Thriller Tour Group

908 Saving George Plan (26) Hymn to the Sun...

The man who wanted to live threw the pigeon out without hesitation, tearing into pieces the sea-blue pollution that tried to lock his wrist. However, different pollutions have different characteristics. The pollution in Daxizhou is as difficult to be destroyed as water, even if It can be restored even if it is broken into powder. However, the life-loving man will not suffer from this. The broken golden chains on his body burst out with scorching and dazzling sunlight. The high temperature of the Sun Gate exploded instantly, causing the sea-blue pollution to wither, shrink, steam, and smoke, but it never disappeared. Still To lock onto his wrist, like an annoying hound chasing its prey.

Only the same pollution can withstand the pollution of the 30th North Latitude. However, even though his real body was here, he could not immediately eliminate the pollution of Daxizhou. This shows that Daxizhou’s tokens—and Daxizhou’s pioneers—may have been invaded. We’ve reached the Tower of Babel and will be arriving here soon!

Violently crushing the clay figurine that An Xuefeng had accumulated, even destroying that ray of spirit failed to cause An Xuefeng to have another mental breakdown. He was still stable enough to control Daxizhou's tokens to invade the Tower of Babel. It seems that the deep connection really made him Benefited a lot. After trying out An Xuefeng's current situation, he no longer wasted time. The devil's wings behind him whipped up a shocking storm. Pearl-colored magic patterns flashed on the black bat wings. The tall devil teleported a hundred meters away, throwing away the pursuers. The sea blue pollution and the dream chasers who came to kill simultaneously threw the scepter burning with the sun's flame in their hands, aiming at the white dove that fell on the muddy remains of the killer whale.

At the same time, patterns of the sun flashed on the white pigeon's paws. Unexpectedly, the fragments of the chain were caught by the assassin at some point. The fragments of the golden leg ring lit up in the sunlight, but in the eyes of Dream Chaser and others, they seemed to be being detonated. Time bomb!


Dream Chaser's pupils suddenly shrunk and he immediately returned to defense. He left a dream afterimage on the killer whale wreckage. When he saw something was wrong, he immediately swapped places with the afterimage to envelop the hardened scales of dragon wings. He used the power of dreams to blur all harm. He has a deep connection with the passengers. With experience, I know that if you want to seriously injure An Xuefeng, there is an easier way, that is, to seriously injure his tour guide and let him bear the injury for the tour guide! Although the image of the man who didn't strangle the pigeon directly flashed through his mind just now, and the moment he returned to guard, he seemed to hear a very light chuckle from the man who wanted to kill him, which made the dreamer wonder if he had fallen into the devil's trick again, but The scene where Black Widow and George were killed by the sun pattern was even more shocking. It was even said that their corpses were still kneeling and hugging them, and they had to guard against them.

But soon the dream chaser's heart sank. The expected explosion did not happen. Instead, the rattling sound of the chain sounded again. The devil's powerful hand hooked the chain, and the sun scepter thrown at the white dove was suddenly tightened. The chain was pulled, Diao Zuan threw it in the opposite direction to Bai Ge, and he fell with terrifying pressure without giving anyone any chance to dodge!

"Kang bang!"

A sound of vibration set off a wave of scorching hot air, and bursting gold spurted out along with black and red blood. This golden light was not sunlight, but golden dragon scales smashed by the sun scepter. The Lizard Duke hid in the sweet sea of ​​Bingyi's abyss, but the rich abyss pollution could not blind the eyes of the life-seeking man. One of the golden dragon's horns was broken off, and the sharp golden eagle wings on the head of the sun scepter were cut off from his forehead. It was scratched all the way to the neck. It was only blocked by the hard scales for a moment, and then the hard golden scales were cut open, causing the flesh to burst and blood to splash.

That is to say, the Lizard Duke himself was so hard that he was not beaten to death with a stick, and he had eaten enough of Nighold's dragon heart and keel bones. There was a hard endoskeleton in his flesh and blood, and the flesh and bones were eroded by the poison. Sunlight was not imprinted by the sun and fell into the same situation as Black Widow. But breaking the dragon's horn was so humiliating. The Lizard Duke's angry eyes were blood red, and he roared angrily in severe pain. However, the roar was completely suppressed by the blast of the distorted sun hymn, and it was choked in his throat.

