Thriller Tour Group

910. Plan to Save George (28) Zhu Jiuyin (will return later...

"This is?!"

When the black skull scythe appeared in the hands of the life-seeking man, the one who had the biggest reaction was not An Xuefeng. Astrologer and Slice Cenqin looked at the scythe at the same time as if they had something to say, their eyes almost locked on it. The power of divination and Wentian was left to Bai Cenqin. Hei Cenqin mainly had various strong attack titles. For a while, he only had a vague premonition, but the astrologer no longer cared about his current identity as the Flame Angel and stared at it intently. Holding the sickle in his hand, a stack of tarot cards appeared in his hand, and he actually started divination on the spot.

His movements were rare and urgent. After shuffling the cards, he pulled out a card. His face changed suddenly as he glanced at it, as if confirming some suspicion in his mind. His hands were shaking uncontrollably, and it was obvious that he was experiencing severe mood swings.

"How could dare he..."

The astrologer gnashed his teeth and murmured, suddenly crinkling the Tarot cards in his hands. This sickle is not an undead weapon. The pollution aura on it is vague and confusing. It is more like an exclusive prop of the rules. But that's not important. What's important is that the power of fate is faintly wrapped around the dark skull sickle! More astrologers failed to divine it. This sickle seems to still seal some power that has not been fully developed, but this is shocking enough. It is forged from countless "twisted fates" and is greedy and evil. , he was destined to cut off destiny and devour destiny as soon as he was born!

He is confusing fate!

The astrologer almost rushed forward and broke the sickle. How dare you! How unpredictable fate is, and how terrible the backlash of fate is. Once he cannot satisfy the greedy thirst of the sickle, the consequences will be unimaginable. It's been five years. Five years ago, the Mingxi man was just pretending to be Wei Xun to gain some fortune. After staying at the Inca Sun Gate for five years, he had already killed countless children of destiny and forged sickles!

But where did he kill his destiny child? In this decade, only An Xuefeng can be called a serious Son of Destiny (Wei Xun will be in the next decade). He has killed so many people. His quality is not very good, but he can still be regarded as a Son of Destiny. ?

The next second the astrologer's pupils shrank to a small point. He vaguely thought of something, but he rarely dared to think deeply, because if this idea was true, it would be too shocking. His eyes swept vaguely from Dream Chaser and Lizard Duke, trying to see if they noticed anything. But the Dream Chaser was protecting Wei Xun, and the Lizard Duke was observing the increasingly fierce battle. He didn't think too deeply about it, but was shocked in his heart as to where the Ming Chaser had gotten such a weapon to restrain An Xuefeng.

Yes, it is restraint. Most people only think that the offensive of the life-seeking people is more fierce, and they are evenly matched with An Xuefeng, and the strife and devouring between the pollution at the 30th North Latitude is more shocking, but people like the Dream Chaser are pioneers and can see through the 30th North Latitude. The Ten Degrees of Pollution and the Lizard Duke have a deep connection with the abyss. Anyone who can withstand some of the pollution of the Thirty Degrees North Latitude and see the true core of the fierce battle can find that from the moment the life-seeking man took out the sickle, An Xuefeng's The movements became inexplicably sluggish.

It was obvious that his offensive was still unsophisticated, and every move was as fierce and precise as a humanoid weapon, but something was different - there was a subtle change in his aura. Experts like them pay special attention to feeling when fighting. Originally, An Xuefeng's double 30th North Latitude Pollution completely suppressed the Sun Gate Pollution. An Xuefeng was gaining momentum and his offensive was fierce and powerful. He could crush his opponents from the momentum. It makes people's minds turbulent and makes it difficult to exert their strongest strength.

Of course, in the eyes of astrologers, this is the crushing of strength and the suppression of others by the children of destiny. In fact, he has explored and studied a lot over the years as to which aspect of fate or strength plays a greater role. No one is born as a child of destiny. Just like Cen Qin, An Xuefeng and George back then, they all had great potential and qualifications. It was An Xuefeng who dared to fight and kill the most, could bear everything, and was finally strong enough to defeat everyone. He was crowned the number one guest by the hotel and won the top title of Higurashi.

It takes talent, hard work, strength, luck, perseverance - all of which are the most powerful among people of the same generation to get to this point. Of course, Wei Xun is somewhat special.

Sometimes astrologers also wonder, are the children of destiny who become the children of destiny through their own efforts considered the children of destiny? The true destiny itself should be destiny, and no one can replace it, just like the very special Wei Xun. Like the son of destiny who is crowned by the hotel, can it be regarded as destiny? He always felt that this connection with destiny was not absolutely close. If the child of destiny could gain his luck, he might also be able to strip it away.

The current battle situation seemed to confirm his previous treacherous thoughts. The moment the leader took out the scythe, An Xuefeng's momentum was suppressed and cut, and as the battle continued, the black mist accumulated on the scythe. It became thicker and thicker, and every slash with the sword would leave a dark evil mist around An Xuefeng, even if it failed to hurt An Xuefeng. An Xuefeng immediately used the Return Knife to chop up the black mist, but when the black fog dissipated, there was a small black line on the Return Knife, as if it had been sucked into a greedy leech. The dark orange light of the knife was faint and bright. It dimmed a bit, and at the same time, a blood mark appeared on An Xuefeng's arm, and blood was flowing gurglingly.

