Thriller Tour Group

901 Saving George Plan (20) There will be another chapter in a moment...


The heavy explosions resounded throughout Babylon, like a series of muffled thunders in the sky when a storm was approaching, like heavy hammers hitting people's brains and souls, making all the gods and people in Babylon dizzy, their hearts beating violently, and their eyes a scarlet red. My chest hurts so much that I can't breathe, and my breathing is full of blood.

Most people will never see such a shocking scene like the explosion of God's authority in their lifetime, but the top travel guides from Iceland are well-informed and can distinguish the sounds of the explosion of Nordic divine authority and the explosion of Babylonian divine authority. It's different - the sound of the Nordic theocratic explosion was sharper and harsher, and the explosion of the Babylonian theocratic was more profound and shocking. If Bai Xiaosheng had been present at the scene, he might have published a research paper later on whether Ten Degrees North Latitude and different pantheons would lead to the explosion of theocratic power. There are differences in various aspects such as sound and power.

However, the top travelers and tour guides present did not have much academic spirit, and all they could think of was 'There is a divine authority to explode! ''Another main god was forced by Bing Yi to lose his divine power! ’ This kind of thought. Unfortunately, the owner of the hotel was already in the Tower of Babel, and the fighting between the Hanging Garden and the City of Babylon was fierce, so he had no time to escape and get some fragments of authority.

On the other hand, Dream Chaser, Lizard Duke and others who don't know the identity of the new leader are a little relieved. After Bingyi passed by, he was able to force Marduk to self-destruct his divine power. It can be seen that this leader should also be in the "Tower Camp" , this big thing against the hotel was done by everyone together, but the more people who take the blame, the better. The Lizard Duke looked for the ghost captain and slime in the blood rain several times. Unfortunately, they were too good at hiding after suffering losses.

As for the thought that "the main god of Babylon should be gone soon" only flashed in people's minds for a moment, as fast as the god disappeared without leaving much waves. Who would have known that the situation at the top of the Tower of Babel was not what everyone thought. It was Bingyi who blew himself up and Marduk was injured!


The residual power of the self-destruction of the four minor authorities is still spreading across the top of the Tower of Babel. Pollution, divine power, and the energy of the explosion are entangled and colliding together, like a group of whirlpools in the deep sea. Half of the Marduk Temple on the top of the tower was destroyed by the explosion. Fortunately, the puppet master had foreseen something bad and propped up the puppet wires in advance to protect him. He almost overdrawn his strength and resisted the aftermath of the explosion, so he could barely support the temple and did not let George go. The angel was buried in the ruins.

But compared to the report she gained, the effort of overdrawing her strength seemed very insignificant. Countless puppet threads quickly extended in the explosion smoke, like sea anemones catching prey, trying their best to grab the exploded fragments of reproductive authority. The Puppet Master herself is a teratoma mutation, and the fragments of reproductive power are most in line with her origin and can best replenish her lost power!

This is much better than relying solely on fragments of time authority to temporarily restore strength! The authority that could be exploded by Bingyi was definitely something he didn't need very much, so the puppet master fished it out unscrupulously, but the puppet silks didn't dance too wildly, because they had to be careful to dodge the other kind of authority when fishing for fragments of the reproductive authority. The fragment - that is the fragment of exorcism authority.

The deformed teratoma can certainly be regarded as an abyss monster, and the fallen angel is not a good thing either. The exorcism power fragments can cause considerable harm to her. But unlike her, little George, who was sleeping with his wings closed like a cocoon of light, was spontaneously absorbing the fragments of exorcism power. This fragment was also a great tonic for the angels who restrained the demons.

Only people can absorb fragments of power. The puppet master judged from this that George might be resurrected soon. At this point, she didn't have any bad intentions. She was just curious about how Bingyi would end up. By the way, she quickly restored her own strength. As a co-conspirator, she You have to take more supplements now to be able to withstand the punishment from the hotel later!

With George absorbing the exorcism power fragments, the Puppet Master can absorb the fertility fragments without any scruples. Compared to them, the explosion of authority in Babylon had a greater impact on the fallen angels. Michael summoned all his companions to fly higher into the sky to avoid the aftermath of the explosion of authority.

The sinful city of Babylon was finally judged by God. The angels/fallen angels had a strong suppression of the Babylonian god. However, during the journey of ten degrees north latitude, it was like two different excavation directions. The restrained party was strong when it came to strength. It can also counter-restrain the other side. Just like when the divine power explodes, the fallen angels will suffer heavy losses if they fail to avoid it in time.

However, Wei Xun had already warned them that they should always be careful when the power explodes in a fierce battle. This time, no one among the fallen angels was injured. Raphael even relied on his strong healing power and thought that Wei Xun liked authority the most, so he was eager to try and help get some.

Michael stopped him just in time.

'We can't touch the pieces'

Angels have a special way of communication. The flaming magic sword in each person's hand is like a built-in walkie-talkie, which can avoid the pollution of Babylon and communicate internally.

Michael warned: 'Only man can receive the fragments of authority, only man can absorb the fragments of authority'

Not to mention them, even the main god Marduk, who is going crazy and controlling the storm and wants to collect all the fragments of authority, is still unable to take back the fragments of authority. He can only watch them being plundered, absorbed and scattered. Looking around, my heart aches like a knife.

