Thriller Tour Group

914 Plan to Save George (31) The Puppet Master’s Lucky Day…

What's this? Babylonian pollution? ?

Bingyi resurrected the Black Widow and took control of the Tower of Babel?

This pollution feels different from before. Is it new pollution caused by the change of Babylon's route? What is core pollution?

The next second when everyone was invaded by the unfamiliar yet familiar pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, various thoughts floated in their minds. The journey to explore the new 30 degrees north latitude has always been the most dangerous, because you have no idea what the core pollution is. It may be that at some point the pollution attack becomes so serious that it is difficult to reverse, and it is common for top travelers to lose their lives.

Moreover, the journey to the 30th North Latitude is rare and precious. There have only been a few of them, and it is difficult to classify them specifically. It is probably either an unsolvable level of pollution that distorts the entire environment, such as the 'dead silence' of the Dead Sahara, or it involves distortion. The unsolvable pollution of human beings, such as the 'immortality' of the Pyramid and the 'language' of the Tower of Babel, or the unsolvable pollution that distorts the spirit, such as the 'belief' of the Sun Gate.

The pollution at 30 degrees north latitude is very terrifying, and it is difficult to argue about the order, but it takes time for the pollution to occur from invasion to onset. For example, it is not easy to twist the spirit of a strong person into a sun-mad believer. The pollution caused by the Tower of Babel Incident and Language is also caused by light. to heavy.

But at the beginning of the pollution attack, there was a distinct feeling of being stuffed with a foreign body in the stomach. None of us have ever experienced this kind of pollution! In other words, the extra thing in the stomach is just the initial stage of pollution invasion, and it will gradually get worse in the future - in what direction will it get worse? What kind of pollution is this? ? Based on past experience, even if there is an extra thing in the stomach, it feels really weird and scary, but no one would cut it open and dig it out. After all, this is a pollution attack at the 30th degree north latitude. As long as you stay here, you will definitely be fine. It will be contaminated again, and recklessly destroying contaminated products may put you in a worse situation.

The tourist guides in the Western District couldn't help but think about the aliens. Could this pollution be some kind of parasite? The tour guide in the East District subconsciously wanted to look at Bingyi. He must know what the pollution core is. However, now is not the time to ask. A deafening explosion roared and the person in charge who had not yet received the pollution attack caught Devour. The hunter and the slime paused for a moment. The sound of Qingyue's sword sounded like the roar of a tiger and the roar of a dragon, moving the heaven and earth. The light of the cold sword surged into the sky like a violent snowstorm, carrying the power of heaven and earth to slash at the devourer and the slime!

This sword is like the sword that Wei Xun once saw Chen Cheng wield out of Hanshan, but it is less cold and cold than Chen Cheng's sword, and more sensitive to the vast pressure of heaven and earth. Cen Qin has completely stepped out of his own way. road! Such a powerful and awe-inspiring sword power made the Devourer's face look serious. He no longer resisted and retreated behind the slime that had expanded hundreds of times. However, in the next second, Yu Xiangyang's eyes suddenly changed. With a bright sword light exploding, Cen Qin's sword power actually crossed the slime, and directly slashed hard at the Devourer using Yu Xiangyang as a medium.

The distance between them is too close. Even if the Devourer throws Yu Xiangyang away at the last moment, it will not help. The awe-inspiring sword light drowns the Devourer and then explodes. The silver-white sword light keeps shining in the darkness, like an explosion. battery on. The slime's huge body was split apart by the tremors of electricity, and the Devourer was nowhere to be seen in the white sword light.

The people who were watching the battle from a distance had their eyes darkened slightly when they saw this scene. The full blow of the person in charge should not be underestimated. Even if... he is forced into a desperate situation, he can burst out with unimaginable power, even if the cloak has just been sliced. The person in charge, who doesn’t even have many lines on his body, shouldn’t be underestimated. What's more, Devourer should know that Xuanxue Cen Qin and the zombie Yu Xiangyang contracted by him have special combo skills. This is not a secret. How could Devourer still fall for it?

Could it be that Devourer doesn't know that the new person in charge is Cen Qin Slice? No, he can't be that stupid.

That was intentional - either because he was confident that he would not be seriously injured next, or because he made a mistake and wanted to use Cen Qin's sword power to cut off something. Countless thoughts were just in one thought. In the next second, the devil's wings burst out. He no longer played the game of checks and balances with An Xuefeng and directly flashed into the sword light. At the same time, An Xuefeng's body dissipated like sand, and in an instant he appeared again. It condensed and formed next to Wei Xun.

He was extremely wary of the people who wanted to steal Wei Xun, and the pyramid pollution had already been left on him and could come back to him at any time. At the moment An Xuefeng appeared, the black-robed leader Cen Qin also appeared next to Wei Xun, holding a blood-stained red-haired monkey in his arms, which was Yu Xiangyang in the form of a drought demon. One look at the blood on his body An Xuefeng knew that there was something wrong with the cooperation between Cen Qin and Yu Xiangyang just now.