The Dream Chaser and the Lizard Duke, A2 S2, are both connected to the passengers. They are both dragons. One is mentally strong but physically weak, and the other is physically so strong that he is almost mentally weak at his peak. Nothing in this world is perfect, no matter how powerful the tour guides and tourists are, they all have weaknesses, but life-seeking people are beyond ordinary people. The sun hymn bombarded the Lizard Duke's eyes for a moment, and when he regained consciousness, he was shrouded in a dark shadow, which was extremely oppressive. The tall demon king's fanatical hymns were flying above his head, looking down at the giant dragon indifferently. The Lizard Duke's heartbeat suddenly changed a beat with his eyes, and his spine was chilled, but at the next moment, a proud fighting spirit that refused to admit defeat rose in his heart. .

The Life-haunting Man has been at the Sun Gate for five years, and no one knows how strong he is now. Compared with the strength of hard power, what impressed everyone more about the former Mingxiren was his ruthless and ruthless style, as well as his deep calculation methods. However, with only hard power, the Lizard Duke is not afraid of anyone, and his mystery brings terror. , the Lizard Duke is about to tear this terror to pieces. No matter what the previous agreement with Bingyi was at this moment, he must hold back the life-seeking man, otherwise if the life-seeking man kills Fenrir with a scepter, then he will really He would lose control and go crazy like An Xuefeng without a tour guide!

The golden and powerful dragon tail slapped the abyss sea that was burned hot by the sun, stirring up water and splashing it provocatively at the demon flying high in the sky. At the same time, the Lizard Duke lowered his body to guard something, and as long as the demon flew low Or if he throws the sun scepter again, he can use the dragon's tail to wrap up the chain and pull the devil underwater.

But the life-seeker would not be fooled, and ignored the Lizard Duke and flew higher instead. He had just noticed at a glance that the George that Wei Xun created was not with the Lizard Duke, so there was no need to waste time with him. The life-loving man's gaze swept across the entire scene. His blue right eye was so deep that it was almost dark blue and almost purple. Nothing could escape his eyes.

His eyes swept over the corpses of Black Widow and George, and he didn't know when puppet silk was wrapped around the two bodies like silk cocoons, it was the puppet master. The densely packed puppet threads were like some kind of mold, with purple and trembling tumorous soft flesh hanging on them. They were eating the black widow's body full of Babylon pollution, and she had a crazy desire to eat it regardless of the end of the world.

The puppet silk froze suddenly when it looked at the puppet silk, like a rabbit being stared at by a beast. The tumor pieces hanging on the puppet silk trembled and squirmed, looking absolutely disgusting. It didn't tremble until the terrifying devil indifferently looked away. After trembling and returning to action, the thousands of puppet threads immediately accelerated their erosion as if they had been whipped, and in a blink of an eye, the corpses of Black Widow and George were submerged under the puppet threads, like tangled masses of seaweed.

The eyes of the life-seeking man have already fallen on other people, the new person in charge of the deep-sea Cenqin Slice, the silverfish hiding behind Yin Qiaoqiao and the werewolf Walker, the Dream Chaser who is guarding the white pigeon, and the white pigeon who is also blocking the way. The flaming angel next to the dove - or, astrologer.

Each of them has the ability to hide George, and each of them is willing to work for Wei Xun. Even An Xuefeng had never had this kind of 'connection'. Even though he had noticed all this through the perspective of the phantom cat, it still made the life-seeker slightly raise his eyebrows. This is an honest conspiracy. Wei Xun has exposed all the powerful people who may be hiding George. Each of them is powerful and suspicious. Of course, he can pick them out one by one, but the most precious time is wasted like this. .

Then there is no need to fight alone.


With the crisp sound of the chains falling, the man threw the sun scepter. The golden, silver and white body of the staff dragged all the chains on the scepter, and turned into a long knife and fell into the hand of the man. The sun chains wrapped around the blade were like a long sword. whip. The golden eagle wings on the head of the staff turned into a real eagle holding the sun and flying hard, twisting and blooming the golden sunlight radiating in all directions.

