Thriller Tour Group

913 Rescue George Plan (30) Update + Nutrient Solution 3...

This cosmic melody not only resounds in Babylon, but can even be faintly heard by many tourist guides in Iceland outside Babylon. At this moment, Iceland is a deep, lightless darkness, with only the scarlet light path of the hotel. But when this faint music sounded, the dark and chaotic sky of Iceland faintly showed a bloody shadow of the sun.

It looked like a total solar eclipse, with only the outermost ring of bloody light, and deep darkness inside and outside. But this darkness is subtly different from the dark chaos after the destruction of Nordic mythology. Some tourist guides with orange titles in terms of perception and eyes saw that there seemed to be a dark golden net in the shadowy and majestic singing. The sound spread to the entire sky, and every intersection of the criss-crossing network lines was a bit brighter than a simple line, just like the stars in the sky.

It seems that in the original chaotic universe, the sun spread out the web of destiny and weaved stars in the dark and desolate sky!

"The master of all things..."

"The Lord of all things..."

At the camp on the way back, Bai Xiaosheng put away the pen and paper that he never left his hand and listened to the song of destiny, gently beating the beat. Then he looked up at the night sky and quietly comprehended, his eyes flashed with deep purple light, and he used the title of observer Observe more deeply the changes in the web of destiny.

"This is the song of destiny from Norse mythology."

"The Explorer is the only god in current Norse mythology. He is both a god and a giant. He is the only main god and the creator god."

What he said abandoned previous data analysis, and was a bit like an astrologer's magic: "He is destruction, and only he can bring new life. When he exerts his destiny power with all his strength, the Nordic universe will shake with joy Resonance, ready for him to 'make the world'."

Of course, the explorer's use of destiny power is definitely not to create the world. Ninety-nine percent of it is to unfold the web of destiny, reconnect the past and present of the Black Widow, and then weave her future together to promote her resurrection.

It's just that the power of Nordic destiny, including the Nordic song of destiny, is really consistent with the power of explorers. Bai Xiaosheng pushed up his glasses and took out a pen and paper to quickly record the calculations. The three Nordic goddesses of destiny are based on the universe, according to ' The web of destiny woven by the will of the Lord of All Things. As soon as the explorer uses the power of destiny - and it is separated by a layer of Babylon, it can cause such a great resonance in the universe. I am afraid that his core title has a great fit with this song of destiny.

Lord of all things, Lord of all things…


Bai Xiaosheng's pen that had been writing paused for a moment. If there really is such a title as 'Lord', the meaning it represents is really great. If it is an advancement of the Explorer's initial title... Both Explorer and Life-Riker have the same initial title. Even if the advancement directions are different, there will be some essential similarity. Bai Xiaosheng speculates that his title will definitely be the same. It has something to do with fate, and the "horrible path" shown on the previous poster proves this.

It's just that the Crazy Demon Horror Tu tastes too bloody and ominous, but if it is... the Dominant Horror Tu, the meaning is completely different.

"Haha, it turns out to be Director Cui."

Bai Xiaosheng, who was deep in thought, was interrupted by Lu Shucheng. She breathed a sigh of relief as if relieved and laughed softly: "Oh my god, you scared me. When the sun came out, I thought it was a life-threatening person." It’s time to take down the Tower of Babel, but I’m in a hurry.”

"Hey, Sister Cheng, what you're thinking is wrong. Look, I've been silenced by Fei Bai."

Wang Pengpai, who was standing in the front, turned around after hearing this and said: "If our big brother in the East District is a careful tour guide, seizing a shabby Tower of Babel will not bring the Inca Sun here. It is the hometown of people's trump card."

"Hey, no, you can't control my mouth."

As soon as Wang Pengpai said these words, he regretted and slapped his face. In the past few years, he had become accustomed to being hostile to the East District Butchers Alliance. The life-haunting man was considered the gang boss there. He was ruthless in his methods and cold-tempered. Not to mention the place where he lived peacefully at the Sun Gate. In the past five years, many people on both sides had fought with each other with real swords and guns. Wang Pengpai was unlucky enough to be caught working as a driver for free more than once. It was really thanks to his good character and strong strength. See you in the big scene. If he can hold on to the field, he should have been named to his name if he had so many team-killing records.

