Thriller Tour Group

906 Saving George Plan (24) His Lordship

When the 'Dove of Peace' landed on Noah's Ark with an olive branch in its mouth, the originally balanced situation was broken by the instant door. Under the soft light of the Virgin Mary statue in front of the Ark, all the huge waves set off by the Black Widow ceased. The sea around Noah's Ark became as calm as a mirror, and the Holy Rockets shot by Slice George were also shot by Bingyi. The fallen angels stopped him. Michael even skillfully filled the falling holy rocket with small spiritual fire, and then used the magic sword to knock it back.

Slice George was very wary of the arrows stained with unknown flames, and for a while he dodged again and again. Without the huge waves and the Holy Rockets, there was no external force to stop Noah's Ark. The big ship was seen heading straight in the direction of the Black Widow. Wherever it went, the wind and waves were cut, and the water level of the primitive ocean in the distance was even higher. It was a rapid descent, and soon the water level dropped to the point where you could almost see the ground in several places.

The mother of dragons represents the primitive ocean. Once the primitive ocean is destroyed, the Black Widow will also be severely damaged. The superimposition of Noah's Ark and "Isaiah" recited by Dan Lin was too targeted for her, not to mention that she had just received an arrow from George Slice that penetrated her chest. The half-human, half-spider black widow on the sea was pale and looked extremely bad, but she remained calm and stared coldly at the approaching Noah's Ark.

Suddenly, the ship that was sailing smoothly suddenly shook, as if something had happened. Black Widow's eyes lit up, but the next moment her eyes darkened.


The killer whale transformed by An Xuefeng jumped out of the sea. The shaking of Noah's Ark turned out to be because of it. The body of the black and white door rolled in a circle above the sea, killing a group of half-dead sea snakes, moray eels and other dragon mothers. The believers threw themselves onto the ark. Black Widow wanted to send Dragon Mother followers to dive under the water and dig through the bottom of the ship. The plan to steal wages from the bottom of the cauldron failed! Nothing can stop Noah's Ark from marching towards them.


The fallen angels under Wei Xun no longer fought with Slice George but flew high into the sky, because the holy light emitted by Dan Lin's recitation of Isaiah could directly hurt the core spirit body of the fallen angels. The holy light shrouded the entire ship, and Sister Maria's body was even coated with a layer of BUFF-like golden light. The golden light turned into golden wings behind her, allowing her to fly up suddenly, carrying a huge cross and smashing into the black ship. widow.

Although it is impossible to speak harshly and raise authority in today's world where pollution is out of control and voices are distorted, the sound of Mary's voice reciting Isaiah still brought great pressure and she was not allowed to get close! A black mass of poisonous demonic insects was attracted by the black widow. Demonized water spiders as big as Asian elephants instantly covered the sea surface, and sprayed a large poisonous and sticky web at Maria, like a rain of nets, blocking the way. At the same time, Maria's poisonous abyss pollution on the Internet is still corroding her wings of Holy Light, making her lose her wings and fall from the sky!

But it was not only Maria who was attacked, but also the Yin-Yang Butterfly who had been alienated and returned to zero. Spiders are supposed to hunt butterflies, but now the food chain has reversed. The Yin-Yang butterfly is also the most powerful female insect. It flutters its wings and spreads poisonous scale powder that kills all the demonic insects and spiders on the sea. There is no way to stop Maria. The door speeded up, and the cross with the holy light slammed into the giant spider's front body with all its strength, breaking the black widow's spider forelimbs!

And at this same moment, Wei Xun's heart moved slightly. His old wounds that were still worsening suddenly accelerated their healing speed, and those powers that had not been completely integrated, such as the sun obtained from the Babylonian sun god Shamash, The authority is also accelerating to merge with his own solar authority.

The Babylonian sun god is different from the sun gods in other mythological systems. Just like the Icelandic sun god, he drives a sun chariot to pull the sun across the sky every day. The 'sun god' and the 'sun' are different concepts. The sun The authority of God and the authority of the sun are not the same thing.

But Babylon is different. The Babylonian sun god is the sun itself. Every morning, the Babylonian sun god leaps up from the mountain in the east and walks into the sky, driving a golden chariot into the sky. At night, he disappears underground in the west and travels through underground passages. To the east of the mountain, the sun rises again the next day*, the sun god himself is the sun, and their authority is merged into one.

