Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 789: Icelandic Horror (303)

Seeing that the dragon hunter was almost blinded by the smoke, Bingyi moved his body, which was very strange. Damn it, he used the extraordinary power of the 'Dragon Gourmet' he just obtained to help the dragon hunter roast the dipterocarps. How could he make such stinky food? Is this the strength of the Dragon Gourmet?

"Don't eat it yet, let me study it."

Seeing that the dragon hunter had regained his composure, his heart turned into a dragon state. He held his breath and drank the borneol soup like medicine. But even if he turns into a dragon, the size difference between the Crystal Dragon and Nidhogg makes it impossible for the Crystal Dragon to finish the soup in one go and has to be tortured. When Bingyi saw this, he quickly stopped him. After all, the roasted borneol would not spoil after a while. He still couldn't believe that the dragon gourmand could only make dark food, so he cooked the dragon's eyeballs he was given. .

As a dragon gourmet, Bingyi will naturally know how to make it after touching various precious ingredients on the dragon, such as borneol stew. The best ways to make longan are to stew it in soup or to grill it. There are many other ways that current conditions do not allow, such as slow stewing for 100 days, pine oil wood hanging for half a year, etc. Now we can only cook it quickly. , roast it quickly over a strong fire, so cooking can retain nearly 100% of the energy in the ingredients without loss, thanks to the power of the dragon gourmet.

But the taste...can't be complimented. The huge eyeball that had been roasted by Bingyi was charred and shriveled. The skin was as tough as rubber, and had a disgusting texture that was as thick as slime. Inside was a sticky liquid, like half-cooked egg white, exuding a special smell. fishy smell. The cooked longan balls have doubled in size, and the skin is no longer tough or sticky, but the inside is filled with thick black-green slurry, so swollen that it seems to leak out when poked.

Sunbird took a bite of the barbecued longan eye with great perseverance and almost swallowed it. Finally, I am convinced that dragon foodies are not omnipotent. Although the energy of the ingredients is not lost, the taste is really difficult to swallow.

"It doesn't matter, it's the poisonous dragon itself that doesn't taste good."

Seeing the horrifying look of the two cooked dragon eyes, the dragon hunter shuddered and felt that the borneol soup was not so hard to swallow. He comforted Bingyi softly: "And the main reason is that we don't have much time. I believe in your Strength, there is really not enough time to process the ingredients carefully, it is enough to retain the energy, which is the most important thing.”

"He's right."

The fang hunter next to him, who was looking ugly as he gnawed on the roasted dragon heart, rarely said a human word. Roasted dragon heart at least looks much better than longan and borneol. Although it has a burnt and bitter taste, one bite can numb the tongue and stomach acid. However, feeling the increase in his strength, the dragon hunter was still happy with it. He turned into a golden dragon and forced himself to take a big mouthful of the dragon's heart, holding back his nausea from time to time while swallowing.

"Let me collect all the other materials with you first."

Looking at the tooth hunter, the dragon hunter is also ready to give himself a final push. Now he puts the borneol soup aside and continues to deal with the dragon corpse with b1. Dragon horns are sharp and contain essence and blood. They can be used as weapons and can replenish human essence. You must not let go of broken dragon reverse scales. The intact parts are extremely tough. Grind them into powder and take them with the dragon heart for faster absorption. Dragon heart.

The fang hunter who really couldn't bear the taste of dragon heart also joined in dividing the materials, relying on this to distract them, dragon brain and dragon eye, dragon heart and scale, dragon tendon and dragon marrow, dragon stomach and gentian, dragon lung and dragon intestine, following them Human Anatomy The absent-minded Sunbird touched all the ingredients one after another. In front of him was a roll of ancient parchment, with many words automatically generated on it, which were the recipes. Bingyi has just awakened as a dragon gourmet. He can only obtain the information, characteristics and best preparation methods of the ingredients after touching them. He can record the information on the ingredients in the recipe so that he does not have to touch them with his body when cooking in the future.

Except for the dragon intestines, which are the most difficult to process, the other internal organs were cooked by gourmet Bingyi as soon as they were cut out to preserve the energy of the ingredients and prevent the meat from deteriorating. He became more and more skilled at cooking the dragon, and the fishy smell that permeated this place also disappeared. It is getting thicker and thicker, almost condensing into a poisonous mist. After taking a breath, you will feel the bitterness in your lungs and feel dizzy. Because of this, Bingyi is determined not to deal with the matter of making dragon intestines. Neither the fang hunter nor the dragon hunter refuted, they are both fast I can't stand the smell of dragon!