But he's not dead, and he can't hold back the anger in his stomach. He has made a habit of complaining to his teammates in private, and making up some nicknames for those who are desperate to relieve stress, but the situation is different now. . Director Cui and Xi Mingren were born from the same mother, and they are obviously very affectionate. When you live in the camp in the future, Director Cui will definitely make you unhappy if you make fun of someone else's brother. Wang Pengpeng is careless and careful, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to be an informant for so long in reality. He pays great attention to every aspect. .

This time he accidentally called him a nickname because he couldn't hold it back. He was actually quite nervous - well, it's not that he couldn't trust Team An, but what would happen if Director Cui really left with the man who wanted to kill him? Wang Pengpai couldn't help but worry. Even if Taoist Master Kongkong showed up, Taoist Half-Life Slicing was in front of him, and Babylon was suspected of exploding behind him, they still couldn't occupy his attention 100%.

Alas, although the possibility of this matter is not high, even Bai Xiaosheng cannot 100% guarantee that Director Cui will be on the same page with them. Wang Pengpai has always been quite worried about this matter, and even thought about it several times in private. Back.

What would happen if Director Cui really volunteered or was robbed into the Butcher Alliance? Head-on confrontation will definitely not work, as it will easily strain the relationship. Team An cannot adopt the policy of gentleness. Team An has a deep connection with Director Cui and may not be able to control it. If he bows his head to someone who is demanding his orders, he will bow his head for the rest of his life. They will have to be crushed and rounded by others on their way back. Being played with by the life-seeking people.

Other than Team An, no one else is suitable. In the end, I am afraid that Wang Pengpai, his deputy team leader, will have to step in to show off his face and then work as a driver for the life-seeking man to act as a buffer to establish contact between the two parties. At that time, he will have to pass The group is destroyed, the group is destroyed, and the torturous days of boiling oil in bitterness are gone.

Life is hard, Wang Pengpai wiped the sweat from his forehead, and prayed in his heart that when this time is over, they can safely take Cui Dao, the giant Buddha, back to their base, and nothing else will matter.

"The BG has disappeared and the sun is gone. Director Cui is probably done?"

Wang Yushu's words brought Wang Pengpai's thoughts back to the present. As he said, the magnificent and resonant music had disappeared, and the shadow of the sun that originally appeared in the dark sky had once again disappeared into the darkness. Only the looming golden net of fate is left, falling towards the Tower of Babel like a slowly falling gauze curtain, and the thin golden thread of fate wraps up the Tower of Babel——


In the belly of Fenrir Wolf in the Tower of Babel, Wei Xun suddenly opened his eyes. He had just fallen into a mysterious and mysterious situation. As Bai Xiaosheng said, it was obviously the first time to use the Nordic power of destiny, but Wei Xun felt that it It fits me very well, especially with the title of Lord. Wei Xun was almost immersed in a certain desire conveyed from the depths of his soul, imprinting the web of destiny representing the past, present and future on the master's black cloak, and then used the power of destiny creation to pinch the Norse god.

Fortunately, when he was a little obsessed, Xiaoguang George used his distorted singing to destroy a little of the coordination of the rhythm of the universe, and Wei Xun immediately regained consciousness. Thinking back to just now, he broke into a cold sweat. How could God be created so easily? Just say that the first batch of descendant gods in Babylonian mythology were all born from the Dragon Mother and Apsu, which would require a human life plus long years.

If he is really immersed in understanding destiny and creating authority, and really goes to create the Nordic gods, even if he finally does it, it will take a lot of time to fully grasp the authority of destiny and achieve a great increase in strength. Just like Dan Lin who was sent down to the underworld, when he comes back to Babylon, he may not even have the breath of warmth in his mouth.

