Thriller Tour Group

904 Saving George Plan (22) Nutrient Solution 305+……

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Seeing the sharp arrow of Holy Light shooting out at the Black Widow's head, it was clear that George could not speak, but Wei Xun felt his strong anxiety and worry, as well as his strong hostility towards 'George' who dared to hurt the Black Widow. The holy light that made the devil feel uncomfortable and hot around him suddenly surged. With the strong wind blown by the angel's wings, the angel flew extremely fast, not to mention that the angel of dawn had the speed of light.

The anxious George wanted to fly over and help Black Widow block the Holy Light Arrow, but Wei Xun quickly grabbed the wings and stopped him in place. Before he could say anything more, Wei Xun stirred up the abyss water that reached his waist with his hand, and raised his hand. Splash, the next second I saw a water curtain suddenly appeared in front of the black widow in the distance, blocking the light arrow that was so close. The power of the abyss in the water curtain wiped away the holy light, and the remaining pitch black water ball was like a shield. Surround Black Widow and be wary of subsequent attacks.

This is the mutual help between the most primitive gods Dragon Mother and Apsu. Fresh water and salt water are compatible with each other. The danger of death is temporarily lifted, but the new appearance of 'George' makes Wei Xun feel bad. He pulled George over and rubbed him. George, whose original shape had not yet completely stabilized, turned back into an owl and was hidden in his cloak by Wei Xun.

Michael and other seven fallen angels flew in the direction of Babylon under the instruction of Wei Xun. The person in charge, Cen Qin, monitored more and more space cracks in the deep water to delay the invasion of Babylon by outsiders, while Yu Xiangyang, Yin Yang Butterfly, and Puppet The master and the others came to Wei Xun's side at Wei Xun's signal. Wei Xun raised the black-blue scepter formed by the power of fresh water and the abyss. He dipped the end of the scepter into the water and swirled it, stirring up a huge vortex in the water that could wrap everyone around him.

Everyone restrained their instinct of resistance, held their breath and allowed themselves to be swallowed by the vortex. The next moment, I felt like the world was spinning. The air around me felt cold and salty, the waves crashed, and in front of me was the huge wave that lifted up the black widow. The whirlpool stirred up by Wei Xun sent them directly to the 'primordial ocean' where the Black Widow was!

And when they arrived, the scene had new changes.

【Bright Star, Son of the Morning. 】

A dazzling holy light no less than that of 'Angel George' lit up in the darkness, causing the angel flying high in the sky to look down indifferently, and saw an extremely huge ship on the rough primitive ocean. The head sculpture is shrouded in a hazy and holy white light, and it turns out to be a statue of the Virgin. Sister Maria stood at the bow of the boat, standing respectfully behind a man.

At this moment, Dan Lin transformed into the Holy Spirit, his whole body glowing with golden light. He held an open ancient book in his hand and solemnly recited "Isaiah".

‘This is Noah’s Ark’

The astrologer solemnly whispered to Wei Xun: "I didn't expect Dan Lin to bring it too."

It seems that Whitechapel is bound to win the Tower of Babel. Not only did they bring Noah's Ark, but they also brought the original version of "Isaiah" that was extremely restrained by 'George'!

【Why did you fall from the sky? How come you, the conqueror of nations, are cut down to the ground? ! 】

Although the original text of "Isaiah" was meant to satirize the failure of the King of Babylon, in later generations this sentence was widely used to mock the fall of Lucifer, the angel of the morning. Although this is essentially a misinformation, It has spread far and wide and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Human cognition and consciousness are power. This original sentence is extremely aimed at George, who restrained the title of Angel of the Morning.

As Dan Lin chanted, the golden holy light shot towards George in the sky like a sharp arrow, and then suddenly bent when it came close to him. The holy light could not hurt the angel, but it would wrap around George's hands and legs like a chain. The six wings on his neck want to drag him down! Naturally, George would not sit still and wait for death. He shot back arrows while dodging. Compared with his hard power, the Holy Light Chain recited by Dan Lin is still weaker, but with the help of Isaiah's original text, just like Taoist Master Kong Kong reciting the "Qing Jing Sutra", he can become the Holy Son of Whitechapel. With Dan Lin's chanting skills behind him, the chain of holy light he transformed was blessed by the original text, and Maria contributed her power to him. For a moment, he was on par with George, and the two were in a stalemate!

