Thriller Tour Group

902 Nutrient Solution (303+304) Marduk’s...

Through the explosion of the fragments of authority, the hidden whispers of the divine words had come to an end. Only at such a distance did Wei Xun hear the last bit of the divine words murmured by Marduk. The distorted and noisy pollution noise was mixed with the power of the gods and the strong northern latitude. Thirty degrees of pollution mixed into an ominous dark purple-gold color, the light suddenly dimmed, and the non-stop sound of rain, wind and thunder suddenly became blurry, as if blocked by something.

Wei Xun could not see the drastic changes in the entire Babylon. The entire journey of 30 degrees north latitude was filled with a huge, terrifying and distorted pollution noise. The living creatures in Babylon, whether they were humble slaves or noble kings and priests, struggled to survive in the disaster. All civilians, living domestic animals, horses and dogs, and all living creatures turned into blood and flesh at the moment the divine word came, mixed into the pollution of divine power that burst out from the depths of the earth, as thick and terrifying as a dragon.

Marduk is the national god of Babylon and the main god of Babylon. He borrows the power of the entire Babylon to destroy the enemy in one fell swoop! God is with the kingdom, and God is with Babylon, especially since Babylon is an entire journey of thirty degrees north latitude! Even Cen Qin has never seen such a big scene. He saw the earth shaking and the sky cracking. All the blood clouds and blood rain in the sky, and the rivers stained red by the blood rain were all drawn by the storm and merged into eight dragon-like rivers. Huge streams of blood come from all directions,

The extremely thick blood flow of flesh and blood is densely entangled with the dark golden Babylonian divine power and the pollution of 30 degrees north latitude. The blood stain covers the dark gold, just like a divine dragon being twisted and degenerated into an evil flesh and blood monster by pollution. These eight huge blood flows finally The gathering point is the top of the Tower of Babel, completely blocking the sky!

Without hesitation, Cen Qin drew his sharp sword out of its sheath and gave a sharp shout. The sword light was as bright as snow and like a pillar reaching the sky, but it could not completely hold back the terrifying blood flow that was about to be suppressed, because this was not only the power of the entire Babylon , is a terrifying force that will destroy the journey to the 30th North Latitude! Fortunately, he was not the only one in the air. Michael led the fallen angels to blow the trumpet again to start the Doomsday Judgment, and together with the Sword of Cenqin, they resisted the terrifying blood flow with strong oppression.

At the top of the Tower of Babel, the most polluted place, the distorted sound prevented Wei Xun from hearing clearly the horns and swords of the fallen angels, but he believed that Cen Qin and Michael would work together to resist the influence of the outside world. At most, Marduk could gather all the power of Babylon to exert pressure, but Wei Xun is now the original god of Babylon, and is older than Marduk. Even if he really gathered the power of Babylon, he would not be able to do anything to him. If it has too much influence, you should be careful not to let this power be absorbed by him.

Therefore, the big scene Marduk created was just to contain Cen Qin and the fallen angels. His real killer move was himself! The pride and dignity of the Babylonian God cannot be blasphemed. He will definitely kill him with his own hands, and the means that can cause serious harm to his Wei Xun——

【it's over】

Under the shadow of eight thick blood streams, Marduk's face was sinister and cold, and a dark blue-purple light flashed in his eyes. Divine power flowed in his bones. At this moment, the demon's long tail was no longer wrapped around his spine, but the divine bones were firmly welding the long tail to death. The rapidly regenerating bones on his shoulders also wrapped the vampire knife, even if he had to bear the demon directly. With the power of Apsu, Marduk was forced to bleed from the corner of his mouth and was seriously injured, but he did not care.

Because all this will be over soon, Apsu can no longer escape, and his servants of God will have no time to save him.

[Go back to your abyss, Apsu]

Marduk's gloomy voice sounded like it was coming from hell, and when he opened his mouth, the dazzling blue-purple light deep in his throat silenced the chaotic world for a moment. This is the butterfly fragment, the butterfly fragment of the Tower of Babel! In order for the abyss pollution to suppress some of the thirty degrees north latitude pollution, Black Widow put the butterfly fragments back into the Tower of Babel, and Marduk mobilized the power of the entire Babylon in order to forcibly remove the butterfly fragments with the outbreak of thirty degrees north latitude pollution. Lead it into your body!

The butterfly fragment belonged to him before he was defeated by the Dragon Mother. Marduk knew very well how powerful and evil this fragment was, especially the fact that it could swallow their divine power and resist the power (pollution) of the Tower of Babel, and now he wants to Use this fragment to devour Apsu, and then kill him with your own hands when he is extremely weak!


