Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 790 The Horror of Iceland (268 additional updates)

Jotunheim is a frost-covered country of wild giants. Many important allusions in Norse mythology took place here. It is only separated from Asgard, the country of the gods, by a river. This large river is called the Eiling. The river is very wide and will not freeze all year round, but it cannot stop the Nordic gods from venturing across the river and going deep into Jotunheim.

At this moment, there was a raven parked on the bank of the Ealing River. It tilted its head and watched what was happening on the other side of the river. From time to time it would jump closer to the river, and then be knocked back to the shore by the surging water. But no matter how it moves, one of the raven's eyes is always staring at the other side of the river. But if anyone is in front of the raven at this moment, they will be surprised to find that what is reflected in the raven's eyes is not the surging river water and the scenery on the other side, but a group of frost. The giant hurried to the Land of Mist.

[It seems that the poisonous dragon Nidhogg is really dead, the evidence is conclusive]

Deep in the Snæfells volcano, all the Nordic gods rarely gathered here. A raven landed on the shoulder of God King Odin. It also tilted its head and showed the scene in its eyes to the gods. In order to guard against the insidious Michael who is very likely to sneak into the Jinlunga Gap, the gods have destroyed and blocked all the medium-sized cracks in Iceland. Only the two largest cracks left are very troublesome, and they must work together before asking Odin to take action. .

However, just as they gathered together and prepared to set off, Odin suddenly frowned. As the God King, Odin always had subtle omens for the development of Ragnarok, and now he felt that something had happened that would affect Ragnarok. . But the omen that wisdom brought him was very vague. It could not be said to be good or bad. The source was in the Kingdom of Mist.

So Odin ordered the gods to be calm and sent a raven to the Eering River to spy on the situation on the other side of the river. Nidhogg was a good helper in the giant camp. Something happened to him would definitely cause the frost giants to move, and as expected. Odin saw through the raven that Mimir, the giant guarding the Fountain of Wisdom, also looked anxious. After gathering the giants, he left the Fountain of Wisdom and led them to the Kingdom of Mist. Seeing this, Odin knew that something was definitely wrong with Nidhogg. Got it!

Could it be that Nidhogg, the poisonous dragon from the Kingdom of Mist, chewed up the roots of the World Tree? No, this is definitely not good for the gods.

Did someone kill Nidhogg? No, this is good news for the gods.

A worse thought came to Odin's mind. The omen given by fate was vague, good or bad. Maybe it was because this matter was outside Northern Europe and there were external gods involved, so the fate could not be seen through. In particular, the intersection of the Great River of the Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire is the Kinlunga Gap. Could it be that Michael ran into the Kingdom of Mist through the chasm, killed the poisonous dragon Nidhogg, and wanted to control the roots of the World Tree?

But this is just speculation at present and there is no actual evidence. Odin asked the raven to continue to monitor Mimir's every move, and was still prepared to take the gods to seal the chasm according to the original plan, while the Kingdom of Mist could be explored by the Valkyrie and the heroes of the Hall of Valor.

"Be careful Loki."

Even though the plan was very thorough, Odin still felt that fate was heavy in his heart... The group of tourist guides were also outside of fate. Loki, Odin's eyes turned cold when he thought of him. It’s just that today is the day of the sun. The believers of the sun are still collecting more survivors in the world to gain faith. Loki should not go to the Kingdom of Mist to kill dragons. Nidhogg is from the giant camp. He has no problem. Reason. But the incomplete wisdom and authority taken away by the damn Loki seemed to imply that something ominous was about to happen.

It's approaching Ragnarok, and Loki is about to completely break up with them, and the planned thing should go ahead.

"Tyr, my son."

He made excuses to send out all the other gods, leaving only Tyr, the most loyal god of war, and then handed four stones engraved with runes into his hands.

"Good boy, I have the most important thing to give you. Go to the Kingdom of Giants and throw these four runes into the Fountain of Wisdom before Mimir comes back."

"I obey your orders."

Tyr, the god of war, made a solemn and solemn promise, and Odin was extremely assured of him. When Tyr left, the one-eyed Odin leaned on the throne and heard the deafening roar of the remains of the ancestor giant deep in the volcano. Odin's face flashed when he thought of Loki who had mixed up with the ancestor giant and had the audacity to try to seize his power. He gave a calm smile.

The four most important characters correspond to the four most important brigade members, and they are all under his control from beginning to end. Maybe Loki really thought he could completely seize the power of wisdom, but those rune characters were just bait thrown by Odin. As long as four characters are returned to the fountain of wisdom, the omniscient spring will automatically guide other characters to return, along with the wisdom power of the rune characters.

Gaining strength and losing strength are two different things. Bingyi has just replaced the sun, and his power is unstable. If he loses the power of wisdom, his power system will be completely disrupted. Odin had been holding back until today before he chose to take action, even if the gods were puzzled, even if the God of Thunder was vaguely separated from him, just to completely suppress Loki in one fell swoop, it was a vicious plan to draw out the firepower!

Not only that, but dozens of people corresponding to other runes will also have their strength diminished due to the deprivation of the power of the runes, just on the eve of Ragnarok. The two Icelandic brigades were the strongest, so Odin gave them the power of the runes. On the eve of Ragnarok, he wanted to use the power of the hotel, but he didn't want the hotel's brigade to interfere with the normal progress of dusk!

As long as these people don't become a big deal, others don't need to pay much attention. The only variable in this plan is Mimir, the wise man among the Nordic giants who guards the Fountain of Wisdom, and Odin's uncle. He has been staying by the Fountain of Wisdom, and even if Odin wants to take a sip of water from the spring, he has to use his eyes to exchange it, just like other giants, he is as greedy. Odin was worried that the runes would be taken over by the greedy Mimir after being thrown back to the Fountain of Wisdom.

But now Mimir has left the Fountain of Wisdom. What a perfect time!

* *

‘Now that Mimir is not next to the Fountain of Wisdom, what a perfect time! ’

Jotunheim, in the second root of the World Tree, Bingyi stared at the empty fountain of wisdom, his eyes shining. There was also a tooth hunter beside him who kept urging him to take the opportunity to get the spring water. Moving from the tree roots in the Kingdom of Fog to the tree roots in Jotunheim, Tong Hege led them through the tree roots without disturbing the outside. Originally, I wanted to observe the enemy situation next to the Fountain of Wisdom, but who knew that there would be such an unexpected surprise!

Bingyi was still cautious. After carefully checking the surroundings and confirming that no one was really guarding the spring, he decided that this was a great opportunity! Unfortunately, the corn snakes and their stomachs were filled with the meat of the poisonous dragon Nidhogg, leaving no room for extra spring water. But if you can only take away part of the fountain of wisdom, Bingyi will not be reconciled! After pondering for a moment, he made the decision to let Tong Hege return to the Lost Paradise to dig a trench, and then sent Fenrir Wolf and Wangcai, two of the best diggers, to dig a trench next to the Fountain of Wisdom.

He wants to direct the fountain of wisdom into Paradise Lost!

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