Thriller Tour Group

905 Plan to Save George (23) Strike first...


Noah's Ark, which can withstand the apocalyptic flood, was bumping thrillingly in the turbulent sea, sometimes being swallowed by the waves and sometimes being thrown on top of the waves. In just a short period of time, it was on the verge of despair several times and was surrounded by dangers. Although this Noah's Ark is definitely the most powerful item at the pinnacle level, it can even be said to be invincible. It can stand firm even in the doomsday flood and drift on the big water until the flood recedes. But whether the various items can give full play to their full potential Power also depends on whether the user meets the conditions.

The astrologers were always closely observing the battle situation and whispering to Wei Xun. This Noah's Ark is a mythological prop, which usually involves a 're-enactment'. In mythology, it carries countless male and female pairs of animals in the world, and Noah's family, so the more you use it, the more The more it conforms to the description in the myth, the more its power can be stimulated, and it can even perform beyond normal capabilities.

‘David considered renting Noah’s Ark from Whitechapel when he went to Raleye on his way home’

The astrologer said: ‘In the end, I borrowed Fengdu’s incense ghost ship and the ghost captain’s ghost ship. ’

Although if Noah's Ark were to carry a boatload of animals, its defense would be so amazing that it could even break into Atlantis, but a place like R'lyeh is too polluted, and by then all the animals on the boatload would probably be polluted and deformed. , but not as useful as Incense Ghost Ship and Ghost Ship.

Now there are only Holy Spirit George and Sister Mary on Noah's Ark. There are not many animals. The defense is probably only more than half of what it was in its heyday. It is very embarrassed and dangerous in the stormy waves caused by the black widow, but in the eyes of astrologers , Dan Lin and the others were not in a desperate situation.

"An Xuefeng can transform into many animals. He can carry a boat by himself, but it's a pity that he can only transform into male animals."

Wei Xun joked that even the phantom cats stepped on the devil merchant's head, so An Xuefeng must be on Dan Lin's side as well. Of course, he said this just as a joke. The real reason why Noah's Ark was not in critical condition was because of the cooperation between Slice George and Black Widow.

In fact, this is very obvious. Wei Xun has long seen it. One represents Babylon and the other represents Hebrew. They are two opposing camps. When the water flooded Noah's Ark, the waves raised by the Black Widow could extinguish the holy fire that George Slice had just lit on the big ship. When the waves tossed Noah's Ark, the holy fire lit by George Slice could dry up the seawater accumulated in the cabin.

They are not so much cooperating as they are holding back each other. After Black Widow joined the battle, except that the waves were a little louder and the Ark was tossed around a little more thrillingly, overall, the effect may not be as good as just slicing George alone.

It was impossible for Black Widow not to see it, and Wei Xun suspected that she did it on purpose. But what good would that do to her? Wei Xun could understand why Black Widow teamed up with Slice George to kill Dan Lin and the others in the first place. Leaving aside the Phantom Cat and An Xuefeng who were actually behind the scenes, the old grudge between Black Widow and White Church was one of the reasons Dan Lin recited. "Isaiah" is the second one. The "Bright Star, Son of the Morning" he chanted was originally intended to be a satire on the King of Babylon. Later generations passed down and evolved to refer to Lucifer, the angel of the morning. One sentence can not only target George, but also suppress her Black Widow and Bing. One Babylon.

If Dan Lin really wants to kill George Slice, even if half of the meaning of this sentence has come true, the power of the words will not just be doubled. If Dan Lin wants to use this sentence against Babylon again, That would definitely be an extremely difficult enemy.

Strike first to gain advantage, strike later to suffer disaster. If Wei Xun were to stand in the Black Widow's position, he would definitely target Dan Lin first. At most, he would have a private chat with An Xuefeng, but he would not take Dan Lin lightly. They just cooperate with each other according to the situation, and this relationship can break down at any time due to changes in the situation. Dan Lin is an ambitious person, and Babylon was brought out by the betrayed former Holy Son George, which means a lot to Whitechapel. extraordinary. When huge interests are placed in front of them, people can be crazy about them. Whitechapel is the first brigade in the Western District. There are people behind Dan Lin, so there is no need to worry about so much.

Even so, why did Black Widow deliberately slow down the suppression of Danlin's forces?

'She did it on purpose'

On Wei Xun's little finger, the puppet thread disguised as a string moved. The black widow hated the puppet master deeply, and the puppet master also needed time to digest the fragments of fertility authority to regain strength, so when the golden dragon and crystal dragon came to Wei Xun, she retreated and hid behind everyone. But to show her sincerity in cooperation, she left a piece of her core puppet silk with Wei Xun so that she could contact him in time.

