Thriller Tour Group

911 Nutrient Solution 306 Update Physically closes the Sun Gate...


Yu Xiangyang frowned. He had known An Xuefeng for many years and knew that he could turn into a big snake with yin and yang. But he didn't know that he had completely mastered the power of Zhu Jiuyin and could transform from a snake into a god with a snake body. Obviously this was One of An Xuefeng's trump cards that he has never revealed before is also prepared against those who are desperate for life. Everyone has their own secrets, and An Xuefeng is particularly strict. No one can find out from him what he doesn't want others to know. That's no problem.

The problem is that Zhu Jiuyin is a god in Chinese mythology, and he cannot extinguish the sun all over the world. Why can the pollution targeted at the Inca Sun Gate be so severe? And this is Iceland, not in mainland China. The power of the mythology system should be weakened, and it should not be so strong...

Either there is something special about the title, not just Zhu Jiuyin. Either An Xuefeng himself has reached a certain state... Thinking of this, Yu Xiangyang's heartbeat couldn't help but beat a beat faster. It would be great if there was really a way to break through the limitations of the local mythology title. He and Cen Qin The series of titles I have mastered are so imprinted on the regional culture that it is difficult to spread them all over the world with one move. Luckily for him, Cen Qin has now become the person in charge. She can't just spend the journey in this one-third of an acre in the East District. The future... must be planned in advance.

The reason why Zhu Jiuyin makes the rules and authority it controls so powerful after becoming Zhu Jiuyin is obviously An Xuefeng's backhand that has not yet been revealed. Just the tip of the iceberg revealed makes people's hearts beat faster, and they can't wait to find out what he is. How is it done. But soon the situation took a new turn, leaving the onlookers with no time to ponder.

It was seen that after both the sickle and the sun gate pollution were suppressed, the Mingren did not unseal the sickle to expose more of his backhand. Instead, he put away the sickle with his backhand and pressed his hand on the mask.

In the thick darkness, the golden tour guide mask on his face shimmered with light. This light was not completely swallowed up by the darkness, because it was similar to the tour guide's cloak to some extent. It was protected by the hotel and was a prop to protect the identity of the tour guide. Similar to the tour guide flag and tour guide wheat. Different tour guides have different masks, especially the most powerful ones. Most of their masks are integrated with exclusive props or other powerful items, so that the masks can not only hide their faces, but also play other roles.

But in the final analysis, the core rule of tour guide masks comes from the hotel itself.

The mask the Mingxi man was wearing at the moment gave An Xuefeng a subtle sense of loss of control. Zhu Jiuyin closed his eyes and brought darkness, but God's perception was extremely sharp, allowing An Xuefeng to still feel the Mingxi man's feeling. The distorted sense of pollution coming continuously from the edge is like the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, but it is different. The pollution of the Sun Gate has been suppressed by the three powers of Daxizhou, Pyramid and Zhujiuyin, but the pollution coming from the golden mask has not been suppressed by half——


With a sudden movement of the sharpest nerves that had been tempered for thousands of years, Zhu Jiuyin, who was so huge that he stood upright on the ground, threw the sun bird back and suddenly shrunk to only seven or eight meters long. At this moment, a huge and terrifying pressure suddenly descended. Two ancient square stone pillars, covered with relief carvings and as huge as the pillars of heaven, suddenly descended, forming a huge stone door with the lintel with the sun god carved above. This stone gate was extremely huge, with two stone pillars at one end and one at the end. If An Xuefeng hadn't shrunk, the two huge and heavy stone pillars would have fallen right on his seven-inch and snake-tail position.

However, even if they avoided the falling stone pillar, they could not avoid the terrifying pressure that came with the stone pillar. The originally cold air suddenly heated up again, and the world became as hot as if it was being burned by the scorching sun. The pollution of the Sun Gate that had just been silent became active again. No longer suppressed by Zhu Jiuyin!