In other words, after integrating the power of the Babylonian sun, Wei Xun can take another sun in the mythological system into his bag. This is not a simple matter. Although Wei Xun currently has all the authority of Apsu, his own divine authority is still dominated by Loki from Icelandic mythology and Satan from Hebrew mythology. If he wants to integrate the authority of another mythological system, it will be difficult to This is a difficult task, requiring careful and careful balancing of different mythological systems.

But now when Wei Xun merged with the authority of the Babylon Sun, it was like water and milk. It was very easy and smooth. It was obviously with external help.

‘The hotel issued a reward’

Wei Xun said to An Xuefeng: "We are regarded as one party by the hotel."

An Xuefeng and Danlin's camp severely damaged the Black Widow's power and wanted to kill her. This operation was in line with the killing mission issued by the hotel, and the hotel would reward her generously. Even though the hotel reward prompts cannot come to Babylon now, and it is difficult to airdrop props, the benefits given are all real.

This is why Wei Xun let the Yin Yang Butterfly join the battle, and An Xuefeng also actively eliminated the moray eels and sea snakes that tried to destroy Noah's Ark. He reached an agreement with Dan Lin, not only to compete with the phantom cat for control of the Tower of Babel, but also because when Fenrir Wolf stood behind the black widow to protect her, the Lizard Duke was the "resolute executor of the mission to kill the widow" I can't wear the villain mask at all.

Especially now that Cen Qin has been sent to fish, if all the tourist guides in the Tower of Babel are rebellious and do not do the killing mission, then... the consequences will be quite serious.

The previous thunder strikes were just a warning from the hotel, and their souls were still under the control of the hotel. Once the hotel believes that this group of tourist guides has failed to ‘train’ and should be eliminated, the consequences will be disastrous.

Before you can truly and completely gain control, you still need to hibernate.

The hotel will not only reward the Danlin camp, but also punish the Slice George camp. During the melee, a sky-shattering mysterious thunder struck the devil merchant so hard that Wei Xun was instantly paralyzed, and the whole bird almost rolled down the dream chaser's dragon spine. This is the phantom cat on top of the Devil Merchant's head. It resisted most of the lightning strikes, and a small part was reflected back to Wei Xun, which is enough to show the terror of this thunder. If it all struck the Devil Merchant, the ghost would probably be chopped into a plume of gray smoke. .

Even so, his situation is extremely bad at the moment, which indirectly affects Slice George, who is controlled by the phantom cat and him. George, who had been able to barely dodge the Holy Light Chain, froze up. The chain caught his throat and wings, and a few of his shining feathers were dragged down. The angel was dragged down by the Holy Light Chain. !

Seeing that the situation seemed to have turned in their favor, Wei Xun became more and more nervous. The shaking and collapse of the Tower of Babel continued, but Wei Xun focused his attention on the bottom of the sea. He vaguely felt a trace of extreme terror. The sense of danger of death was spreading from the depths of the seabed, revealing a frightening sense of collapse and distortion. Hei Cenqin, who was monitoring the seabed, also sensed something was wrong and issued a warning to Wei Xun.

The increasing number of space door cracks at the bottom of the Tower of Babel can easily confuse people's perception, but based on the news An Xuefeng just told him, this sense of danger and destruction does not just come from the space door cracks.

‘The pollution at the ruins is too strong, not only the petals are polluted... The risk of Taoist Master Kongkong’s soul coming out is too great’

What An Xuefeng said before echoed in Wei Xun's ears. These words made Wei Xun change his color at that time. How strong was the pollution that even Taoist Master Kong Kong who had swallowed flower petals alive could not withstand it? What else is there besides petal pollution? The butterfly fragments have been collected by him, so they shouldn’t be contaminated by the abyss——

'The Tower of Babel has been weak in recent years, and the petal pollution and the pollution of the 30th North Latitude have been out of balance. Now the Tower of Babel is on the verge of destruction and changing its course...'

An Xuefeng was in a very solemn mood at that time, and even cursed: "Petal pollution is probably going to corrode a hole in the Tower of Babel, and it may corrode to the deepest level and become the real source of pollution on the journey to the 30th degree north latitude."

