Thriller Tour Group

903 Plan to Save George (21) The golden arrow split into the air...

At this moment, everyone in Babylon has seen the terrible scene of the destruction of the world. The miraculous building of the Hanging Garden has completely collapsed and collapsed. The tour guides and tourists who have wings and can fly are lucky, but those who cannot fly can only helpless in the collapse. After landing, what his feet touched was not the ground, but the vast ocean.


The sound of sea water is accompanied by the salty and cold sea breeze, mixed with the strong smell of blood, which makes people sick. But what is even more heart-stopping is that the water under your feet seems to be endlessly deep. It is not that you can step on the earth if you go down a little, but more like The earth turned into a vast ocean. The dream chaser flying in the air frowned and looked in the direction of the Tower of Babel. He saw that the Tower of Babel that penetrated the sky and the earth in the distance no longer existed, and turned into a piece of water with a slightly lighter color. There was a long and narrow shadow in the center of the water. There are extremely deep cracks under the water, which seem to lead to the abyss.

The Hanging Gardens become the primordial sea represented by the Mother of Dragons, while the Tower of Babel becomes the abyss of sweet water (fresh water) controlled by Apsu.

The figure who killed Marduk's defender Xun did not appear in the sky, and Babylon did not collapse. Not only because the journey of 30 degrees north latitude has not been completely destroyed, but also because the Babylonian myth has not been completely destroyed. The original god 'Dragon' Both mother' and 'apsu' are still alive.

Wei Xun somehow realized that this was another line of the Babylonian camp on this journey of 30 degrees north latitude. The contradiction between the two original gods and descendants such as Marduk cannot be resolved. Whether according to the normal mythological trend, the original gods are killed and Marduk and the others create the world of heaven and earth, or according to the more cult trend, the two original gods The success group destroyed all descendant gods and took back all authority, which can be regarded as the normal evolution of Babylon.

And if the original gods win, then the subsequent gods and everything created by their development will cease to exist, such as the Tower of Babel, the Hanging Gardens and the city of Babylon. The entire Babylonian mythology will return to the most primitive period of the Dragon Mother and Apsu. .


The entire Babylon was soaked in blood rain, and dark clouds enveloped the sky. Thunder and lightning and sky fire fell from the universe out of control, burning the ruins into scorched earth. Blood and fire, thunder and lightning, dimly burning and exploding, the whole world was enveloped in a dark mist of destruction. Darkness swallowed up the sky and covered the earth. The Euphrates River that originally ran through the city of Babylon swelled. The ruined land was flooded, the blood-stained black-red river surged, and the place where the city of Babylon and the Hanging Gardens were located became a vast ocean.

Black-red blood rained from the sky again, and the downpour was like a curtain connecting the sky and the earth. There was no difference between the sky and the earth, they were all darkness and scarlet.

It's like going back to the beginning of everything, to the most primitive time of the universe.


The sound of water sounded, and Cen Qin, wearing the principal's black cloak, stepped onto the water, carrying a sword box on his back, with a stern face, and a few strands of snow-white hair peeking out from the hood. After becoming the leader, the black cloak seemed to be more than two meters tall. Even if Wei Xun transformed into a demon and was also taller, he and the leader Cen Qin were almost at the same height, so Wei Xun could see Cen Qin's dignity from the side of his face. face.

When he looked down at the water, he saw that there were not only abyss deep under the water, but also space cracks that appeared more and more frequently. They were like dark and hideous scars. They looked distorted and deformed through the water ripples, but they could also be vaguely seen. The scene that flashed quickly after reaching the space crack.

There were many figures behind the crack. Wei Xun, who passed by in the flash, recognized Mao Xiaole in a blood-stained Taoist robe, a large alienated bee (perhaps a Bee Taoist), and Zhang Xingzang with a serious face. There are also people wearing the armor of the Knight of Light who look like White Church, the three-legged golden crow Qi Lecheng, the B/A-level director wearing a silver-purple cloak, the big and round werewolf, and so on.

