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912 Plan to Save George (29) Resurrection of Black Widow (Part 1...

Resurrecting Black Widow is not as difficult as imagined, let alone resurrecting George.

George is not a Babylonian god, but an angel who hates Babylonian mythology. He cannot enjoy the rules of Babylon, but is suppressed by Babylon. Secondly, although the Black Widow snatched George's soul, George's body and bones were recovered and dismantled by the hotel. . She may have thought that it was not difficult to reshape the body, but of course the soul was more important.

However, in this highly polluted journey of 30 degrees north latitude like Babylon, without the resistance of the body, the soul is like a drop of clear water in the thick ink, unable to resist the invasion of pollution, so that George's soul has been to this point after ten years of torment. A bad situation.

But the Black Widow is different. She is Tiamat, the original god of Babylon, and after the group destroyed the descendants of gods, her authority and identity as the dragon mother are extremely stable, and her soul is not recovered by the hotel (before the Tower of Babel is completely destroyed). Under the premise that the rules of the hotel cannot be completely penetrated), the black widow's soul still fell into the Hades of Babylon according to the rules of Babylonian mythology after her death - and Wei Xun Apsu took back all the Hades. Authority is the God who rules the underworld of Babylon.

The Babylonian gods have a tradition of "resurrecting from the dead". Wei Xun even reenacted the mythical allusion of "going to hell" during his battle with the Venus goddess, and he knows the details very clearly. After being swallowed by Fenrir's wolf and gaining a temporary private space, Wei Xun immediately integrated the power of resurrection - going to hell. In the Babylonian mythology allusion, because the goddess Venus went to hell, causing the world to wither and destroy all living things, the main god oppressed her. The god of hell released the loving couple and gave them the water of life.

The current situation in Babylon can definitely be considered to be on the verge of destruction. Of all the Babylonian gods, Wei Xun is the only one left. He is the well-deserved main god, and the water of life comes from the resurrection authority held by the main god.

Wei Xun originally intended to give the power of resurrection to George to help him resurrect, because the captains of Whitechapel were all proficient in the great resurrection technique. George also dabbled in it back then, and now he has accumulated enough energy. There is only one opportunity left. After integrating the power of resurrection, There is a good chance that he can resurrect himself. But he is an angel after all. Wei Xun cannot guarantee whether using the Babylonian divine power in his body to integrate the resurrection authority will have any impact on him.

Privately, he believed that it would be safer to leave this resurrection authority to resurrecting the Black Widow--according to the situation at that time, the Black Widow would definitely have to die once. And George did not hesitate to leave the resurrection authority until now, giving Black Widow another way to be resurrected.

Without further ado, Wei Xun was surrounded by the black and blue power of Apsu. The halo in his originally blue eyes became deeper and deeper, like a deep black and blue universe filled with tiny light spots, dyed with a cold and noble feeling. Divine power. Wei Xun swallowed the power of resurrection. As the only main god of Babylon at present, the power of resurrection meekly integrated into Wei Xun's body without any resistance. There was a shallow, simple line under his left eye, like the seed of life. , looking like it will bloom before it blooms.

After getting a little familiar with the power of resurrection, Wei Xun began to release water. The power of his fresh water power and the power of resurrection power merged and merged to create the water of life. This blending and derivation requires a lot of divine power, but what Wei Xun currently lacks most is the undigested divine power. He invested all of it in the transformation of authority, allowing a large amount of water of life to gush out from his body, but this There is a dark blue cold pollution lurking in the water of life.

It was originally hidden in Wei Xun's cloak. The gold sand floated in the dark blue pollution, intertwined with gold and blue. After being grabbed by Wei Xun, it wetly wrapped around his wrist, all the way to his fingertips. It looked against the backdrop of Wei Xun's pale skin. It tastes particularly mysterious and rich, and feels strange when pinched, like tentacles with one frosted side and one smooth and moist side.

This is the double pollution of Daxizhou and Pyramid, and it is An Xuefeng's power. Thinking of the last thing I saw, An Xuefeng violently kicking the sun door shut, thinking of his broad shoulders, explosive waist and abdomen, tense jawline when exerting force, as well as the dripping sweat and steaming heat... ...Wei Xun's eyes were deep, and his eyes were wandering. His fingers carelessly twisted the pollution tentacles, and watched as some moist and sticky golden gravel spit out from its tip. It flowed between his fingers like golden paint, and those dark blue The pollution flowed down like melted slime, soaking into his slender fingers, as if wrapped in a greedy film of water, and the blue color continued to extend, as if it was about to cover his entire hand. , the whole person is like a deep hint of possessiveness.

