they had become statues. The puppet master felt something bad and quickly withdrew from the battlefield. The pollution she had just swallowed showed a death-like silence in her belly. It was no longer upsetting but made her feel a strong sense of crisis. She immediately returned to Bingyi and the others and was about to say something, but the next moment her pupils suddenly shrank. I saw Bingyi, who was riding on the back of the golden dragon, suddenly swayed, and then fell down, as if his muscles and bones had been pulled away.

This scene seemed to pass in front of the puppet master in slow motion. Various images emerged in her mind, the past and the present, like a revolving door of life. The puppet threads were trembling, tightly wrapped around the puppet master, showing unprecedented panic. Afraid, the two dark golden puppet threads that had just been swallowed up by Babylon's pollution and refinement were trembling violently, as if they were suffering from epilepsy.

Suddenly, for a moment, they all fell down at the same time. Accompanied by a sudden, terrifying and violent vibration, a distorted and ominous sharp sound resounded throughout New Babylon, resounded throughout the world, and even the universe resonated and trembled. Iceland instantly fell into complete darkness. The overflowing cold and twisted pollution was huge and terrifying. It polluted the entire ice cap in an instant. Countless monsters formed by twisted pollution appeared screaming in the pollution, causing the peak tourist guides to fall into a melee. But ordinary people living in daily life all over the world seemed to be aware of something at this moment, and looked at the earth and the night sky in confusion.

But no one could see such a grand and horrific scene of destruction.

That was the simultaneous outbreak of five layers of pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, and it was——

The total collapse of Babylon.

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