The real source of pollution? Wei Xun remembered what the puppet master had said about 'the reasons for the journey to explore the 30th North Latitude'. At first, she said that this was most likely just to find an excuse for herself to join the Bingyi camp, but who would have thought that what she said would actually come true. Really.

If this pollution source can lead to a highly polluting journey along the line of 30 degrees north latitude from generation to generation, then how powerful is its own pollution! When Wei Xun thought of this, the hairs on his spine stood up instinctively, and the butterfly fragments in his heart were also restless. The instinctive hostility and displeasure from the butterfly fragments made Wei Xun frown.

This source of pollution is definitely heavyweight. Once it occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable. Is there a reason why the hotel has always wanted to protect the Tower of Babel? It did not hesitate to expend its strength to send so many strong men into the tower, almost saying "Save the Tower of Babel" was written on its face.

‘You want to protect the tower? ’

Wei Xun asked, but he felt that there was no point in protecting the tower in this situation. As long as they took away the petals, the pollution of the Tower of Babel would be completely unbalanced. Even if he doesn't take away the petals, there is still a problem... Wei Xun found that he couldn't get the butterfly fragments from the Tower of Babel! You can obviously feel its existence, and you can obviously use its pollution, but it is impossible to take it out of the human skin map, as if it has been swallowed up by the token from the tomb of the Tusi King.

Without the butterfly fragments, the pollution at the Tower of Babel at 30 degrees north latitude is destined to get out of control. Unless the Tower of Babel falls into Wei Xun's hands, it cannot be saved.

‘Originally, I would have saved it if I could, but the current situation can no longer leave anything to chance. ’

An Xuefeng was categorical, and what he said shocked Wei Xun: "I don't intend to protect the tower. The people who are interested in life not only want to seize the petals, but careful!" ’

【careful! 】

The dream chaser's high-pitched dragon roar sounded, followed by the extremely harsh sound of sharp arrows piercing the air. A very powerful pressure hit everyone on the ark, but what hit was not sharp arrows, but long-lasting arrows. The jet-black spider has long legs full of razor-sharp bristles! In just a few dozen seconds of communication between Wei Xun and An Xuefeng, the situation of the battle changed again. Slice George was pulled by the chain of Holy Light and fell, but the direction of the fall was towards the Black Widow.

No one would have thought that the black widow who was fighting Maria suddenly raised a spider forelimb to block the cross that Maria had smashed down with all her strength. At the cost of breaking her leg, she smashed the spider that had been broken before. Long leg throw to Slice George! At this moment, their cooperation was extremely tacit. George grabbed the chain of holy light that bound him, and Chen Xi's wings behind him suddenly trembled, briefly suppressing Dan Lin's light with his own holy light. Then he turned light into a huge bow, and used the black widow's huge spider legs that were still bleeding as arrows to shoot towards the ark!

Such a bloody and brutal attack is actually the combined skill of Black Widow and George. This weird and bloody ‘long arrow’ is not only terrifying because of the contaminating power of the Black Widow insect’s parent segment, but also terrifying because of the contamination caused by the director of S3! The black widow has eight long spider legs, which can be turned into up to eight 'arrows', but in fact, there are not so many. George shot an arrow down and hit the bow of the ship. The bow of the ship shone with light, making it a perfect virgin that even the Holy Rockets could not do anything about. The statue was shattered by an arrow; when the Black Widow threw her second long leg that was broken by Maria to George, George used it as an arrow and the second arrow hit the hull of the ship, and the originally sturdy Noah's Ark It actually trembled and cracked, and although it didn't disintegrate, it started to seep!

Just two arrows severely damaged the Ark, but when everyone's attention was attracted by Black Widow and Slice George, the cracked Ark suddenly dimmed, and the eerie and cold ghost mist spread at an extremely fast speed, and there were ghosts. Do evil! Yin Qiaoqiao noticed it immediately and smashed the ghost mist with a wail of mourning stick, but failed to stop the ghost ship from assimilating into Noah's Ark.

[Captain Ghost! 】

The dream chaser was furious, and the dragon wings suddenly flew down and shattered most of the precarious ark. The power of the dream immediately wrapped the Danlin that stood on the bow of the ship. The great leader Jia Er was so powerful that all the power of the undead within the influence of the dream was swept away, but the damage Dan Lin originally suffered was difficult to heal. After Maria flew out to fight the Black Widow, Yu Xiangyang and Werewolf Walker took her place and guarded Dan Lin. They both immediately protected Dan Lin. However, at this moment, Dan Lin was in a special holy state. In an instant, the door was contaminated by the power of the undead and dragged away from the underworld door!