[Praise—praise the sun—! 】

[Sun - praise - praise - the sun! ! 】

For a moment, the darkness was dyed scarlet, and the reflection of the sun in the sea of ​​abyss was huge and twisted. The music that shocked the soul and mind resounded through the Tower of Babel. The golden-red pollution erupted from the sun like a huge waterfall crashing down. No one expected it. How did the Mingxi people bring out such a huge amount of pollution from the Sun Gate? This is not consistent with common sense at all, and it is definitely not the amount of pollution that a token can bring out!

But now no one can delve into how the life-loving people do it, because the world is distorted by the praise of the sun, the rising temperature is like the boiling enthusiasm of a fanatic, and the pounding sound that shatters the human soul is like a devout believer. The deafening heartbeat, the too hot light radiated the earth, the too grand hymn eroded and swallowed up the pollution that drove away the riots in the Tower of Babel. For a time, except for the places where Cenqin Slice, the dream chaser and the astrologer were, all the places were polluted by the scarlet twisted sun. Covered in horror.

What a terrible pollution. Are the people trying to erode the Tower of Babel and let the Gate of the Sun descend? ! Everyone who was shocked by the thunderous tactics shown by the man who wanted to kill subconsciously thought about something more serious. Taking advantage of the Black Widow's experience, it seemed that the trip to the 30th North Latitude could no longer stay at the original position. Only Wei Xun is still sober and rational. The white dove has long since broken away from the protection of the dream chaser and turned into a puddle of sunbird cake in the omnipresent scarlet sun pollution, enjoying the ubiquitous praise.

Are you praising the sun? This core pollution of the Sun Gate unexpectedly matched Wei Xun, and it did not make him feel uncomfortable. Instead, it surrounded him happily and docilely, as if it was enthusiastically praising the sun. But be careful and never take it lightly. The more dangerous and terrifying the pollution is, the more harmless it will appear at the beginning. These compliments are like a big net trying to capture the sun. Once the sun really sinks into the compliments, it will only Captured and devoured by the Sun Gate.

But the good thing is that the heavy pollution was relatively harmless to the sun at first, and it also allowed Wei Xun to think more deeply. The eldest brother is a very clear goal-oriented person. Wei Xun believes that he cannot let the Gate of the Sun come, but only wants to force George out and deflect other people's ideas. George couldn't last long in this all-pervasive sound and light pollution, especially since angels loved to sing hymns and hymns, so the sun's pollution would do him even more harm.

At this moment, Wei Xun was glad that he had fed Xiaoguang countless pure flame crystals before, which were equivalent to the sun fragments in Iceland. George could last a little longer amid the song of praise to the sun, and just this little extra time was enough. ——

[Ah——the sun——! ! 】

The moment the Ximingren's extremely oppressive gaze locked on the puppet master and her pile of puppet silk, the golden eagle flying high in the sky, carrying the sun on its back, let out a shrill wail. The life-seeking man ignored the demonic wings and teleported above the puppet master as soon as he shook them. He ignored the puppets who tried to attack him and slashed them down coldly with his scepter and long sword. The blade burning with light and fire had already layered up before it could reach the sword. The layers of puppet silk were burned away, revealing a frightened golden salmon hidden under the puppet silk and the black widow's corpse.

This cut will definitely make the golden salmon splash with blood on the spot. However, the life-seeker's face darkened in the next second, and the knife was struck several times faster. Like golden sunlight, the burning aroma burst out. The salmon was half-cooked, but it was still close to death. Just one point away - but just a moment later, dark blue water flowed around the golden salmon, and it suddenly wrapped around the scepter and sword like a chain. The scepter blade fell, but it hit a dark orange scimitar that emerged from the dark blue pollution, making a sharp sound.

At the same time, the pollution in the dark blue water suddenly expanded and exploded, like a deep sea, revealing a very tall figure. His eyes were dark and cold, and he was holding a long knife, filled with evil energy. The special police goggles blocked the scorching sun, and the return knife cut down the sun pollution. , the blades connected with each other, causing the Sun Chain to make a sharp creaking sound. The explosive arm muscles tightened, and the Return Sword was suddenly raised from bottom to top, shaking open the long scepter, and a tall man in a powerful combat uniform stepped forward. , like a solid wall blocking the salmon.

An Xuefeng is here!

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