Regarding Black Widow's actions, the Puppet Master believed that she had a strong say. After all, she was too familiar with the scene before her. When she controlled George and planned to seize the Tower of Babel, she was plotted by Black Widow like this!

'She is a madman. Instead of seeing George fall into the hands of others and be manipulated by others, she would rather kill him'

The puppet master said categorically: 'I think she is deliberately joining forces with Slice George to delay the fight until George regains some consciousness, or the controller is greedy and wants to catch all the Black Widows and send George to her side. , she would immediately turn against him and kill George! ’

At that time, she was... thinking about spreading the puppet silk to the Black Widow, so that the success rate of the Tower of Babel would be higher. Just half push and half push, George regained some consciousness and let the black widow snatch him back. The Puppet Master reviewed it countless times afterwards. She believed that she had taken a big risk. After all, George's Holy Light title power could restrain her, and George's strength was even more impressive. Coupled with the relief of the Black Widow, she could completely The possibility of getting rid of the puppet silk control is really not small, even more than half.

If the black widow had not been infected with puppet silk before this, it would have been all in vain. But for the journey to the 30th North Latitude, the Puppet Master decided to take a risk and take a gamble!

But who knew that Black Widow didn’t take any risks and directly killed George and destroyed her core puppet silk! This caused the puppet master to be seriously injured and recuperate for several years. It was also so incredible that she couldn't understand it. She even wondered if the Black Widow had already disliked George and wanted to kill him to gain the Tower of Babel? Did you rush to make a knife for Black Widow?

However, the Black Widow continued to resurrect George for ten years and the Puppet Master couldn't stop it. The previous Black Widow's direct murder had left such a shadow on her that the Puppet Master had to secretly doubt why she wanted to resurrect George. Is it sincere, or is it because without George, she cannot completely control the journey to the Tower of Babel?

There must be some legitimate reason. There can't be any love saints in a place like a hotel!

【She is still so good】

Under the dark cloak, the little owl sighed against Wei Xun's finger, and George's voice rang in Wei Xun's mind. Wei Xun would not just believe the words of the puppet master. While contacting An Xuefeng and the devil businessman, he collected evidence from many sources and told George about the current situation.

George understood immediately.

[She knows that if ‘I’ kill someone from Whitechapel while I’m unconscious, I will definitely regret it in pain]

【She never wants to embarrass me】

In George's view, the Black Widow was delaying for his own sake, to give the sliced ​​'him' time to regain his sanity. A tour guide with a deep connection always understands the other person’s thoughts best. In George’s view, Black Widow’s actions will make those behind the scenes think that her feelings for George are sincere and crazy. After all, after so many years of experience, no one can deny that Black Widow’s love for George. George's persistence.

Babylon is currently too chaotic and must be resolved quickly. If the Black Widow inadvertently prolongs the battle line, one can allow Slice George to regain as much self-control as possible, and the other may force the manipulator behind the scenes to send Slice George to Black Widow's side. Although they are in conflict with each other, their deep connection allows them to cooperate against the enemy. As long as they are close enough, the originally opposing forces can be integrated together.

At that time, they can work together to overturn Noah's Ark, destroy the book of "Isaiah", and force Whitechapel out of the game. Then, at such a close distance, Black Widow was able to poison Slice George to death in one bite, ruining the plan of the manipulator behind it.

In this way, the goal is achieved and the best of both worlds is obtained.

‘That’s still considered your slice’

After hearing what George said, Wei Xun was silent for a moment and said tactfully: 'If the slice is also alive, the possibility of your resurrection is higher. Since you have a chance to regain your sanity, why not give it a try? ’

Wei Xun used the water flow to successfully contact the undead monarch secretly released by the devil merchant. Not to mention how the devil merchant fell into the hands of the phantom cat and how he cut George. Their joint may be discovered by the phantom cat at any time. The undead monarch will make a long story short.

The Devil Merchant was not Wei Xun. He used so many soul thorns to cut George's own strength countless times and even damaged his foundation. The reason why he is now transformed into a ghost state is not only because his SAN value is extremely low, but also because he can no longer maintain the state of a living person, which is basically equivalent to 'death'! Although these things can be cured after returning to the hotel, if he continues like this, he will die here before returning to the hotel!

When George Slice appeared, the hotel had not yet sent out a light path. This was because the Devil Merchant had not yet planted the last soul thorn. The Devil Merchant hoped to cooperate with Bingyi so that when Bingyi forcibly recalled the phantom cat, he would immediately plant the last soul thorn. With one stab, George will be completely cut off, leading to the hotel's light path. Once the hotel intervenes, neither the terrifying phantom cat nor the sliced ​​George can cause trouble anymore, and he can return to the hotel as a matter of course!