In fact, with Dan Lin's power, he shouldn't be able to fight back. After all, he has gained a lot in Iceland, his strength has improved rapidly, and the Holy Light can restrain the power of the undead.

The problem was that all his energy was spent on reciting "Isaiah", and he even had a soul resonance with Isaiah in the body of the Holy Spirit. He did this in order to control Slice George and Black Widow as quickly as possible, and also wanted to take this opportunity to completely master the first half of Isaiah - the most important volume of Isaiah as the Great Prophet, usually in Whitechapel Only the captain is qualified to continue studying.

Dan Lin was extremely talented, and he was going to participate in a very important warm-up competition, so Whitechapel made an exception and allowed him to get this book in advance. Unexpectedly, when the confrontation came to an end, the battlefield was moved to the Tower of Babel. What Isaiah predicted in the first half of the book (chapters 1 to 39) was the coming of the righteous king, the destruction of the city of Babylon, the judgment and punishment of evildoers, and the redemption of the pious. believer!

The opportunity must never come again. Dan Lin seems to be reciting Isaiah, but in fact he is actually completing the 're-enactment' of Isaiah. Once the re-enactment is completed, the book will completely belong to him, and he will truly obtain the prophecy. strength!

The Ghost Captain took advantage of this loophole. The second half of Isaiah's book (chapters 40 to 66) predicted that Christ would die to redeem mankind, and then the Kingdom of God would continue to expand its territory under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and finally create Out of the new world*, since you, Danlin, want to repeat the prophecy of Isaiah, the ghost captain will go with the flow and directly send Danlin to 'die' and then send him to the gate of the underworld.

Unless Dan Lin wants to destroy this book, he can't forcefully terminate the reenactment and return! Dan Lin's body, protected by the dream chaser, was not harmed, but his eyes were closed and his soul was no longer in his body.

Of course it would be a good thing to be able to reenact the entire Isaiah. If Dan Lin's prophecy ability really turns out to be second only to the astrologer! But at this juncture, Dan Lin 'disappeared', and An Xuefeng would lose the right to compete for the petals unless he could get another White Church Saint.

The Ghost Captain is a member of the Devourers, and the Devourers have a close relationship with the Life-Haunters. Dan Lin's 'disappearance' is the Phantom Cat's counterattack.

Even if the dream chaser severely injures the ghost captain in anger, banishing him to the nightmare will not help. Maria, who was fighting on the front line, had no choice but to come back and put away Noah's Ark, which was on the verge of being broken. Yin Yang Butterfly, who was fighting alone, also returned to Wei Xun. After Dan Lin and Maria retreated, Slice George and Black Widow recovered their strength quickly, especially Black Widow. In just a short moment, Black Widow's two broken spider legs grew back. Babylonian mythology and Hebrew mythology have always been at odds with each other. This time they 'defeated' the Holy Spirit and the nuns, the feedback power Black Widow received was even greater.

Her momentum, which had been declining, soared again, and her power was as powerful as the terrifying oppressive power she had in her prime!

White Pigeon Wei Xun landed on An Orca, feeling that the speed of integrating authority suddenly slowed down, and his mood was relatively calm. The mission to weaken and kill the Black Widow failed, and her strength almost returned to its peak. Even if the hotel would not take back the rewards it had given out before, it would never give more to Wei Xun and the others. There may even be more oppressive tasks issued in the future depending on the situation.

Wei Xun and the others still have George here, and they can restart the fight, but Wei Xun and An Xuefeng agree that it is too dangerous for him to appear now, so they should wait and see what the Phantom Cat will do next, especially since the ghost captain has appeared. But there is no slime on his shoulder, and Heydrich is missing, which is really worrying - huh? !

Wei Xun, who was always paying attention to the movements of the Devil Merchant, focused his eyes. Just now, the phantom cat that had been squatting on top of the Devil Merchant suddenly disappeared!