【Apsu! You're crazy, you're crazy! ! 】

The dazzling white light and surging airflow of the explosion of authority were mixed with Marduk's roars one after another. The roars were full of disbelief and regret. He was covered in bruises, bones and flesh by the explosion of authority, but he ignored his own injuries and was anxious. He used the storm to roll up the fragments of authority scattered around him, trying to collect them back, but he was unable to do anything and could only be furious.

The god-king's rage shook the whole of Babylon. The storm brought down blood and thunderstorms mixed with fire from the sky. For a moment, the sky wanted to collapse, as if the end of the world was coming.

...It’s not necessary, it’s really unnecessary. The explosion of power even made Marduk nervous. Seeing how unfaithful Marduk was, he was heartbroken and furious. Wei Xun was speechless for a moment.

Fighting all the way to the top of the Tower of Babel, Wei Xun captured too much power, already in double digits. The authority that Apsu could fuse to complete himself was absorbed by him. He retained the stronger authority. Wei Xun also retained the authority that his friends and companions he knew might be able to use. The remaining ones were relatively useless and insignificant. The authority that is too strong is used by him as a "power bomb" to guard against the possible "self-destruction" of the Lord God at any time.

...Right now, Wei Xun was glad that the four authority bombs he picked were not too strong, and Marduk was really rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so he was not killed directly, otherwise his subsequent plans would have to be completely blocked.

I'm afraid it's because of the deep impression left by Odin, plus it's too easy to obtain the Babylonian God's authority state along the way. Originally, just releasing one in the hotel would attract enthusiastic bidding for the authority from major tour groups and tour guide alliances. It was not precious to Wei Xun, and he didn't feel bad if it exploded - he didn't feel bad for Marduk, he felt so distressed that he almost went crazy!

This is a difference in the mythology system. At that time, Northern Europe had already ushered in the Twilight of the Gods and the invasion of the outer gods. Originally, the gods were all going to die, and their authority would also disappear with the death of the gods. How many years later would the Nordic mythology naturally will be restored again, and divine power will be born again with the birth of God, so Odin doesn't feel bad at all when he explodes his power.

But Babylonian mythology is different! The Babylonian god was not ‘destined for destruction’ and should never have been killed. Even if the Dragon Mother and Apsu died at the hands of gods in mythology, their authority was inherited by the gods who killed them. Authority comes from God and belongs to God. It belongs to God forever and is inherited from generation to generation. There is no such thing as rebirth. Once it explodes, it will be gone!

Unless the entire Babylonian mythology is destroyed and everything starts over again, the source of the Babylonian mythology is the Mother of Dragons and Apsu, and all the gods are their children. As long as the black widow is in charge of the Tower of Babel for a day, she will always be the Mother of Dragons. If some authority is destroyed by Apsu, how can the newly born Babylonian god inherit authority and gain authority again?

We can only let them slaughter us!

That's why Marduk was so angry!

While his illness was killing him, Wei Xun didn't care whether Marduk was angry or not. The devil's wings vibrated and the debris was contaminated. The devil's flesh and blood was no longer hit hard by the mace, and the skin finally grew. The tall and evil devil was like a body. Wearing a close-fitting light armor intertwined with jet black and bone white, with a jet black cloak flying behind him like a cloak, Wei Xun held a vampire knife and slashed at Marduk. The Lord God was slow to fight the raised mace this time and was unable to resist it. The vampire knife was struck fiercely on the shoulder by Wei Xun, and his neck was about to be cut off if it missed even an inch.

But the most fatal thing was not the knife wound. The demon's long tail hidden in the shadow of the cloak was like a chain and a poisonous scorpion's tail hook. It was vicious and suddenly pierced Marduk's scarred flesh and blood, penetrating the god's back and piercing deeply into the flesh. , hooked Marduk’s spine! From the outside, you can only see the devil's long tail submerged in the bright red curled flesh, and the divine blood streaking along the twitching long tail across the god's spine. No one knows that the dark, silver and white devil's long tail is entwined in the depths of the flesh. On the dark golden sacred bone, the tip of the tail pierces into the bone seam, as if hooking the prey.

The distance between the tall demon and the main god was further shortened. Marduk could no longer distance himself and use his method of "killing the mother of dragons" to pull the strong bow. He could only be forced to fight head-on with the demon, and the divine bones that entangled him were getting more and more. The long tail that stirred tighter and tighter restricted his movements. As the strength of the demon in front of him skyrocketed, it would eventually break his divine bones.

However, Marduk was not at all nervous or panicked. Instead, he raised his brows at the demon who was so close and showed a ferocious, blood-stained smile.

Apsu fell into the trap! Marduk deliberately sold the flaw. At such a close distance, Apsu could no longer self-explode his power, otherwise he would definitely hurt himself. Wei Xun had a large amount of Babylonian authority, so Marduk was taking risks. Now there was nothing to fear. The atrocity of Wei Xun's self-destruction of authority made Marduk even more crazy. He must kill this explosive authority as quickly as possible. The madman!

[...Great Babylon, I, Marduk, in the name of the Lord God, command you to hand over all your power to me! 】

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