Seeing that the situation had stabilized for the time being, Wei Xun moved his fingers in his cloak slightly and stroked George, who had turned into an owl. He could feel the owl heaving a sigh of relief, with complicated emotions. If he came back here in the form of an angel, he would probably be attacked indiscriminately by the Holy Light Chain. To this day, George still has complicated feelings for Whitechapel. He betrayed Whitechapel and became a false angel, but his faith has always been Being pious, he also felt guilty about the dialogue with the church, and mostly avoided it.

Now that I can 'see' the old person, I am sincerely happy, but I am more worried about the Black Widow's situation.

Whether it is the real Son or the false Angel of Dawn, they all represent the Hebrew mythology of destroying Babylon. The appearance of the Holy Son and 'George' is definitely not a coincidence. There must be a power struggle behind them, but they are probably both in the opposite camp to the Black Widow.

It wasn't until he felt the power fluctuations coming to his surroundings that George came back to his senses and pecked Wei Xun's finger to remind him, and the next moment there was a sound.

[Oh, the great god of the abyss finally came to save his wife]

The roar of the dragon seems to be getting deeper and deeper amidst the noisy rainstorm and waves, but the spiritual voice of the dragon language that rings in people's ears is deafening, making people's brains buzz, and the strange and sinister tone is particularly obvious. When the golden dragon, which was several times larger than a normal person, suddenly landed next to Wei Xun, causing huge waves to splash into the sky, and stared at him with its cold dragon eyes, it was originally washed away by the waves because it was too light after the alienation. The Yin-Yang butterflies nearby flew quickly to warn him. When the waves started to pour, the astrologer calmly flew into the sky to dodge. When he saw that the person coming was the Lizard Duke, he was not as nervous as when he faced the people from the Devourer.

Although the Lizard Duke's aura was quite terrifying, the astrologer looked at the Fenrir wolf on the top of the wave, which stood side by side with the huge spider body of the Black Widow. It was obviously listening to Wei Xun's order to protect her, and he was more or less like the Lizard Duke. Why is it so sinister and powerful? Speaking of which, the golden dragon didn't have a tail and directly landed on the devil's head. It was considered good. It was even less lethal to splash water on the devil's face.

On the contrary, it can be seen that the Lizard Duke plans to continue working for Wei Xun. After all, Fenrir Wolf has not been obtained yet, and the hotel is watching and wants Wei Xun to cooperate.

But cooperation is cooperation, and the momentum must not be weak.

[If I were you, I would come a few minutes later, just in time to bury the Black Widow, and then get the Tower of Babel directly]

Hearing what the Lizard Duke said, Wei Xun retracted his gaze from observing the battle situation and glanced at him. The waves splashed by the fall of the golden dragon just fell down meekly before it could hit the demon. Wei Xun was joking that he had the authority over the fresh water, and the water had no lethality to him. Lizard Duke, an S2 director, used this joke-like method to express his dissatisfaction, and it even hinted that they were still in the same group.

Since we are a group, we must have the same goal. What Lizard Duke just said was to test his attitude.

[Black Widow is an important high-level member of my mutual aid alliance, I will help her]

Wei Xun made it clear that at the 30th degree north latitude of the Tower of Babel, where pollution and chaos broke out, it would be difficult to communicate without being the original god of Babylon or mastering a dragon language.

[I have already had enough journeys to 30 degrees north latitude. Rather than getting another one, I would rather see this journey destroyed]

The current situation of the Tower of Babel is unclear. Although it is almost destroyed, polluted and in a mess, the descendants of gods headed by Marduk have been destroyed. The current situation is still relatively clear, and there is a high possibility of preserving it.

Although many tourist guides present murmured to themselves that the Black Widow was as crazy as destroying the Tower of Babel, no one thought that she really wanted to destroy the Tower - or no one thought that she could really completely destroy the Tower.

Especially after 'George' appeared, although he seemed to be in a daze as he drew his bow and shot the black widow, and it was not known whether he was successfully resurrected, everyone present was still relieved.

No matter whether George is crazy or stupid, as long as he is alive, he is good. The Black Widow will probably not go crazy again if her wish is fulfilled. George will definitely need a lot of energy to return to normal, and the situation will need to be stable. Only by stabilizing the Tower of Babel can she have a chance to reconcile with the hotel, and then continue to produce a large amount of polluted energy supply. George.

But the Lizard Duke felt something was wrong.