Yu Xiangyang is a zombie who has been contracted by Cen Qin for many years, and the two have already cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding. Yu Xiangyang always fights at the front, and Cen Qin's talisman and sword light can be transmitted to Yu Xiangyang intact through the contract between them, catching the enemy by surprise, but Yu Xiangyang himself will never be injured by this.

But this time he was seriously injured. Hei Cenqin may have discovered a problem at the critical moment and did not fully unleash his strength. It seems that the Devourer can't be knocked out. In this case, there is no point in worrying about it.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

An Xuefeng glanced at the black widow who was holding the little owl a little weak, subconsciously pulled Wei Xun to her side, and asked Yu Xiangyang directly about her situation. Hanbao's recovery ability is very strong. In such a short time, he stopped bleeding and his spirits improved a lot. An Xuefeng asked whether the zombie contract between Yu Xiangyang and Cen Qin was okay, and whether it was because Cen Qin's slice was affected.

"The contract is okay, I'm slow to become a zombie."

Yu Xiangyang said that the contract between him and Cen Qin was a zombie contract. When he was not in zombie form, this contract would weaken, and his ability to withstand attacks would also weaken, which led to his injury.

And the reason why he was half a beat slower in transformation was because of the new pollution of the Tower of Babel. The extra things in his stomach seemed to change with his transformation, but it was just a little slower that affected him.

"Half of the petals were saved."

The red-haired little monkey struggled out of the arms of the person in charge and landed on the ground, turning back into a 犼. The big 犼, which was more than one person tall, grinned, and saw that all the fangs on one side of it were cut off by the sword light, and the petal was also cut in half, hanging on the sharp fangs of the 犼.

The moment this half petal appeared, An Xuefeng felt that Wei Xun's body under his arms suddenly tensed and heated up, and the unbearable greedy desire came from the spiritual connection. But An Xuefeng had brought Wei Xun to his side early in the morning just to guard against this. Instantly, his arm, as strong as iron, tightly clamped Wei Xun's narrow waist, and one of his long legs was inserted into Wei Xun's □ to lock one of his legs. In this way, even if Wei Xun was hooked by the petals, he could not move. An Xuefeng felt relieved to take the half petal from Yu Xiangyang.

As soon as he got the half petal, An Xuefeng felt the heavy holy light and divine power floating on it. He didn't know how many layers of protective seals the Virgin Mary of the White Church had superimposed on the petals, so that the petals were cut in half and the seals on them were still very strong. He had to use the pollution of the 30 degrees north latitude to carefully erode and grind them. An Xuefeng looked into the distance and saw layers of slimes building a high wall, blocking his sight, but just by the faint pollution An Xuefeng knew that the Life-Players and Devourers must be eroding and processing the broken petals.

It would be best if he could get all the petals, but the two directors of East District A1 and West District S1 joined forces, which made An Xuefeng feel difficult. Even if he could call * * * to fight two people alone, Babylon was now Wei Xun's. If two people in charge really came in, Babylon would not be able to withstand the collapse and would definitely backfire on him, especially since there were petals on the side of the Hipster who were very attractive to Wei Xun. An Xuefeng himself would not feel at ease if he did not stay with Wei Xun.

The situation was deadlocked, but both sides knew that this was only a temporary calm. Werewolf Walker was already considering whether to take the opportunity to leave. To be honest, if he got involved in a battle of this level, he would become a mess, so it was better to retreat while he saw the good. Not only him, Lisa, Yin Qiaoqiao, Bai Lian Jushi and others also wanted to retreat. In many cases, the battle was not the one with more people that had the advantage, just like the confrontation between An Xuefeng and the Hipster just now, and the battle between the people in charge and the Devourer, they had no room to intervene at all.

The pollution of the Sun Gate and slime are highly infectious. If you get a little bit of it, it will be easy to cause trouble and hinder your side. This kind of real battle is different from the exploration journey. No matter how difficult the journey is, you can cooperate to overcome difficulties, and everyone has their own role. But this kind of mutual bombardment of pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, a battle that even the hotel can hardly control...

It is wise to withdraw in time while the "light path" is still there.

Soon someone came to say hello, and said helplessly that he was leaving, otherwise he would die in the battle later. As for the extra pollution products in the stomach, there is always a way to treat it when he returns to the hotel. But when he heard them say this, Bingyi hesitated.

Wei Xun really didn't want anyone to take the Babylon pollution out like this. Of course, it would be best to deal with it immediately. But with petals in the butterfly fragments, it is not easy to control, and it is difficult to use the abyss pollution to invade and devour the Babylon pollution. What's more, in such a short time, An Xuefeng has broken half of the seal of half a petal, and I think the progress of the Ximing people will not be slow.

