Thriller Tour Group

907 Plan to Save George (25) Playful Man...

"Who is that--?!"

"The psychic from Dongtu! What is he holding in his hand?"

"What is he going to do?!"

When the light path outside the Tower of Babel stabilized, while other tourist guides in Iceland were still watching the changes and weighing the pros and cons, several figures jumped out from their respective camps and flew towards the pollution-shrouded Tower of Babel without hesitation. Among them, the fastest first team includes Wan Xiangchun, who spreads the wings of the roc, Qi Lecheng, the flying hero who transforms into a three-legged golden crow, the White Chapel deputy team with the six wings of angels spread out behind him, and the mysterious pilot of the fire dragon. Learn from David.

There were also people from other brigade alliances flying toward the Tower of Babel light path, but none of them were as fast as them. However, even so, they were not the first to reach the light path - amidst the exclamations, a pearl-colored figure appeared and a ghost flashed to the Tower of Babel. It was the psychic! Wan Xiangchun was only one step slower than him on the way back, but with this step he successfully threw the sun pendant into the path of light, and then immediately turned around and retreated.

The speed at which the ghost exploded with all its strength was unparalleled. It all happened in an instant. Even the pollution effects of the close contact with the Tower of Babel did not erupt until the psychic returned to the camp. When he returned to the East Area Butcher Alliance camp, The psychic was covered in horrific pollution, eroding his body and spirit all the time. The pollution was so thick that even the alienated butchers around him had to step back. His tears dried up and his cries were choked. In the throat, the pollution from the Tower of Babel twisted the cry into laughter. The medium laughed uncontrollably, and everyone who laughed was horrified.

The powerful emotional influence caused the alienated butchers and tour guides behind the medium to start laughing. They were laughing with cries of ghosts and wolves, but their faces were full of tears and their eyes were horrified. They looked very twisted and weird. When they laughed, the corners of their mouths were cracked, their eyes were bleeding, and their chests were filled with tears. Severe pain, out of breath and almost suffocating. The psychic's situation wasn't much better either. His eyes were bleeding from laughter, but he didn't care and stared at the light path without blinking. The blood covered his eyes with scarlet, and he saw that the pure white light path also turned scarlet after he threw it into the sun pendant.

"A step too slow."

Wan Xiangchun returned to the east side of the ice cap opposite the Tower of Babel. This was the camp belonging to the strong men of the Homecoming and Sunset Brigade. Next to him was Feihong who was helping the Homecoming.

"It wasn't thrown into the light path, it was thrown into the crack."

The light path that had just turned scarlet instantly erupted with terrifying heat, as if it was in close contact with the sun. No one could withstand this explosive heat, not even David, who was contracted to the fire dragon. The few people who were very close to the light path were forced to retreat. Wan Xiangchun used his speed to plummet to the bottom of the Tower of Babel and successfully threw Da Xizhou's token into the crack.

The three-legged Golden Crow Qi Lecheng tried to attack the light path to destroy the sun pendant, but failed, and was forced back by the violent light path mixed with internal forces.

"The light path is not completely formed at all, and it is still a mess inside. It almost killed me."

The three-legged Golden Crow in the Phenom Brigade transformed into a human being. There were orange-red golden feathers on both sides of Qi Lecheng's cheeks. The power of the Golden Crow dissolved and devoured the scars left by the burning. The hotel cannot control the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, and the light path cannot penetrate the Tower of Babel. Unless it is a pioneer or someone who has fused the butterfly fragment, no one can invade the tower from the outside through the light path.

"He really chose this time..."

In the Occult Brigade, David looked at the scarlet-colored light path, with a rare cold and serious expression on his face. He looked at the path and then at the dark sky, seeming to be looking for the figure of the person in charge who came from the captain. He just glanced at it, and then began to wipe his staff with a cold and fierce fighting spirit.

Not far away, all the official team members at Whitechapel closed their eyes slightly and prayed devoutly. This is a liturgy that every member of the Whitechapel Brigade and the Red Bishop Brigade must perform before an important battle, a fierce battle in which they will be able to move forward without risking their lives. But the prayers could not cover up the laughter from the East End Butchers Alliance, nor could they dispel the increasingly scarlet light.

A devil's day.

