Thriller Tour Group

915 Saving George Plan (32) This is what the butterfly said...

When it comes to tumors, the puppeteer has more say than anyone else present. Even Wei Xun was amazed when he heard that the pollution caused by Babylon was manifested in everyone's body like a teratoma. Indeed, normal babies are indeed incompatible with distorted pollution.

But places like hotels are never unreasonable. Since the puppet master can take on the form of a human and even dominate it, it is not impossible for the teratomas bred in the bodies of tourist guides by Babylonian pollution to grow into 'normal people', just like the birth of pollution. Shi Weixun's premonition was that the 'good boy' would become God's loyal servant, and the 'bad boy' would become God's food, so he should at least be a child.

From the abnormal tumor to the normal fetus is a release of pollution. Release to where? Of course, it goes into the mother's body. In other words, the longer it is affected by pregnancy pollution, the closer the baby will become to normal and the mother's body will gradually become deeply contaminated. This is also what the puppet master said, encouraging everyone to remove the tumor as soon as possible.

"Yu Xiangyang, you should also feel it. This tumor will change as you change shape."

The puppet master was straightforward, which meant that what grew in their abdomens was not a mass product of contamination, but was really like a 'child', inheriting the talents of their parents and likely to take on various forms after birth - —But after all, they are things generated by pollution, so how can they 'inherit' the talent of the mother body? Unless they are polluting, seizing the power of the mother body and using it for their own use.

In this way, if the tumor cannot be dug out as soon as possible, the mother's strength or title level may even drop, which is very scary.

As for how to recover the power absorbed by the tumor? Of course I ate it! At this moment, the puppet master felt as if he had heard the detailed description of the pollution, and his idea was completely correct. Food supplements are always the best at preserving the essence. Of course, she and Bingyi, the current controller of the Tower of Babel, are probably the only ones here who can eat the tumor without any damage. Bingyi will definitely not eat it because the tumor will not waste so much on her. .

The Puppet Master really can't wait to eat the lizard duke flavored lumps, the big lumps with the power of S2's leader, what a supplement! Of course, the Puppet Master felt regretful in her heart. Of course, what she yearned for the most was the Life-seeking Man, An Xuefeng and the Devourer's Tumor. Those were the real best. However, the pollution just born in the Tower of Babel may not be able to affect the pioneers who brought the pollution of the 30th degree north latitude, and the tumors of the Devourer...sigh.

She was afraid that there would be slime hidden in the tumor, and she really didn't dare to eat it.

"Is this tumor useful to you?"

Of course, pollution that would affect combat effectiveness cannot be left behind. After all, the puppet master is a former Class A-2 tour guide. She said that she had a perfect way to remove the tumor - especially since Wei Xun was sure that the 'child' conceived by the pollution in the puppet master's belly was indeed gone, and The puppet master's guess was indeed good. With the new Babylonian token in hand, Wei Xun gradually understood this new contamination. The child's pollution will indeed gradually be transferred to the mother's body, causing the mother's body to become deformed out of control and eventually turn into a contaminated dragon.

This will be the mother dragon who gives birth to Apsu’s offspring.

Although the Black Widow still has the title of Mother of Dragons, she is no longer the Mother of Dragons certified by Babylon. After all, her transference to angels is too shocking, and Babylon has been weakened over the years. The new pollution simply no longer fixes the Dragon Mother. Anyone who gives birth to a child for ‘Apsu’ will be distorted by the pollution into a loyal Dragon Mother!

In this case, it is better to dig out the pollution as early as possible. With Wei Xun's certification, Yu Xiangyang and Lizard Duke also felt that the puppet master looked reliable. However, it was not certain whether the tumor would be peeled off and given to the puppet master. Yu Xiangyang asked Wei Xun first. The pollution products of Thirty Degrees North Latitude are usually of great use to developers. If Wei Xun is useful, he will definitely be given priority.

"It kind of helps, but I don't use it."