But finally, gourmet Bingyi discovered something good.


The process of dividing and cooking the dragon corpse was coming to an end. The dragon-blooded fang hunter with both hands broke open the most densely packed poisonous dragon bones in the poisonous dragon's abdominal cavity, and dug out a huge clump of internal organs. However, when this ball of internal organs was dug out, everyone present was a little surprised, because among the poisonous dragon's internal organs, which were not black or green, the newly dug out body of the tooth hunter actually showed a particularly clean jade white color.

It looks oily, shiny, and very large. The tooth hunter dug out only a small part of the carcass. There was a jade-white grease-like slurry spilling out from the fracture. It looked a bit like borneol in texture, but it didn't have any fishy smell and was a little bit difficult to detect. The light fragrance!

"This is dragon liver."

The sunbird dipped its wings into a little white slurry and recorded it into the ingredients. It was suddenly stunned. Then it did something it had never done before - the sunbird actually ate the dragon liver that had been cooked by the heat on its wings!


The tooth hunter was shocked, the dragon hunter frowned, and b1 was worried. Could it be that the dragon liver had some hallucinogenic effect that deceived Bingyi? However, after taking a mouthful of dragon liver, the sunbird's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he became excited and excited, causing everyone to suppress their inner thoughts and wait for Bingyi's explanation.

"Good stuff, this is really good stuff!"

The sunbird was so intoxicated that after savoring it carefully, it finally spoke. Its whole body was a little hotter with excitement, and it couldn't refuse: "You all have a try." It scraped off a ball of dragon liver as big as a football with its wings, roasted it casually and shared it with its teeth. The hunter, the dragon hunter and the B1 man even called Tong Hege, who had eaten roasted dragon meat until his face turned blue:

"Quick, eat some too!"

"This is……"

Everyone who got the roasted dragon liver was obviously a little hesitant. Bingyi didn't roast it at a high temperature. The jade-white dragon liver was tender and raw, and it looked a bit runny. Even if it doesn't have any evil or fishy smell, people who have psychological shadows about poisonous dragon meat can't get over the threshold in their hearts. Bingyi couldn't wait and scraped a ball of dragon liver, roasted it and ate it as an example, but it made everyone more vigilant——

If Bingyi thinks something is delicious, can he eat it?

Could it be that this dragon liver is a polymer of some kind of abyssal pollution?

B1, who had not been devastated by poisonous dragon meat and had not seen C-1 pica several times, had the least psychological pressure. Seeing Sunbird's encouraging eyes, his mind was still racing, so he simply swallowed the dragon's liver, and then froze:

"...This smell...?!"

His eyes widened with disbelief on his face. He quickly ate one bite after another without waiting for anyone to ask curious questions. He quickly finished the whole ball of dragon liver in his hand, and he was still not satisfied. Seeing his appearance, Tong Hege and others finally felt relieved and cautiously tasted the dragon liver. After this mouthful, everyone's expressions changed instantly.


I don’t know if it’s the extreme contrast brought by the poisonous dragon meat before, but the dragon hunter thinks this dragon liver is particularly delicious, almost the most delicious thing he has ever eaten! The rich roasted aroma on the surface explodes when you touch it with your teeth. The dragon liver inside is tender and raw, without any peculiar smell. It has a pure soft and sweet aroma. It melts with the tip of your tongue and leaves a fragrant fragrance on your lips and teeth.

"No wonder it's called dragon liver and phoenix marrow. I tasted it today."

Tong Hege couldn't help but sigh. After swallowing the roasted dragon liver, it felt warm all the way to his stomach. His stomach, which had been so nauseated after swallowing the dragon meat, was instantly soothed and made him feel extremely comfortable.

Unlike the two of them, the tooth hunter behaved more directly. After quickly finishing the ball of dragon liver, he directly urged Bingyi: "Bake more, I want more!"

"Dragon liver is the most delicious part of a poisonous dragon, and it is also the only one that is not poisonous."

Bingyi was extremely happy and had already roasted another piece of dragon liver while they were tasting it. It's just that he didn't give it to the tooth hunter. Instead, he wiped it on the roasted longan eye that failed to be cooked, and pecked it hard. His move shocked the dragon hunter: "Hey, you!"