It is scarlet blood, scarlet sunlight, and a scarlet cloak. Like a red sun, like a blood moon, it exuded something strange and ominous, like the ghost gate among the people was wide open, and a hundred ghosts were about to walk in the night. Finally, in an instant, as if they sensed something, the originally noisy crowd became It became quiet, until there was silence, and all you could hear was the laughing of the psychic, and the howling laughter of the East End butchers.



In the laughter, the psychic could hear his own deafening and crazy heartbeat, and——

[Brush la la——]

[Brush la la——]

The collision sound of chains being dragged came from a very far distance, accompanied by the faint sound of hymns, ringing outside and inside the Tower of Babel. Along with the sharply rising temperature, the beating scarlet The color is like blood. The fact that it can ring in the Tower of Babel without being distorted means that this sound is also contaminated, a pollution comparable to that of the Tower of Babel!

When the strands of light beams that penetrated the Tower of Babel turned scarlet, and when the sound of chains sounded, the faces of everyone present suddenly changed. The Yin-Yang Butterfly stared at the discolored light path in disbelief, as if stupid; the Silverfish lowered his head and backed away. After a few steps, he hid himself behind Dream Chaser. The werewolf Walker's wolf face was shocked and distorted, and he made a contaminated and blurred sound. Judging from the shape of his mouth, he should be cursing shit in disbelief; the face of the fire angel turned into astrologer He was cold and stern, his wings stretched out in front of Wei Xun, and his clenched fists showed that he was in a very uneasy mood. The other top travelers were either in disbelief or looked horrified, but they gathered together as if to jointly resist the terrible accident that followed.

At the center of this small group is the crystal dragon staring hard at the scarlet light. His crystal eyes are full of extreme vigilance and hostility. He arches his dragon wings to hide the white dove on his back, like a certain person. a stress response. But the white pigeon was not very obedient and insisted on sticking his head out from the gap between the dragon wings. He looked at the scarlet blood light with burning eyes. He saw that the devil merchant disappeared the moment the light path appeared. He must have returned. Hostel. When the light path turned scarlet, Wei Xun's heart was filled with emotion, and he immediately decisively recalled the Fenrir wolf to keep it away from Black Widow and George, and away from the light beam.

In the end, Wei Xun looked at Slice George, who was enveloped in a bloody light path. Everything happened too quickly and urgently. Slice George was already enveloped by the beam of light. No one could kill him instantly and destroy the beam of light, let alone stop the arrival of outsiders. Not even the Black Widow could no. I saw the powerful insect mother, half beauty, half spider, wearing a tour guide's cloak, flying towards the center of the broken beam, towards George who was enveloped and controlled by the beam.

She wanted to pull George into her arms, or she wanted to fly to George's side, but she was blocked by the beam of light. Finally, George leaned towards him, and they touched each other through the light beam in a twisted and tilted posture——

The black widow did not hesitate, her white hands grabbed George's throat, and the sharp spider forelimbs penetrated his collarbone to kill George. Only by slicing George's death could the damn light path be terminated!

...possible termination? Slice George didn't resist at all. He lowered his eyes and looked at the Black Widow with sad and gentle eyes. He saw tears of anxiety in her eyes that she didn't even notice. Then when George raised his eyes to look at the scarlet light path, all those soft emotions receded, leaving only coldness and anger in his eyes, but he couldn't do anything. He couldn't even completely control his soul. As the feeling of suffocation spread in his throat, Now he can only stand in front of Black Widow like a shield, and even his shield can't do anything-

【laugh! 】

The sword-like sharp weapon descended from the scarlet light beam, crashing down with an unparalleled sense of terrifying pressure and power! It shattered Black Widow's spider legs that stood up to wrap around Slice George, penetrated Slice George's chest, and pierced Black Widow's heart. And the falling 'sword' finally stopped falling and revealed its true appearance.

This is a scepter with a rich and luxurious Inca style. The staff penetrated the hearts of George and the Black Widow, and the eagle-like golden wings stretched out and embedded in George's chest, shining with brilliant golden light, like the wings of an angel. But what was surrounded in the center of the eagle wings, which were carved from gold, was not angels, but—


[Brush la la——]

The sound of heavy chains sounded again, and the golden chains wrapped around the scepter tightened suddenly, pulling the scepter out of their chests. In an instant, blood spurted out and blended together. The magnificent distorted music praising the sun came completely and resounded loudly in the scarlet light path. It instantly overwhelmed the surrounding twisted Tower of Babel pollution. In an instant, the scarlet light path was completely formed, and finally Completely running through the Tower of Babel, the original sea was dyed an ominous scarlet like blood.