Fortunately, George woke up in time, and the brief epiphany just now gave Wei Xun more confidence in resurrecting the black widow. Dots of golden light burst out from his deep blue and almost black pupils, and the dots of golden light criss-crossed, and as the His gaze fell on the Black Widow's body, as if it were covered with a golden net, covering the Black Widow's slightly twitching and struggling body.

Her soul had been brought back from the Babylonian underworld by George, and her body had been cleansed of all pollution. Her soul and body carry all the gains and breakthroughs she has made along the way. With the irrigation of a large amount of water of life, she has actually been able to be resurrected. But if she is to be resurrected like this, the involvement of the Black Widow and Babylon is too deep, and just now It is obviously impossible for the soul and the body to be compatible during resurrection, and there will be a period of weakness.

However, the excessive involvement with Babylon has a high probability that the Black Widow will receive the impact of Babylon on the verge of destruction as soon as she is resurrected. Her soul cannot bear it at all, and may not even survive the time when Wei Xun completely takes over the Tower of Babel. It would fall out of the body in one fell swoop, and then perish and sink along with the broken Babylon - but when Wei Xun used the Nordic web of fate to cover the Black Widow's body, everything was completely different.

Dots of golden light, like mist rising, vaguely appeared above Black Widow's body, showing some blurry images, from childhood to adulthood... Black Widow's past at that time. Her family is indeed an ancient family with roots in Northern Europe, and Black Widow was sent to Iceland to live for a long time when she was young. Her past was in Iceland, and she is also in Iceland now, which allows Iceland's destiny authority to play a maximum role in her, weakening her connection with Babylon, allowing her to hold on until Wei Xun takes over the Tower of Babel, which is on the verge of destruction.


Watching the golden light spots beating on the black widow's body, watching George transform into a little owl and fly towards the black widow's heart, gently and continuously rubbing the black widow's chin with his beak, it seemed that the connection between the guide and the traveler was re-established. Wei Xun couldn't help but sigh when he realized this. If it hadn't been in Iceland, if the Black Widow hadn't stayed in Iceland for such a long time, if it hadn't been for destroying the Icelandic myth and completely taking control of the fate of the Nordics, then it wouldn't be as difficult for the Black Widow to successfully resurrect. George is too low.

The first time Wei Xun used the power of destiny, he deeply realized the power, mystery and wonderful charm of destiny. People can't help but explore, and people can't help but want to indulge... But Wei Xun will not stumble in the same place. This time he He did not immerse himself in it anymore, but kept staring at the black widow. When the golden net of fate completely merged with her, the scepter of Apsu appeared in Wei Xun's hand, and the head of the scepter pressed the soft chest of the little owl George to secure it. Pressed on the Black Widow's heart, just like when they died with the Sun Scepter pierced through the chest. But at that time, he was helpless and unwilling to die in pain, but now he has returned from Hades and been reborn!

[Come on, let’s join hands and fly across the gate]

Wei Xun sang a love song between the resurrected God of Agriculture and the goddess of Venus. This was a re-enactment of the Babylonian mythology that resonated with divine power. It was just like the cosmic resonance just now, so there would be no out-of-tune problem.

【Flying over the Silver Road】

【Fly to the green land】

Soon, a thin voice joined the singing, that was George who really brought the Black Widow back from Hades. When George's song sounded, Black Widow's body began to shake violently as if she had been stimulated by something, and her eyes kept turning under her eyelids, as if she would wake up at any time. The little owl clung to the black widow's heart, trying to raise its head, and pressed its pointed beak against the black widow's lips. It was like a kiss, but without any sexual desire. It was pious and innocent. The connection between them resonated. , as if calling your lover with the deepest love in your soul.

[My dear, you have to know that everything in the world is both false and true]

As if reciting a hymn, George sang piously and sincerely:

[But I believe your love is as pure as a mountain and as deep as the sea]

[Come on, let us join hands and fly across the gate]

[Come on, let’s relive our warm and sweet old dreams——! 】

When George repeatedly murmured and prayed for his lover to return, and when he sang the last line, his smooth and hard beak suddenly became a little moist and soft. George looked up as if he felt something, and saw his lover's eyes full of smiles and affection. Stare at it. Her red lips lightly opened and held the pointed beak, like a kiss, or like a greedy spider catching its favorite prey.