How can it be! An Xuefeng felt a flash of surprise in his heart. Unless he was traveling at 30 degrees north latitude of the Sun Gate, Zhu Jiuyin should be able to suppress the pollution of the Sun Gate in all directions. But the Gate of the Sun did not come like the Tower of Babel, otherwise the Tower of Babel would have completely collapsed. But if the Gate of the Sun had not come, where would these two rock pillars with obvious ancient Inca style come from? What is the stone door that looms between the two giant rock pillars and is about to open with trembling?

This is clearly the Inca Sun Gate!

The astrologer couldn't help but take a step forward because of the unconventional scene in front of him. He raised his head and looked at the demon standing on the rock pillar in the distance. The mask that originally only covered the upper half of his face was pulled down and completely put on. The life-loving person's face. The mask bore no resemblance to the Life-haunting guide mask that the astrologer had seen, with golden, twisted stripes radiating outward from the mask like sunlight.

This is clearly the mask of the Inca Sun God, a token of the Inca Sun Gate.

Why did it replace the life-seeking tour guide mask? Could it be that he actually integrated the Sun Gate token and the tour guide mask into one? !

How can this be? What a joke! How can the rules of the hotel coexist harmoniously with the pollution of the 30th North Latitude? How do the life-haunting people do it? ! The astrologer was already in an unbelievable shock, but An Xuefeng calmed down after being surprised.


He secretly thought that only if the exploration degree of 30 degrees north latitude is high enough, can the pioneers accomplish some things that ordinary people seem to be unable to do. For example, the Gate of the Sun did not come to the Tower of Babel, but the identical shadow of the building did. It gradually moved closer to the environment in the Gate of the Sun, but it still maintained the precarious balance of the Tower of Babel and did not let it completely collapse. .

To be able to do this, I am afraid that the exploration rate of the Inca Sun Gate is already 100%, and he is the supreme devil of the Sun Gate. But in this case, if the scythe of the Destiny Man is really forged from the bones of the Son of Destiny produced by the Sun Gate, that would be very problematic——

Because of the existence of the pioneers, the journey to 30 degrees north latitude should not have given birth to anything like a 'child of destiny', because the pioneers themselves are the ones who control the fate of this journey to 30 degrees north latitude.

Unless the people who are interested in life completely break the rules of the Sun Gate, that means the degree of destruction of the Sun Gate is probably very high. But what will happen to the journey when the degree of exploration and destruction reach the extreme 30 degrees north latitude? The man who chose to return to the hotel at this time seems to be fully prepared. He may have already embarked on a new path!

The next second, An Xuefeng put his thoughts behind him. The Sun Gate in the middle of the two giant rock pillars slowly opened outwards amid violent vibrations, opening a crack, from which a dazzling light that could blind people's eyes burst out. light.

That’s the bright rays of the Inca sun! The Sun Gate is supposed to represent the ancient Inca people's prayers to the sun, but now the Inca sun is imprisoned in the stone gate and forcibly descends into this darkness. The sun rises in the darkness, and the place with the sun is not the place where you, Zhu Jiuyin, should be! When the bright sunshine burst out through the stone door, An Xuefeng transformed from a big snake back into a human form, but instead of retreating, he stepped forward with his dark combat boots stomping on the ground like a vigorous black panther and quickly attacked the Sun Gate.

This Sun Gate can imprison the sun, which gives An Xuefeng an ominous sign. Especially the constant opening of the gate makes his heart soar. Wei Xun is now the sun! Not to mention that the man who ordered the Sun Gate to "arrive" was just to force Zhu Jiuyin to retreat. An Xuefeng was fighting with him until now, not only to test his old opponent's strength, but also to buy Wei Xun time to operate from the rear.

The life-seeking man must have seen through this a long time ago. He definitely has people operating secretly in the Tower of Babel. For example, Heydrich and Slime may not disappear if they disappear. Now it depends on both sides to make progress first. If they force it at this time, If Wei Xun is taken away and thrown away to the Inca ruins, the day lily will be cold by the time he comes back.