The terrifying blue-purple pollution shot out and penetrated Wei Xun's body in Marduk's crazy smile. The butterfly fragments continued to spread the terrifying pollution in his throat. The demon's pitch-black scales twisted under the blue-violet light. Deformed, the pale bone spurs cracked and fell off, Apsu's face turned pale and the corners of his mouth tightened, showing a rare expression of pain.

He's trying to dodge! Marduk felt signs that the scarlet knife on his shoulder was trying to pull away. He smiled cruelly, grabbed the knife and pushed closer, regardless of the fact that the vampire knife stabbed deeper, almost touching Apsu's face. He wanted to make it Butterfly pollution is even more serious. You have to see the fragile and twisted pitiful expression of this damn enemy with your own eyes, and then send him to the abyss - huh?

The next moment, Marduk frowned. The blood-sucking knife that had cut into his shoulder seemed to suddenly turn into a living thing, like the knife turned into a flexible whip. It sucked the flesh and blood from his shoulder and arm in an instant, and even tried to force a charge. It stabbed his heart with extraordinary force. But at the same time, Wei Xun vomited blood and turned pale. At first glance, it was obvious that he was at the end of his fight - he was just making a counterattack on the verge of death. Apsu had been forced to a dead end by him. Marduk didn't believe that this strange sword could break through his divine power, even if it broke through, it wouldn't matter.

He is now a god, and also Babylon! As long as Babylon is not destroyed, he cannot die, and Apsu was stupid enough to stab his heart instead of taking the butterfly fragments, and even ruined his last retreat.

It's time. Seeing Wei Xun vomiting blood, Marduk raised the mace, and the storm was wrapped in lightning and thunder. The mace fell down brazenly, and was about to smash Apsu's face. Before the hammer fell, Marduk looked down from above, and finally took a cold look at the face of the primitive god, but he found that Apsu's bloody mouth was raised, and he was actually smiling!

A strong sense of crisis came in an instant, but there was no time to stop. The mace fell with a bang, and a sharp sound broke out, but Marduk's heart sank. This was not the sound of hitting flesh and blood, but more like the sound of hitting a knife. The hard feeling from the mace further proved this point. What's going on? Isn't the knife still locked in the flesh and blood of his chest? How can it resist the mace if it hasn't been pulled out?

Marduk subconsciously looked down, but this look made his expression solidify. He saw an incredible scene - the scarlet long knife actually bent and pierced his chest, bending for a few weeks, resisting the mace! Its blade was not completely hard, but seemed to be covered with a layer of wet blood. The 'blade' that touched the mace trembled slightly, and the blood squirmed, like a living thing, absorbing his divine power!

Such an evil and weird scene almost stopped Marduk's breathing. This knife didn't look like a knife at all, but more like a butterfly's curved mouthparts!

Wait, butterfly -

Marduk thought of something in his mind in an instant, but he never had a chance to think it through. The scarlet mouthparts that pierced his chest and resisted the mace burst out with purple-red light, and a butterfly-like light could be vaguely seen wandering in the blood-sucking knife. It turned out that the demon's long tail that pierced Marduk's spine was just a trick. Wei Xun's real killer move was to activate the butterfly fragments and show the true form of the blood-sucking knife!

On the 30th degree north latitude of Babel Tower, Marduk's final desperate killing move is either petals or butterfly fragments. Compared with the two, butterfly fragments are the most likely, and Wei Xun is using them to lead him into a desperate situation step by step. Pure white cocoon silk is wrapped around the blood-sucking knife, and the ancient oasis butterfly fragments that Wei Xun has integrated into the blood-sucking knife are shining brightly.

The pollution at 30 degrees north latitude would have suppressed the butterfly fragments, but the Tower of Babel, which is on the verge of breaking, is already difficult to compete with the pollution of butterfly fragments, not to mention adding another butterfly fragment on top of it! The death crisis in the depths of the soul sent an alarm to Marduk frantically, but he could not escape. The snow-white cocoon silk on the blood-sucking knife pierced into his body and grew all over his chest along the blade. Soon, Marduk's entire chest shrank, and his flesh and blood were all devoured by the blood-sucking knife.

But what made him most crazy and unwilling to accept was that the butterfly fragments in his throat were spontaneously transferred outwards! Wei Xun had been coughing up blood. Using the fully-formed blood-sucking knife was very consuming, but Wei Xun was no longer the same as before. He would not cough up blood even if he used the knife for a while. He did it on purpose, deliberately dominating the power of the butterfly fragments and coughing up blood full of the pollution of the original abyss to lure the butterfly.