The journey to the 30th North Latitude, which is on the verge of destruction, is no small matter. It seems that the hotel has summoned the great guides of the East and West District Brigade. When the situation in the Tower of Babel completely gets out of control, the space cracks representing the passages become wider, and more powerful people enter. At the Tower of Babel.

Of course, compared to the first batch of strong men who entered the Tower of Babel and got something more or less, they were purely here to clean up the most dangerous mess.

"Pu Susu——"

The fallen angels flapped their wings and landed. Four landed beside Wei Xun to guard him, and three flew in the air to guard him. Raphael eagerly wanted to help Wei Xun heal his injuries, but Wei Xun shook his head.

Fallen angels and demons are of the same sect, so they can certainly heal each other, but Wei Xun doesn't need it at the moment. The water covered Wei Xun's legs, and the power of the Babylonian Abyss spread like black oil in the water. All the descendants of gods were slaughtered, and the power of the original god Apsu returned to its peak. The scars on Wei Xun's body that were deeply visible to the naked eye were showing to the naked eye. The place where the Tower of Babel collapsed has now become his sweet abyss of Apsu. He can recover as quickly as possible by staying here.

Although Wei Xun wanted to know the current situation of the Hanging Garden and the City of Babylon, he had to recover from his serious injuries first. The overdrawn strength, the spirit on the verge of the abyss, and the divine power of Babylon that had been forcibly integrated into his body still needed time to recover and digest. He is currently in the demonic alienated state, and it is still a bit difficult to absorb the Babylonian divine power. If Raphael's healing is added to it, the absorption will only be slower.

How to contact Zero is a problem for any tour guide, especially in Babylon where you can't contact the hotel and buy the countdown to death. But Wei Xun is a person who has a deep connection with tourists. Unlike those lonely tour guides, as long as God comes to An Xuefeng and does this and that, he will be completely relieved.

Even if An Xuefeng is currently in danger of PKing with the Phantom Cat Imperial City, there is more than one way to relieve the zero state. Now the Babylon pollution that is all over the world is no longer completely dangerous to Wei Xun. The Babylon Butterfly The fragments are in his hands, and the tokens are also in his hands. He can use them to absorb the pollution of the 30th North Latitude of Babylon, and even use them to suppress the power of the abyss and return him to normal from the zero state!

However, after comprehensive consideration, Wei Xun still did not cancel the alienated state. The devil has strong recovery power, thick blood and strong bones. Facing the next danger, this state is the most stable, especially - he took out the owl mummy token from the Tower of Babel, and The keepsake, which was originally a mummy, was seen rotting and melting, emitting a strong stench, like a puddle of mud. The owl's face can still be vaguely seen on the dissolved head of the mummy. The sharp beak is no longer closed, but opened to the limit. The rotten flesh on both sides of the beak is torn, and the hollow throat is like a gloomy black hole, which is creepy. .

The Tower of Babel token changes.

The change in the Tower of Babel token that Dreamcatcher Toyfish told him before has reached an irreversible level. The Tower of Babel must be extremely destructive now. The twisted and violent Babylonian pollution spewed out from the mouth of the owl mummy, so pure and thick that Demon Wei Xun, who was in the zero state, felt that his throat was swollen and sore, as if some polluted sound was about to come out.

"Suck, suck, suck-"

But the too pure and thick pollution also made the vampire knife, which was still in its full state, ready to move. The tip curved like a butterfly sucking honey and penetrated into the mouth of the owl's mud mummy, greedily sucking the pollution of the 30th degree north latitude. Seeing this scene, Wei Xun's smile disappeared, his face became stiff, and his heart felt dull and nauseated. But the Tower of Babel token is still useful and cannot be thrown away. The vampire knife can suppress its mutation.

【for you】

Out of sight and out of mind, he casually thrust the mud owl token into George's hand, only to find that George could hold the token when he was solid, but when he became weak, the token fell from his hand and was hit by the tip of the vampire knife. You have to pick it up and down.