Where did it go? To kill the Black Widow? Wei Xun immediately contacted the Devil Merchant. Previously, the Devil Merchant asked the Undead Monarch to bring him a message, saying that if Bingyi forcibly recalled the phantom cat queen, he would use the last soul thorn to completely slice George up and lead the way down to take him away. he. At that time, Wei Xun suspected that the phantom cat was the one who could spread the words of the undead monarch. Now that the phantom cat suddenly disappeared, he was even more aware of the conspiracy.

Especially when Wei Xun discovered that the ghost captain had forcibly summoned all the undead in the sea when he controlled the ark, so that he could not immediately send a message to the devil merchant. When Wei Xun saw the Devil Merchant from afar raising the Soul Spike Void to stab George Slice, everything was a foregone conclusion!


Amidst the vibrations coming from the extremely distant void, a huge beam of light reaching all over the sky is about to descend on the Tower of Babel. Wisps of light fell down, like prisons made of light, but they never truly condensed into a path of light. Even now that the Tower of Babel is so dilapidated, the hotel is still unable to extend its rules to the journey to the 30th degree north latitude. It has even received more restrictions due to the uncontrolled pollution of the riots, and even the light path cannot be completely condensed.

So why did the Phantom Cat deliberately design the situation to develop like this? The only thing that can resist the pollution of 30 degrees north latitude is the abyss or the 30 degrees north latitude. For a moment, the guard thought of something. That thought made his heart beat wildly, and the butterfly fragments in his chest made a noise, until he was thrown up by the killer whale's tail fin. Toward Dream Chaser's back, An Xuefeng's voice rang in his ears.

[The clay puppet will not be saved, but I will soon——]

He couldn't finish what he said, because in an instant, the sound of the hotel's announcement came to the depths of the souls of every tour guide and tourist, covering all sounds. The announcement was intermittently distorted due to the influence of pollution. The words were unwritten, but it carried a decisive murderous aura. The will of the hotel was imprinted on the minds of all the strong men through soul connections.

Kill the Black Widow and kill George Slice. Those who complete the task will receive the most glorious reward - the hotel will rebuild the Tower of Babel with the power in the hotel, and reward the 30th North Latitude journey to those who complete the task!

This task is released in a very wide range. As long as the tourist guide is strong enough, it can be accepted. Not only the strong people inside the Tower of Babel, but also the strong people outside the Tower of Babel can accept the task. Moreover, this mission has a very high degree of immunity. Even if someone is traveling at the moment, the hotel can suspend the journey and bring that person to Iceland. At this moment, outside the Tower of Babel, in the wind and clouds of Iceland at the end of winter, Babel is on the verge of destruction. The tower may have an irreversible impact on the entire region. The hotel issued a summons to the top ten brigades in the east and west areas and the top ten tour guide alliances, and sent a special plane to take them to Iceland.

Not only that, once the Tower of Babel is destroyed, it may involve ultimate pollution. In addition to these peak experts, the hotel has also summoned several deputy speakers, members of parliament, and rotating directors. In order to prevent pollution from disturbing the Tower of Babel, they are all waiting in the hotel. , once a tragedy occurs, the hotel will send them to Iceland as soon as possible to prevent the spread of pollution.

Not far from the Tower of Babel, the East District Butchers Alliance stood quietly in groups under the leadership of the psychic. Pollution caused the butchers and guides to become alienated one after another. The different forms of alienation made their place look particularly terrifying and ferocious, and they were incompatible with the psychic at the front. The hands of the ghostly alienated medium have turned into pearl color, and in his left hand is the dark green letter from the Devourer, while in his right hand hidden in the sleeve is the sun pendant.

The indescribable excitement made him shed pearl-colored tears indifferently. His eyes soaked with tears could see through the thick pollution barrier shrouded outside the Tower of Babel, and could clearly see the path of light that had already arrived but could not completely penetrate the Tower of Babel.

In a sense, slicing the light path can lead to the hotel, which is a bridge connecting the hotel and the journey. Since it is a bridge, it can of course also transport people outside the journey to the journey. But it is so difficult to go to the Tower of Babel through the light path. The light path in the Tower of Babel has not been formed at all! Unless there are pioneers from the 30th North Latitude or people who have fused the butterfly fragments, they can suppress the pollution of the Tower of Babel and allow the light path of the hotel to be formed, so that you can enter the Tower of Babel through it.

For example - his lord.

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