[No——! ]

Ignoring Marduk's clenched teeth to stop him, the butterfly fragment belonging to the Tower of Babel finally broke away from his mouth and flew towards Wei Xun! The distance between them was too close, so close that it took only a moment for the butterfly fragment to fly in front of Wei Xun, and then he rolled it up with a piece of skin that looked like sheepskin and human skin. It was the human skin map, the token of the Tusi King's tomb that had been restless.

After the butterfly fragments were taken away, Marduk still couldn't believe it. It was incredible. It was basically impossible for the butterfly fragments to be taken away by anything. Marduk was waiting for Apsu to swallow the butterfly fragments and lose control when fighting against the pollution to launch a Jedi counterattack.

The result was all over! What did Apsu take out? Why could he take away the butterfly fragment? ! And it was really taken away. Marduk was horrified to find that his connection with the butterfly fragment was weakening. Not only that, the connection between the entire Babylon and the butterfly fragment was weakening! The eight blood streams above his head that condensed the power of the entire Babylon began to tremble ominously, as if they could collapse at any time.

[Butterflies originally come from the abyss] Wei Xun whispered, with a brighter blue-purple light flashing in his eyes, and the black cloak that dominated the windless movement.

[And I——] And he is ‘Apsu’, the god of the abyss, the master of the butterfly fragment!

[You can’t kill me, you can’t kill me] The blood-sucking knife squeezed Marduk’s flesh and blood, and was pulled back by Wei Xun like a long whip, dripping with divine blood and wrapped around his wrist. The proud god tried to maintain his last dignity, but the sequelae of being forcibly stripped of the butterfly fragments and the fact that his blood and divine power were almost drained made him unable to stand up. He could only kneel on the ground in humiliation, and his blood-stained mace was propped up on the ground but unable to support his body again.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his divine power was exhausted, so he could no longer find the storm lightning. But Marduk would not give in. He tried his best to summon his warhorse, hound and angry snake, and summoned his sacred animals to fight to the death, but he did not receive a response for a long time. He vaguely remembered that when he summoned the power of the entire Babylon, his sacred animals responded first and melted into the blood.

Why didn't the blood flow fall? He was willing to die with Apsu.

But the blood flow did not fall, and Marduk waited for the crow medal representing destruction. Wei Xun stuffed the Raven Medal into Marduk's body through the wound caused by the blood-sucking knife. Now it no longer looked like an ordinary medal, but more like a crown surrounded by black feathers. The hanging black mist was like a dark veil, bringing destruction to the myth.

When the Raven Medal devoured Marduk's heart and pulled out the god's noble soul, Marduk's face was gray but his expression calmed down.

[Do you think you can kill me like this?]

He whispered, his hair stained with blood, like a poor lion king, his eyes faded from the blood and crazy, revealing the calmness and arrogance in his bones.

【Unless Babylon is destroyed, I will not die】

Marduk said calmly: [But if Babylon is destroyed, you may be able to leave, but the Dragon Mother will only be buried]

Seeing that Wei Xun's expression didn't change, he knew that he didn't care about the life and death of Mother Long, and destroying Babylon didn't matter to him. Marduk nodded to himself and suddenly laughed, with a hint of madness in his laughter.

[Apusu, the original god, you do know more than me]

His whole body lit up with bright light, and an ominous power like destruction lingered around Marduk. It was the divine light that wanted to self-destruct his power! Marduk never thought about detonating his authority before Wei Xun demonstrated it. Even if he died, his authority should continue to be passed down to the new gods in Babylon. But now that Babylon is about to be destroyed and all the gods have been killed, there is nothing to worry about.

Babylon is still there, and the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude is still there. Even Apsu, who surrendered the butterfly fragment, can't stop him from blowing up his power! Apsu's demonic long tail is still hooked on his spine, tightly connected to him. Unless the tail is cut off, there is no way to escape. But in the end, Marduk was not thinking of him in his life. To be precise, over the years, he There is only one person/god that I hate the most, and that is the Mother of Dragons.

When she thought that one of the powers she had self-destructed would make her completely crazy and desperate, and when she thought that what she had been pursuing was right in front of her, but now she was forced to completely self-destruct by Apsu, a kind of distortion emerged in Marduk's heart. of happiness.

[Run away, run away with your tail cut off]

The power of authority was stimulated stronger and stronger, getting closer and closer to the limit, making his dry blood boil and making him breathless. At the end of the day, Marduk raised up his last arrogance and looked at Wei Xun, wanting to say something, but in the end he opened his mouth and laughed silently. He opened his eyes wide and stared at Wei Xun, hoping to finally see his embarrassed figure with his tail cut off to avoid him.