In an instant, An Xuefeng was in front of the slowly opening Sun Gate. What could be done to close the gate again? Unless it’s the same level of journey to 30 degrees north latitude! The man who sat high on the Sun Gate looked down at the earth, with a faint light flashing in his eyes. The exploration speed of An Xuefeng's pyramid has been stuck at ninety-nine, and he can reach the full exploration speed at any time. If he can be forced to advance in advance this time, It’s very worthwhile to max out the Pyramid Exploration Degree to allow pollution to come to the Pyramid, to fight against the Sun Gate, and to destroy his plan to max out the Pyramid Exploration Degree and Atlantis Continent Exploration Degree at the same time——

However, An Xuefeng did not attract pollution from the pyramid, and the battle once again fell to the confrontation of pollution at the 30th degree north latitude. He saw the tall man taking a step back in front of the Sun Gate. His waist and abdomen were tense and he exerted force suddenly. He turned around and raised his legs heavily. Kicked towards the huge stone door.


The Sun Gate trembled visibly with the naked eye as soon as I stepped on it. It made a roaring sound like being hit by a heavy hammer. A large pile of gravel fell from the ancient stone door. The bright sunlight leaked from the cracks in the door and tried to drive away the attacker. It was roasted until it melted, but An Xuefeng remained unmoved. His eyes were dark and evil, his whole body was steaming with heat, and his black hair was soaked with sweat. His combat uniform outlined his explosive power on his back, revealing a With an indescribable violent charm, the next second I saw him taking two steps back to gather strength again, suddenly raising his legs and kicking the Sun Gate again like a storm.




After several loud noises, the huge, heavy stone door that had just opened a crack, representing the journey of 30 degrees north latitude, was kicked shut by An Xuefeng!

Is that human being!

What is this power? ? Too violent, too powerful! The Lizard Duke not far away was so excited that he almost cheered, he liked to see this! When the sun door opened, he was also worried about Bingyi's safety, so as not to be snatched away by the life-seeking people, but now it seems that it is better to contact the passengers, not to mention An Xuefeng, wait for Fenrir Wolf Fusion with Silver Moon Killer, the strength is definitely not weak. Thinking of this, the Lizard Duke glanced at Bingyi, and he also saw that An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren were not fighting to the death. They were openly trying to buy time for their respective forces. He didn't know that Bingyi How's it going over there - huh? !

The Lizard Duke's scales almost exploded when he looked at it. He saw that Dream Chaser and Bingyi were both at the puppet master Golden Salmon - the problem was that Fenrir Wolf was also there! The Lizard Duke glanced over just in time to see Fenrir Wolf open its bloody mouth and swallow the black widow's mummy, golden salmon and sunbird C-1!

What is this, what is this doing? ? He didn't let Fenrir devour people! For a moment, Lizard Duke really felt that this could not be explained, but then he saw that the dream chaser next to him was still calm, and even spread his wings to block Wolf Swallow's various activities. Lizard Duke quickly calmed down and flashed in his mind. A flash of light passed.

He vaguely knew why Bingyi let the Fenrir wolf swallow them up.

What's in the belly of Fenrir Wolf?

There are three Nordic goddesses of destiny!

Of course, after the destruction of Nordic Ragnarok and Norse mythology, these three goddesses of fate may have died together.

But even if they die, the power of Nordic destiny is still there!

* *

If you want to resurrect the Black Widow as quickly as possible, the power of resurrection and the water of life are not enough.

In the belly of Fenrir Wolf, Wei Xun returned to his human form, holding a scepter made of water in his hand, and Apsu's divine power was revealed. In front of him lay the body of the black widow, the Babylonian resurrection authority, the water of life, and the shining authority of Nordic destiny.

Sometimes fate can rewrite the future by standing by her side just a little longer!

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