Even if dragon liver is delicious, you can’t just smear it on your eyeballs and eat it! Can you tolerate this mixture of sweet, fragrant, meaty and fishy smells? Isn’t it more disgusting than pure meat? However, Sunbird Bingyi did not spit it out as the dragon hunter feared. Instead, he swallowed the piece of eyeball smeared with dragon liver, and his eyes became brighter and brighter: "Sure enough, my judgment was good!"

The poisonous dragon Nidhogg's flesh, blood, organs, bones, etc. are all poisonous. Even if it is burned by the sun, most of the toxins are forced out, and some remain in it. This is why its meat is extremely unpalatable, and the more energy it contains, the more poisonous it is. , the more toxins contained in offal, the more toxins will remain after cooking, so it is the most unpalatable.

However, the only exception for Nidhogg, who is full of poison, is the dragon liver. Not only does the dragon liver contain no toxins, it can also remove Nidhogg's own poison! As long as dragon liver is eaten with other parts, it will become delicious. Even the dark feast made by Bingyi with the roughest processing techniques and the simplest cooking techniques can be delicious by adding some dragon liver!

Hearing what he said, Dragon Hunter and Fang Hunter's eyes widened, and they quickly tried the eating method of Bing Yili Push, and sure enough! The roasted dragon heart is like a barbecued meat with just the right amount of honey after being smeared with dragon liver. The originally bitter and stinky meat becomes charred, sweet and juicy. After adding dragon liver to the borneol soup, the fishy smell disappeared. The soup was mellow and sweet, and the brains that looked like tofu residue became light and soft.

As long as you don't look at the terrible appearance of these foods and eat them with your eyes closed, they are all delicious! With the dragon liver as a sacred object, the speed at which everyone ate the dragon corpse immediately increased. They closed their eyes one by one and swallowed wildly. Within a quarter of an hour, the dragon hunter and the tooth hunter took the dragon liver and finished eating the dragon heart, which was the most important part of their portion. Dragon marrow, borneol and gentian, each one's momentum obviously soared.

And Bingyi also has a big appetite, but after all, he is not like the Dragon Hunter Tooth Hunter who can transform into a dragon, and the Nordic Sun itself is a non-eater, so in order to avoid waste, he only ate one roasted longan, a few slices of dragon heart and After the dragon hunter left the borneol soup for him, he let Tong Hege keep all the other ingredients temporarily.

Nidhogg's dragon liver was huge, and they used it sparingly. After eating these good ingredients, there was still a lot of it, like a jade-white hill of delicious food. Bingyi was planning to repay the head share as agreed before, but the dragon hunter and the tooth hunter looked at each other and both refused.

"Who doesn't know that you are a fastidious eater? Just keep this stuff. I'm not like you, who can't even swallow a piece of smelly meat."

The fang hunter chuckled, speaking with a bit of sarcasm as always, but the meaning behind his words surprised Bingyi.

"You gave me so much borneol. It's a courtesy."

The dragon hunter also smiled and said, if Bing is generous, they can't take advantage. Even though dragon liver can cure Nidhogg's poison and is extremely valuable, seeing that Bingyi loves to eat it, he is willing to give all the dragon liver to Bingyi. I just didn't expect that the fang hunter would be willing, but it made the dragon hunter change his mind a little.

"Okay, then I'll accept it."

They were happy, but Bingyi didn't refuse, but forcefully stuffed each of them with a piece of roasted dragon liver as big as a basin in case they needed it. After all, there was still so much poisonous dragon meat to eat in the future. Then he fed the corn snake, Fenrir wolf and alpha dog with some dragon liver to eat, and rewarded them. Nidhogg was almost dismembered, when news came from Xiaocui that there was something strange going on in the Kingdom of Giants. Dozens of Frost Giants lined up and hurriedly passed through the passage between the Kingdom of Giants and the Kingdom of Fog to investigate the situation.

There is a possibility of being discovered if you go through the passage again, but no one is in a hurry. Tong Hege, who has absorbed a lot of energy from the roots of the World Tree, has established a connection with the World Tree and can transfer to other worlds with roots through the roots - that is It is said that there is no need to walk through the passage, Tong Hege can teleport to the world that the tree roots lead to! In this case, everyone was not in a hurry and packed up a large pile of dragon skins, dragon bones, dragon tendons, scales and half-cooked roasted dragon meat and set out on the road. The various poisonous dragon scraps that could not be taken away were swallowed by the corn snake.

In the end, they continued to do nothing, and even filled up half of the spring water Hwagmir at the root of the World Tree. When they could see several towering iceberg-like Frost Giants in the distance, the group had already Through the roots of the World Tree, we arrived at Jotunheim, the country of giants.

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