In the eyes of the devil businessman, Bingyi's mental illusion is more terrifying than a terrorist, and it is absolutely abnormal. It is a good thing for them to let the hotel intervene, but Wei Xun knows what the phantom cat is, not to mention him and the phantom cat. It's almost impossible to forcefully summon them now that they've basically lost contact, not to mention the unresolved issues of Hua Petal and George's resurrection. We must not let the hotel get involved now, it's too early.

Wei Xun was even doubtful that the Undead Lord could hide the secret from the phantom cat and reveal it to him. How could the phantom cat not find out? If it deliberately let the Undead Monarch come through the letter, did it want to use his hand to facilitate this matter, or to ruin it? But this thought only flashed through Wei Xun's mind and was dismissed by Wei Xun. His past experiences kept him alert. Once you start to guess what your eldest brother is thinking, you fall into his plan.

Like George is saying now.

‘How can I be sure that the ‘reason’ I have recovered is my own ‘reason’? ’

George smiled good-naturedly and asked: 'Once you are infected with the puppet master's puppet thread, you will never get rid of it completely. But now, the person who controls my slice is even more able to tease fate. My Lord is sacred and my heart is pure. Instead of being tainted and twisted in the future, it is better to cut it off and be reborn from the ashes.'

'Just like Michael who was tamed by you, he certainly wouldn't have thought that the little flame that could pray would eventually lead to his fall.'

Wei Xun:...Huh?

Wei Xun had to be in awe of George, so George just didn't take the risk that he was not purely being manipulated, so he just teamed up with the black widow to kill himself? What kind of anti-gambling ambassador is this? I heard Wei Xun scold him. The puppet master said that Black Widow is extreme. In Wei Xun's opinion, George is also quite extreme in this regard, but that's right. After all, this is a deep connection guide tour, not a family. Don't enter a house.

'But her plan can succeed against the puppet master, but against... it may be exploited'

George solemnly said: 'We must first force out Slice George's backhand. I want to go to this battlefield. Please send me to your Danlin side.'

‘It’s inappropriate for you to show up now’

Wei Xun shook his head. George was his trump card. Once exposed in advance, it would be difficult for subsequent plans to succeed. However, what he said made sense. After thinking briefly, Wei Xun said: "I can change you into something different."

Although he is used to being Apsu here, Wei Xun has not forgotten his old profession. Loki is a cunning magician who is best at turning himself or others into small animals.

The Holy Fire fell like a meteor in the huge waves, and Noah's Ark struggled to sail on the waves. It was like a small boat that was tormented and toyed by the huge waves. It might capsize at any time in the terrifying waves——

However, a quarter of an hour has passed since this 'any time', and Noah's Ark is still bumping on the waves. It looks embarrassed, but it also lets the onlookers know that this game seems to have a huge disparity in strength, but at a certain point To a certain extent, they are fairly evenly matched.

Everyone present had various thoughts, but they did not rashly intervene in the battle. The vast majority of people are waiting, not for Whitechapel and Black Widow George to suffer defeat, but for one person to make a choice.

Finally, when the frightening furry giant butterfly (Yin-Yang Butterfly) flew across the angry sea and flew towards the Ark; when the huge black wolf (Werewolf Walker) crossed the waves and climbed onto the Ark in three vertical and two leaps; when the red dog-like The bird walked across the bottom of the sea, when the woolen jersey fish floated across the sea, and finally when the crystal dragon soared from the vast sea, shattering the rain curtain and flying towards Noah's Ark floating in the waves, devouring the sacred rocket arrows in the dream, and the back was Everyone was shocked when they held the sunbird emitting scorching light.

Bingyi made a choice, he chose Wei Xun (An Xuefeng)! Even if it was expected, it was also reasonable. Just like the Dragon Mother chose George, 'Apsu' also chose his traveler. When the dream chaser carried the sunbird and landed on the ship, and when the sunbird turned into a white dove in front of everyone, holding a green olive branch in its beak, everyone knew that the seemingly balanced The situation will change immediately.

Most people who are familiar with mythology know that when Noah released a dove on the ship and the dove brought back an olive branch, it meant that the flood had receded and the earth was rejuvenated.

Sure enough, when the dove landed on Noah's Ark, the statue of the Virgin in front of the Ark lit up with a soft light, and the turbulent seawater in the distance of the ship was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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