Thriller Tour Group

909 Plan to Save George (27) In the mid-range of pollution hedges…


The dark blue Daxizhou pollution appeared like a majestic tsunami with An Xuefeng. The noisy sound of waves disrupted the hymn of the sun. The dark blue icy waves reduced the sharply soaring high temperature. The falcon raised by An Xuefeng suppressed the sun. The head of the scepter turned into a golden eagle carrying the golden sun in flight, suppressing the pollution of the Sun Gate from all aspects.

As soon as An Xuefeng appeared, the Sun Gate pollution that had been raging in Babylon and almost eroding this journey of 30 degrees north latitude instantly lost its arrogant and domineering momentum, and was occupied by dark blue pollution, nearly half of the 'territory', so that everyone present could finally Taking a breath, he was shocked by An Xuefeng's explosive strength.

To be honest, An Xuefeng hasn't done anything with all his strength in many years. There is no need to explain the reason. Even though the reputation of being the number one traveler recognized by the hotel has not diminished, and the legend of being the only pioneer to travel two thirty degrees north latitude at the same time is still there, there is a kind of darkness and chaos in this strength that is about to fade away, which makes One wonders how long his spirit can last. Even if we contacted the tour guide, and even when we were in Iceland, everyone was shocked that this was probably a deep connection, some people who were not closely related to the return trip and had not followed the Sahara before could not help but speculate.

But now these speculations are put to rest! The man of destiny killed the black widow George in an instant, snatched the white dove from the back of the dream chaser dragon, smashed the dragon horn of the lizard duke with a scepter, and the pollution of the Sun Gate swept through the entire Babylon. His strength was already showing a strong gap. But in such strength, An Xuefeng was not weak at all. The battle that broke out between them was so intense that it was so intense that it was almost suffocating just to watch.

After opening the scepter and long knife, An Xuefeng was as aggressive as a blood-devouring beast, taking the lead in launching an offensive. His eyes were as deep and cold as the deepest sea, the coldness of the blade splashed, and the pollution of the blue continent was splashed by the restraining chains. It turned into a stormy sea, and the salty and cold waves splashed, trying to extinguish the sun! However, the life-seeking man did not retreat but advanced, ignoring the blade on his way back. The narrow scepter blade went straight to An Xuefeng's throat. The next moment, a sun tattoo suddenly appeared on An Xuefeng's throat, trapping the white pigeon guard. The sun patterns on Xun's paws are almost the same.

The Sun Gate pollution was attracted by the sun, and Wei Xun had not yet been able to truly explore the thirty-degree north latitude journey and master the pollution of his journey. Even if he noticed the danger of the sun pattern on his paws, he could not completely solve it in such a short period of time. He enjoyed the deep connection. The benefits always come with the risks of connection, and it was just for this moment that the people who had the destiny have not detonated the sun pattern on the white pigeon's paws!


The next second the narrow scepter knife was resisted by the returning knife and was unable to pierce An Xuefeng's throat and completely detonate the sun. However, such a close distance made the sun tattoo restless and chaotic. The flesh under the tattoo cracked and blood flowed, and there was a hidden explosion. With such force, even an unstable explosion can break An Xuefeng's neck bone and throat. But An Xuefeng was as calm as a killing machine, and there was no wave in his eyes. Wei Xun had secretly warned him in advance. An Xuefeng had been on guard for a long time, but when he saw the return knife opened the scepter and the narrow knife again, he actually turned the scissor over. The dark orange returning sword pierced the bloody throat and raised it——


There was a soft sound as the flesh tore open and blood flowed gurglingly. The knife cut off the fate of the return journey, allowing An Xuefeng to escape from the return path where his throat was blown. He actually picked out the sun pattern that was on the verge of explosion from the flesh and blood, and the extremely resilient An Xuefeng's throat healed quickly, leaving only a vertical blood mark.


The sun pattern that was picked up by the return knife exploded in the air, and the pollution of gold, red, and scarlet suddenly exploded, like a gilt trailing red clouds on the ground, like a sun firework exploding, extremely gorgeous but extremely terrifying, the explosion pollution air waves surged in all directions, look at The onlookers were stunned.

"Shit, is this still a human being?"

Werewolf Walker murmured, now that the Babylonian pollution has been reduced to a tiny bit by the Gate of the Sun and the Great Western Continent, it will no longer affect his voice. But the people who gathered to watch didn't say much. They all opened their eyes to experience this fierce battle at the top. Especially the Lizard Duke couldn't help but swing his tail, clenched his iron fist, and the life-seeker who had more remote mental output. In comparison, An Xuefeng made his blood boil even more. He wished he could push away the life-seeking man and fight with the first passenger. At their level, only the highest level of fighting could make him progress faster.

But the Lizard Duke still endured his fighting spirit and returned to the Dream Chaser. George Salmon, who was hidden by the puppet master, has been exposed. There is no need for him to act in this sweet water abyss anymore - especially since the pollution of An Xuefeng's Daxizhou is pouring into the abyss, frantically absorbing Bingyi. The remaining power auras were entangled and fused, and they had a strong sense of territoriality and even showed aggression towards the Lizard Duke and Cen Qin Slice in the water. They really didn't recognize their relatives.

The Lizard Duke knows that this is the instinctive reaction of the travelers in the connection. Especially when fighting an enemy with a huge amount of pollution, the power beyond his control will instinctively look for his guide, and try his best to entangle and relieve his spirit. Always maintained at the peak of fighting status. Of course, this instinct can also be restrained, but it is very difficult. The moderately connected Silver Moon Killer is annoying enough. It is understandable that the deeply connected An Xuefeng has a stronger desire for aggression. The pollution in Daxizhou is even more unreasonable. The Lizard Duke could only curse in his heart, and retreated to the rear from the Sweet Water Abyss, which was closer to the battlefield, with a cold face.