The enhanced guide connection effect under physical contact also made the Black Widow's newly returned soul more stable. Even if her face turned white the next second, blood bleeded from the corners of her lips, and broken lines like spider webs appeared everywhere on her face and body. But it withstood the impact of the destruction of Babylon, which was weakened by the fate of Northern Europe but was still terrible, and was able to hold on until Wei Xun completely took control of Babylon——

That's right, when Black Widow was on the verge of awakening, Wei Xun felt the surge of power from the 30th North Latitude of Babylon. The most powerful and unique Babylonian god, who had been unable to kill Marduk alone before, needed the help of angels. The stain was completely recognized by Babylon! The remaining divine power of Babylon was condensed in his hands, like a clay tablet. This looked like the creation clay tablet, but at the next moment it merged with the water of life that had not been completely consumed. Between Apsu's authority and Wei Xun's power distorted his body.

Never before has a journey to the 30th degree north latitude been treated so cruelly, and never before have all the aborigines on the journey to the 30th degree north latitude died. New routes, pollution cores and tokens have to be re-formed according to an outsider and a tour guide. ! This mud ball, which was fused with the water of life and was seriously affected, changed its shape in Wei Xun's hands. Sometimes it was as round as a planet, and sometimes it collapsed like an abyss. However, each time it changed, it did not finally take shape. It collapsed again into the most primitive muddy water, but each time The speed of molding is getting faster, and the final form is clearer every time.

When the pollution core was formed and the token was re-formed, Wei Xun could no longer influence it, and Fenrir Wolf couldn't bear the turmoil in his stomach. He only had time to mutter anxiously to Wei Xun before he couldn't hold it in any longer, wow. Vomited them all out at once. The moment Wei Xun returned to the Tower of Babel from Fenrir Wolf's belly, he glanced around and saw that the Lizard Duke and Dream Chaser were both standing close by. The emotional induction from the connection sent An Xuefeng, who was also in good condition and full of combat power. He was relieved, and he only had this little time to be distracted. Then the Tower of Babel token that was being formed occupied Wei Xun's entire attention.

As soon as he came out of the wolf's belly, he felt a strong and primitive pollution spurting out from the deepest part of the earth, rushing into the shapeless ball of mud. The mud ball, whose final form has never been determined, seems to have received a final boost of strength. This time it is forming faster than before, and there is no sign of breaking.



Wei Xun somehow sensed the token that was rapidly taking shape in his hand. Its formation was affected by Wei Xun's power, by his resurrection of the Dragon Mother and finally being recognized by Babylon, by the water of life, and by Apu. Su was influenced by various influences from the most primitive Babylonian mythology, and finally determined the new core pollution.

It was born from creation, shaped by life, distorted by original pollution, and finally transformed into the new pollution of original Babylon with Apsu Weisun as its core.

Babylon is now empty and needs more gods to fill it.

Today's Babylon is still crumbling and needs more indigenous people to support it.

The great primitive god Apsu and the Dragon Mother gave birth to countless gods, and Babylon belonging to him will also become prosperous and powerful again under the "nurturing".

Pregnant, this will be Babylon's new thirty degrees north latitude pollution.

All polluted outsiders will give birth to the children of ‘God’. The docile children will become God’s most loyal children, while the rebellious children will become God’s food!

Dark Babylon set off strong winds from all directions, and all the remaining pollution of Babylon that had been oppressed to the limit came out, surrounding Wei Xun like a whirlwind and a tsunami. For a while, the sky shook like thunder, and the earth surged like waves. Everyone Everyone's eyes were attracted to Wei Xun. Even An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren, who were facing each other in the distance, had their attention diverted. No one had seen how the token of 30 degrees north latitude was formed. No one had seen it. How the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude is transformed has its own characteristics.