The real most dangerous battle is coming, and there is really no time to deal with it. In the end, he said that he would be responsible for this pollution. After returning to the hotel, he would deal with everyone one by one, and repeatedly emphasized not to try to dig it out by yourself. Even he himself didn't know what the "child of God" mentioned by this pollution was. How could pollution really create a child?

Wei Xun felt itchy all over when he thought of this, and his desire to destroy the Tower of Babel was stronger than ever. The man who took half a petal and didn't leave, either wanted to take the petal from An Xuefeng's body, or to attack the pollution source under the Tower of Babel. Wei Xun was very clear in his mind. Even if the Tower of Babel had been "reconstructed", it was still too fragile and impossible to save.

When the Tower of Babel was destroyed, the pollution of the Tower of Babel would naturally dissipate gradually. In this way, there was no need to tell people who were not well connected what the pollution he created was. It sounded weird and perverted and easy to make people alert.

Hearing what he said, An Xuefeng also guaranteed with his own character that he would be responsible for solving the pollution problem of the Tower of Babel. Hearing this, the werewolf Walker grinned. Everyone knew that everyone was worried that the pollution products would break and spread. It was impossible to be so impatient to do it. He came to Bingyi specifically to ask for a promise of contact after returning to the hotel. Now he is the only tour guide besides An Xuefeng who has two trips to the 30th degree north latitude at the same time. Even if this Tower of Babel may not be saved, with this experience, Bingyi's achievements in the future will be limitless!

Soon, the leaders of the major brigades left the Tower of Babel one after another. Maria left with Danlin, who was still in a coma. Yiyu and Yin Qiaoqiao left together. The little witch wanted to say something before leaving, but finally left with her stomach covered. Yin Yang Butterfly didn't want to leave, but Wei Xun gave him a task, asking him to find a way to send Xiao Cui to the crack under the Tower of Babel, and someone would pick him up. Yin Yang Butterfly was full of energy when he received the task. In order not to delay his brother's business, he left faster than anyone else.

After a while, everyone present left. On the east side, only An Xuefeng, Wei Xun, the person in charge, Cen Qin, Yu Xiangyang and Dream Chaser were left. On the west side, there were Flame Angel Astrologer and Lizard Duke. , Fenrir Wolf, George, Black Widow, and Puppet Master. It is not known whether Heydrich and Captain Ghost have left, but if Devourer still wants to use them, they will not leave these two people in the doomed Tower of Babel.

Now they are considered close to me, there is nothing bad to say. The Lizard Duke had reached the limit of his patience and asked Bingyi what the pollution was.

“Babylon’s new central contamination is gestation.”

Wei Xun dropped a thunderbolt and carefully opened his hand. He saw a baby made of clay in his hand. It looked very alive. The Babylonian pollution was condensed on it, giving it a creepy and weird feeling.

Conceive? !

Everyone present was shocked, but after all, he was a well-informed big shot and had never seen any pollution. I don’t know how many times I have experienced things like parasitism, ghost babies, and resurrected souls over the years. Although the new pollution in the Tower of Babel is a bit strange, looking at the Tower of Babel that is empty and only one Babylonian god is left, everyone You can probably understand why the new pollution is 'bred'.

"Greed? Isn't it just a tumor formed by the condensation of pollution?"

The Lizard Duke patted his belly in disgust, and then casually scratched the furry belly of the Fenrir wolf next to him. The boiling blood he had just watched while watching the battle had not yet cooled down, and he encountered such a bad thing again. He was really unhappy and holding back his anger. The Lizard Duke glanced around and saw the puppet master not far away who was not standing with the big guys and seemed a bit out of place. He immediately found the target for his venting.

"Hey, aren't you also a tumor? Why, the new pollution of the Babylonians is not to your liking."

He joked harshly: "Why, or else dig it out——"

The Lizard Duke paused before he finished speaking, because the puppet master suddenly raised his head and stared at him with a kind of creepy excitement. The perverted energy made the Lizard Duke choke, and then he saw the puppet master's gaze. A series of sweeps were passed over him, Fenrir Wolf and Yu Xiangyang, a sickly blush appeared on their cheeks, and there was a twisted and weird feeling of happiness. After waiting for a while and listening to him stop talking in the middle of the sentence, the puppet master spoke instead, The ending sounds are a little trembling with excitement.

"Dig it out, yes, it's better to dig it out. It's useless if you keep this pollution, it will only grow bigger, so it's better to dig it out."

What a surprise! The puppet master never expected that the New Babylon pollution created by Bingyi would actually be to stuff teratomas into people's stomachs, and it was also a perfect fusion version of the Abyss pollution and the Tower of Babel pollution, plus a little bit of her own power, it was really... It's right for her stomach and her mouth. This is really a great tonic for her. It's no less than Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. The puppet master swallows and digests the foreign objects in her stomach as soon as she gets them, and then gets out of control.

Delicious, love it!

She is willing to eat everyone's tumors! The puppet master rejoiced countless times. It was the most correct choice for him to always stand by Bingyi in the Tower of Babel!

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