Because this Angel George actually flew from the direction of the ruins of Babylon, not from the Tower of Babel!

Fake, his first reaction was that Angel George was fake.

Black Widow has given the entire responsibility of resurrecting George to Bingyi. If not for the angel created by Bingyi, can the angel be real?

But when he thought about the presence of Wei Xun and Phantom Cat over in Babylon City, both of whom were partners of Bingyi, Duke Lizard became uncertain again, especially the appearance of Dan Lin, which cast a shadow over his heart.

Now that the situation is almost clear, the key lies in whether Bingyi plans to continue cooperating with the Black Widow. Is it that easy to resurrect George? If it were the Lizard Duke, he would definitely betray him by now. The route that can stabilize Babylon is not just the line of the original god 'Dragon Mother Apsu', Bing Yike also has the identity of Satan, who controls the Michael Fallen Archangel Army.

If he used the half-finished George to assassinate the Black Widow, and then used Whitechapel's restraint on George to kill the half-finished George, and finally replaced himself with the power of Satan and led his angel army to kill Dan Lin and Maria, then it would be considered the destruction of hell. Angel, destroy Babylon, replace Apsu's dark outer god system route of killing the Dragon Mother!

The token of Babylon is in Bingyi's hands, and he may also have obtained the butterfly fragments. In this way, he can easily control Babylon. This will be his second journey to the 30th North Latitude.

Although the Black Widow gave away everything she could, and it seemed that she could even give up the journey to 30 degrees north latitude in order to resurrect George, but it was so unreliable to transfer the journey to 30 degrees north latitude, how could she rest assured that she would fall out and grab it by herself?

Thinking this in his mind, and looking at Fenrir Wolf, who seemed to be standing next to the Black Widow looking protective, but actually just sitting there and watching the first light arrow shoot through her chest, the Lizard Duke felt a little nervous.

Is this Fenrir wolf by Black Widow's side for protection, or... for last-minute damage?

Hearing Bingyi's remark about "the journey to the 30th degree north latitude is enough", Duke Lizard was so angry that his face became gloomy, and his heart felt like a blockage due to his hatred of the rich, but his tense nerves were somewhat relaxed.

He said that judging from the entire trip to Iceland, Bingyi didn't look like the kind of person who was ruthless and turned against him regardless of the previous agreement. Using George to kill the Black Widow, kill people, and then easily capture the Tower of Babel is more like the style of a life-haunting person. Bingyi has not been immersed that deeply in the big dye vat of the hotel.

If Bing said that George was sent by him, he would kill the Black Widow and seize Babylon, and the Lizard Duke would fall out.

The rabbit died and the fox was sad. If Bingyi had such a ruthless and cruel style, the Lizard Duke did not believe that Bingyi would still give Fenrir Wolf to him as agreed. Instead of being controlled by others later, it would be better to strike first.

[Then George has a problem]

Another dragon roar sounded, and a crystal dragon shadow that was slightly slender compared to a golden dragon appeared on the empty sea next to it. These two dragons were entangled around Wei Xun, one on the left and one on the right, crowding out the Flame Angel Astrologer and Yin Yang. The butterfly flies into the sky, and other tour guides and tourists who cannot fly can only stay back. The dream chaser glanced at the Lizard Duke, and the golden dragon sneered coldly. They all knew it.

When Bing arrived, Dream Chaser didn't show up right away. Instead, he hid in his dream, just to prepare for an attack, lest the Lizard Duke betray him and kill someone. Now that the two parties have reached an agreement, they show up to discuss the plan.

[Just when Marduk fell, the scarlet beast mounted by the Black Widow suddenly rebelled and was killed by me]

Dreamers say that the scarlet beast represents the kings who are attached to the great whore of Babylon. The turmoil in Babylon will indeed make it restless, but after all the descendants of Babylon's gods have fallen, and everything has returned to the beginning when the Dragon Mother and Apsu were in charge, it should calm down. After all, the Dragon Mother's power has not been weakened, and Babylon still exists.

It would suddenly rebel, only because the events recorded in the classics were repeated. The army of the Lord entered Babylon, the 'great harlot' was betrayed by the scarlet beast, and Babylon was about to be destroyed. It happened at the same time as Marduk's death, which means that his death was likely to be mixed with elements from the outer gods.

Such as angels.