[The Lord God of Babylon can resurrect people]

Wei Xun said to George: [You are an angel, fighting against Babylonian mythology. The Babylonian resurrection authority alone is not enough for resurrection. Now I have completely become Apsu, plus the resurrection authority, water of life and Babylonian pollution, maybe You don’t need the power of Babylon’s destruction to resurrect you]

[Of course, this is Babylon’s resurrection method after all, and it may have some impact on your angel title, and it may make you lose some power]

Although Wei Xun was more inclined to destroy the Tower of Babel, he also gave George other options.

George shook his head and opened his mouth but did not speak. He was too deeply affected by the pollution of the Tower of Babel and could not find his voice for a while. So George just smiled at Wei Xun, put away the power of resurrection and the water of life, and then tapped the two dirty spider teeth on the mummy of the mud owl that was picked up by the vampire knife.

Wei Xun understood his choice. George was very courageous and chose the most dangerous way to revive the tower by destroying the tower. He regarded this resurrection authority and water of life as a guarantee and left them to the black widow.

Even though Babylon is now in the hands of the original gods, Black Widow is probably in dire straits. The terrifying and majestic pollution at Thirty Degrees North Latitude is still on the verge of out-of-control collapse. The loss of butterfly fragments has caused it to completely lose control. The pollution at 30 degrees north latitude derived from different routes is different. The current pollution can be said to be an extension of the route of the 'descendants of gods', and it is still extremely lethal to their original gods.

The butterfly fragment of Babylon is currently on Wei Xun's body. He can resist this pollution, but it is difficult for Black Widow. Unless the 30th North Latitude is transferred to this line as soon as possible, the pollution will also be transferred, but this is unlikely. Wei Xun did not kill Marduk alone. George played a decisive role in killing the Lord God.

Although George was not completely resurrected and was not considered a human being, and could not fundamentally affect the change of the 30th North Latitude, the direction of this matter became unclear. George's existence made Wei Xun's camp very ambiguous. After all, Wei Xun is in the alienated form of a demon that has returned to zero at the moment. Demons can also be regarded as a member of the outer gods. What's more, Michael and the other seven fallen angels obey his orders. Wei Xun also has the title and power of Satan.

Does he represent the camp of the primitive gods, or does he represent the outer gods? Will he kill the Dragon Mother and declare the victory of the outer gods completely, or will he destroy George and transform into Apsu, the god of the abyss?

The chaos in Babylon that is on the verge of collapse will not cease until a choice is made. Time passed by, but Wei Xun's injuries were half recovered within a few minutes. Some people came over again, including Yin Yang Butterfly, Astrologer, and Yu Xiangyang, but they had been waiting for Wei Xun at the Tower of Babel, and Not knowing what was going on in the Sky Garden, George showed a hint of worry, and Wei Xun's clay tablet did not receive any more messages from the Black Widow.

There is always some connection between the joint guides, even if George and Black Widow have been apart for so long. His expression gave Wei Xun some ominous premonitions, and he accelerated his recovery from his injuries. But the next moment, the premonition came true!


The deafening and terrifying sound of waves came from the direction of the hanging garden, and the primitive ocean representing the Dragon Mother set off huge waves. A huge figure could be seen vaguely on the top of the highest wave. Eight giant spider legs held up the humanoid upper body. It looked like the transformed black widow. But the next moment, a golden arrow shining with bright holy light burst into the air, penetrating her chest like a falling light!

At this moment, Wei Xun felt his head buzzing. It was the connection between Apsu and Dragon Mother. The Black Widow was definitely seriously injured this time, even more serious than when she broke the mud board and was bitten back! Holy Light damage, was it Maria, Dan Lin, or someone from Whitechapel who did it?

neither! I saw a ball of golden light appearing in the dark and scarlet chaos, like an angel descending. In the center of the light was the angel. The golden six wings, the sacred light, especially the holy and pure temperament and back, were almost the same as Wei Xun's body. George next to him looked exactly the same. The next second, the angel drew his bow and arrow again, and the light streak flew away, facing the black widow's head!

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