Wei Xun said frankly, just like what the puppet master said, this child... the tumor can increase his strength even if he eats it. Even if the tumor stays in the mother's body for a long time and absorbs enough strength from the mother's body, Wei Xun can even rely on eating the tumor. To obtain some titles and powers of the mother body. It is true that the pollution from the Tower of Babel soaked into his body after eating it like this, but An Xuefeng also said that after people have tapped their own potential, if they want to become stronger again, they must constantly absorb the pollution of fusion and balance.

With so many butterfly fragments hidden in his body, it was more than enough for Wei Xun to absorb the pollution from the Tower of Babel and increase his strength, but Wei Xun had no intention of doing so.

"The Tower of Babel is doomed to destruction. The deeper the connection with the Tower, the deeper the backlash will be when it is destroyed."

An Xuefeng understood what Wei Xun was thinking and said in a deep voice. Wei Xun's control of the Tower of Babel may make others think that they want to protect the tower next, but in fact their goal has not changed. Those who have stayed here so far can be considered allies, and it is time for everyone to clarify their next goals. Hearing what he said but Bingyi didn't refute, everyone present was shocked and had different expressions.

The Lizard Duke scratched the wolf's fur in annoyance and hesitated to speak. When An Xuefeng talked about the destruction of the Tower of Babel, his tone was as normal as talking about cutting an apple. This kind of heroic demeanor has made Lian Beiwei The Lizard Duke, who had never touched his hair during his thirty-year journey, couldn't help but give it a hard fist.

However, he believed that An Xuefeng was different from the little lunatic Bingyi. He decisively gave up on such an important journey because An Xuefeng knew that it was absolutely impossible to save.

Thinking of the half-torn petals brought back by Yu Xiangyang, the Lizard Duke rolled his eyes and felt a vague premonition in his heart.

But the top priority was to quickly remove the tumors in his and Fenrir Wolf's stomachs. It was really unfortunate that there were so many people present and both of them had tumors. It really made the Lizard Duke feel embarrassed. Yu Xiangyang had already talked with the puppet master before him. He was willing to ask the puppet master to help cut off the tumor, but he had to take the contaminated tumor back. Maybe Cen Qin would like to study this.

Without the tumor, he would give the puppet master some other rewards. The puppet master readily agreed, and she remembered what An Xuefeng had just said. I originally thought that Bingyi would definitely take the Tower of Babel, so that the stable pollution energy would not be wasted. But if the tower is destroyed and there is a backlash, the situation will be different. The puppet master can completely digest the tumors that grow in his own body, but swallowing the tumors in other people's bodies may leave a lot of contamination residue.

If you don’t have time to digest it in time and there is a risk of backlash, it is better to exchange for other benefits.

Over there, Duke Yu Xiangyang Lizard and Fenrir Wolf were digging for tumors, and over here, the astrologer walked up to Wei Xun and An Xuefeng.

"The stars say the day of destruction is near."

He said thoughtfully, looking at the pile of slimes in the distance as if indicating.

"A great destruction is imminent. If it is not handled well, it may spread to the whole world."

"Do you really plan to take action against the source of pollution?"

Dream Chaser also poked his head over, frowning and saying in disgust: "He is really crazy."

The hotel has been passed down for countless generations, thousands of years, and the journey to the 30th degree north latitude has probably been carried out for generations. If a powerful journey can intensify such terrible pollution for such a long time, how terrifying must the energy contained in the pollution source be? The man who lives his life actually wants to do something about this thing. Even if he succeeds, he will not care about the casualties the pollution released in the process will cause and the horrific impact it will have on the real world.

"There are so many journeys to the thirty degrees north latitude in the world, and each one is more than just a Tower of Babel."

"Looking at the bright side, if the source of pollution can really be eliminated, it may be able to truly solve the core problem of the hotel."

The astrologer was silent for a moment and then smoothed things over. The dreamer wanted to say something more, but when he saw Wei Xun tiredly rubbing his forehead and leaning into An Xuefeng's arms with some weakness, he swallowed the words that came to his lips and looked over his head worriedly. He bowed to Wei Xun. Ever since Yu Xiangyang brought back the petals, Wei Xun's face had not been very good.

"It's impossible for him to stay here just to have a feast with us."