However, Marduk saw Wei Xun looking past him and looking behind him.


This scene was somewhat familiar, and Wei Xun couldn't help but sigh. Marduk made a whooshing sound from his throat, as if he was mocking him for being so mysterious in the end. But the next moment, his blood-blurred eyes suddenly opened wide, and they were about to burst. The golden wings penetrated his chest from behind like a knife, and the holy light of Seraph burned the divine power of Babylon, making him scream silently and twist in pain. .

No one can kill Marduk without destroying the Tower of Babel, but there is one exception -

Who said that the journey to the Tower of Babel at 30 degrees north latitude does not have a second development route? Who says Babylon was not conquered by the light of angels? In the strange yet familiar holy light, Marduk felt the long-lost horror. Impossible, absolutely impossible! This man was thoroughly tainted by Babylon, and his last soul should be melted into the blood as he gathered the blood flow.

How could there be angels?

It can't be an angel, absolutely impossible! !

[Do you know why the Mother of Dragons is willing to let me have such a high authority and status, to let me destroy the Tower of Babel, and to invite me here?]

Wei Xun pushed the Raven Medal deeper into Marduk's chest, looked at his wide eyes in disbelief, chuckled softly, and said in a playful tone: [Because she asked me to resurrect her lover]

For a moment, Marduk's throat creaked, as if he had exhausted all his strength to say something, and the power to detonate suddenly increased, but in the end he failed to detonate successfully. The dark light of the Holy Light and the Raven Medal destroyed Marduk's last chance of life like two sharp swords. The main god of Babylon lowered his head and completely lost his voice.

Marduk, the main god of Babylon, has fallen!

In an instant, no one could control the eight huge streams of blood in the sky. They collapsed and shattered at high altitude, and the majestic blood fell suddenly, like the last rain of blood dropped by the death of the Lord God.

[God King, his expressions were very similar when he died]

Wei Xun sighed, and in the majestic rain of blood, his wings shining with the holy light of dawn stretched out and gently blocked the top of his head, blocking the dirty rain of blood filled with the resentment of the Babylonian god. Wei Xun put away the blood that spilled after Marduk's death. Authority showed a slightly surprised expression when receiving one of the authority light points.

[No wonder he wants to blow up his power]

As the main god of Babylon, Marduk has many powers, but among them there are three most powerful and important powers, which shine with unusual dazzling light.

One is the authority of thunderstorms.

One is prophetic authority.

There is another one, but it is——

Resurrection authority.

Who would have thought that the resurrection authority that Black Widow wants most belongs to Marduk? The Gate of God at the top of the Tower of Babel that can resurrect people is not the door that is powerful, but Marduk who comes to the temple to rest for a long time.

Black Widow will never be able to discover this secret unless she destroys the Tower of Babel and kills the Lord God.

[I heard that captains from Whitechapel are very good at the great resurrection technique]

[Take it, it’s yours]

Wei Xun picked up the authority of resurrection and handed it over to the angel in front of him. When he heard what he said, the angel's blue eyes curled up.

His figure is not complete, and sometimes it is illusory for a moment, like a phantom woven by the dim light of the morning sun. After surviving hundreds of superimposed illusions and absorbing the broken exorcism authority, George's soul has become tough and strong enough to suppress the divine power of the Babylonian god. The fragments of time authority, fragments of exorcism authority and the divine power of the Babylonian god are in his hands. The interweaving and blending within the body creates this perfect and holy body. Even Wei Xun has to admit that the aesthetics of Black Widow are indeed good.

This is George. He is very close to resurrection, but it is not a complete resurrection. He is more like an angel's 'spirit body'

Even if he gets Marduk's resurrection authority, if he wants to be resurrected and completely construct a human body, he still needs a huge amount of energy supply, and this last and most important step -

[The message from the Tower of Babel is that the widow died alone]

Wei Xun said softly, his body covered with bruises but he was very calm. He glanced at Michael and the others who flew down and Cen Qin who helped him put away Marduk's mummy, and finally looked at George who was looking worriedly at the hanging garden with his hands behind his hands, and said with a deep smile:

[If the Tower of Babel is destroyed, the widow will no longer be lonely]

The moment he said these words, the building under his feet let out an overwhelmed wail. All the Babylonian gods died. The Tower of Babel leading to the sky could no longer hold on any longer and collapsed. At the same time, in the sky There were loud crashes and collapses from both the garden and the city of Babylon!

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