In particular, An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren both felt the primitive pollution pouring into Wei Xun from the deepest place. Their hearts suddenly changed. An Xuefeng tried his best to probe through it, always alert to the pollution around Wei Xun. . The life-seeking man's eyes were heavy, and his index finger with sharp joints tapped on the Sun Gate. Even on the line of 30 degrees north latitude, it does not require pollution to form a journey to 30 degrees north latitude. The butterfly fragments and the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude competed with each other to stabilize the pollution in this scenic spot, forming the journey at 30 degrees north latitude.

Therefore, there is a saying that the journey of 30 degrees north latitude in each era is actually quantified, because there are only so many large butterfly fragments. Generations of generations send away the journey of 30 degrees north latitude, and generations of butterfly fragments are kept and recycled. Due to the Mingxi people, there were not that many butterfly fragments returned to the world in this generation. It is even said that the tomb of the Tusi King has never been completely opened, which is also due to the missing butterfly fragments.

Of course, this is because the person who opened the tomb of the Tusi King was Wei Xun. He was originally... so he could open it without the butterfly fragments, and it even made it onto the hotel list. If others had been in western Hunan at that time, it would not have been possible.

Only him, just because it is him... So the people are convinced that when the opportunity is handed to their hands, Wei Xun will definitely be able to completely gain the authority of Babylon and transform its core pollution. When a Thirty Degrees North latitude transfers authority, reshapes pollution, and reshapes tokens, the original structure of Thirty Degrees North Latitude will be destroyed, such as the remains of the Whitechapel that hides the petals, and most importantly, pollution When reshaping, a large amount of the original pollution source located in the deepest part will be consumed, making it docile and stable from the edge of explosion.

This is the time for his plan!


Just when everyone's attention was focused on the new token in Wei Xun's hand, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the north of Babylon, and a sword light crashed down like the Milky Way in the sky, splashing a golden sea like a sea. Cen Qin, who was wearing the black robe of the principal, dodged to avoid the turbulent golden 'waves', and without hesitation drew his sword and struck again. Only then did everyone realize that his enemy was actually a large piece of golden slime! Then the pile of slimes transformed into a tall human form under the sharp sword light of the person in charge, who was the Devourer.

There is a person clamped in his hand, or rather a giant dog with red hair and dragon horns. It is struggling vigorously but cannot break free from the slime's wrapping, and the Devourer's fingers are embedded between the giant dog's sharp teeth, regardless of its bite. Bite to take something from its mouth. The majestic and strange pollution poured out, and the white streak of snow loomed in the giant dog's mouth, as if it were a flower petal!

The petals of the flower of the abyss!

But the sharp swords containing rules that the person in charge, Cen Qin, kept cutting down made the Devourer's actions not so smooth. Just as the Devourers of the Life-haunting Alliance were dormant and waiting for opportunities to snatch flower petals, Wei Xun and An Xuefeng had already arranged People are guarding the depths of the ruins. The true strength of the S1 leader Devourer cannot be underestimated, but Slice Cenqin and Yu Xiangyang are not a vegetarian when they join forces. The sword light shone like the sky full of rays of light, stirring the earth and the earth. The Tower of Babel, which had just stabilized slightly, once again buzzed on the verge of collapse, and a fierce battle was about to break out!

But at this same time, the new token of the Tower of Babel in Wei Xun's hand was completely formed. In order to stabilize the thirty-degree north latitude journey that was on the verge of destruction as quickly as possible, the new Babylonian pollution spread as quickly as possible. No one could notice that it was being destroyed. Wei Xun, surrounded by two tall giant dragons, had a strange and unspeakable expression——

When the new pollution spread, except for the same pioneers of the 30th North Latitude and the person in charge with strong resistance, all the powerful people present who were more or less attacked by the pollution only felt a sudden sinking in their stomachs, accompanied by There was a strange sinking and swelling pain, as if someone had stuffed something into her. Even Devourer paused for a moment, his expression slightly changed, and the Golden Slime King who was jumping around him to block the sword suddenly rolled to the ground, his belly bulging, and he was stunned, staring straight at his belly. I looked up from my stomach.

——It’s like a child is being gestated in it!

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