An Xuefeng used more energy to help Wei Xun relieve himself and said calmly: "The Tower of Babel now belongs to Bingyi. It is impossible for him to rob the source of pollution by obtaining the Tower of Babel."

In the same way, the Tower of Babel is 'reborn'. The pollution source has just released a large amount of pollution condensed tokens. The new pollution core of Babylon is no longer active and the danger has weakened. If anyone is bold enough to seize it, this is the best time. Opportunity must not wait for Babylon to stabilize again.

"There's not that much time to plan."

It is now the end of the decade and the final year-end celebration is just around the corner.

"The Tower of Babel obtained by Bingyi is not without the possibility of replacing it."

The astrologer hinted that life-loving people once confused fate and even deceived the stars. Now it is not impossible to directly seize the fruits of victory - no, he paused and glanced at Wei Xun, who was locked in An Xuefeng's arms. , suddenly realized that everything now is not the same as before.

Wei Xun chooses to deeply connect with An Xuefeng. Their souls have become indelibly connected, and even their destiny will undergo subtle changes. I'm afraid it will be difficult for life-loving people to confuse the fate of Wei Xun's replacement now - after all, this deep connection can reveal someone's secrets in minutes. Thinking of this, the astrologer suddenly understood, and felt that he had discovered the fundamental reason why the life-seeking people had not contacted the travelers in the past ten years.

No matter how much he disguises himself, there is no way he can contact a traveler for Wei Xun to come back... Tsk, you really can't. Thinking of this, the astrologer glanced at An Xuefeng subtly. If the life-loving man had not been alone all those years when he and Wei Xun were confused about his fate, but had found a connecting traveler, then Wei Xun might have entered the hotel. There was someone immediately, and An Xuefeng's turn wasn't available.

This is fate.

The astrologer's heart was touched with new insights. Dream Chaser, Chief Cenqin, Black Widow George and An Xuefeng whispered about the upcoming battle. Their overall strength in numbers was superior, and the Chief alone was Cen Qin and An Xuefeng can deal with the Devourer and the Life-haunting Man. In the end, if there is a melee, it will definitely be beneficial to them, but An Xuefeng is also trying to avoid the rat.

I heard from Wei Xun that the Devourer can rub the abyssal character information left by the Virgin of Whitechapel. This shows that the Devourer enters the ruins as if he is entering an uninhabited land. His ability to snatch petals also proves this, and the Whitechapel ruins are at the source of the pollution. directly above. An Xuefeng suspected that the Death Eaters and Devourers had already figured out a way to completely destroy the Tower of Babel and take away the source of the pollution. Even if the hotel came, they could not stop it and could only deal with the aftermath.

"Even if the source of pollution is taken away... why should he take it away? Put it in the Sun Gate? Aren't you afraid of cross-contamination?"

Yu Xiangyang, who had dug out the tumor, participated in the discussion, frowning.

"Maybe with flower petals."

At this moment, Black Widow spoke, her voice a little hoarse: "Petals and butterfly fragments may be able to carry pollution sources."

She has been operating in Babylon for many years, and even though most of her attention is focused on resurrecting George, she has thoroughly mastered the Tower of Babel and understands the pollution hedging and balance in this journey of 30 degrees north latitude.

"He can seize the source of pollution, and so can you."

Black Widow said directly: "George can absorb a large amount of energy from the destruction of Babylon. By then, the strength of the pollution energy impact will be in our hands. He has petals, and you must also have them. It is not certain whose hands the source of pollution will fall into." ——”

"Destroy it."

Wei Xun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, interrupting Black Widow's words and speaking decisively. His eyes turned into a gem-like blue-purple, and the look he looked at An Xuefeng and Black Widow looked like his own, but also like a stranger, giving people a weird and scary feeling. And his voice sounded a little strange, light and fluttering, like the fluttering wings of a butterfly, but it seemed to ring in everyone's mind.

"To destroy the source of pollution, we cannot let it be taken away——"

Wei Xun pressed his abnormally beating heart and took a deep breath: "This is what the butterfly said."

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