The scepter being dragged upward by the golden chain was held by a slender and powerful hand wrapped around the chain, accompanied by the sound of the chain hitting.


The golden chains that originally represented restraint were broken and broken, full of traces of the sun's heat. The broken chains were stuck on the bloody cloak like gilded decorations, hanging between the scepter and the arm, hanging on the extremely wide and powerful demon. On the wings. The tour guide's cloak, which was as scarlet as blood, hung down, and an extremely tall figure loomed in the scarlet light path. His hair, which was as black as night, hung down. The golden mask covered his appearance, but it could not cover the deep, black and dark eyes. Blue eyes, and the terrifying pressure that came with him!

[I accepted the mission]

The cold and deep voice was accompanied by the sudden burst of sunlight. The blood holes in the chests of Black Widow and Slice George where the scepter penetrated instantly appeared twisted sun patterns. Black Widow tried her best to stop it, but the terrible strength gap made it impossible for her to resist. The ancient pollution of the Inca Sun Gate erupted, and the sun's lines shattered and exploded with majestic heat, burning the gurgling blood into ashes, burning their hearts and souls into ashes, leaving only the tightly dependent bodies.

At this moment, the pristine sea dried up, the pollution was completely out of control, and the entire Tower of Babel trembled violently, almost collapsing at this moment, but was forcibly held on the edge of destruction by the light path of the hotel.

[It has been confirmed that Slice George is confirmed dead and Black Widow is confirmed dead]

After the light path appeared, the announcement in the hotel became much clearer and resounded in everyone's minds!

[The completion rate of the beheading mission is 90%. George is not completely dead. Those who complete the mission will receive the Tower of Babel restored by the hotel, and all previous rewards will be superimposed...]

[The person who completed the beheading mission is - the life-seeking man! 】

The cheerful announcement in the hotel has not stopped, but the situation in the Tower of Babel has changed dramatically. The moment the Xi Mingren stepped out of the scarlet light path, the extremely oppressive figure teleported to the side of the crystal dragon, trying to catch the white pigeon protected by the dragon's wings. But when the Dream Chaser violently burst out Sahara pollution to kill the demon, the demon's tall figure was torn apart by the rolling black sand and slowly dissipated.

This is actually a phantom! How could it be so real? ! The dream chaser was shocked, the life-seeking man was much stronger than before, beyond his expectation! He felt a cold wind coming along with severe pain, his dragon wings were torn apart, and his back was completely empty. Crystal Dragon immediately found the real life-seeking person in the reality of the dream, but it was too late. A sad whale cry was heard from more than ten meters away. The huge killer whale was smashed into a puddle of mud by the sun scepter, while the tall demon wearing a scarlet cloak was holding a white dove in his hand.

The real George has not been completely killed, and the little thing resurrected by Wei Xun is still alive. The white dove that was carried by the dream chaser and flew up, changed from a sunbird to a white dove, was sheltered by the dream chaser, and guarded by An Xuefeng, seemed to be Wei Xun. The Lizard Duke never showed up again, and seemed to be protecting George. But true and false, false and true, who can be sure that the Lizard Duke will not betray him? Who can be sure that George cannot be turned into a white dove with Rocky's superb magic skills.

The superposition of multiple pollutions at 30 degrees north latitude makes all power auras confused, making it difficult to detect the traces of butterfly fragments. The Dreamer is kind and stupid, while the Lizard Duke is ambitious and uncontrollable. Entrusting George to the Dream Chaser, pretending that Wei Xun appears in front of others, while hiding himself and the Lizard Duke, is the safest and most risky approach.

It is better to kill by mistake than to let go. But when the pigeon lay on its back with its paws curled up in his hand, cooing and blinking at him, there would be no more mistakes in the perception of such a close distance, and the man's expression was stern.

This thing is Wei Xun.

And he smashed it in his hand and couldn't throw it away - he saw a rich blue color like a sea coming from the white pigeon, flowing out, like a chain to bind the wrist of the life-seeking person, it was An Xuefeng who pioneered Pollution in Daxizhou!

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