It wasn't until Fenrir Wolf's grunting for food sounded in Wei Xun's mind that he regained his attention. A large amount of water of life poured into Fenrir Wolf's stomach, attracting Fenrir Wolf's surprise and yearning. Wei Xun didn't mind letting him Fenrir Wolf himself also swallowed some water of life. After all, the wolf also died. Drinking more water of life would be of great benefit to it. Now Fenrir Wolf may soon become the core of the battle, so there is no harm in giving it more supplies——

Lizard Duke must also feel that Fenrir Wolf is taking care of himself, and Lizard Duke will pay more attention to things that are good for them both.

Anyway, the water of life needed to resurrect Black Widow is enough to submerge her whole body. While draining the water, Wei Xun disposed of the sliced ​​George's body - completely destroyed by the pollution from An Xuefeng's Pyramid and Daxizhou. Who knows what kind of energy is hidden in Slice George's body, which was once controlled by the phantom cat, but Wei Xun didn't dare to keep it.


When Slice George was destroyed, Salmon George groaned in pain, his body shook, and his strength showed signs of disintegration. But he also knew that this had to be done. After stabilizing, he and Wei Xun checked several times for safety reasons. After ensuring that the pollution of Slice George was destroyed, they picked up the body of Black Widow covered with puppet silk and began to deal with it carefully.

The body of Black Widow was quite broken, and her chest exploded, all of which were extremely difficult to deal with the pollution of the Sun Gate. However, these pollutions had been partially dealt with by the puppet master's puppet silk. Wei Xun checked carefully and found that most of the puppet silk would explode after greedily absorbing the pollution of the Sun Gate, and perish together with the pollution, but there were very few puppet silks that did not explode, but turned into golden red, faintly emitting some pollution of the Sun Gate.

Although the conversion ratio was very small, only one appeared in tens of thousands of puppet silks, but it was enough to amaze Wei Xun. The puppet master really played the puppet silk to the extreme, which can be called almighty! I'm afraid she is a tour guide who can handle pollution by herself without connecting with tourists. Moreover, she is obviously not a pioneer and does not have the pollution of 30 degrees north latitude to balance the butterfly pollution, but she can hide a piece of butterfly fragment under her collarbone, which may be related to this.

However, no matter how strong the puppet silk is, it can't stand it after three or four levels of pollution of 30 degrees north latitude. Wei Xun didn't use too much violence this time. He put a small amount of Sahara sand from the dream chaser, the gravel from the pyramid of An Xuefeng, and the water blue pollution of An Xuefeng's Atlantis on the body of the black widow, making sure to kill all the puppet silk (including the one that turned into golden red). Finally, he put the half-melted Babylon token owl corpse to the collapsed chest of the black widow, and used the pollution of Babylon to remove other pollution.

The ability to withstand so much pollution without rotting into a pool of mud is also thanks to the mutual restraint and devouring of the pollution of 30 degrees north latitude, the water of life that Wei Xun generously soaked her body with, and the owl corpse that was filled in in time.

In fact, this owl corpse is no longer a Babylonian token, but a polymer of Babel Tower pollution. After killing all the descendants of the gods, Wei Xun had a vague premonition that Babylon was heading for a new route, the core pollution would change, and the token would naturally be reconstructed. After dealing with the Black Widow's body, the Water of Life flooded her body again, and Wei Xun took out the authority of Nordic destiny and merged it.

Norse mythology has been destroyed, Wei Xun is the only remaining Nordic god, and the only one who can control the fate of the Nordic world. In order to prevent the Black Widow from being completely tied to Babylon after her resurrection, the hotel no longer recognizes her identity as a tour guide and makes her a native of the Tower of Babel. The authority of Nordic destiny is necessary for the Black Widow's resurrection. In reality, the Black Widow's family has a deep connection with the Nordic world, and can even intervene in the competition journey. The authority of Nordic destiny controls her destiny, so that she will not fall completely into the Tower of Babel.