Unlike Lizard Duke who accidentally understands Wei Xun and sees him through a mysterious filter, or people like astrologers and half-life Taoists who believe that Wei Xun represents destiny, Dream Chaser knows that although Wei Xun can always He can do all kinds of incredible things, but it's not cheating. Most of the things he can do are considered logical. Just like he couldn't kill Odin alone and prevent him from continuing to self-destruct his authority, so he and Michael could kill him together. .

Killing Marduk can also be compared to killing Odin. Although Wei Xun has become stronger, the main god on the journey to the 30th North Latitude will also be stronger than Odin.

Taken together, there is a high probability that Wei Xun was also the one who killed Marduk in partnership with the angels.

It shouldn't be the fallen angels. If it was the fallen angels who intervened to conquer Babylon, it should be another line of development, and the scarlet beast should also behave differently.

Regardless of the fact that the belief in the Flame Angel belongs to Vulcan Wei Xun, there was only one possibility for Wei Xun to have orthodox angels around him at that time.

He resurrected George. Even if he has not been completely resurrected, George has recovered to the point where he can participate in killing the Lord God.

Since George is by Wei Xun's side, the origin of this new 'George' is unknown.

[I think his body is unstable and his sense of strength is wrong. He looks more like a slice than a person. He also said that is the reason why he was not completely resurrected]

The Lizard Duke chuckled: [It seems to be a fake, but if you can deceive the Black Widow, you can fool the real one.]

But after the Lizard Duke finished speaking, Wei Xun said something shocking!

[To be precise, he is also the real George]

He kept looking at 'George' who was dodging the Holy Light Chain in the sky. He was very flexible in his movements. Not only did he dodge, he also counterattacked and shot arrows at Noah's Ark from time to time, causing the huge ark to light up with holy fires everywhere. God punished the evil people in the world and sent a great flood. Only Noah was a completely good person. God instructed Noah to build an ark and take his family and male and female pairs of animals to take refuge.

But God is unpredictable, and the ark built by man cannot withstand the holy fire representing the Seraphim. Being able to ignite such a level of holy fire means that all the Babylonian pollution on 'George' has basically disappeared.

That's right, Wei Xun recognized at a glance that the angel George flying in the sky was definitely the soul of George in the crystal skull that was taken away by the phantom cat! And the Lizard Duke felt that it was not bad. The George flying in the sky was not so much the real George, but a slice of George——

found it! Shuishui, who came with the whirlpool, obeyed Wei Xun's order and searched in the vast sea below George flying high in the sky, and finally found the person Wei Xun was looking for! Through the water flow, Wei Xun could see the devil businessman who had returned to zero standing in the water like a ghost, his face pale. He held the soul thorn in his hand, and a big cat squatted above his head. The big cat was like the five-fingered mountain of Tathagata Buddha, so heavy that the devil merchant could not move at all.

It's the phantom cat!

The devil merchant actually fell into the hands of the phantom cat!

I'm afraid that the phantom cat took the devil merchant hostage and used him to cut up Pollution George, creating this sliced ​​angel! Needless to say the reason, just as An Xuefeng had speculated before, the only people who could get the petals were people from Whitechapel, and they had to be the founders of the Tower of Babel.

In this case, the Phantom Cat will control George to kill the Black Widow and let 'Slice George' become the pioneer of the Tower of Babel, so that he can naturally obtain the petals. And Dan Lin is probably also the contender for the Tower of Babel launched by An Xuefeng. It seems that the plan of using Taoist Master Kongkong to get the petals has failed. During this period of time, the battle at the Tower of Babel was tense, and Wei Xun was unable to contact An Xuefeng again, so he didn't know the situation there. But whether Dan Lin or Slice George, if they want to take the Tower of Babel alone, the Black Widow must die.

Wei Xun's expression was unpredictable, and the tip of his finger was touched back and forth by the owl's beak. Maybe the phantom cat also wanted to travel to 30 degrees north latitude, but Wei Xun's plan did not waver.

Now it’s up to Black Widow to decide. Should she gamble on the success rate of destroying Wei Xun and resurrecting George from the Tower of Babel, or choose to slice George who has been successfully sliced ​​and should at least be the person in charge but under the control of others?

The next moment, Wei Xun felt his finger being pecked hard by George Owl, and then he heard the roar of water. Standing on the top of the waves, the black widow set off huge waves and rushed towards Noah's Ark. She actually decided to go first Jointly slice George, kill Danlin and Maria!

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