But even if you retreat to the rear, there is no peace. Sunbird Bingyi is here, and the surging Daxizhou pollution is fighting fiercely with the Sungate pollution surrounding it. This posture is not much weaker than the frontline battle, even because there is no The master's control lost some of its twists and turns, and became more direct and rough - that is, it was pulling wildly, making the sunbird surrounded by sunlight for a while, and sliding into the sea for a while. It was really messy, and the Lizard Duke looked at it. All unbearable.

Looking at our friendship these days, when we get back to the hotel, Lizard Duke will give C a few words of warning, don’t be too disrespectful to the tourists, and you should be punished severely, otherwise his power will come around and affect you at the critical moment of your own battle. Like what words? Also, don’t dwell too much on the past. In a hotel, family ties are safer than deep connections that control the soul. The tour guide must also consider the feelings of the tourists, otherwise you will feel that he is not upset all the time. ?

That’s not to say that Bingyi is left alone. Even with the intensity of the battle over there, it’s hard to carry the water. There has to be a choice... huh? ?

In the next second, something unbelievable happened to the Lizard Duke. Amidst the fierce pull of half Sun Gate pollution and half Daxizhou pollution, Sunbird Bingyi actually had a peaceful expression, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was faintly immersed in enlightenment! No, what is your epiphany? There's still a fierce battle over there, but you're on the right track in pollution hedging? ?

The Lizard Duke couldn't understand it, and Wei Xun never thought that he could still gain insights during the pollution hedging. The first time he came into contact with the pollution in Daxizhou, Wei Xun felt as if he was being constantly restrained and eroded by the raging, greedy, cold waves, but the deep connection made the pollution-filled waves not only mean danger to him, but also a sense of familiarity and familiarity. Safe, like a dark, damp and ambiguous lair specially built for him. Coupled with the realization when he was surrounded by the pollution of the Sun Gate, Wei Xun suddenly understood the sun more deeply.

The sun gods may be different in so many mythological systems, but many myths have one thing in common, that is, the sun mostly rises from the abyss of the sea at sunrise, and then falls into the sea at sunset. It was obviously hot and cold, light and dark, but the deep sea could become the sun's nest and its home. In a daze, Wei Xun vaguely felt that the pollution from Daxizhou was seeping into his body, just like the cool sea water. However, in the pollution of the sea water, the Babylonian sun authority, which had not been perfectly integrated before, actually became more integrated, and the sun authority that had been almost integrated before became more harmonious.

He had a vague understanding that finding the common characteristics of the sun would be helpful for him to integrate the sun's authority from all the gods around the world, and would allow him to become the sun in a broad sense more quickly. But now is really not the time for enlightenment, and Wei Xun opened his eyes again after half a minute. The sound of quicksand rang from his ears. Wei Xun looked up and saw Dream Chaser scattering sand around him without hesitation, allowing the pollution of the Sahara to accumulate between the Sun Gate and the pollution of the deep sea, forming a small nest of sand.

Wei Xun has butterfly fragments from the ancient oasis, which also appeared on the 30th northern latitude journey on the Sahara. The butterfly fragments from the ancient oasis are also somewhat resistant to the pollution of the Sahara, so they are relatively safe for Wei Xun. The dream chaser was worried about him. The sunbird let out a soft chirp, and when the crystal dragon lowered its head nervously and worriedly, it rubbed the dragon's cheek affectionately, and then directed it to lift itself up, carrying the puppet master and the golden half-cooked salmon. There.

An Xuefeng and the Mingren fought so hard that the two Pollution at Thirty Degrees North rushed into the Tower of Babel like they were desperate. How could the Tower of Babel be able to withstand this? At present, Apsu Wei Xun, who has a connection with both kinds of pollution, is holding on to the Tower of Babel, but this shaky journey cannot last too long. The Black Widow must be resurrected before it completely collapses and is destroyed. She is waiting for Babel. Don't resurrect George when he is destroyed, and win the Tower of Babel to be more confident. The fundamental key to this duel lies in the Tower of Babel and the petals, as well as the indescribable source of pollution.

Especially now is a good time, the battle between Xi Mingren and An Xuefeng is getting more and more intense. The old rival knew the difference as soon as he came into contact. He stopped testing and saw the real chapter directly. The speed of the man was too fast. The devil's wings avoided the blade for a while. He flew high, recalled the embarrassed golden eagle and golden sun, and then merged into a complete form. The scepter, condescending and attacking the low will always be the dominant side.

But An Xuefeng also had wings. A pair of broad golden wings sprouted from behind his shoulder blades, and he flapped his wings and flew high into the sky. These wings are not as light as the wings of other angels. Instead, they have a sense of sluggishness and solemnity. The rustling gold powder scatters along every beat of the wings. Only when you look closely do you realize that it is not gold powder, but golden gravel!

Pyramid grit, equal thirty degrees north latitude pollution. It doesn't matter that the speed of the sand wings made of piles of yellow sand cannot catch up with the demon wings with ghostly magic patterns. The waves cover the earth, and the shaken yellow sand sweeps into the sky with the strong wind that comes from nowhere, and for a while it is filled with scarlet sunlight. The "sky" is cast with a dim shadow. An Xuefeng is using his own methods to fight the other side. He must directly fight against the erosion at the 30th degree north latitude to establish victory!

But in the next second, he saw that the life-seeker actually put away the sun scepter, and a huge black sickle that An Xuefeng had never seen appeared in his hand.

I don't know what kind of material this sickle is made of. There are large and small black skulls hanging on it. The moment it is taken out, a cold pressure permeates the air, and there is an ominous smell of blood, which actually makes An Xuefeng feel faintly suppressed. a feeling of!

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