Wei Xun had evolved these preparations in his mind countless times, and prepared them quickly. In just a few minutes, everything was ready. Wei Xun replayed this mythological allusion again, and then sent Xiaoguang George, who had turned into a golden salmon, to the underworld.

Xiaoguang George was seriously injured by the sun, and George's slicing and destruction also caused a great blow to him, but it didn't matter. The difficulty in replaying the mythological allusion of going to hell is not strength. As long as the love between George and Black Widow is deep enough, he can bring Black Widow's soul back.

In fact, as the god of the underworld, Wei Xun can also release Black Widow's soul directly, but he has discussed souls with the devil merchant before. The devil merchant believes that even if they are all souls of the dead, their soul states are different, affected by the underworld/hell/abyss in different mythological systems, and also affected by various factors-not all souls brought back from the underworld can be resurrected, whether some conditions are met is an important factor that must be considered.

Therefore, Wei Xun chose to let George go to the underworld to bring back the soul of the Black Widow. It was right to reenact the Babylonian myth. The process had to be followed. Seeing that the salmon George's figure suddenly stopped and his eyes lost their luster, Wei Xun knew that George's soul had gone to the Babylonian underworld, and his nerves immediately tensed up. The test of going to the underworld seems very long to the soul, but in fact it is only a matter of a moment in reality.

The atmosphere around him suddenly became tense, and the water of life that submerged Wei Xun's waist was swirling and gradually formed a vortex around the body of the Black Widow. Wei Xun's momentum began to soar in this invisible tension. Compared with before, the divine power and authority belonging to Apsu had a faint sense of arrogance - after the death of the Black Widow, the Tower of Babel essentially no longer belonged to her. If Wei Xun can successfully resurrect Black Widow, he will be the most powerful Babylonian god, and his status will be higher than that of Dragon Mother. In addition, he has enough butterfly fragments, and Babylon, which is on the verge of collapse, will fall into his hands completely!

To ​​be honest, the reward offered by the hotel is just a blank check. As long as there is a new pioneer before it is completely broken, the hotel cannot intervene in Babel. Ximingren must not be unaware of this, but he did not use the Sun Gate to pollute and destroy Black Widow's soul. Is he worried that Black Widow will completely explode and the foreign pollution will invade too deeply to cause Babel to collapse? No, it shouldn't be. Even if there was such a concern at first, after killing Black Widow, seeing that Babylon did not show signs of complete collapse, Ximingren should have destroyed Black Widow's body.

This is a question that Wei Xun has been thinking about since he was outside. He has a vague feeling that it is as if the orderer placed the black widow here with the intention of letting him resurrect the black widow. How much meaning is hidden in this? Wei Xun had many conjectures about the layout, and took corresponding precautions. He never hesitates because of lack of self-confidence, even when he is secretly competing with his elder brother. This only aroused his indomitable desire to win and made him excited. Especially the scene where An Xuefeng violently closed the Sun Gate just now touched Wei Xun's heart.

No matter how subtle or unexpected the plan is, it may fail due to various accidents, so why hesitate? It doesn't matter if he sees that the other party has a plan. He likes this kind of face-to-face competition!


The next second, Wei Xun suddenly sensed something and looked at Black Widow and George Salmon. At this moment, George Salmon's eyes regained their brightness, and he had returned from Hades. The Black Widow hasn't opened her eyes yet, but her eyelids are trembling violently. At the same time, the water level of the Water of Life drops rapidly, as if being swallowed by a bottomless black hole!

The amount of water of life required to resurrect the Black Widow is far greater than the amount used to resurrect the god of agriculture in Babylonian mythology, but Wei Xun prepared enough water of life for her to squander. The power of Nordic fate unfolded from Wei Xun's body, and a large golden net appeared in his hands, and he threw it onto the black widow. It was the net of fate. loomed over Black Widow.

【Lord of all things——】

[The Lord of all things——]

The solemn song sounded when Wei Xun opened the web of destiny. It not only resounded in the belly of Fenrir Wolf, but also the entire Babylon that was on the verge of being broken. This was the three Nordic goddesses of destiny weaving the web of destiny. The song sung while surfing the Internet does not seem to be played by any kind of musical instrument, but more like the rhythm of the universe, the resonance of the stars!

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