The Son of Destiny is too closely related to destiny. Taking away his luck is equivalent to hurting him. It is indeed a weapon specifically targeted at An Xuefeng!

Moreover, this mist was synchronized with An Xuefeng's offensive. No matter he was in the sky or on the ground, he could not get rid of the black mist that followed him, like a prison that he carried with him. In this situation, dealing with the enemy was the fastest way to break the situation, but at this time the astrologer Only then did he suddenly understand why the Mingxi people chose the ghost magic pattern among the many powerful magic patterns. The devil's wings imprinted with the ghost magic pattern were extremely fast, and they were no match for the undead. It was difficult for An Xuefeng to catch up. .

But at the same time, the life-seeker kept swinging the sickle, cutting down more and more black mist, which could not be destroyed with weapons. Soon, An Xuefeng was surrounded like a prison and it was difficult to escape, just like Sun Houhou was being held captive. After reciting the tightening curse, no matter how much power I have, I can't use it. The black mist surrounding An Xuefeng seems to be standing still now. Once it accumulates enough, it may burst into flames and there will be nowhere to hide. By then, he will really be in a desperate situation.

This is really a killing move specially prepared for An Xuefeng!

But the astrologers are not worried about An Xuefeng. They must know that the prerequisite for him to become the son of destiny is his most powerful strength. In An Xuefeng's ten years of bloody killings, it was not uncommon for enemies to be too fast to catch. Let's just say that the former Tianhu Yu and Hui in their team were famous for their speed. An Xuefeng never lags behind no matter what type of enemy he targets. The astrologers believe that he allows the black mist to surround him because he wants to see what other cards the Mingxier has.

After all, this scythe doesn't feel like it's at its strongest, as if it hasn't been unsealed yet. Those who are interested in life may not really want to kill An Xuefeng this time. This is a game between trump cards and a competition between masters.

An Xuefeng saw that the black mist was gathering more and more but could not wait for the man who wanted to kill him. He must have known that he would not reveal more. Since there was no need to wait, it was time for him to fight back. Sure enough, darkness suddenly fell in the next second, and the originally polluted world of scarlet, dark blue, and sandy yellow returned to darkness, and the temperature plummeted like a cold winter. It was just like when Bingyi and the Black Widow had just returned the Babylonian mythology to its original state. No light can be seen.

Is this something happening again at the Tower of Babel, or is Bingyi going to exert some force? Too many thoughts passed through the hearts of everyone present in an instant, but soon their eyes widened in shock in the darkness. At the place where An Xuefeng and the Mingxi people were fighting fiercely, in the darkest depths, there was a faint rustling sound, as if some terrifying behemoth was quietly swimming across the earth.

A faint hint of crimson could be seen in the thick black, emitting a faint light. As if a thief was trying to steal the dragon's secret treasure, the dim light of the oil lamp shone on the dragon's scales.

The scales, the crimson ones with a deep and mysterious light, are snake scales with carcass. In fact, the vast majority of top travelers and guides who have reached this level of strength can see in the dark. But at the moment, their eyes cannot see through the current darkness at all. It is as if there is some rule that makes the sun go out and the world becomes dark. They can only see the dark red scales flashing with dark light from then on. It was a huge, crimson snake.

It is extremely huge. Its twisted body can reach from the earth to the sky. The tip of its tail is dipped into the abyss of sweet water, and a huge snake body is almost close to the dreamer carrying the sunbird. Wei Xun's heart moved slightly, and he rolled from the dream chaser's dragon's back to the side of the giant snake scale. The crimson snake scales looked like they should be warm, but they felt extremely cold when touched. As the sunbird rolled over, the snake scales close to it lifted up in unison, directly pulling the sunbird between the scales.

After that, Wei Xunqi felt that his power as the sun was blocked, as if there should not be a sun in this world.

"It's Zhulong."

Yu Xiangyang, who had not spoken much since the war started, suddenly said: "It's Zhulong, Zhu Jiuyin."

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Great Wilderness Northern Classic" says: "Beyond the Northwest Sea, to the north of the Chishui River... there is a god with a human face and a snake body... Its darkness is obscure, its vision is bright... It is the nine-yin candle, which is Candle Dragon."

It is said that when Zhulong closes his eyes, the world becomes night; when he opens his eyes, the world becomes day. There is a question in "Chu Ci Tianwen": "How can the candle dragon shine when the sun is not here?" It is written that the place where the candle dragon is located is a dark and sunless country in the northwest, and there is a dragon carrying a candle for lighting.

If there is no sun, there will be no sun, and naturally there will be no belief in the sun. People are born to believe in light, and their belief should be the candlelight held by the dragon, not the sun. Sure enough, after the world turned dark, the black fog that originally surrounded An Xuefeng also became dim, and the fog that stained his body could no longer exert much of its original power to corrode destiny.

The Mingxi man has not left the Sun Gate for so many years. Putting aside all the most impossible guesses, this is the only answer - the sickle he forged with the lives of countless children of destiny can only be based on the Sun Gate, which means that they were all the destinies of the Sun Gate. Son, and the core pollution of the Sun Gate is the Sun Hymn, An Xuefeng is breaking the rules from the ground up and breaking the rules with the rules!

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